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Don't get into a pissing contest with a skunk. And there's more than one there.

I don't think there are any skunks.  Just people with strong opinions, opinions which placate to norms, and people who (viscerally) disagree.  I would just dig into an argument when it means something to you, and not get involved when you it doesn't interest you.

Nov 13, 13 8:49 pm  · 

^ well stated.

Nov 14, 13 11:25 am  · 

there are skunks.  there are people with opinions, and there are people that are unable to differentiate between an opinion and a fact, but there are also skunks.

Nov 14, 13 11:53 am  · 

Calling people skunks is analogous to calling them pond scum, curt.  What makes these people skunks?  Since you present both a very tolerant, politically correct facade and a brash, impatient facade, can you explain that, and why you feel that way?  There are people on here who irritate the hell out of me, and sometimes irritate the fuck out of me, but I'll chalk it up to them being people I don't get along with.  They number about 5.  Sometimes, who is on that list waxes and wanes but, overall, it's just bad, bad chemistry and people who will never be breaking bread together, as in "a snowball's chance in hell."

Nov 14, 13 12:42 pm  · 

it's their intent the separates them observant.

Nov 14, 13 12:44 pm  · 

brad pitt is involving himself in kansas city architecture now.  it's sounds like a good program and all, but that hair....  and he doesn't seem all that excited in his presentation.  i wonder if he's getting sick or something?  donna may need to find a new crush, or perhaps live vicariously though his past works.

the chiefs are doing quite well.  denver this week though...

Nov 15, 13 7:50 am  · 

OMG he's fucking perfect.  He's always laughing at himself, it's partly why he's so damn sexy. I will never find a new crush. Never.

It seems the hair is for a role, no? Wasn't that filmed somewhere in Asia? He looks like he's being a samurai or somesuch.



You guys I need to bitch about something and it sounds really petty, hell it IS really petty, but here goes:

My little bus shelter project won a design award last night from the Indy Chamber of Commerce.  I only won second place out of three, *most likely* for very political reasons and a screwed-up award structure, but that's not what grates me.  Second place is lovely and an honor.

The ticket to the dinner cost $80. But that not only didn't include an open bar, there wasn't even wine on the table! But that's also not what grates me.

What grates me is the award is, no kidding, a photocopy of a picture of Indy in a plastic frame that does not have the name of the winner/winning project on it at all.  Seriously.  They couldn't find an intern to type out the names on the certificates after the votes were tallied?  For eighty bucks a ticket?  It's frankly embarrassing. And, like, I admit, it's petty of me to comment on it. But how is an architect *not* supposed to comment in the face of such a ridiculous fail of material culture?!

I think I'll go watch Brad again.

Nov 15, 13 8:19 am  · 

Ugh sorry about that errant comma after like.

Nov 15, 13 8:25 am  · 

How About those Chiefs....Thinking about Pine Ridge South about a need for housing.

Nov 15, 13 8:27 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

snook, my best friend's dad grew up at Pine Ridge. i know what you mean.

Nov 15, 13 8:31 am  · 

Donna, your award/reward for that wonderful project is the work itself. The rest just gets fucked up according to the laws of economics.

Congratulations! I wish we could do those kinds of things here, but we can't because everyone is up your ass with a microscope (unless you're building a 17,000 sq.ft. / 12 gambrel / 6 chimney / 4 car garage abomination).

Nov 15, 13 9:50 am  · 

hi TC.  so - no thread about the crack smoking drunken stupor oral sex-giving (NSFW) Robs Fords?  And they can't get rid of him unless he goes to jail!


and I thought our country had problems.

Nov 15, 13 10:03 am  · 

Brad Pitt is now "qualified" to be an urban planner and architectural wing man.  He was either a Mizzou or U of Oklahoma dropout, from an easy major.  Lately, he looks like he's been run over by a turnip truck.  If only he was a good actor ...

Angelina Jolie was "qualified" to be an ambassador for some cause.  Who can ever forget when she kissed her brother on the lips at some entertainment award show upon receiving an award?  She's kind of dysfunctional, but rich.  And seeing those humongous lips every time you're at a supermarket checkout line is sensory overload.  Maybe someone can wet them and she might stick to the wall ...

I'm of the school of thought that E.T., or Entertainment Tonight, actually means Entertainment Trash.

Good morning!

Nov 15, 13 11:05 am  · 
What makes me crazy are anti vaccine parents who bray on about Obamacare ruining their children's health.
Nov 15, 13 11:25 am  · 
Miles! That's the project I'm working on and yr right, no one up my ass!
Nov 15, 13 11:27 am  · 

brad pitt has had some very good roles.  then again, so has tom cruise.  i hope mr. pitt's investment in some of these lower income communities can have a strong, and good. effect on the communities he's building in.  it would really suck if that old school turned into a crack house or becomes whatever it is that pruitt igoe became.

Nov 15, 13 11:45 am  · 

Well the school has some cool looking Doge's Palace like basket weave up in the cornice and a cool entry pavilion.  Not only that, all brick buildings are a rarity and I hate seeing all that craftsmanship come tumbling down, as it has in some cases in Detroit.

Brad Pitt can't fly solo.  He wouldn't even know where to start.  He's obviously the mouthpiece and his expertise, if you want to call it that, is bought.  It's kind of like Schwarzenegger being the governor of California.  He wasn't even a mayor of a small town prior.  Hence, he too was a mouthpiece, since I don't think he knew how a complex machine like CA could possibly work.  Neither do I, and I wouldn't want to.  I'd blow brain fuses.  However, I don't think Brad Pitt even knows what a cornice or a porte cochere are, and I'm sure he's been under a lot of porte cocheres.

I don't think he's a good actor.  I've only seen him in "Thelma and Louise" and "Seven."  Bug-eyed Susan Sarandon carried "Thelma and Louise" and versatile Kevin Spacey carried "Seven," eminently convincing as the ultimate creep.

Nov 15, 13 12:03 pm  · 

Pit was brilliant in Fight club !  but other than that...well, maby snatch too.  gypsy boxer was funny but moive sucked.

Nov 15, 13 12:29 pm  · 

oh yeah, 12 monkees too!  maybe he's not such a bad actor?

Nov 15, 13 12:42 pm  · 

I use to think that Brad Pitt was just a pretty bog (Legends of the Fall era) however have seen him in to many good roles since, whether in Seven Years in Tibet, Snatch, Seven, 12 monkeys, Fight Club, Burn after Reading, etc...

Also, that Rob Ford shit is making us Canadians look bad agreed. But hey i guess we know how to party!?

hi TC!

Nov 15, 13 12:46 pm  · 

Damn, Nam, and here I thought you were a brassy New Yorker turned Southern gentleman.  Now I know why you're so diplomatic.  It's having roots in Anglophone Canada, I presume.  Cheers.

Nov 15, 13 1:12 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
And I thought Nam was Floridian through and through, with a bit of garam masala for kick.
Nov 15, 13 1:31 pm  · 

what's funny is that I am all of those things (Canadian via my maternal side of family), New Yorker by birth and a southern gentleman/Floridian (with a bit of indian cultural flavor) by relocation...

Nov 15, 13 2:08 pm  · 

brad pitt is not just a mouthpiece for his architecture hobby.  he also has piles of money.  when you want something done, it helps to have piles of money.  when you want something done right, it helps even more.

Nov 15, 13 4:09 pm  · 

By mouthpiece, I mean that he might be able to describe what he wants in a roundabout way like clients who don't regularly build, but he doesn't have a mastery of the concepts pertinent to architecture, construction, development, feasibility, and urban planning.  These need to be spoon fed to him.  Only then, can he get up on a podium or in front of microphone and speak within limited parameters.  That's what I meant by mouthpiece.

Nov 15, 13 4:23 pm  · 

Miles! That's the project I'm working on and yr right, no one up my ass!

Except maybe for the client. Or is it the other way around? Egad. What a profession.

OMG he's fucking perfect.

All I can say Donna is you've haven't met me yet.

Nov 15, 13 5:43 pm  · 

All I can say Donna is you've haven't met me yet.

Miles is sounding like Michael Buble':  "You just haven't met me yet."

I sure as heck don't think she'd dig me very much.

Nov 15, 13 5:51 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Miles, after the last comments, I googled you to see how you compared. YOU'RE SEVENTY?!!!
Nov 15, 13 6:54 pm  · 

Miles your no where near chilmark...and 70....can't be.....must be a long lost Rich Uncle!

Nov 15, 13 7:37 pm  · 
Thanks for the positivity re: my silly little award, Miles. I know I shouldn't be bitter, I mean my work *was* recognized.

gruen those people drive me nuts too.

I spent the afternoon critiquing some really good student work with some really fun jurors at BSU this afternoon. So nice to dip a toe in academia every now and then.
Nov 15, 13 8:24 pm  · 
Ain't nothing wrong with 70. With any luck we all arrive there.

Donna, I have a Facebook "friend" who rants like this. What blows my mind is is that they are happy to twist any argument to support their view, while simultaneously supporting AND denying BOTH sides of the argument themselves. For example, convinced modern medicine made all their kids autistic but yet also convinced that modern medicine will fix the kids AND convinced that Obama shouldn't be in the insurance business AND wondering why the government does not have a single payer system AND angry that private insurance prices rise each year AND wondering why a family with extra health needs would pay more AND claiming to be middle class AND lower class at the same time.


I'm not smart enough to understand, but I can recognize nut jobs sometimes, and some days it seems the country is full of them.
Nov 16, 13 9:37 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Gruen, I'd have to block that bloke. It's making me dizzy just reading it second hand!
Nov 16, 13 9:44 am  · 

I hope I make it to 70. I think. LOL

Nov 16, 13 10:08 am  · 
Sarah, I keep them around just so I can learn what drives people like that. And entertainment value. Of course I'm still clueless why they think that way.
Nov 16, 13 3:09 pm  · 
Just got a new phone. Thank goodness my Archinect profile automatically made the switch since I have no idea what my login info is!
Nov 16, 13 3:28 pm  · 

I found a home for 600 frozen turkeys this week.

Nov 16, 13 6:24 pm  · 

Not was with the help of Friends!  So I should say  we found a home for 600 frozen turkeys.

Nov 16, 13 6:26 pm  · 
What kind of home do frozen turkeys live in? Is it a traditional frozen turkey home?
Nov 16, 13 7:48 pm  · 

i wouldn't want my frozen turkeys living in a home that doesn't follow the orders vitruvius set out.

Nov 16, 13 8:06 pm  · 

What kind of home do frozen turkeys live in? Is it a traditional frozen turkey home?

I'm thinking it's a "home for unwanted turkeys."

Nov 16, 13 9:07 pm  · 

I know, it's not a turkey. But it's still fowl.

Nov 16, 13 9:15 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Nice, boys.
Nov 16, 13 9:36 pm  · 

shit!  I should have said Robs Fords the cunning linguist.  oh well...


since this guy is refusing help - I'm feeling a little less guilty about wanting to see him completely go down in flames.  or should I feel guilty...  eh - I feel guilty about everything anyway.


btw - that "why don't you assholes design what I want" thread is nuts.  it reminds me of old-school archinect.

Nov 17, 13 12:59 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

so Miles, are you really 70? BTW, I am adding pictures of your father's work, namely the Gates of the Grove, to the body of images I use for my students. These are kids that have trouble with language, and I use pictures to work on connecting words with images. I think it is a great building for kids to connect with. They will have to describe the shapes they see, the relationships of objects, perspective, mood and whatnot. Should be fun.

Nov 17, 13 10:24 am  · 

i'm, guessing miles is 55.  can i guess that?  or is that the personal sort of thing that we shouldn't be bringing in here? 

Nov 17, 13 10:53 am  · 

"why don't you assholes design what I want' is the *perfect * name for that thread.  Well done, toast. I've just been posting whatever thought comes to mind on there, then ignoring it for a couple days, then going back in for fun.  I read an article today in Discover about math explaining all of reality and it made reference to parabolic curves.  I may throw a parabolic curve in the discussion, or better yet a catenary!

Nov 17, 13 11:36 am  · 

(post removed)

Nov 17, 13 11:47 am  · 
Nothing says winter like raking leafs in the rain. Then fixing vintage motorcycles. Baby. I love my life :)
Nov 17, 13 4:16 pm  · 

The turkeys are a donation to the Homeless Shelter and Food Pantry.  They were having a had time finding a place to keep them up until the time they are distributed to people. I have been doing a pro-bono helping them line out a new walk in freezer.  The manufacturers couldn't  fabricate in time for Thanksgiving and shipped to us in order to be set up and have running.  I found out about this on Friday morning when I was standing in the middle of the woods with a very static cell phone call.  The director was a bit aside herself, so I said let me make a few phone calls.  One of the people I was with said oh, my brother runs a camp and they have a big walk in freezer which would be empty this time of the year.  I also called a client who owns a  restaurant, and well he lined me up with a friend in common who  makes the best ice cream  North of New York City.  This being a slower time of the year he can also handle part of the frozen flock.  It is all in the day of an Architect.  So frozen flocks of Turkeys all hold up in Freezers prior to Turkey Day!

Nov 17, 13 5:57 pm  · 
Right on snook!
Nov 17, 13 5:59 pm  · 

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