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They tag team Americans. At least they did on one of my visits. I managed to hold my own but it was a long night.

Whatever you do, stay away from Nagasaki saki - the stuff I had was the equivalent of 'shine.

Sep 25, 13 4:26 pm  · 

i'm with donna re obs. it's the easiest way.

Thanks, dad, as you look down on everyone here from your lofty perch.  Anybody who is minimally conservative is just plain wrong among architects.  Liberalism ~ decreased QOL.  Full scale abandonment of morals ~ debauchery ... i.e. Roman Empire.  America is losing its grip and has been for a while.  It'll be long slide, and we'll probably pass before it happens.  However, history repeats itself.  As for Donna, the lions in the Colosseum type tragedy that shocked her will most likely play out in a different way.

Damn, it's nice to be a fiscally liberal, socially conservative Democrat, as uncommon as it is.  My friends and relatives in other lines of work marvel at some of the libtard postures on here and that they don't reflect well for bolstering the profession.  Yes, those concepts are indeed connected.

Sep 25, 13 5:37 pm  · 

Ahem. Obs, stop being a cunt, doucheknuckle, asshat, felcher,'s that for debauched? 

Oh, and calling out Donna, bad Idea. 

Sep 25, 13 8:27 pm  · 

Oh, and calling out Donna, bad Idea.

Why so?  Is it your "male feminism" at work?  She very much wants to be treated equally and did in fact mention how she had to get out of the Colosseum because it nauseated her due to what transpired there.  What happened in the Colosseum was part and parcel of the debauchery of the atheist pagans that had overrun Rome and caused the powerful empire to collapse.

Sep 25, 13 8:33 pm  · 

Much as I hate agreeing with b3ta - ob, your self-superority is a figment of your imagination. Give it a rest. Please.

Sep 25, 13 8:38 pm  · 

uh... pretty sure Rome collapsed after it became a Christian empire.

Sep 25, 13 8:41 pm  · 

Much as I hate agreeing with b3ta - ob, your self-superority is a figment of your imagination. Give it a rest. Please.

It's not self-superiority in the slightest bit.  It's about being willing to take a position that negates group think, is not the current vernacular, is slightly more conservative, is not popular,  and is indicative of nonconformity.  About a year ago, I started a thread and it turned out to be a ~200 post war on whether we should allow people with a high school education to become licensed architects.  And it was nasty.  More recently, it's been accusations of being a racist by the most provincial, least  traveled, and most packaged conformists who post here, who I addressed individually upon being insulted.

Believe me, I'd rather talk about the arrival of the Affordable Care Act, the economy, buildings, universities, the Costa Concordia being turned upright, travel, culture, and all those things, but the high school thread very much told me about the general vibe of archinect and what to expect, in general, in addition to the immature cliquishness of  some of the (surprisingly) 40+ types who have been on here for quite a while.

Sep 25, 13 8:49 pm  · 

also - they weren't atheists - they were very religious and believed in a multiplicity of deities - often associating themselves with one god - but they were generally ok with others worshiping other gods.

Sep 25, 13 9:09 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Archinect is what you make it. I think raising the costa Concordia was awesome. Would love to see an animation of how it worked.
Sep 25, 13 9:17 pm  · 

observant why don't you start some threads about any one of those topics you mentioned?

@Sarah here is link of photos of the operation and here is link to animation of process

oh an will, i am big fan of casual drinking. although have learned over time that there is difference between that and drinking "to party"...

Sep 25, 13 9:33 pm  · 

i dunno, observant - you seem like the country bumpkin who has traveled abroad a few times.  you remind me of this guy I knew from college - he spent the summer between freshman and sophomore years traveling through europe, and came back wearing this ridiculous leather coat he got in florence and had started drinking cappuccino and espresso - thing is, he grew up in the OK panhandle, and still had the exact same limited world view and maintained the same weird mannerisms (like 1950s "chivalry" around women - which they all agreed was super creepy) except now he perceived himself as being "cultured" because he had been away from home and saw a few things and drank some coffee.


you're that guy.  You haven't actually experienced anything - you're still a bumpkin surrounded by other bumpkins.  You haven't truly experienced anything until your entire belief system is shaken to the core and you come out the other side a transformed person.  Nothing is more dangerous than believing that you have everything and everyone all figured out.  Your "traveling" is really cataloguing - you might as well stay at home and look at pictures online because you'll just get the same thing out of it.


god - this sounds like that awful speech Robin Williams gave to Matt Damon in "good will hunting."

Sep 25, 13 9:38 pm  · 

Yes, but the presence of any Abrahamic religion would have told people you don't feed people to lions because their worship style is different from yours.   However, that hasn't stopped subsequent atrocities in the name of religion that were misinterpretations by and for someone's convenience.

Yes, Sarah, there are all ages on here, all religions and lack thereof, all political persuasions, and very different approaches to what someone wants out of architecture (from pocket protector, green eye shade types to those chasing the footlights).  Some choose to be quiet.  Others are more vocal.  By being vocal, one opens up the possibility for a flame war.  As for the Concordia, I wouldn't want to be inside Schettino's head.  That must be a very uncomfortable place.  The decorated captain of the Andrea Doria, which collided due to impossibly foggy conditions, was never the same man after the sinking of his ship the night before arriving to New York City.

Sep 25, 13 9:39 pm  · 


Here's the funny, whenever OBtampon talks, I think of one of two things;


^ Toffs




^ Upper-Class Twits


I'll have you know sir, that I have travelled this lovely continent, and at least one other continent. Sir, my father, having been in the U.S. Army, had us all over the Europe, and in many states in this fair union. Papa was a rolling stone from Utrecht, he emigrated, with his family, after WWII, to Ellis Island, and not by the Mayflower - I know, I know, that immediately makes me second class - the family settled down in SLC/Provo. Papa, then joined the Army in 1965 - not drafted, but joined - and went to Viet Nam. So, you might be right in suggesting that I am "provincial" but I never went to an Ivy, never pledged a fraternity, and have no need to know what side of my plate the salad fork goes. Oh, although, I do extend my pinky finger, when I drink Babcock tea with the HRH Queen Elizabeth II in the a.m.

Sep 25, 13 11:01 pm  · 

Here's the funny, whenever OBtampon talks, I think of one of two things

You really expend a lot of energy on this, complete with visuals.  Mostly, I see you as anger on two legs.  I barely noticed you and your M.O. until the last 2 weeks.  It's really interesting to try to figure out what has torqued somebody along the way on forums such as this.  It's often tenuous and about a personal insecurity.  Vado can be a little snide, but you're outright hateful, from calling me a cunt before to now calling me a tampon.

Ok, so you want to do a compare/contrast as to who comes from a more disadvantaged background?  I've got you beat.  My parents immigrated to NYC, with limited schooling, a small stash of dollars, relatives to pick them up at the pier, and 20 words of English at best.  Prior to that, my father lived in both Africa and Australia, since it was easier to get into Australia than the U.S., his first choice.  My mom remembers being a young girl when the Allied forces were dropping bombs on their country.  We went back to live in Europe not once, but twice, where I was schooled in another language.  I came back to the U.S. and had to do ESL because I never had a chance to learn English for the short time we were initially in the States.  We even opted to take the ship from NY for both round trips, instead of the 747.  Because it was so captivating, I celebrated finishing college on the QE2.  You had tea with her.  I slept "on" her. 

That addresses toasteroven, who called me a bumpkin.  That's rich.  I deliberately sought out foreign friends in America's 2 largest cities because they weren't formulaic. They were all self-styled.  Rarely did I hear a word of English in any household.  They were normal to me - emotive, loud, direct, mercurial ... in essence, a lot of things that WASPs aren't. My friends in college said "Damn, you're the welcome wagon for the foreigners."  No Ivy either, not with my grades and test scores at that time in my life.  My travels aren't for token value.  They are to visit relatives.  At 8 cents a minute, I spend an hour a week talking to my overseas relatives.  As for languages, they are a hobby.  When you love something, you excel at it.  Unlike someone from Provo UT whose point in learning a language is to convert someone, my motivation was for cultural expansion and to be able to travel easily, getting the inside National Geographic view rather than the packaged tour.  Total other languages spoken: 4.  So, am I American, yes?  I was born here.  It's a country that works.  There is opportunity here.  I am proud of this country, and prouder when ACA or some facsimile thereof arrives. Do I consider myself culturally American?  Hell no.  Not with the inputs in my life.  So, with all due respect, the provincial comment was regrettably aimed at curt, who is normally practical and level-headed, and similar types in America, who can't deal with a person who "looks and acts" American, and then get wigged out because you don't play golf, drink beer, and can't spout sports scores, preferring to read about economics, psychology, travel, languages, and other topics, not to mention not conforming to the addition of a lot of packaged political and societal positions that are expected today as if everyone's "should" is "Modern Family."  Not.

As for profiling and stereotyping, I encourage it.  But be prepared to be wrong.  The big lie is that you all already do it.  In psychology, it follows the concept of a schema; that is, the filling in of the blanks to complete a picture.  You have to ration your time.  When you're starting a term in college or you're in a conference room, conducting an interview, with consultants, or with a client, you had better figure out in less than 5 minutes who you can roll with and who's a prick.  On a smaller social scale, if you sit in coffeehouses or food courts, you know soon enough when someone is working you for multi-level (pyramid type) marketing.  After it happened a couple of times, I had to tell a guy that if he didn't leave my table at a food court, at which I arrived first, he'd be wearing my lunch.  I made sure everyone heard the altercation and he left.  On a more useful social scale, profiling the fidgety nature of two 28-ish locals and speaking Portuguese enabled me to avoid a mugging on a Rio de Janeiro bus in 2003.  How dare I prejudge and profile people?  Terribly not PC.  Yet, I was better off for it.  Almost every time.

Toasteroven, between 18 and 22, my belief system was that everyone was good.  I learned otherwise after college.  That's the shakedown of my belief system I needed, away from that, contrary to your advice, and it isn't turning back.  My first spreading of my wings from the newish and comfortable West was a trip as a 24 year old to NYC, complete with the terror of dodging taxi cabs in my new rental car in Manhattan and complaining about how short and dangerous on-ramps are, and where drivers are ruder than in L.A. where they often motion you to merge into traffic on the longer on-ramps.  That's an observable stereotype, isn't it?  And, oy vey,  the honking on the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge while I was fumbling to get my change and to move into a lane with an attendant.  NYC isn't LA.  And KC isn't ATL.  And on and on.  Live and learn.  Observe.  Reality isn't always pleasant.  Make connections and inferences from what you see.  It'll help you.  Also, channel your anger more productively.

Sep 26, 13 1:13 am  · 

Dude.  Seriously.

"Being the owner of a power boat and speaking a little conversational French, I think it's safe to say that I understand a little bit about the music industry"


How was air bnb donna? I have heard some bad stories so didn't try it yet. Was thinking to use it if we head to Europe next time as a family.

Sep 26, 13 2:08 am  · 

Dude.  Seriously.

Yeah, seriously, Will.  I guess, as can be expected, the deference goes to the long-term douche bag on here who had to give his story of Utretch, Vietnam, and Provo ... and add pictures to it like a 15 y.o. and not a 45 y.o.  I guess that's part of the courtesy extended from being in the clique of regulars.  That I'm not in this clique doesn't bother me.  I wouldn't fit in and I'm non-sequitur, as you say.  BTW, thanks for adding another childish audiovisual.

Sep 26, 13 8:46 am  · 

Yes, but the presence of any Abrahamic religion would have told people you don't feed people to lions because their worship style is different from yours.


no - it was because they were going around challenging the very tenants of roman society and thus creating a lot of civil unrest.  You don't go around trying to convert everyone and publicly challenging Roman authority and not expect to get fed to the lions - The Roman governors could have cared less what they believed or how they worshiped - but if they were losing control of their population of course they're going to try to seek out who is responsible and do something about it.


also - Christians aren't exactly innocent when it comes to persecution either.  What's worse - being fed to the lions or burned alive?

Sep 26, 13 9:02 am  · 


Who's a feminist? <-----[this guy]

Am I a douchebag? Yes. Do I think jag-offs that think there is a problem with a man being a feminist are being cunts? Yes.

As for your tale of woa, obscervant, you can't touch this. Now good day sir.

Sep 26, 13 9:42 am  · 

"2 Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘I have noted what Amalek did to Israel in opposing them on the way when they came up out of Egypt. 3 Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey." (1 Sam. 15:2-3).

no lions, but abrahamic religions sometimes command their followers to kill everyone, including women and children and descendents and even the cattle.  of course that's only for the people they really don't like.  sometimes they're much more merciful.

10 When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace. 11 If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and shall work for you. 12 If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city. 13 When the Lord your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it. 14 As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves. And you may use the plunder the Lord your God gives you from your enemies. 15 This is how you are to treat all the cities that are at a distance from you and do not belong to the nations nearby.(Deuteronomy 20)

Sep 26, 13 9:46 am  · 

also - Christians aren't exactly innocent when it comes to persecution either.  What's worse - being fed to the lions or burned alive?

I don't know.  I wasn't there when they chose to burn Joan of Arc.  As for the above choices, you need to add "listening to packaged, and I stress packaged, liberalism on archinect."

How nice, that as we head toward post 50,000 on TC, a Y2K milestone of sorts on the forum, we have a showdown between the liberals and a moderate.  Sad, really.

Sep 26, 13 9:49 am  · 

Oh god Kids In The Hall ALWAYS has the right response.  Deja vu as I know I've said this on TC before - Will you must have an encyclopedic memory of them.

I've only done Air BnB once and it was a really great experience.  Our owner was highly recommended and responded immediately to all of our inquiries.  I guess it's always a risk, though.  In Venice we used a tour booking company and they found us the apartment, so there was less risk as it wasn't direct with the owner.

beta, love that photo.

Sep 26, 13 9:52 am  · 

AirBNB is my lodging of preference. Haven't done it overseas yet. If you like meeting new people, traveling off the beaten path and seeing your dough go to enterprising individuals rather than hotel corporations, go for it. All you need to do is act like you're visiting friends, with respect and consideration.

ob, you're really clogging up the thread. You're paying far more attention to this than anyone else (it's called spotlighting) and at this point people are just egging you on for sport. Let it go. Really. Nobody here even knows your real name. You could be Hitler's great nephew or Obama's illegitimate love child for all we know (or care).

73 posts to 50k. I hereby pledge to polish and shine all of the 50,000th poster's new posts for one week. Unless of course it's me.

Sep 26, 13 10:14 am  · 

interesting theory miles.  he did say his dad is from africa right, and we're pretty sure that's where obama was born?  it all adds up.

Sep 26, 13 10:23 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I've used vrbo many times, but air bnb looks even better.

Sep 26, 13 10:37 am  · 

I wasn't there when they chose to burn Joan of Arc.


so you do have a time machine!   is it one of those things where you can only visit places once and you just happened to be in another place?  or have you just not gotten around to it?


I've always wanted a time machine - but I'd probably only use it to get rich.

Sep 26, 13 11:00 am  · 

he did say his dad is from africa right, and we're pretty sure that's where obama was born?  it all adds up.

He lived in Africa.  I'd take Mediterranean Africa to Nebraska.  More culture, less spillover from "MN Nice."  Better weather, too.

Yeah, Miles, I thought about that, too, but why are there so many PC pussies among male architects?  You should hear some of the shit "MEN" have said in some firms.  What did I learn today: spotlighting.

Sep 26, 13 12:23 pm  · 

Virginia Woolf was a hundred feet tall and menstruated knives, which was fairly unusual for Chinese women of her day. Mallory Ortberg.

This is the funniest sentence I have read in a long time. I'm percolating with laughter.

Sep 26, 13 12:47 pm  · 

why are there so many PC pussies among male architects?



maybe it's a west coast thing ...

Sep 26, 13 1:22 pm  · 

maybe it's a west coast thing ...

Could be.  Now that's funny.  What would be even funnier is if someone is getting coffee in San Francisco and sees a big muscled guy with one of those ... and a lap dog.

Sep 26, 13 1:40 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Less than 100 posts?!! Damn!!!

Oh, and I meant to ask.... Beta, what's a feltcher, or flutcher, or whatever it was you wrote up there somewhere?

And on our Honeymoon, Husband and I used to find accommodations in Rome. Ended up staying with a family, and although it was a bit like staying with an aunt and uncle, we were invited to attend a party they held for some friends. It was awesome! I will have to check out airbnb.
Sep 26, 13 3:23 pm  · 

Sarah i would advise you not to google feltcher from your school computer...

Sep 26, 13 6:09 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Am I the only one that DOESNT know what it means? When did I become some old and unhip? Harrumph.
Sep 26, 13 7:44 pm  · 
HomeAway is another good AirBnB alternative. We've used it and VSBO, both good experiences.

Goodness TC is fraught right now. Taking a sip of your bourbon is sometimes smarter than saying something. I wonder if there's a parallel action to curtail typing.
Sep 26, 13 10:06 pm  · 

ima gonna go have something to drink.

cool that there are so many home sharing places.  I am still wary but very tempted.  Sounds like it might be more fun for backpackers than for a family of five.

off to inujima this weekend to see some projects by sejima.  we are thinking to have our studio there this term.  amazing place. How to do great architecture and make places that don't sit outside the old local economy is going to be our task. This is kind of ironic.  visiting star-architecture with the intent of doing non star architecture right beside it (but no romantic nostalgia allowed either).  I am very curious what the students come up with.

Sep 27, 13 10:28 am  · 

regarding feltcher, ask marshall mathers.  he lyricises about it every once in a while.

Sep 27, 13 10:30 am  · 

Huh - you can see everyone's comment history and can contact "anonymous" users - something we haven't been able to do since the switch to the new version of archinect.


Although now I'm thinking it's time to retire the toasteroven.

Sep 27, 13 2:20 pm  · 

man - I was a lost little puppy back when I started posting here.

Sep 27, 13 2:32 pm  · 

^ All the stuff you can't remember and probably don't want to, now conveniently located where you can find it (if you don't mind scrolling through thousands of posts ...).

Sep 27, 13 3:50 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Does this new feature only work on a computer?
Sep 27, 13 7:48 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Does this new feature only work on a computer?
Sep 27, 13 7:48 pm  · 

Instead of necro-ing an old thread, I think I'll just leave this here.

Sep 29, 13 11:58 pm  · 

OK, the High Line is perfection.  They must have an army of nocturnal garden elves out there every night, but even without the perfect plants the detailing, material choices, opportunities for rest and view, overall vision are per-fec-tion.  So, so impressed.

Morphosis at Cooper is also really good, quite in keeping with the vibe of the campus and reputation of the place.  (I will not entertain any ideas about how "the starchitecture" caused the school's finances to go to hell; board members made decisions that had nothing to do with "starchitecture" that got them to this place; there was a good article here on Archinect not long ago that laid out the whole process but I can't remember who wrote it/where.)

I only got glimpses of SHoP/Gehry/Denari et al. but pretty much all of it was really good in context.  Manhattan is already so overstimulating that adding a few more crazy pieces is almost unremarkable.  I only got drive-by glimpses of New Museum and Barclay Center but both looked pretty great.

Best meal in a long time in Chinatown at Nice Green Bo.

Sep 30, 13 11:33 am  · 

Did you get the Hunger Memorial?

Sep 30, 13 11:37 am  · 

They have a huge staff of weeders on the HL - almost as many as in those Kyoto gardens; not nearly as 'wild' or successional as than initially suggested but rather more manicured.

Sep 30, 13 11:52 am  · 

for the record, i still like my comment on the thread umami posted (from 2004!). i think i was smarter then, anyway. 

Sep 30, 13 11:56 am  · 

Steven, I was definitely smarter back then.

I did not post on that thread.

(You all can decide whether those two statements go together or not.)


beta, did not get to hunger.

Sep 30, 13 1:25 pm  · 

From what I've discovered, the history of the Archinect before the great purge of 2003/2004 is only accessible on the wayback machine, and unfortunately what exists of the forum from "pimpin'" days is only front-page.


I am attempting to piece together a collective history of the Archinect in order to understand the current state of ruination within the forum.  The goal is to pinpoint the exact moments of both rise and decline - the latter of which I am suspecting happened when this site became "legitimized."  At first this project will revolve around bringing forth old threads to be ogled and commented on by the Constantinople of the former great empire, with hopes of gaining greater insight and visibility for my project.  Then it shall eventually spin off into a rarely updated and highly obscure blog highlighting crucial moments in the Archinect history.

Sep 30, 13 2:30 pm  · 

Don't tamper with the Old Ones. You have no idea what you might unleash. 

Sep 30, 13 2:38 pm  · 

donna, your post hit the top of page 1,000.  congrats.  46 more posts to go.

archinect is in it's prime.  there was never a decline, just constant evolution.  sometimes we fear change, but change isn't bad.

if you want to see when things went from somewhat optimistic with inside jokes and such, to more pessimism and cynicism, i would predict that coincided with the fall of bear sterns and lehman brothers.  that's because, as an outlet for the people involved in the profession of architecture, this forum will take the general tone of the aggregate profession.  also, it got worse when i started posting.  then it got lots worse when observant started posting.

Sep 30, 13 2:53 pm  · 

My Dearest Miles and miles and miles...  unless you are willing to divulge your activities on The Archinect prior to your current nomme de plume, I shall ignore your warning.


The first of my efforts of resurrection is The Archinect user the Garpike.  This user gained mythical status once it obtained the form of a chimera, but I have yet to find substantial evidence of any great prophetic wisdom or forum contribution for a rightful place in the pantheon of The Archinect.

Sep 30, 13 3:04 pm  · 

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