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vado retro

i hope it rains today as i am going to go see the black dahlia at a matinee and i think that would add to my movie going delight.

Sep 15, 06 7:10 am  · 

home sick (very) today. sucks. it's that kind of sick when it hurts to touch your skin.

i cancelled everything but still have to attend one meeting because of some school work that contractors will be doing over the weekend. everything is a little difficult today. getting up. showering. putting socks on was hell. i dread shoes.

Sep 15, 06 12:29 pm  · 

i almost always put on an oversized set of wool socks when i get know the grey kind with red at the top...totally 'comfort
food' for the feet. that and an oversized sweatshirt and lots of

hope you feel should get some real chicken soup.

Sep 15, 06 1:37 pm  · 

Last day of work, and I'm just in the fucking clouds.

Sep 15, 06 1:43 pm  · 

too bad the winning entry for a global disaster relief shelter has to look so housy housy. i wonder does that shape have the same associations in malaysia as it does in the western countries? or does it feel totally foreign?

Sep 15, 06 3:48 pm  · 

the entourage people in the global disaster relief shelter renderings sure look happy to be there...

Sep 15, 06 3:59 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

um... what's with the guy that posted a resume in the images?

i thought it was part of the shelter series and got really confused as i clicked on it first.

Sep 15, 06 7:50 pm  · 

i'm having a crisis this week and am not sure that i want to continue to be an architect. and it's not just because i'm sick.

-i gave a presentation, to which we were invited, to present our firm for master planning services for the campus of local charity - the campus, up to now, having been cobbled together from random structures on an urban block. i was asked 'why do we need a master plan? how will it help these people get fed? isn't what we have good enough?'

-i had a contractor ask me this week if ceramic tile that was laid out of plane (sharp edges, ouch!) and with the joints totally out of line was 'good enough'.

just a couple of examples. i've always believed that i was trying to make things better > excellent where possible. just making things good, knowing that the work was good, would be ok. since when did 'good enough' take the place of 'good'?

Sep 16, 06 2:25 pm  · 

so i'm going to learn to play guitar. or trumpet.

Sep 16, 06 2:25 pm  · 

mr ward: here's hoping you get well soon and return to architecture which i think is pretty obvious is your vocation.

Sep 16, 06 6:35 pm  · 

i'd play trumpet steven. can you play 'kind of blue'?

Sep 16, 06 7:50 pm  · 
some person

Steven, we need you in the profession.

Perhaps you've had too much time alone to think about things and dwell on the negatives. (I am sometimes mentally tortured on the weekends as I replay the undesirable moments of the week in my head.)

If the architect won't argue for "good" over "good enough," who will?

Sep 16, 06 9:08 pm  · 

that sucks steven.

i think there are two kinds of good enough. the farmer's mentality, where good enough really is all you need or can afford. and the one where good enough is a plea for laziness. the former i totally get, the latter bugs the hell out of me. no solution i am afraid. it is human nature, and in some ways i guess charming (you know, from the alien's perspective).

i started playing guitar shortly after i moved to japan. clapton and nirvana had just done their unplugged stuff and i decided i wanted to play...bought a cheap guitar and a tab book...learned all the songs and bought a much nicer takamine acoustic, then a strat (the real deal), then a 12 string, and a dobro, and a classical...but came to my senses and sold all but the tak, and now am working on django reinhardt and nina simone (i used to think clapton was difficult, but django was a real musician, and nina always just blows me away)....

anyway, i agree, music is therapeutic, like sports. anything to focus the mind on something other than the intense wandering of architecture is a relief...def recommend.

hope you feel happy soon.

Sep 16, 06 9:21 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

would you pick the red pill or the blue pill, Mr. Ward?

in the meantime, pick up the trumpet. everyone and their mother plays the guitar. numb lips are fun. try kissing with them.

Sep 16, 06 10:03 pm  · 

lol. too true.

i was jammin with a friend who plays sax last week and it was a dif experience...a bit noisy, but fun...i was reminded that bb king's brass section plays the same licks as him and how well they can mix if you can get into it...

truly, music is not about the instrument. play or sing whatever turns you on, or off, as the case may be...

Sep 16, 06 10:28 pm  · 
vado retro

for steven, abra and vado cuz we're all kinda what? you say.

Sep 16, 06 11:07 pm  · 


Sep 16, 06 11:27 pm  · 

orhan, you were spotted during the thesis presentations at sci-arc today. there were some whispers in the crowd to the likes of "hey, isn't that orhan from archinect over there?"

Sep 17, 06 12:16 am  · 

p.s. you should know that you're sort of a celebrity. thom mayne didn't even get that kind of reaction!

Sep 17, 06 12:17 am  · 

yes i was there. wow. i am gonna post some pictures from thesis presentations that my friend larry draged me out there. i had no idea i was semi celebrity. thanks for telling me and next time lets meet.

Sep 17, 06 1:58 am  · 

nice post abra.

Sep 17, 06 4:17 am  · 
A Center for Ants?

um... we're rapidly approaching 4000...

who's gonna do the honors?

Sep 17, 06 6:11 am  · 
vado retro

i am having dinner with two celebrities tonight, liberty bell and wonderk. im gonna sit in the middle.

Sep 17, 06 9:34 am  · 

Hope you had fun Vado.
Guys, does anybody knows what happened to the event calendar?

Sep 17, 06 9:58 am  · 
vado retro

puddles are you still partying after the maize and blue spanking of the domers in touchdown jesustowne?

Sep 17, 06 10:26 am  · 
liberty bell

Oh my god I'm back!!!! I don't know how it happened, it's like a miracle, I came home from dinner with vado and WOnderK and I was already signed into archinect after a week of not being able to holy crap waaahooooooo!!!

So now I must post like a fiend in case it disappears again tomorrow. And for once I don't have office work to do tonight so I can actually blow the next hour before bed here on the nect YAY!!!!

Orhan I am going to comment on your news item post re: the crits at Sciarc because that sentence about how the wall becomes a door becomes a diploma was f'n brilliant and reminds me so much of my grad school dislike of the use of "becomes" in that way. Of course I used exactly that phrasing in my 100 word manifesto, oh well, I'm hypocritical sometimes. But anyway - Orhan the notion of you being there at the back of the crowd while people point and whisper is so delectable an image to me - super-sly rockstar appearance, make everyone sit up a little straighter and ease up on the bullshit just by your physical presence. At least that's the way it should have been.

PS yes I had two beers with vado and WonderK tonight which is one beer more than I would usually have on a weeknight. So between that and the login excitement I'm gonna be a little delirious tonight. Plus I'm feeling such an amazing sense if kindred spirit-ship with DubK after her description of her tour last week of the gyp board plant which sounded just incredible!!! 575SF per minute!!!!

We missed you tonight, Steven, I hope you are feeling better both physically and psychically. As farmer so sweetly said, architecture is surely your vocation and it has its moments of ups and downs but you deserve for them mostly to be ups.

OK I'm going to thread crawl a bit now....

Sep 17, 06 9:44 pm  · 

I don't know about puddles, but I was certainly delighted that Touchdown Jesus and Charlie the Tuna got a spanking. AND that Nebraska got their mouths shut for them.

French- I was asking the same thing the other day, and no answers have appeared to me, either.

I'm jealous of liberty, DubK, and vado... the LA Archinecter meet-up never happened, so every single person here remains anonymous to me.

Sep 17, 06 10:08 pm  · 
vado retro

dinner was very nice although too short. something about having to drive back to cinci and something about having to take care of a kid. so i went and grabbed some dessert and coffee solo.

Sep 17, 06 10:23 pm  · 
liberty bell

Awww, vado where did you get dessert? Hubbard and Cravens? Village Ice Cream? Some exotic downtown haunt to suit your exotic downtown lifestyle?

Sep 17, 06 10:26 pm  · 
vado retro

so exotic i can't give out the name...

Sep 17, 06 10:50 pm  · 

I would have loved to have joined you vado but honestly after that road trip, nothing else was fitting into my stomach.

It was great to see you guys! And I'm so glad that lb is logged in again! Also the Mexican food was excellent as promised.

I have not been as thread-wise as I would like to be lately, between work problems and other distractions (both healthy and unhealthy). In honor of our dinner conversation this evening, I would like to contribute to TC by directing you to one of my favorite threads and my most recent post to it: kitten du jour.

Furthermore I have been informed that I have been missing all sorts of things, like manifestos and CD swaps and what not. I'm sorry, I will try harder.

In reference to the gypsum board factory though, OMG it was awesome! It was great to be able to share that whole story with people who find that kind of thing as interesting as I do. Maybe I should post some of these pictures that I keep talking about. Hmmmmm.

rationalist, I promise that next time I come to LA not only will we hang out, you can give me a tour of your school, if you'd like.

Sep 17, 06 10:59 pm  · 
liberty bell

Glad you're home safe, DubK.

Sep 17, 06 11:00 pm  · 
vado retro

yes the gyp board was fine but i preferred the breast conversation.

Sep 17, 06 11:06 pm  · 
liberty bell

Nice, vado. Nice.

Sep 17, 06 11:10 pm  · 

physically much better. thanks all.

found listings for brickstacker and construction estimator this morning. i'm thinking i'd be better at the latter, but that i'd be less likely to take concerns about brickstacking home with me in the evening.

Sep 18, 06 8:05 am  · 
Sep 18, 06 11:20 am  · 
liberty bell

AP are you back?

Awww, Steven.......the problem is, you WOULD take brickstacking concerns home with you, because that's how invested you are in the world no matter what job you are doing: you might as well do work you enjoy (at least some of the time) because whatever it is you do it's going to become important to you and you're going to want to make the world a better place through doing it.

If you stack those, of course, you could potentially bring about world peace.

Sep 18, 06 11:26 am  · 

hey AP, welcome back. how's the weather?

Sep 18, 06 11:31 am  · 
liberty bell

vado, as the ONLY archinect member with 4,000 posts, can you post comment #4,000 on Thread Central, please? Better hurry...

Sep 18, 06 11:33 am  · 
vado retro

is this it? is this 4000?

Sep 18, 06 11:56 am  · 
vado retro

or this?

Sep 18, 06 11:56 am  · 

why am i not surprised that vado hit the 4000th post?

Sep 18, 06 12:36 pm  · 

yes, back, weather's great everywhere - Barcelona, A'dam, R'dam, Delft and Jacksonville. Sun and blue sky.
also lots of cheese/kaas/queso/formatg (<-catalan?)...everywhere.

i'm looking forward to catching up on pages 39-40...and a few other threads that seem entertaining at a glance...(I.D. fights back etc).

lb and dubK, a couple more postcards should be arriving in the coming week(s)...London already received, Barcelona and Amsterdam/Rotterdam cards on the way.
...i intend on using my schoolblog to post about the trip...sooner than later...

we had a few drinks with p2an in Amsterdam - thanks for taking the time to meet with us, we really enjoyed your company. I look forward to seeing images from your personal project on the jobsite pics thread once ground of luck managing your time and sanity...

and, as I mentioned before, MADianato hooked us up with a couple of great office visits... We also had [more than] a few drinks with him and a couple of his friends from Germany...
good times. a few glasses of wine and one really strong mojito = drunken girlfriend. :-)

hope everyone is doing well. I've gotten very little done at work today...can't seem to get into it....happy monday...

Sep 18, 06 1:09 pm  · 

Orhan, I forgot where the 'weather' thing came 'inside joke' that has escaped my memory...

Sep 18, 06 1:17 pm  · 
liberty bell

Welcome back, AP, and gosh: MORE postcards?!? You're the best, thanks. So glad you had some Archinect meet-ups, meeting global friends sounds much more fascinating than Mexican food in Naptown, USA - but we did have a good time too.

I can't seem to work today either, major case of the Mondays compounded by too little sleep last night (my child was up half the night).

Sep 18, 06 2:42 pm  · 

no. nothing hidden. just another way of asking, how are you?
i remember writing letters to my childhood friends after the summer holiday that always started with;

my dear friend ahmet,
how is the weather? are you guys still swimming? we had rain here yesterday and i didn't do my homework teacher got angry and made me stay on one foot for 5 minutes. that was easy.
i made myself a nice sling from a pine branch and decorated with stars by burning wire on it. i am afraid to ask my father to take picture of it because he might confisticate it and destroy it. i can hit a bottle from 30 meters.
this year we had to elect a class president and i got one vote from my best friend in the class (you know in reality you are my best friend). i think they didn't elect me because i am little short and teacher says i wouldn't show too much discipline and be a good example.
please say hello to other guys, to your brother and tell your mom that she is very pretty.

from your best friend orhan.

remind yakob not sell my lucky lukes to anybody until next summer or i fuck his jewish ass if there is one missing. he can show them to other people but thats about it. he knows it.

Sep 18, 06 5:41 pm  · 
vado retro

postcard to abra from new york...and it goes likes this....

dear orhan,
i took the metro and met ahmet at the met.
wish you were here,

Sep 18, 06 6:20 pm  · 

Orhan, that was like taking a 60-second trip into someone's childhood. You really have a way with words.

Also i can't believe that AP sent so many postcards! Sweet.

Sep 18, 06 6:39 pm  · 

thanks wonderK.

from orhan to vadometro, telegram

hey metro,
tell ahmet i said he can hand the funds to you.stop. if he doesn't believe you.stop. tell him to call me right then...stop.
sure you can hold on to the portion of it.stop.and i expect you to. stop.honestly.

Sep 18, 06 7:49 pm  · 

you guys are as crazy as each other. stop. dont stop. stop.

Sep 18, 06 7:55 pm  · 

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