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liberty bell

Yes, a good discussion and I'm glad I haven't really taken part as I found it exhausting and I'm too busy to try to fit it in.

Right now I'm busy teaching my son the lyrics to "Puff the Magic Dragon". No, it's not about pot, it's a very sad song about innocence lost.

My eating habits are so bad lately, I have coffee in the morning and maybe a strawberry, then a handful of almonds that I mooch from my partner's cupboard for lunch because I'm too busy to take a break, then I chow don at dinner because I haven't eaten all day! So unhealthy! vado, Mr.4000, let's have lunch tomorrow so I'm forced to take a break and get some sustenance!

Sep 11, 06 7:23 pm  · 
Sep 11, 06 8:12 pm  · 
brian buchalski

wow...i've never had a car with more than 36,000 miles on it. damn, three year leases.

anybody else find it troubling when you spend a couple of hours writing email to about a dozen different friends just to sort of say "hey, what's going on" and then start feeling antsy because that was, like, this afternoon and it's already bedtime and nobodyhas replied and then, like the next morning...still no replies...and then by the third day you just start feeling like some lame ass because you obviously don't have any friends who care enough to write back to you?

well...i think that would be an awful feeling.

Sep 11, 06 9:33 pm  · 
liberty bell

puddles, usually I'm the lame-ass that doesn't respond to my friend's emails. But I love getting them from people!

My current car has 142,000.

Sep 11, 06 10:20 pm  · 
vado retro

i didnt get taht email puddles. are you sure you got my correct email address? i want to ignore you also.

Sep 11, 06 10:24 pm  · 
liberty bell

Is anyone else's gmail down? Cuz mine is, dangit. Maybe that's your friends' problems, puddles.

Sep 11, 06 10:32 pm  · 

my car has over 160,000 miles on it.

Sep 11, 06 10:43 pm  · 

Did you guys get my email? Just checking because I emailed you both....(vado and lb).

Also, and this is not directed towards you at ALL (trust me) but I do not and will not ever understand why people cannot send an acknowledgement of an email that they received. Like, yep, I got it, but I'm busy right hard. Really.

I'm just saying.

Sep 12, 06 12:26 am  · 

guilty, wk.

come on, lb. it's about pot.

i was following the interior/arch discussion for a while but it's starting to be repetitive - people not reading back through the old posts and saying parallel things. ultimately, i don't expect any understandings were reached. and, here's your sign, i don't think the id's were whipped at all. archs came off as just as jealous, petulant, and arrogant as thebristolkid originally opined. our loss.

Sep 12, 06 7:30 am  · 

guilty, wk.

come on, lb. it's about pot.

i was following the interior/arch discussion for a while but it's starting to be repetitive - people not reading back through the old posts and saying parallel things. ultimately, i don't expect any understandings were reached. and, here's your sign, i don't think the id's were whipped at all. archs came off as just as jealous, petulant, and arrogant as thebristolkid originally opined. our loss.

Sep 12, 06 7:30 am  · 
liberty bell

DubK I got your email and I called vado about it but MY FRICKIN GMAIL IS DOWN!!!!!!!! I'm going nuts - I can access gmail on my husband's mac and every other website on my computer is fine (including this one, obviously) but I cannot access gmail on my computer. So, so frustrating!

Guess I'll spend the morning doing virus control. Damnation.

Sep 12, 06 8:23 am  · 

lb, That IS bizarre. Are you sure my company's network administrators haven't blocked it on your computer, too? :o)

Coffee. I need coffee. Going to be a long, dumb day.

Sep 12, 06 8:35 am  · 
el jeffe


[/img] width=415[/img]

Sep 12, 06 8:46 am  · 
el jeffe

oh friggin great.
"...and he stumbles on the landing - what a disappointment!"

for the record.

Sep 12, 06 8:49 am  · 
liberty bell

Congrats, jeffe!!!!

Sep 12, 06 8:50 am  · 
liberty bell

Ya beat me to it......nice image, and nice recovery. And congrats again.

I feel badly that I haven't commented on vado's 4,000 post thread - I can't think of anything clever to add.

Sep 12, 06 8:51 am  · 
el jeffe

thx lb.
that post reminds me of the final presentation i once did with a plexi model that was lit from underneath with a blue light. towards the end of the review i noticed that my model was starting to melt.
unfortunatley it never got to the point where it burst into flames.

Sep 12, 06 9:16 am  · 
vado retro

still doin the supplemental log. Finished the rfi's and clarifications. on to ask's and bulletins. then i got four bankers boxes to file. good times...

Sep 12, 06 10:49 am  · 
el jeffe

watch out for the paper cuts there vado.
worked for an office for a while that did ska's insetad of ask's.
confused the hell out of me, especially since there was nothing remotely reggae about the office culture.

Sep 12, 06 12:26 pm  · 

i put brad pitt's picture there yesterday and no body said anything.
don't you think he is looking more n more like an architect in client meeting saying aluminum siding is funny but i am funnier?

brad pitt, "aluminum siding is funny but i am funnier"
client of his, "huh? we don't wanna pay for it"


Sep 12, 06 2:35 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Steven, I agree. I guess my attempt at sarcasm didn't come out right. Competition and ego ruins a lot of good intentions making everything more difficult than it should be. Mutual respect seems to be a lost commodity.

Sep 12, 06 2:45 pm  · 
vado retro

i work with a lot of rude boys but they know nothing about ska.

Sep 12, 06 3:20 pm  · 

el jeffe, I love it! tee hee hee....

Sep 12, 06 3:25 pm  · 
vado retro

boys watch this and see if you are five percent as cool as the backup singer in the red pants. girls watch this for the cool dance moves and fashion tips.desmond

Sep 12, 06 5:57 pm  · 

Anyone else going to the music festival in Cincy in two weekends?

Sep 13, 06 5:22 pm  · 

Still alive. My mother left today, and I'm sad because I'm worried about her.

Regarding the interior vs. arch discussion: I fully admit to being jealous. Maybe it sorts itself out later on in one's career, but from where I'm sitting now, it looks like architecture=paperwork, and interiors gets a big chunk of the design, and pushes for more.

Sep 13, 06 6:11 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'm signed in as a test on my husband's mac - can't sign in on my pc because I had to delete all my cookies and offline content (due to me stupidly allowing ActiveX to run on a lighting website, I believe) and now I can't get the login page on archinect to open. So I'm still alive too, just too busy to figure out the damn computer issue. My dream job would be one that allows me to hire someone to clean my house who is ALSO my 24/7 on-call IT guy, like that guy in the movie Temps I think? Who you call and from some far away massive bank of computer terminals he clicks a few buttons and says "Awright, everything back to normal".

Anyway, I'm alive but a bit incommunicado as I'm reading but not posting and it feels kinda lovely and free. Right now I'm about to pour myself a nearly neat bourbon....ahhhhh

AP I got your postcard THANK YOU!!!!!! I love getting good mail!

Sep 13, 06 6:33 pm  · 
liberty bell

PS rationaliost I'm sorry you're worried about your mother - I think I can relate as I worry about my mom and miss her like mad too.

Sep 13, 06 6:34 pm  · 

I'm doing a forum search but I thought I'd check here first:

Does anyone know if architects can put liens on buildings?

Just curious. I thought I remembered this being discussed at some point.

Sep 13, 06 6:46 pm  · 

Shit, I found the reference I was thinking of. So much for that, unless anyone has any more information.

Sep 13, 06 6:52 pm  · 
vado retro

so im workin on my cd swap its gooood. and that just aint the wine shpeakin. talked to my "special" lady friend in cambridge. she just got back from scotland and was drinkin a glass of scotch from a bottle of tallisker that she picked up at their distillery. yum

Sep 13, 06 9:40 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i'm drinkin sctohc whisky tonight so here's to "special" lady friends...even if they're not talking to you (or me, at least)

i think my tigers lost tonight...i wish it were as simple as baseball.

minor personal note: i've been practising to run a marthon recently and was supposed to run 20 miles this past sunday as part of my trianing routine. i ran the twenty and then, was like, fuck it, what's another 6.2 miles? so i kept running & did the whole damn thing. now that i know i can do it...strangely, i feel less compelled to antually run the "official" marathon...go figure

Sep 13, 06 9:56 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

i ran this on tuesday:

my legs REALLY hurt.

Sep 13, 06 10:01 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

btw. they have some major work to do to bring that thing up to code and ada compliant.

Sep 13, 06 10:02 pm  · 
vado retro

i walked around the fashion mall the other day.

Sep 13, 06 10:04 pm  · 

i wear ankle weights and heavy rings to the office.

Sep 13, 06 11:06 pm  · 

I ran again last night for the first time in a couple of months. Granted it was no Great Wall, but the neighborhood of O'Bryonville has some serious hills and I was woefully unprepared. I pushed myself too much and wound up with a headache all day. No pain, no gain, right? Because damn, my legs hurt.....

Sep 13, 06 11:47 pm  · 

a splitting, spinning headache. that isn't perhaps the pain you're going for. scotch will do. i've been experimenting with it recently-- it's a very psychedelic workout indeed. and to keep in interesting, aside from the black lights and raging techno, there is a glow in the dark mural of venice around the entire room... those gondola men

never stop staring.

Sep 14, 06 12:19 am  · 

spinning, that is.

Sep 14, 06 12:20 am  · 

mmm, talisker.

aphro, drinking before working out? hmmm.... i've heard that willie nelson gets high after running. supposedly the high is super wicked after exercise.

Sep 14, 06 11:16 am  · 

who has experience with "back painted glass"?
this is to laminate a reception desk with. i have a sample 1/4" thick.
glue & laminate is recommended. do's and don'ts, perhaps?

Sep 14, 06 3:11 pm  · 

WonderK, you might simply not be drinking enough while running. Dehydration is really easy when jogging and is typically the cause of headaches after running. hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!!! Also, eat carbs before, and protein (no carbs) after, like when you lift weights. And leave enough time after you eat before you go running.

Good timing with your question, we've been spec'ing and installing a veritable RASH of backpainted glass recently. And let me tell you, it looks BEAUTIFUL. In every case, I love it, love it, love it!

We've been working with two different installers. One installer sandblasts the back of the glass first, then applies the paint with a spray/autobody finish. He was concered that the mastic might adhere to the paint and rip the paint off the glass (and glass comes tumbling down) but either we addressed his concern enough and he went forward with regular mastic, or he used some other kind of special mastic--not sure. But it was installed last week and is gorgeous. Also we used Starfire glass--key b/c the green tint will totally fuck with your paint color--and in that case tempered the glass also as it was put in as the backsplash behind a large commercial range.

Our other installer I think did NOT sandblast the glass, although I've been meaning to check with him, so that we know best what to spec next time. He did a bunch of installations for us, ranging from smaller glass panes of like a foot by two feet, to huge pieces of 3'x6'. They're all stunning, even better than the other guy's work. I can't think of any don'ts, I guess. But I will check on the mastic/sandblasting technique questions if you're curious.

Oh and I think we used 3/8" for the large pieces, 1/4" for the smaller. Not sure, will have to check.

Sep 14, 06 4:38 pm  · 

thank you so very much myriam.
exactly. let me verify your expertise with my beginners quest.
my first supplier bid is pulp studio in los angeles who make beautiful stuff with glass. they lightly sandblast extraclear glass (starfire?) and paint with any paint spec without the iron content for some reason, i regret not asking why. i found the sanblasted part out b/c after carrying the sample w/ me for sometime, the paint came out half way thru the sample like a colored paper. behind the colored paper there is some kind a plastic based material like tarp sheets are made of. well long story short, it put some kind of doubt in my mind wanting the face a reception desk with +,- 10'x3' pieces adhered vertically with shear off possibilities like you mentioned in tumble down. and, it takes several weeks to get. they sell the glue too.

the second supplier has a standart rubber like paint on a regular green glass like you mentioned and un sandblasted. for my purposes, their standart line of off white stock is okay. and also i feel much safer with their rubber like paint adhered to glass. it is just too good and i couldn't take it off completely after trying with exacto blade. it is also 1/4 " thick. theirs is standart stock and they are ready to go (measure, cut, install in 2 weeks.) glazing guy knows the cab. maker etc.. for good co ordination and things. i'll share the result too.

myriam, thanks again. wow. you zeroed in to the center of the situation and helped me a great deal.

Sep 14, 06 7:24 pm  · 
brian buchalski

pre-hydrate, hydrate & re-hydrate

that's the mantra i learned from my brother who's an athletic trainer...of course, he also thinks running is bad for you.

Sep 14, 06 10:16 pm  · 

with the gargantuan size to-go beverages these days, hydrating is a breeze...

i recommend the big gulp. and with global warming on the rise...

Sep 14, 06 10:25 pm  · 

with the gargantuan size of to-go beverages these days, hydrating is a breeze...

get a gallon for every big gulp.

and with global warming on the rise... there's plenty to go around...

Sep 14, 06 10:26 pm  · 

cheese and rice.

how do you DELETE an accidental post?

Sep 14, 06 10:27 pm  · 

You don't. You learn to live with your dirty laundry and verbal missteps.

Also, I will hydrate more in the future so you don't feel the need to repeat yourself, lol.

Sep 14, 06 10:40 pm  · 

haha thanks. i'm new to this, obviously. and yes, do hydrate. in fact, i think it's time for a drink myself...

Sep 14, 06 10:51 pm  · 

Wait, Orhan, so the paint rubbed off the sandblasted one?? Hmm. I will need to check my backsplash installation then and make sure the installer addressed that.

I'm going to be talking to a consummate glass guy tomorrow, guy who did better back-painted installation, so I will ask him more specifically what exact type of paint and mastic he used.

Interesting stuff!

Sep 14, 06 10:59 pm  · 

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