
Thread Central

liberty bell
I disagree, LiG
Jun 3, 09 3:03 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I stand corrected.

Jun 3, 09 3:13 pm  · 

hey toaster, thanks for all your help!

well, it is for grad school applications, and isn't my best work - but I feel pressured to stretch out the project in order to get more portfolio length (i see most grad portfolios at 50+). these types of co-op projects I've had account for one half of my undergrad... subsequently I don't have as much studio work as your typical undergrad. also, I figure I go to UC, which is well-known as a co-op program, so I might as well celebrate my co-op experience in the portfolio, perhaps it will make me stand out? what do you think?

but yes I definitely agree - for employment I will submit something more condensed and with few words.

Jun 3, 09 3:14 pm  · 

That EvilP thread is like a depository of flaming poo. I don't know why I just wasted 60 seconds of my time posting to it. I want those seconds back.

Jun 3, 09 3:31 pm  · 
liberty bell

Very well-stated, though, DubK.

"Flaming poo" sounds funny, too ;-) Didn't the Target lady just cove that recently?

Jun 3, 09 3:43 pm  · 
liberty bell


ARGH WHY IN THE HELL does spelling check only work arbitrarily in Mac Pages?!?! I've scoured the Mac forums for a fix to this problem and there IS NONE! I love my Mac but MS Word has spelling and proofreading capabilities LIGHT-YEARS ahead of Pages!

"Detials" is not a word and there is no way to tell Pages that. Ugh.

<end rant>

Jun 3, 09 3:52 pm  · 

Sigh.... I might be leaving Philly too. I was looking for a house here and everything, and I finally felt like I wanted to make this city my home (I didn't move as much as LIG, but had my fair share of uprooting and moving).

Jun 3, 09 3:52 pm  · 

jk - co-op programs, maybe...

I don't really want to lead you astray on the grad application process - just that my experience with traditional programs is that they rarely care about practical experience unless it's particularly noteworthy.

50 pages seems like a lot to me, though... more like 20 pages and 4-5 solid projects.

Jun 3, 09 4:00 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ok, I got bored with the EP thread. I didnt get anyfurther than the case study comment.

Jun 3, 09 4:19 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Mind-numbing day at work today... I have to bring a set of AutoCAD drawings into compliance with our client's 1000-page CAD Standards book written by Franz Kafka.

Jun 3, 09 5:04 pm  · 
Living in Gin

In keeping with the transportation theme, I'd rather be here:

Jun 3, 09 5:05 pm  · 

jk, i posted my portfolio a few pages back, not sure if you had a look. while it's a bit long, it served me well for grad school applications. otherwise, i'll echo toasteroven's comments about "practical experience" in a grad school portfolio. one of my professors/recommend-ers told me more or less the same thing, and i ended up only including academic and personal projects. now, i didn't go to a school like UC DAAP (with co-op and an emphasis on pro practice), so your background may warrant a different approach...

Jun 3, 09 5:18 pm  · 

Liberty might I suggest you switch to Open Office...

Jun 3, 09 5:27 pm  · 

re: the evilp thread - I keep thinking that TC is like archinect's safe place... where you go to get advice from a specific group of people on archinect (like the "supportive forum regulars lounge," or something)... the rest of the forums you open yourself up to a larger community and you don't know if you'll attract the constructive people or the destructive people. which is pretty much like any forum, I guess.

I don't think I've reached true "TC person" status yet... I think I'm going to have to do something pretty awesome to win you guys over. right now I'm kind of a TC wannabe.

I also think it's really interesting how we all mostly only each other based on our writing styles and what we tend to post (and form opinions of each other this way)... makes me very interested to actually meet some of the regulars around here and see they match up to how I envision them... or maybe I don't want to (I like pretending vado is this crotchety recluse living in a shack in the middle of a cornfield somewhere listening to 70s and 80s music...).

anyway - just thought I'd share...

Jun 3, 09 5:29 pm  · 

lb, ya, i've definitely had a few moments this past week where it hit me that i won't be
1)exiting from brunch onto a street in the east village on saturdays, or
2)passing through union square any old weekday afternoon and deciding to stop, sit, and people watch, or
3)walking across town on 23rd to go play indoor soccer every Tuesday,
and so on.

the in between moments are my favorite part about life here.

Jun 3, 09 5:29 pm  · 

Gin - that is a nice boat, only problem is that's almost entirely fiberglass but being out in the open seas would be good, at least for the next couple of weeks before the hurricane season starts.

I truly respect those that are still able to join both the Aspie and EvilP thread. I've lost tolerance and now fancy a beer

Jun 3, 09 5:39 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I see Per Correll has brought 3DH into the Aspie thread. Some things still happen like clockwork after all this time.

Jun 3, 09 5:45 pm  · 

toasteroven> I think all you have to do to be a "respectable TC person" is come and talk to us and not act like an a**hole when you're doing it. :o)

I'm a little freaked's raining here in LA! And it's THUNDERING too! At first I thought the film crew up the street was doing something crazy and then I realized it was actually thunder! Crazy.

Jun 3, 09 6:13 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Toaster, I think what DubK says is about right, and I'd add that time and frequency help. If it makes you feel better, I imagine Vado as the old guy in Love Actually.

Abram is obsessed with the paddle of my stand mixer. He keeps pulling it out of the cabinet and carrying it around. Weird kid.

Jun 3, 09 6:20 pm  · 

Albeit short-lived, one of the best 'Rita Novel-esque' screen names was Petting Zoo Purgatory, completely inspired by Thread Central, of course.

impression, ha

more like "you [all] don't know a thing"

Jun 3, 09 6:25 pm  · 

wk - it's 88 and hella hot and sunny in seattle

Jun 3, 09 6:28 pm  · 
Living in Gin

55 and raining here in NYC. I think it's dropped almost 20 degrees since lunchtime.

Jun 3, 09 6:33 pm  · 

Oh my goodness....vado totally IS the old guy in Love Actually. With the backup singers and everything. Can I be the slightly profane young woman that falls in love with the Prime Minister? Not that I need a Prime Minister, mind you, but a dashing Brit would be nice....

Jun 3, 09 6:34 pm  · 

wk, sh - ok - I'll try to behave myself. :-)

I recently discovered that the house renovation project on my walk to work belongs to the guy who does stuff like this:

I see him out there on his bike almost every morning chatting with the contractor.

it's actually a really nice project - a victorian-era colonial revival, and they completely opened up the entire first floor... I got caught peeking in the other day...

Jun 3, 09 6:46 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I haven't seen Love Actually; I tend to think of Vado as sort of like a Midwestern version of Woody Allen (minus the creepy personal life, as far as I know).

My ideal fictional self would be Hawkeye from MASH, but in reality I feel a bit more like Radar most of the time.

Jun 3, 09 6:51 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I should clarify: the Alan Alda version of Hawkeye.

Jun 3, 09 6:57 pm  · 
liberty bell

toasteroven, really, you're a TC person if you do what DubK says: hang out and don't be mean. IMO you're totally a regular already. I can't quite tell what's going on in that rendering, though....looks like a collapse.

vado is one of my dearest friends and I can honestly say Bill Nighy's character in Love Actually pegs him perfectly. Though I think he's also a little bit Bill Nighy's character in The Girl in the Cafe.

I opened a bottle of Gewurztraminer tonight. I don't know how it came to be in my house, as I never buy G'wurtz: too sweet. But this is definitely refreshing!

Petting Zoo Purgatory was a good one, but Learning from DasVagueness: brilliant!!

Jun 3, 09 7:49 pm  · 

just make sure it's properly chilled!

nothing worse than worm gewuertz. yech.

Jun 3, 09 7:54 pm  · 

or warm, rather.

Jun 3, 09 7:54 pm  · 
liberty bell

Worm gewurtz sounds pretty crummy too...but maybe has a tequila-like kick?

Jun 3, 09 8:01 pm  · 
vado retro

Since we're talking about me. Always a good subject btw. I'd describe myself more Pierre Bezukhov-ish...

Jun 3, 09 8:06 pm  · 

Nothing Like Spring in June.....lig.....

I never knew you were into trains.....

One of my mechanical contractors is a traincrazy.....he went chasing
trains a couple of weeks ago from Mpls to Salt Lake City.

I was in a meeting one day with him with Clients....and he heard the whistle blow on a train and he up and walked out of the meeting. We
all laughed....said his name aloud and went on with the meeting. He came back 5 minutes later like he had never left the meeting.

He is a heck of a good contractor, so we don't get to upset with him.

He has something like 2,000 feet of rail laid on his property for one of those trains you can take for a ride around the property.....everything including a train trellis bridge crossing a ravine.

Jun 3, 09 8:12 pm  · 

Nothing Like Spring in June.....lig.....

I never knew you were into trains.....

One of my mechanical contractors is a traincrazy.....he went chasing
trains a couple of weeks ago from Mpls to Salt Lake City.

I was in a meeting one day with him with Clients....and he heard the whistle blow on a train and he up and walked out of the meeting. We
all laughed....said his name aloud and went on with the meeting. He came back 5 minutes later like he had never left the meeting.

He is a heck of a good contractor, so we don't get to upset with him.

He has something like 2,000 feet of rail laid on his property for one of those trains you can take for a ride around the property.....everything including a train trellis bridge crossing a ravine.

Jun 3, 09 8:12 pm  · 

poor Salieri, always a step behind

he who laughs last indeed

Jun 3, 09 8:19 pm  · 

Gewurztraminer is the only white wine I've ever really liked. Still on a quest for headache-free wine, BTW. I'm sure I'll blog about it if I find some.

And LearningFromDasVagueness is a pretty hilarious name, I agree.

Jun 3, 09 8:55 pm  · 

laughing is always good, first last alone or with others it doesn't matter.

poor salieri never learned to laugh. which is why he was always out of step (not behind, just different). took himself too seriously poor dear.

can vado be compared to anyone? i have had to make a vado-shaped space in my brain. i know he has a name not vado, but it's too late. vado it is, and vado is as vado does.


or as we say in japan,


Jun 3, 09 9:02 pm  · 

...I have to point out the commingling of Huff, Gass, and several Steins within my literary list, let alone Mann and two Humans/(12)Brothers. Alas, there’s always Gratitude for Gertrude(!)--value(!), what culture(!). What more would you expect from one whose own name means to run, a racecourse, and even the orbit of a solid body?
excerpt from "A Glass of Blue Nun Wine

vade mecum

Jun 3, 09 9:17 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I lOVE that movie, and Ive only seen the last half.

I love the name too, but I dont yet know who theis title person is. Sorry.

I dont like Gverst either. Actually, I didnt like white wines at all until I spent a week in July in Rome. People look at you funny if youre drinking red then, and the white was like liquid A/C. Now we drink our whites from rome on our aniversary, and Ecco's Pinot Grigio the other times.

Big Macs are so gross.

Jun 3, 09 9:19 pm  · 
jk, i posted my portfolio a few pages back, not sure if you had a look.

Boy, did I! Yours was awesome. I'm working on collaging some sketches within my moleskine after being inspired by your portfolio - I hope you don't mind!

And yea, this project will be the only 'co-op' thing in there... I'm really excited about having so many excellent critics on archinect.

Jun 3, 09 9:37 pm  · 

toasteroven ,
Nice folds in the render. Interesting that the renovation is a more retro style.

LB, Gewurztraminer is way to sweet. For me. Like more piney whites.

Also, nite all.

Jun 3, 09 10:47 pm  · 

jk3hl, I like you.

that is all.

Jun 3, 09 11:04 pm  · 

Well DubK if you're Natalie (the girl who falls for the Prime Minister) than I am definitely Sarah... who's in love with Karl. LOL!!!!! I love Bill Nighy's character in that movie. Hell I love that movie

I've recently started drinking whites again. I had a REALLY good Vinho Verde last week that I nearly sucked down in two seconds flat it was so tasty. Whenever there's a Pinot Grigio open, I'm on it like a fly to fly paper. I must admit, the whites have to be dry, too sweet and I have a strong urge to spit it out. Holz I'd actually add to your statement and say any whites that are warm are...blech, but especially Gewuertztraminers.

toasteroven - I agree with DubK's statement... and I hope you begin to feel more like a "regular" here, as I always enjoy your company. I actually do think of you as a "regular".

Anyhoo - I've had a long day and it's late. G'nite all.

Jun 3, 09 11:20 pm  · 

wk - we used to drink wine sans sulphites in europe and NEVER had headaches. now we get them all the time. i've been told by wine aficionados it's not the sulphites, but this seems to be the missing link...

also, i'd take a decent riesling over a quality gewuertz anyday. the worm thing might be kinda gross. especially in mezcal (not tequila-it's prohibido!).

and to throw gas on the fire, fascination w/ trains is another autism/aspergers connection.

Jun 4, 09 1:46 am  · 

awww... thanks guys - now I'm wondering if that post was me wanting attention or just a hug, or something...

nam - the entire first floor is open, with a really nice integration of modern finishes with the old building - although, I really wonder how he's going to furnish this huge space... right now there are only a couple of eames chairs sitting in the back. Next time I run into him, I'll start chatting him up - so instead of the creepy person who peeks in windows, I'll be the wierdo who talks too much.

you've got to wonder, though... at what point do you start asking if you would want to live in what you design for other people? his space is pretty run-of-the mill open-floor plan, though... no curving/collapsing forms - I'm a little disappointed.

I've never seen Love Actually - maybe that moves up in the netflix queue this summer.

vado - there's a book I've always meant to read all the way through... so - you had to leave town because during a drunken bender some guy got tied to a bear and thrown in a river? that's not what I pictured at all.. all the trappings of 19th century polite society, though...

Jun 4, 09 4:32 am  · 

im glad to be a tc wannabe, this is all i aspire to be on this site, haha (too much sucking up?)

which old guy? the first thing that came to mind was liam neeson. i wouldnt mind being liam neeson!! im sure he definitely doesnt want to be hugh grant... or atleast i hope

Jun 4, 09 5:26 am  · 

could he be cox from scrubs???

Jun 4, 09 5:26 am  · 


LiG,, can i get a picture?!?!

Jun 4, 09 5:26 am  · 

it is 3 am i am watching president obama live from cairo.

Jun 4, 09 6:15 am  · 

so far so good. selam aleykum, he said. applause. his knowledge of islam impressive. he is unifying. he gets a lot of applauds. i like his inclusive 'we' angle.
first issue to be confronted is violence.
looks like he is saving the palestinian issue to the last.
now... he is at it.
big silence, audience is all ears... applauds stopped.
now he is talking about holocaust. now he is talking palestinian state and applauds finally breaks.
he is for two state. applauds... time for stopping hamas violence. silence... settlements must stop... applauds.
now iran... nuclear arms. etc. crowd is silent.
democracy... crowd laughs... some applaud.
back to religious diversity. applauds...
education. student exchange. science, technology. open educational centers, create green jobs, eredicate diseases.

great start.. actions to be seen. a first. good job mr. president. it is about time... well done. pivotal speech.

Jun 4, 09 7:08 am  · 

i tried to watch him on the news here and only could find bowling. japanese are of course well known for their attention to global politics...;-)

Jun 4, 09 7:09 am  · 

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