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beta and Hill - STOP IT. You are both acting like little kids. TC is not the place for such juvie tactics - if you must continue slinging mud at each other, create your own fight thread.

Jun 1, 09 3:08 pm  · 

Yeah, TC is not the place to talk about Asperger's, now that we have a thread for's the place to talk about people who talk about Asperger's, LOL. Kidding. Please don't ban me.

Jun 1, 09 3:21 pm  · 
Living in Gin

So, what's the fate of Pierre? Hopefully he'll find a loving home if you're not planning on keeping him yourself.

Jun 1, 09 3:30 pm  · 

OMG! I am NOT giving up Pierre. Not after all that we've been through. He will remain as leader of the rest of my contingent, which includes a pink teddy bear that kept me company on many road trips, an Irish teddy bear that I actually bought in Ireland, a wee white harp seal, and Rainbow Brite. (I just can't give her up.)

Please, no judging. We all have our quirks.

Jun 1, 09 3:41 pm  · 
Living in Gin

That's a relief. Some things you just don't get rid of.

Back in 2004 when I left NYC for Oregon, I ended up getting rid of all my furniture and about 90% of the stuff I owned. Overall it was a smart move and very liberating, but several weeks later I realized that I had forgotten to check one drawer in the apartment that contained a couple things I'd had since childhood, and those had a lot of sentimental value to me. I'm still kicking myself for losing those things.

Jun 1, 09 4:04 pm  · 

LIG, I think you might win the award for "most locations lived in the shortest amount of time". Keeping track of your where you've lived is like keeping track of techno's jobs....I'm glad you know, because we sure don't!

PS. Soooo. This is what it's like being unemployed! **crickets** I think I need to commiserate with Sarah and Strawbeary...

Jun 1, 09 4:21 pm  · 

Wow, Archinect is going wild today..
A banning and a thread deletion. Or was it two?

Personally, people in general just nee dto stop being dicks. IMHO.

On TC related news.
That is brilliant. Go Jersey!

And Dubk, love Pierre..... What a bananna.

Jun 1, 09 4:23 pm  · 

I have the same sentimental problem with books - certain collections mark certain periods in my life - I still have all my "choose-your-own-adventure" and "encyclopedia-brown" books (i.e. summer days spent reading under that big oak at the old house).

I just started packing for a move this July, and I'm realizing I could literally start my own lending library.

Jun 1, 09 4:26 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Let's see if I can do this from memory...

Born: Cincinnati, OH (near Mariemont)
1975-1984: Fort Thomas, KY (suburb of Cincinnati)
1984-1987: Asheville, NC
1987-1988: Jacksonville, FL
1988-1991: Beaufort, SC
1991-1993: Jacksonville, FL
1993-1996: Great Lakes, IL (suburb of Chicago)
1996-2000: Chicago, IL (Lincoln Park)
2000: Brookline, MA (suburb of Boston)
2000: Chicago, IL (Logan Square)
2000-2002: Chicago, IL (Edgewater)
2002-2003: Collingswood, NJ (suburb of Philadelphia)
2003-2004: Philadelphia, PA
2004: Brooklyn, NY (Sunset Park)
2004: New York, NY (Inwood)
2004-2005: Eugene, OR
2005-2007: Chicago, IL (Lincoln Park)
2007: New York, NY (Morningside Heights)
2007: New York, NY (East Harlem)
2007-2008: Brooklyn, NY (Bushwick)
2008-Present: New York, NY (Washington Heights)

The moves from 1996 onwards were done as an adult; the ones before then were when I didn't have much choice in the matter. If it had been up to me, I probably never would've left Fort Thomas.

Frankly, I'm pretty sick of it all, and I want more than anything just to settle down somewhere for good. Increasingly, I feel like I belong back in Cincinnati. I just hope the DAAP admissions committee agrees.

Jun 1, 09 4:46 pm  · 

wow some of those threads even made me blink.

I had a stuffed animal too...wait for the punch line... he was a stuffed horse (he looked more like a donkey)...and his name was.... wait for it.... prince Albert. I named him, and didn't understood why people laughed so hard when I told them about him... it didn't help that his feet look like a pen....uhmmm what evilplatapus got kicked? Whoa better start towing the line.

Jun 1, 09 5:07 pm  · 

@treekiller; whilst it would be cool to hang out with 2 m/billionaires whilst sailing the Caribbean I can send you the cake for free. Tortuga Rum cake is amazing just don't put any open flames around it, you would be likely to burn your eyebrows off.

@Gin; that is a very impressive list (and I've actually been to a few of those places). I was going to ask which was your favourite - but judging on your love of all things Cincinnati I think I know the answer.

@Wonder K; Pierre had me giggling in the office - thanks, I needed that.

@Orhan & Paul; whilst I applaud your general administrative undertakings I am actually disgruntled by your lack of conversation... the problem with Big Brother is that he/they rarely contributed to the intellectual collective. All I'm saying is talk up - we miss you. Signed the leading presiding disciple of the cult/church of the big green head.

also troll/moron/social gadfly or otherwise h&r you are annoying, but that one out of ten posts (maybe 20 judging by your recent efforts) is genius - so how about upping the average?

Anyway I'm packing up for the day, heading out for curried crab and beers by a friend. I love summer

Jun 1, 09 5:36 pm  · 

How am I supposed to slow down on my Archinect posting if my Google Reader isn't working?!? Not cool, Google! I can't even remember half the blogs I subscribe to, let alone find them, without my Google Reader!

Jun 1, 09 5:47 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Cincy is obviously my favorite because it's home, but if I didn't have the family and sentimental connections there, I'm not really sure how it would rank.

In terms of climate, natural beauty, and general quality of life: probably a toss-up between Asheville and Eugene.

In terms of career and educational opportunities: NYC followed by Chicago.

In terms of great memories involving close friends and good times: probably a toss-up between Jacksonville, Philly, and Chicago.

Boston sounded good in theory, but somehow managed to really rub me the wrong way.

Philly was a city of extremes for me: Some of the best times and worst times of my adult life happened there.

No redeeming qualities whatsoever: Beaufort, SC and the Chicago suburbs.

Jun 1, 09 5:48 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Techno, I will gladly take you up on that free cake offer. When I was in Genoa, I had a rum soaked donut-y thing for breakfast. The ladies behind the counter warned me it was rum, but I didnt realise they meant dripping with/soaked for months loaded with rum. I had to lean forward while eating it to avoid dripping it on my shoes. I'm sure I wouldve failed a breathalizer after that.

Jun 1, 09 5:49 pm  · 
Boston sounded good in theory, but somehow managed to really rub me the wrong way.

I think you lived in the wrong neighborhood... Brookline is pretty stuffy even by Boston standards- geesh - even the 20-something grad students who rent apartments there are kind of snooty.

Jun 1, 09 7:54 pm  · 

DubK - I still have my stuff micky mouse from when I went to Disney world in the first grade, along with a handful of other stuffed animals, most of which were given to me buy good friends at the time. Although I must admit my favorite is actually the stuffed Grommet (of Wallace and Grommet) my parents gave to me for Christmas one year after I'd spent the summer in Germany. Long story.

Jun 1, 09 8:11 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I thought Brookline was a nice area; my main problems with Boston were mainly with the high cost of living, the oppressive old-boys-club mentality, and the drunken frat house atmosphere in many parts of the city. That said, it's by far the most beautiful large city I've ever lived in.

I'd probably like Boston much better if I moved back there now, and if I had a decent housing situation and a decent group of friends to hang around with. But the same would apply to any other city as well.

Jun 1, 09 8:23 pm  · 

My trip to Atlanta is being 1/2 paid for by the boss' son who runs a waterproofing company. How much disclosure is appropriate?
- Full disclosure in the body of my presentation (ie 'we have successfully used polymer gels like SuperGoop, which in full disclosure is owned by my bosses son and is paying for my trip to the conference...')
- a thank you in my conclusion?
- avoid all mention of the product name (ie refer to the product as only 'polymer gels')
- or something else?

I do like the product and think it has great potential, so it's not like I'm being a complete shill.

Jun 1, 09 8:28 pm  · 

tk: what trip to Atlanta? Is this another conference that I missed?

Jun 1, 09 8:31 pm  · 

That's a tough one TK. Is there any way to mention the polymer in general terms without using the actual product's name? That might be a way to go about it.

So I'm starving but nothing in the fridge looks at all appetizing, neither does anything thing else for that matter. Anyone else ever have this issue?

God what an incredibly weird day it has turned out to be, in all aspects of my life, nit just Archinect. Off to go gag down some sustenance

Jun 1, 09 8:36 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Melt, I've had that issue before. I end up throwing together nachos or something. And they tend to be strange nachos like my current favorite - what I like to call Buffulo Bacon Nachos made with those real bacon bits (not the crunchy stuff), buffulo sauce, and cheddar cheese, then drizzled with ranch. Its good enough to be on a menu somewhere. I better get royalties if it turns up.

And TK, if you like the product, say you like the product, but you'd still like it even if it werent owned by your bosses son, so I see that as irrelevent. I would just leave the trip cost and relationship out of it. That would cheapen the product I would think, and you said you like SuperGoop.

Jun 1, 09 9:01 pm  · 
Living in Gin

My cat has this weird fascination with my cable modem and wifi router. He just spent the better part of ten minutes moving them around so that we could lay on them just right.

"Can I haz moar internets?"

Jun 1, 09 9:17 pm  · 
Living in Gin

One more:

Happiness is warm network hardware.

Jun 1, 09 9:21 pm  · 

That's super cute. He looks just like my roommate's cat. Who spent the better part of the last hour running laps around the apartment until he was panting. Ha.

Jun 1, 09 9:54 pm  · 

awww! kitty!

Jun 1, 09 10:00 pm  · 

funny cat LIG.

for some totally non-political content:

we went to disneyland for youngest daughter's b-day yesterday. they have a new attraction based on monster's inc. and people have to wait 6 hours to get in. which sounds insane, but there was a line in front of the place all day and it wasn't shrinking. i can't understand that at all, but each their own.

us, we went to the now ancient flight simulator type of attraction next door that was based on star wars. 5 minute wait but totally awesome. the kids liked it so much we went 3 times. i am sure someone has written a book on the psychology of such things, but heck if i can understand how people will willingly pass up a good time that costs nothing in exchange for a 6 hour drudge. the pay off must be the drudge...?

Jun 1, 09 10:31 pm  · 

Awwwwwww HI KITTY!!!!

*smiles as she listens to her kitty purring next to her

And on that note, I'm out. G'nite all

Jun 1, 09 10:32 pm  · 

Why not full?

And with that nite all.

Jun 1, 09 11:51 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yeah, tk, I'd go for full disclosure.

I'm personally disappointed that lately ep's obnoxious posts have outweighed his valuable and usually humorous alternative viewpoint on things like education and practice. I'm disappointed in the banning, though Paul you know you have my total support even if you eventually ban me because I continue to say "fuck". Some days, some situations, just demand it.

Which reminds me, manta, another podcast I listen to while drafting is A Way With Words, which is an unbelievably geeky and sometimes saccharine show about word origins and usage. Today they were talking about how words with a K are funny and fun to say. IMO, this is evidenced by how satisfying it is to say "Fuck!" - excuse me, "F*ck!" - loudly when one is frustrated.

Also, DubK, Pierre is FAR cuter than I imagined, and I took a picture of my Sammy today to show you guys the horror of my Frankenbear but I'm too tired/lazy to upload the pic right now.


Jun 2, 09 12:35 am  · 
vado retro

Back in the golden age of America circa 1977 I joked in English Class that I was going to do a report on the history of the word fuck. I was sure that my english teacher, who was a Kurt Vonnegut looking dude who we all thought was soooooo wierd because he actually walked places and didn't own a car, would nix the idea. I mean come on he's not going to allow it right? But he did and so I did this report and it was a big hit. In that class we also listened to The Alan Parsons Project record wehre they put music to Poe's The Raven. That album really sucked as I recall.

Jun 2, 09 7:32 am  · 

darn it, i want 'a way with words' on my public radio station.

and i want to be able to listen to the radio.

during the day.

Jun 2, 09 7:35 am  · 
vado retro

SW on the weekends its on WFYI in INdy. You could stream over the innernets. I often just listen to stations in other places. I enjoy the traffic updates in Philly, DC, Chicago, Londinium in between programs. On Saturdays I often stream ThisIsHell. its a four hour live show though so you can't have kids or a wife or anything to listen to an entire show. Also I listen to Stephanie's show too. Hi Stephanie. Its on radioBoise.

Jun 2, 09 7:48 am  · 

sometimes i imagine that i might someday be able to listen to stephanie's show, other shows i could stream (morning becomes eclectic, etc) and the shows i love that i am able to get from my regular old radio (this american life, bob edwards), but it just never seems to work out unless i get lucky enough to be by myself in the car for a few minutes.

i've downloaded and kept a BUNCH of podcasts for listening but, to date, i've only listened to one - and that was the first week i decided to download podcasts. about a year ago. [sigh.]

Jun 2, 09 8:35 am  · 

alan parson was always a bit odd to me, in spite of his being the guy that made pink flloyd's wall record...which was what like 17 years in the top 100 or something like that...? i listened to his records a lot when younger...not sure why but maybe it was out of faith. he at least was ambitious. i can hear that raven song in my ghosted memory right now...think i'll put on some george straight to wipe it out.

Jun 2, 09 9:55 am  · 

i listened to alan parsons' 'gaudi' album a lot in high school. parts of it were less bombastic than others.

Jun 2, 09 10:02 am  · 
Living in Gin

I can't think of the Alan Parsons Project without also thinking of Dr. Evil.

Anybody catch Conan last night? I thought it was a good start to a new era, and I was pleasantly surprised to see Andy Richter back as a full-time member of Conan's show. I think the Late Show lost something when Andy left in 2000.

Jun 2, 09 10:11 am  · 

awesome, lb, thanks!!!!!! What you DON'T know is that I have an OBSESSION with word etymology and this is sooooo up my alley!!! super psyched to listen to it today. Thanks!

TK -- I would go with the product type name, without naming it itself. If you like the product, on your own, without any endorsement, well then that's enough for you to recommend it. I think if you make a big point of disclosure after that, it's going to perhaps undermine your true belief in the product.

I'm not really sure on the professionalism of this move, however. I am approaching it more from the "personal ethics" side, rather than the professional ethics side.

LB -- totally agree with you about EP. He annoys me *frequently* but has also made me think critically about my own views, which I appreciate enough to be bummed that he was banned. But I support whatever Big Green Head thinks is right -- it's such a privilege to have this community, and not even have to pay for it, that I'm willing to agree with the rules of the game.

H&R, on the other hand, you have never made me think critically about my own views, you've only made me use my brain insofar as it is required to decipher the point of your poorly worded and hastily-written screeds. I don't usually call others out but if you want people to take you seriously around here, you need to be both more respectful and more clear & carefully worded.

WK -- Pierre is wayyy cuter than the mental image I had from your description! I would keep him, too.

I have trouble giving away any books or stuffed animals or legos I had as a child. Everything else is fair game.

Jun 2, 09 10:16 am  · 

I was happy to see Andy Richter, too, even though he didn't have much of a hand in last night's show. I think Conan fits better into Johnny Carson's shows... Jay Leno was never acerbic enough for my tastes. Too generic and goofy (although I like his stand-up).

LiG, I have never read a portrait of Boston that I agreed with more completely. That's PRECISELY how I've always felt about my time there. It was a big disappointment from what I thought the town would be like. People do seem polarized on the city though... probably depends on whether you went to school there or not (since that's such a big deal in Bostonian circles). Oh, the times I was asked "So, where'd you go to school?" right after introducing myself at a party...

ok, I think I'm caught up now. Carry on, folks!

Jun 2, 09 10:19 am  · 

oh, jump -- I LOVE Star Tours! That's one of my FAVE disneyland rides. I don't understand why people wait in those kinds of lines, either. I think it's like a "well everyone ELSE is waiting in this line, therefore the ride must be amazing!!!!" kind of phenomenon. Here in my town people will wait 2 hours for a table at a restaurant for breakfast, which never ceases to boggle my mind... I am a foodie, but excuse me, no breakfast eggs are good enough to stand outside for 2 hours for. Sorry. My SO and I make fun of those people as we head over to the equally good place with NO line just a couple blocks away.

Jun 2, 09 10:22 am  · 

wK- this is my green roof presentation in ATL.

I'm leaning towards saying something in my introduction 'Hi, I'm TK, green guru and lecturer. I'd like to thank SuperGoop for helping make my appearance at GRHC possible.' and then not mention their product later on.

All this talk about the exile of EP makes me miss EB, not that we ever figured out who the bunny was.

Jun 2, 09 10:25 am  · 

andy is back? I think I'll start watching Conan again.

Jun 2, 09 10:42 am  · 
Living in Gin

Ironically, Andy's last night on Late Night in 2000 was my last night in Chicago before moving to Boston, which made it even more poignant for me. Combined with the show being on TV an hour later due to me moving to the Eastern time zone, I didn't watch Conan as often after that.

I agree about Leno... He's always seemed like a genuinely nice guy and a class act in the mold of Johnny Carson, but his brand of comedy was always very milquetoast for my taste. And watching the parade of idiots in his constant "Jaywalking" segments always made me want to throw a brick through the TV. Unfortunately, toward the end of his run that seemed to be the only skit he ever did. I think Conan will probably bring a little more of an edge to the show, although probably not to the level he did at Late Night.

Once Colbert started his own show, I always watched his show instead of Leno... Now that Conan is on in the same time slot, I'm facing a bit of a dilemma. Thank God for the ability to watch back episodes of both shows online.

Jun 2, 09 10:59 am  · 

Top of the morning tcers..

Vado "Londinium"? What are you a Roman?

Jump, don't they have the fast pass system in Disney Tokyo? After they debued that my Disney going experience was changed forever (for the better).

I never knew Alan Parson's was invloved with the Wall record. Makes sense though... Was he credited as "producer" ??

Regarding disclosure. I agree with manta with regards to personal ethics/professional ethics. I don't think you need to thank them for the trip (etc) publicly but some sort of acknowledgement of the "relationship" or even just previous use of product. But i wouldn't make a big deal of it, only because it seems like it might ruin/set the flow/tone of presentation.

Jun 2, 09 11:01 am  · 

I <3 Boston - I lived in Cambridge for awhile and interned at a firm downtown. I LOVED going home to the historical, smaller-scale Harvard Square area after spending the day in the bustling downtown area. Everything is so ridiculously walkable, and the T is really clean and efficient. The cost of living is high, sure - but not incredibly so. You really come out ahead by not needing a car and just using the Metro.

I don't really feel overwhelmed in Boston like I do in NYC, either. XD

Jun 2, 09 11:05 am  · 
my main problems with Boston were mainly with the high cost of living, the oppressive old-boys-club mentality, and the drunken frat house atmosphere in many parts of the city.

actually - I felt the same way when I first moved here. it took about 5 years before I started to really enjoy the place. once you escape cambridge and the northern parts of Boston around the colleges that stuff goes away.

Jun 2, 09 11:16 am  · 

Re: Boston... to each his own. I couldn't afford to live in that city in any capacity without roommates, and on my architecture salary I qualified for low-income-housing assistance if I wanted to buy a house. That's pretty telling. I am MUCH too old for roommates, fuck that. It got depressing to see rich people trooping to do the same things I wanted to do, but couldn't afford to, day after day after day. I got tired of people asking me where I went to school. I got tired of meeting healthcare and finance types over and over again. I couldn't stand paying $30 for a bland entree, when $17 covers a MUCH tastier entree in the city I live in now. Boston is not for people with $500 of student loans to pay every month, that's for sure...

Jun 2, 09 11:27 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I know who EB was, or at least I did, but only because he emailed me.

I'm getting my cell phone repaired today. The display has been out, and its like living in the dark ages. I cant use it to tell me the time, and I have to look up numbers online in order to dial them. Remember when phones didnt have displays? Wow. I wonder what the effects will be on our brains/memories now that we dont have to memorize as much stuff.

Jun 2, 09 11:28 am  · 

Hey now, I know people who can send other people pictures of their dicks without ever looking at their screen or any of the buttons.

That's talent.

Jun 2, 09 11:34 am  · 
vado retro

Six Degrees of Separation...

Andy Richter
Larry Richter (Andy Richter's father)
Vado Retro...

I worked with Andy Richter's father at a restaurant in Bloomington. His father taught Russian Lit or something at the IU and waited tables on the weekends. He was really funny a gay man who came out of the closet and looked a hell of a lot like Charles Nelson Reilly. His initiation to new busboys was to have them go to the bar and, thinking it a cocktail, order him A Hot Persian Boy. Also, he bred a certain cat, the breed I don't remember. When they went into heat he would pleasure them with a Q-Tip. Man that was a freakin good time.

Jun 2, 09 11:37 am  · 

jk3hl ,
Agree with this statement I don't really feel overwhelmed in Boston like I do in NYC, either. XD

But based on my experience also agree with Manta, very expensive, even compared to NYC I thought...

Vado, that is wild!!!

Jun 2, 09 11:40 am  · 

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