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hah hah it's Friday. Wow this week took forever to finish.

Tomorrow I'll be attending a derby party, which is most unusual since I've never otherwise been to the tracks, bet on a horse much less supported the comedy of errors that is horse racing. Nonetheless this is for charity. The question I have should I, as a guy, wear a funny hat?

Anyway time to reboot - my fans have blowing hard this morning. Does anyone know how to open a laptop to clean the fans?

Jun 5, 09 9:36 am  · 

if you got the anser to that archi, can you let me know. i am worrying my machine is going to fry too.

Jun 5, 09 9:50 am  · 

Generally that involves a small screwdriver or allen type wrench. However, it will void the warranty in ost cases if you open the casing...

As for the hat, yes... You should.. I don't have the picture at work but iw ore one to a summer party last weekend.

As for squatting vs sitting. I squatted when required in India and often squat (when I am not on the toilet) when there are no chairs available and I dont want to sit in the dirt..

Jun 5, 09 10:08 am  · 
Living in Gin

I worry that my home computer is about to fry, as one of the cooling fans is starting to make some weird noises. It's also getting very sluggish and increasingly unstable, and is probably due to be wiped, reformatted, and have everything re-installed. That's a major pain in the ass, though, and I'm hoping I can just hold out until I buy a new iMac later this summer, but I'm not sure that will be possible.

Still mid-50's and raining here in NYC... I'm fine with the temperature, but the constant rain is starting to get a bit stale.

I'm glad this week is almost over....

Jun 5, 09 10:27 am  · 


my dell has a button you push to remove the case. i clean the inside w/ a can of air about once every 3-4 months.

Jun 5, 09 10:35 am  · 

here's a wiki on it...

Jun 5, 09 10:40 am  · 


Jun 5, 09 11:07 am  · 


Jun 5, 09 11:08 am  · 
liberty bell

They say squatting is healthier, right?

I'm sure I've mentioned here before my experience in the Moscow airport - I'm pretty sure it was Sheremetyevo - in 1991. The public ladies' restroom was a series of holes in a tiled floor, with sinks on a side wall. There was a washroom attendant, too. It was a very bizarre mix of high tech (cold war enemy airport!), hospitality (attendant directing traffic and handing you a towel!) and, um, rawness (no stalls, even?!).

Friday this week only reminds me that I haven't gotten enough done. Later, all. Glad you're alive, puddles.

Jun 5, 09 11:37 am  · 

Boston is in the 50s today... I like wearing sweaters, so I'm not complaining.

One of my old bosses had a book on squatting vs. sitting in his office - it was from the 70s and had pictures of hairy people in various positions - and lots of really interesting diagrams. I can't remember what it was called, but it had a very academic-sounding title.

Jun 5, 09 12:08 pm  · 

cloudy (with a chance of meatballs?) and slight drizzle this morning in los angeles.

my roommate has an awesome story about squatting and missing the hole in a bathroom in turkey. good thing they have water buckets, eh? :X

Jun 5, 09 12:38 pm  · 

Hey LB,

That Charles Ray piece in Venice for Pinault was written up in the NYT today. It is of a boy holding a frog.

Jun 5, 09 12:49 pm  · 
liberty bell

Thanks, nam. I'm a *little* underwhelmed from the photos, but I'll bet in real life it's stunning.

Jun 5, 09 1:04 pm  · 

jump, are you using a mac or pc?

wow speaking about hot I was just driving back to the office and the outside temperature was 34 degrees C... that's just crazy!

Jun 5, 09 1:50 pm  · 

ok thanks holz I wonder if my Inspiron has a button to open it up as well. My tech came and opened the office machine and I swear that thing is badly designed there was enough space to fill another machine inside (or a laptop). Just weird.

Jun 5, 09 1:56 pm  · 

Yeah desktop/towers are easy to clean.

I was referring to laptops..

I concur.

Jun 5, 09 2:03 pm  · 

Anyone have any recommendations for good gin? LiG, care to sound off on that, lol?

Jun 5, 09 3:02 pm  · 

My top choices would be first Hendricks, followed by Tangeray 10 or Bombay Saphire...

Also, has anyone else noticed the html wierdness in the news feed and etc across Archinect the last 24 hrs or so?

Anyone have word from the big green head?

Jun 5, 09 3:15 pm  · 
Living in Gin

You rang?

For martinis, Tanqueray Ten is my gold standard, but given its price, I usually opt for regular Tanqueray. If that's not available I'll do Bombay Sapphire. I don't think I've ever had Hendricks.

For gin & tonics, I'll accept less expensive brands such as Gordon's or Seagram's.

Jun 5, 09 3:28 pm  · 

Nice. I only have a fledgling knowledge of mixed drinks - is gin considered a rather masculine choice at the bar?

Jun 5, 09 3:41 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

lets see, im a girl and I think that men who order Gin are well off, or at least cultured. That said, I've only known a couple guys who drink gin, and well, they were really rich. Husband hates gin, and I only like it in Tom Collins.

Lets see, and feel free to disagree, but my man scale when it comes to liquor is.....

Whiskey = rugged
Scotch = refined rugged, <---- depends on the clothes - think "the most interesting man"
Vodka = simple
Rum = fun loving
Cachaca = tan, with an accent, or wishing to have one
Tequila = depends on the kind and the clothes, either wild partier (immature) or Texican version of "the most interesting man"

All these are on the rocks, not cocktales. That would get to messy and complicated.

Hows that for stereo-typing? Anybody else have ideas?

Jun 5, 09 3:59 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Everything you ever wanted to know about gin.

I think an extra-dry gin martini is up there with single-malt scotch in terms of masculinity; less so with gin & tonics or other drinks. Certainly more masculine than the various vodka-based martinis you'll find in some bars. (I don't mean to imply a value judgement about how masculine something is or isn't, just stating my impression.)

Gin is a particularly fashionable liquor among Episcopal clergy and various other Anglophiles.

Jun 5, 09 4:04 pm  · 

While I love a good gin, I am personally most found of a good bourbon (not whiskey, i prefer the majority corn mash)...

Either on the rocks or gin with tonic, are the classic man's drink in my book.

Jun 5, 09 4:05 pm  · 

Thanks - this will be a pretty decent guide for when I turn 21!

Clergy have a thing for liquor? I would have guessed wine, or something, if anything.

Jun 5, 09 4:24 pm  · 
liberty bell

Gin, the liturgical consultant with whom I used to work often spoke of the stunning amounts of whiskey many priests (both Catholic and Episcopal) tended to be able to consume.

Bourbon is a masculine drink, IMO, but is also my personal favorite hard liquor - on the rocks.

Jun 5, 09 4:31 pm  · 
Living in Gin

It was an Episcopal priest who converted me from vodka to gin in the first place.

Jun 5, 09 4:32 pm  · 
Living in Gin

And a fondness for gin doesn't rule out fondness for other types of alcohol as well. Almost every Episcopal church I've ever been active with has had a well-stocked stash of booze somewhere on the premises.

I could see whiskey being a drink of choice among Irish Catholics, and single-malt scotch is popular among my Presbyterian friends.

Jun 5, 09 4:37 pm  · 
vado retro

When I worked in a restaurant with Andy Richter's father, there was an Episcoplanean(sp?) priest who always came in with younger men. He would order double Beefeater martinis. Our nickname for him behind his back was Father Fellatio.

You can make gin at home if you have the right chemistry set. Watch the show A Taste of Britain with Oz Clarke and James May. Its on Youtube. They make gin on the show. Iz ez peezy.

On a side note, I saw a car with not one but five anti circumcision bumper stickers.

Jun 5, 09 4:54 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Maybe I need to clean my laptop fans? Not that I use it anymore since I can't figure out why my neither of my network systems work after i repaired windows xp. Any ideas or experiences? And I already reinstalled the drivers.

Like LIG, I'm trying to hold on till I get my mac in September.

Jun 5, 09 5:00 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wait, James May as in Top Gear James May? He cracks me up. Maybe thats not him. I dont have cable anymore, and I might have gotten names mixed up. Why isnt THAT show on Hulu?

Jun 5, 09 5:24 pm  · 

I knew I had the right lady, when she asked for a glass of bourbon.

Have a fantastic Friday, all!

Jun 5, 09 5:31 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Vado, I looked for the video, but I dont have your Mad YouTube skills, and could only find an episode on garlic, and lots of Gin Blossoms videos.

I've been thinking of infusing vodka with camomile tea. It could be good, maybe.

That David Cardine thing is getting weird. I dont care how you feel about the person, but you should never vocalize suspicion that they died in an deviant sex game gone wrong. Keep that stuff quiet.

Jun 5, 09 5:36 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Sadly, he's not even the first one to die this way.

Jun 5, 09 5:37 pm  · 

Beer Friday at work turned into Wine Friday courtesy of yours truly. I brought my collection of wine glasses and supplied a bottle of old vine Zinfandel and a Pinot Grigio with of course my wine opener. Someone else opened another bottle of some Bordeaux which was quite tasty. All in all I think it was a success. Since we didn't finish the Bordeaux I'm about to pour the rest into a glass and enjoy my evening.

Jun 5, 09 6:25 pm  · 

Hey Archinect! Its been a super long time since I was on the forums. Just thought I would see what's been going on. Glad to see 3DH is still plaguing the 'Nect.

Hope all is well.

Jun 5, 09 6:46 pm  · 

3dh is the future :P

Jun 5, 09 6:49 pm  · 

Correction, 3DH is the Past, Present, and Future, and Per is the Master of Time and design.

*Not trying to start a flame war here.*

Jun 5, 09 6:55 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i can't seem to find the article that i posted before on the benfits of squatting. it was a rather technical research paper by a scientist in iran...although less erudite maybe ">this can serve as a proxy

Jun 5, 09 6:56 pm  · 

iran? propaganda? :D

Jun 5, 09 6:59 pm  · 

kidding aside, i have heard many many many times that it is healthier and more hygienic, i believe its true, but, i dont see it changing ever,,

Jun 5, 09 7:01 pm  · 

something went wrong with your link puddles.

Welcome back RFuller

I only remember squatting once in my life, and oddly enough it wasn't in a developing country. We used toilets here, and that's all I've ever seen with the except of a latrine, and well they still fit them with toilets and a bucket - rather ingenious when you think of it.

Jun 5, 09 7:13 pm  · 

Yay, my new watch came! (

Jun 5, 09 7:25 pm  · 
vado retro

Sorry I got the name wrong. It is DrinkToBritain! I believe this link will show the entire series...

Jun 5, 09 7:56 pm  · 

jk3 that's an awesome watch. Definately a designer's watch, but not pretentious. I'm always saddened that I can't wear watches because that would be cool to have

I've just had 3 mojitos, to match the 3 beers I had before the sun set. But not to worry Sarah I drink my single malt whiskeys neat, and my rum with ice; so I guess that makes me a rugged fun loving guy??

Jun 6, 09 12:36 am  · 

I had a very exciting day today. I will probably blog about it tomorrow, but I helped abra* with crits at Cal Poly Pomona, and I got to meet dreadlocks_dread* and MARLIN. I repeat, I GOT TO MEET MARLIN. I knew it was him when he started talking to me and said "Hi, WonderK*, I'm MARLIN". It was amazing! That voice, I'd know it anywhere :o)

*Using anonymous screen names for others whilst hiding behind my own

In any case, abra asked about you all and I gave him reports on everyone I've met and/or talked to on the phone. All good of course :o)

Jun 6, 09 3:23 am  · 

hey thats cool wk.

archi, i am using pc laptop. of course. mac is not worth the extra cost for me yet. maybe someday.

japan has history of squat toilets. they are still made commercially too. i don't like them, and most japanese lately are choosing western style WC i guess they are going way of dodo. never know though. there are still public baths for people who don't have baths in their own houses here, and the lords know that has not been necessary for some time now...

Jun 6, 09 5:16 am  · 

I will be in NYC tomorrow for roughly 11.5 hours.

Any suggestions? I want to get wasted.

Jun 6, 09 5:25 am  · 

Oh, I need to stay near St. Marks and Second.

Jun 6, 09 5:26 am  · 

Jump, I remember reading a really cool small book, In Praise of Shadows, and there was a part about Japanese outhouses or something, sounds familiar?

Jun 6, 09 7:54 am  · 

yeah fays. is good book. ando used to make his students read it. by junichiro tanizaki i think.

and yes there is a section on the japanese toilet and how its use was semi-orgasmic because of the design. the guy was really into haptics i think. space as emotion generating machine too.

it is hard to say in hindsight but i always had the feeling he was being ironic.

Jun 6, 09 9:27 am  · 

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