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Jan 22, 08 3:44 pm  · 
vado retro

i was watching antiques roadshow last night and they had a guy who had all these posters from the 30s that were displayed in trolleys or subways or whatever. he had 200 or so and they were worth about 500 bucks a piece!

Jan 22, 08 4:50 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Wow.... I'll have to start grabbing a few subway ads whenever I go somewhere, and stash them away for a few decades. Might be a safer retirement plan than a 401(k) right now.

Jan 22, 08 4:52 pm  · 

@LB - Sorry to hear you burned yourself. I have a nice big fat cat that could keep your feet warm. Actually I think he'd prefer your lap. In case case, he'll keep you very warm if you could stand his constant purr.

Indeed cats don't burn very well. One of mine has rubbed up against a lit candle not once, but TWICE in his lifetime. All he did was pretty much did was smolder.

@Atechno - I actually only cried 1 day and that was after I visited the SPCA. I was a basket case afterwards and probably teared up three times. Sucked big time.

Perhaps we should start looking into pet hair as insulation as a more Green alternative.

My head is pounding. I hate sinus headaches.

Jan 22, 08 5:10 pm  · 

I can't believe I missed the avalanche discussion.

During the slide the snow heats up from friction and once it stops moving it has the consistency of say... cured concrete. I have 2 friends who have survived avalanches- one by holding on to a tree right when it started, and one who 'swam' with the slide and was able to stay pretty much on top. They were both beat to crap- dislocated shoulders, knees, etc. The pros say that swimming is the best bet for survival, but when you start to slow put your hands around your face to make an airspace. If you're buried the only real way to know which way is up is to spit.

I saw a crazy graph that showed you have about an 80% chance of survival I think 15 minutes in, by 20 minutes it's closer to 20%. Survival probability plummets at a depth of about 3' too.

There is a local race every year where they bury a pack with clothes and a transceiver and people with transceivers race rescue dogs to find the 'body'. Fast dogs!!

Jan 22, 08 7:07 pm  · 

thats hilarious tunamelt (the cat rubbing up against a burning candle, not the headache). i love cats. wish i could have one, but always suspect we will be moving country again in not so distant future..and poor cats and dogs are so hard to take with...a cat AND a big ol human-sized dog would be brilliant. sometimes i miss the benefits of living on a farm.

our place is uninsulated too, or close enough to make no difference. we bought an oil radiator thingy that works a charm in our bedroom and we have a portable gas heater like everyone else in japan for our livingroom - that also is lovely. but 5 minutes after the things are shut off its the same temperature inside the house as outside. which is chilly. every day is like camping. we always see our breath in the morning lately...

BUT...our toilet seat is heated (standard in japan). so i guess we are doing alright. If none of you have experienced the joy of the wm shatner enterprise-looking toilet seat, you have not yet lived. !

Jan 22, 08 7:09 pm  · 
vado retro

lb sorry you got burned. ouch. put some butta on it. got a slight buzz at our wine and cheese after work hang out. also, swung by the library and found my favorite movie of all time. which i haven't seen it maybe fifteen years. cant wait to see it again....

Jan 22, 08 7:36 pm  · 

not that anyone cares, but tonight is FLOAT MODEL BUILDING NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jan 22, 08 7:52 pm  · 

I wanna know why le bossman is stalking me..

and why my damn toilet seat doesn't have a heater.

I suspect they are related.

Jan 22, 08 7:53 pm  · 
some person

According to the Internet, I'll be 10,000 days old in 24 days. I should organize a happy hour to celebrate. February 15th IS a Friday.

Jan 22, 08 8:25 pm  · 

jump....seriously hope your toilet seat doesn't catch fire....and burn your ass! Toyo....have been known to do so.. on the other had thanks for your frankness in allowing everyone to see your project on a will have in impact...unlike what you hope....cause we will all get better ....and you will not be paid for sorry!

Jan 22, 08 10:26 pm  · 

hi gang.

Just stopping in to say hello....I'd love to talk about the R value of cats, and FRO, thanks for the "surviving an avalanche" info, however.....I FEEL LIKE CRAP. I love my best friend but she gave me one hell of an illness. I forgot to take my temperature, hold on, I'll be right back.....

Oh look at that. I have a fever. 101.3, how nice. Guess I'll be skipping class to go to the health center in the morning. Grrrr.

I still can't believe Heath Ledger died. Shocking. And this isn't celebrity chasing, this is "oh someone my age who was a good person passed away unexpectedly. What a shame." Truly.

Jan 23, 08 2:20 am  · 

yeah that is a shame emily. i liked him too.

i have always had warm toilet seats in japan. they were here when i arrived in 1992. they have so far not caught fire. i quite like them. they make sense in land without central heating.

Jan 23, 08 4:26 am  · 

ugh. why does the one day when I really not just want but need sleep, the one day when I just don't have the time? I'm seriously considering just showing up at school, turning in work, and not staying for the crits of it. Then I could come back home and sleep off my cold.

Jan 23, 08 9:17 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh, just sleep through the crit, pretend you're an over-worked undergrad.

Jan 23, 08 9:19 am  · 

I don't know if I ever expressed this speaking of odd things to say (eh Andúnë Lossëhelin?) but last year during my recovery months when i was living on Archinect and inThread Central I had a little incident. I dozed off on the computer, which I totally blame the drugs for, and moments later I saw an image on a TC of Charlie's Angels (70's style) featuring Rationalist, Wonder K and Liberty Bell. They were in that wicked pose, I tried to respond to the post with the image...and I realised I was actually

Anyway I say that because I think it would be a great archinect t

oh btw Orhan was bosley

Jan 23, 08 10:02 am  · 

Oh has anyone seen 765's cute pup...its on flickr and he needs help naming her

Jan 23, 08 10:03 am  · 

sarah, not really an option. It's not a huge archi-school crit, it's an in-class crit (which we have nearly every day), and sleeping is not really tolerated. Especially not with the prof I've got today.

Jan 23, 08 11:15 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Aw, where shades and no one will notice, you'll just look really cool. Make sure its the black plastic ones with the neon sides.

Jan 23, 08 11:28 am  · 

Wow - sounds like a lot of people here on TC are sick or have been sick recently. Perhaps we're spreading our germs virtually too. ;o)

@ Rationalist and Emily - I hope you feel better soon. I actually went to bed at like 9:30 last night and am feeling tons better.

@Atechno - that's a way cute pup, but no names are popping up at the moment. Will have to think on that one.

@jump - I'm insanely envious you have heated toilet seats. Nothing worse than putting your bum on a cold seat in the morning.

Jan 23, 08 12:26 pm  · 

woah, tc is sinking low on the first page, time for a bump.

today is very anticlimatic, so I have too much time to spend on archinect and taking care of personal stuff.

Jan 23, 08 4:35 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Well, apparently my firm as installed a content filter on the server, as I am now blocked from accessing MySpace. What's next, Facebook or (gasp!) Archinect? This does not bode well.

Jan 23, 08 4:41 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm bored, and theres still an hour to go, and I just want to go home. End Whine.

Jan 23, 08 5:15 pm  · 

i just got me a blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now I can blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why am I so excited about my blog?!?!?!?!?!?! maybe I should blog about the excitement of my blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jan 23, 08 6:34 pm  · 

I thought I was doing much better but after lunch the disorientation came back as well did the head fogginess (words at the moment are alluding me). A co-worker actually comment on how strange I was walking. GREAT!!! To top thing off I'm hungry but nothing sounds appealing, except old fashioned oatmeal. I feel like I should be eating some veggies or something but the thought is making me ill. This sucks, as I have produce that is slowly rotting away in my fridge. :o(

Jan 23, 08 7:10 pm  · 

you know things are bad when words are alluding you. it sounds kind of dirty, actually. ;-)

warm toilet seats are nice. the other extras are confusing. fully loaded toilet seats really are insane. and they have remote controls (!) no joke. i don't know where the ideas come from but there must be rooms full of white-coated lab folks doing serious research and design cuz thes things keep on improving. very weird...but true.

in other news, photogrpahre sent us pics of house featured on our blog, so we posted several in same - in case anyone feels like looking, check out here...

hope everyone gets well soon!

Jan 24, 08 12:29 am  · 

I woke up this morning to discover my fever had broke. Later on in the day, I realized it was probably just because of the steady stream of ibuprofen I am on. That didn't stop me from going out in the cold rain though! My life cannot stop when I am sick, I simply have too much to do.

mdler, where's your blog? I need to update mine with my lust for a SmartCar / new disgust with ZipCar.

Jan 24, 08 2:57 am  · 

so my wife calls at 1:30 yesterday to tell me our 2yo daughter has fallen and cut herself and they're heading to the doctor. i met her there and, though the 'cut' wasn't terrible/horrible, it was strange and jagged, her fingers are so tiny, and the injury in a sensitive place on her knuckle.

the doctor recommended that, rather than go to a regular e.r. where they might not do a good job of it, we should go to the hand care center - the place where they performed the first hand-transplants! - because they're more likely to suture it nicely so that it won't scar and knuckle mobility won't be affected.

we finally got home at about 8:00 last night, but still without her finger fixed. because of her age, the condition of the thing, etc. they want to sedate her and, while she's sedated, clean up the injury the right way, and so we go back at 8:00 this morning for an appt we have scheduled in the o.r.

btw, (avert your eyes now if squeamish) the reason for the quotes around 'cut' above: it's actually that her finger got crushed and popped! ick! but no bone damage or other problems. all i can say is beware of giant wood chess pieces in public spaces. when they fall on toddlers' fingers, it hurts!

good grief. i think this is her first 'cut' in her little life. is this the way it's going to go?

Jan 24, 08 6:59 am  · 
liberty bell

Poor girl, I hope she's not in too much pain. I know mom and dad are! Nothing worse than seeing your kid hurt and fearful. Poor kid.

Another busy day here.

Jan 24, 08 7:06 am  · 

she didn't fuss much about pain but we DID learn that she does NOT like blue latex gloves and that when she get overstimulated for too many hours on end she just lays her head down and goes to sleep...immediately!

Jan 24, 08 7:09 am  · 
brian buchalski

6993 - wow steven ward and liberty bell are tied in total comments at this very moment...but steven is winning the total entries battle 38 to 24 which makes him the slightly more robust archinecter

Jan 24, 08 7:51 am  · 

i've always said P-Q4 is a dangerous move for young children.

Jan 24, 08 8:36 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, Steven, is this what I have to look forward to? Can't you just super-glue it or something? No, guess not. I hope all goes well. Look at the bright side, she's got her age going for her; she should heal in no time.

Jan 24, 08 8:41 am  · 

ha ha ha ha ha, beta...

Jan 24, 08 8:50 am  · 

yes puddles [adopting a golf commentator low voice style], steven and liberty are now matched, though liberty did explain her strategy of longer, more detailed posts in order to reduce the speed of her post count. for the uninitiated, this is a race they are not very intent on winning, so they become more and more strategic about their posts at times, but then give in to their archinect fix.[/golf commentator style]

ouch, that finger thing sounds really, really painful.

Jan 24, 08 8:58 am  · 
John Cline

Sorry to hear about the little'un. Let us know how the visit to specialist goes. I sneezed while playing with Rowan the other night and sent her into a downward tail spin. For 45 minutes she cried. I feld horrible.

Jan 24, 08 9:32 am  · 

sw- best wishes with the lil'uns recovery. this is another reason to become ambidextrous.

beta and I have been neck and neck for a while on the post count. Maybe I should reduce the frequency or switch user names to allow for us to even out again for 33 posts.

negative 13 degrees f on my commute this morning. supposed to warm up by 50 degrees this weekend. might just get our my bathing suit and work on my tan. (i've seen too many minnesotans wearing shorts when it's in the 30s)...

Jan 24, 08 9:46 am  · 
John Cline

On another note, not only should we get off MLK Day but we should get off our Birthdays as well. I mean really. For a country and government that preaches family values and other moral nonsense, there is so little 'family' supported incentives out there. We get crappy vacation as is, pregnant/new mothers only get 3 months and are pretty much lucky to come back to the work force right where they left off, fathers usually don't get squat for time off... not to mention all of the other worthless holidays that only government workers and schools end up taking off. Sorry. I just don't feel like being in the office today... and I'm stressed about all the stuff that's about to happen (with our move.. shhh).... and it's my Birthday damnit!


Jan 24, 08 9:50 am  · 
attention jump

- your presence is kindly requested in the Name that Architect and Building!!! thread. i posted a japanese house that has stumped the europhiles...maybe you'll know it.

and of course it would be great to have any and all of the TCers stop by and play. i've learned about some beautiful projects and amazing offices just by following along...and i've gotten lucky and guessed a few projects too...

Jan 24, 08 10:01 am  · 

Good morning TC!

Steven, sorry to hear about the wee one. Hopefully the "high end"
treatment leaves her scar free.

Treekiller wow that is way to cold for my liking. My sister in Calgary keeps wanting me to visit move there. I keep telling her the - 40 degree weather (if only occasional) is a dealbreaker.

John, I agree that our emphasis on family values isn't really matched by legislation; ie father or mother materinity leave, etc....

Oh well at least we don't federally fund stem cells..

Jan 24, 08 10:06 am  · 

Oh, and Emily glad to hear your feeling better......!

Jan 24, 08 10:06 am  · 

steven, just make sure the physicians are up front with your daughter about the needles. when i was 3 or 4 i ran across a newly waxed floor, busted my lip on a corner of the table, and when i had to go and get stitched up the doctor lied to me about the needle in the lip; pretty much traumatized me for years...

Jan 24, 08 11:09 am  · 

right now i am happy about my choice to become a vegetarian!

Jan 24, 08 11:15 am  · 
Dapper Napper

That guy was poisoned with a neurotoxin though.

Jan 24, 08 11:28 am  · 

Thanks nam.

beta, I'm still laughing at the chess comment.

Happy Birthday John Cline! :o)

Jan 24, 08 11:31 am  · 

SW - OMG! I really hope your daughter is okay. Hope this whole experience won't send her into a PTSD moment every time she sees a chess board. That would just suck.

Jump - I agree with you when it comes to losing words. Although I think it's worse/more embarrassing when I can think of the German word but not the English word. To make matters worse, this typically occurs dead smack in the middle of a sentence and results in people just standing there staring at me, waiting for me to finish my thought. Ugh!

Keep warm my fellow Northern Archinect friends and enjoy the warm weather when it finally gets to you.

Happy B-day John Cline... Now get back to work! ;o)

I think beta wins the quote of the day award:
"i've always said P-Q4 is a dangerous move for young children."

Jan 24, 08 12:49 pm  · 

thanks for good wishes. operation's done, was traumatic, but she's better and on the couch watching princess movies and getting princess treatment from her mommy. episode over.

now i gotta get some work done today. see ya'll later.

Jan 24, 08 1:48 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Traumatic for her or the parents, Steven? Glad its over.

Jan 24, 08 1:50 pm  · 

JC happy birthday (the other JC)

Steven so sorry about your daughter, I can only imagine how traumatised you and your wife must of been, not to mention her. It sounds funny, but we should start a group ala Gross Pointe for the removal of tacking chess pieces in public spaces.

EK|WK keep warm I'll be over with some chicken soup

Jan 24, 08 3:08 pm  · 

SW- I got my first stitches @ 2, six of 'em on the back of my head. Don't even remember them happening, or the seven on my forehead @ 4.

I DO remember getting the four right under my left eye when I was 3 though...

beta- I don't get the connection between Yushchenko and sushi? Or is mercury what he was poisoned with? I agree with some of the comments in the article- you could tell me that there was almost anything in sushi and I would still eat it. Gotta sushi date tonight in fact!

Jan 24, 08 3:35 pm  · 

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