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possibly getting insurance for the stolen copper that helps subsidize the cost of replacing more than was lost.

your turn, a-techno.

Nov 5, 07 10:51 am  · 
liberty bell

Well insurance is paying for the entire thing anyway, it is a claim from 18 months ago when we had a devastating hail storm here - pretty much every house (including mine) in the surrounding 5 square miles has had a new roof put on in the last 17 months!

Nov 5, 07 10:54 am  · 

I agree with you LB. Patinated (is that the correct term?) copper looks so much nicer.

Nov 5, 07 10:58 am  · 
Living in Gin

I'm working on the restoration of an abandoned building in Brooklyn right now, and even though the building has a relatively new roof, vagrants have stolen most of the copper flashing out from under it, allowing huge amounts of water into the building.

The MTA also has occasional problems with people stealing large copper power cables from the subway system, but since most of the cables are live with 600 volts DC, the theft problem tends to be self-correcting.

Life in the big city....

Nov 5, 07 11:20 am  · 
Ms Beary

Life is good. I was just begged to stay with a 30% raise. I'm not taking it, integrity is more important to me. That is if I find a new employer with integrity...

Nov 5, 07 11:51 am  · 

copper is selling for over $300/ton making it one of the most valuable metals for recycling - that's why its being stolen.

getting ready to drive to Chicago, once i finish up with the stuff the office needs me to do...

Nov 5, 07 12:07 pm  · 

have fun at greenbuild tk and anyone else that is going... i wish that i could be there...

Nov 5, 07 12:35 pm  · 
Ms Beary

...and one of my co-workers just quit. The day is getting more and more interesting.

Nov 5, 07 12:41 pm  · 

wait...strawbeary is strawbeary again?

Nov 5, 07 12:44 pm  · 

welcome back strawbeary... congrats on quitting... it sounds like it would be great fun to be a fly on the wall in your office today...

if my boss' boss would ever call me back to set up a meeting to discuss my potential promotion i'll be telling where he can put his "promotion" and quitting today too... i can't wait! this is the first day that i haven't completely dreaded walking into my building in at least 6 months... i was actually in a good mood this morning when i walked into my office... it felt so good...

Nov 5, 07 12:50 pm  · 


in a copper stealing situation similar to what LIG described... about a year and a half ago a guy tried to steal some copper out of a transformer on one of our job sites... it had just been powered up that day... he didn't get very far... on the same job site some people broke in and busted up the drywall and pulled the copper wiring out of the walls... they ended up with about $300 worth of copper and caused about $8000 worth of damage...

Nov 5, 07 12:53 pm  · 

Phil- check out the greenbuild thread for a link to webcasts from greenbuild. Also I will reporting for archinect on the news and discussion threads - so let me know what you want me to check out and I'll hit up the discussion session if I can...

Nov 5, 07 1:44 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yay for architphil, yay for Strawbeary, yay for anyone starting a new chapter!

Nov 5, 07 1:59 pm  · 

Oh my goodness.....I have to tell you guys this excitement.....

I just got an email from a good friend of mine from high school. She is a free-spirit and has spent most of her post-college years backpacking around the world, hiking the Appalacian Trail or being a river-rafting tour guide, and things like that. A lot of people give her flak for not getting a "real job" but I think she's fabulous, and I've always been a teensy bit envious actually. Anyway, she wrote to tell me that she has just arrived in Antarctica! It has long been a dream of hers to work down there, and now she is doing a stint as a "solid waste technician" which she says "doesn't sound like something i should enjoy, but i do!" Isn't that amazing? Can you visit Antarctica? Like, can I hop on and say, 'um, LAX to Antarctica, please?' Because I really want to go too! Even though I hate the cold. I think I want to go to Antarctica in the same way that I want to go to North Korea.....for the novelty of it. It's like a whole new planet down there. Plus the penguins are so cute, lol.

Anyway, I thought that was super cool!

Also, yay for Strawbeary and architphil! Welcome back beary!

Nov 5, 07 2:11 pm  · 
here's the story

So I had a flat last night, so this morning I go to the garage to get two new tyres put on. I go looking in the yard and I see this sitting in the garden (the other match was inside). It seems to be an authentic H&M Eames Wire Chair sitting in the bush of the garage. So when I go to pay the bill I say, "nice chair, can I have it? I'll even pay you!" Knowing full well that these might be worth at least U$200 a pop in the condition they are in. Anyway I'll let you know more.

Reading back I realise that this isn't the great story out there, so I'll add a picture of Maddy the Beagle.

Nov 5, 07 2:22 pm  · 
liberty bell

Good for your friend, DubK. Antarctica sounds amazing, I would love to do stuff that too but about twelve years ago I chose the married-children-career-mortgage route, and I love this choice too. And as I'm 40 I'm starting to realize there will be time later in life - after Angus is 18 - to go off and do things like that too.

Nov 5, 07 2:25 pm  · 
liberty bell

SO did you get the chairs?!?!?!

Nov 5, 07 2:26 pm  · 

i am thinking about offering some furniture pieces to my mechanic who has some nice used tires right for my car! (i am not kidding)

Nov 5, 07 2:40 pm  · 

I don't have the chairs...yet!

Nov 5, 07 2:41 pm  · 
Ms Beary

yay for beary! But should she take the 30% raise and stay?

Nov 5, 07 2:52 pm  · 

nice beagle toes I might add!

Nov 5, 07 2:52 pm  · 

snooker arte you referring to the toes on the left or right??

Wonder K I too am envious of your friend, the Today show has been featuring a green week (I did think of you) and reported live from Antarctica

Damn copper robbers...granted I've found it to be a task with great effort without much reward. Though I found out that recently the items stolen are used in crystal meth production

Nov 5, 07 2:58 pm  · 

archi.....the ones to the left of course...I'm sure those are also the ones you have been looking at all weekend....

Nov 5, 07 3:08 pm  · 

hah true snooker, so true! My lil canuck!

Nov 5, 07 3:11 pm  · 

'techno, i have a similar chair story... everytime that i walk through the affordable/subsidized housing project that i'm working on i see a pair of saarinen tulip chairs sitting on one of the apartment's back porches... i'm tempted to either jack them in the middle of the night or offer the people a bit of money for them... but i haven't built up the courage to go knock on their door...

Nov 5, 07 3:23 pm  · 

I'm OFF!!

See ya'll in CHICAGO.

Nov 5, 07 3:33 pm  · 

a'phil, I did think of the pilfered approach as well. Nothing wrong with a little 5-finger discount when it comes to mid century furniture. I think you should knock on the door and ask for a cup of coffee. Once you are in turn on the archi-charm

Nov 5, 07 3:41 pm  · 

techno, just so you know - that chair is a Diamond wire chair by Harry Bertoia, not eames. nice find tho.

Nov 5, 07 3:54 pm  · 

oops, my apologies it isnt the diamond wire chair, its just the plain "wire chair 420"

Nov 5, 07 3:58 pm  · 

Nice chairs! Cute beagle too.

Antarctica aye? I've never really given the southern most continent much thought, but than again it could be a wonderful adventure.

Yay Beary!!! I would think your happiness and sanity are more important than a 30% raise, but that's just me.

Nov 5, 07 4:24 pm  · 

I have a client who buys and sells mid century furniture. I was in his basement last week and it was packed from floor to ceiling with goodies. There was a 18 inch wide path from the basement hatch door clear to the back wall where the electrical panel was located. Other than that it was move something inorder to get to something else. The plumbing and electrical contractors looked at me and said....whoooo! This stuff going to be here when were working?

Nov 5, 07 4:44 pm  · 
liberty bell
Now I'm worried about every one of us.

Open invitation to TC'ers (which includes anyone who reads TC, not only posters): You can contact me through my profile page any damn time you need to, and I'll do my best to help.

At the moment, I'm off to get Angus at school...

Nov 5, 07 4:48 pm  · 

Wow LB! - all the sudden I have a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. Thanks.

Nov 5, 07 5:05 pm  · 
Ms Beary

but with a 30% raise I could afford a house!

Nov 5, 07 5:24 pm  · 
Nov 5, 07 5:36 pm  · 

Beary, why are you quitting in the first place? Isn't it because the whole place is totally mismanaged? Does the 30% raise come with a new manager and/or boss too? How about a promotion? From the sound of it, a 30% raise would be great....if they razed the place and started over from scratch. I'm just saying!

Nov 5, 07 6:07 pm  · 
Ms Beary

well, wonderk, I would have to address those issues rather than "run" from them, wouldn't I? Maybe I can do that. Considering someone else quit today too, I think it's pretty much out in the open that no one thinks this place is running smoothly and to move forward we need some rethinking of how we operate.

Nov 5, 07 6:20 pm  · 

depression is more common than most people think.

i am (luckily?) too shallow to get depressed, but have a close cousin who is clinically depressed and recently getting back to normal after his parents went to get him and brought him back home to the is kind of strange cuz when i was a kid i used to idolise him...he was a bull rider in the rodeos round where i grew up and usually i went to see him do his thing...then he grew up and travelled round the world as a hippie backpacker in the 70's...was the coolest guy i knew...but when he turned 40 life became too much for him and the whole family struggled to no avail. it is frustrating to sit helpless on the outside like that...but his parents seem to have done the right thing, and maybe the country air is good too (well, the meds probably help), cuz he seems to be back on track. no more rodeo-ing, but life he can handle...which is a good thing.

totally unrelated but my 3 yr old daughter just brought me a picture she drew of me...with glasses for the first time, and not just a balloon with eyes and a mouth. sounds small, but it is amazing to watch a child grow and become more and more aware of the world. it is a miracle of sorts. makes all my problems go away really.

Nov 5, 07 6:31 pm  · 

Do you have something actually lined up? From your previous posts it doesn't seem as such. I guess another question you have to ask yourself is if you have the energy/desire to stay. It's obviously not going to happen overnight but if you believe the firm has reached the breaking point and is truly ready for a change and you are willing to stick it out, then by all means go for it. You can always stay and look for another job while you're getting your 30% raise.

Nov 5, 07 7:01 pm  · 
le bossman

more with the thread central? manyou guys are rediculous.

Nov 5, 07 7:28 pm  · 

i know its taboo...but im desperate for a keygen for viz2007 if anyone can help me i would be extremely grateful.... pleeeeease?

Nov 5, 07 9:13 pm  · 
vado retro

Up early as i had for me what was a nightmare. Someone( a real person i went to school with was strangling me!!! god i woke up gasping for air and of course couldnt get back to sleep. so now i m gonna drink some coffee and go to work early. after i analyze my dream of course.

Nov 6, 07 5:16 am  · 

i was feeling bad about not offering support on the depression thread. i don't really understand depression and don't think there is anything i can offer exactly, except sympathy which is kind of empty. jump's comment made me realize that i may also just be too shallow/simple to get it. i'm generally not an emotional person so the depth of emotion that depression would require is just beyond me.

congrats, strawbeary. i think the move will be a freeing and positive move. treat yourself right. the next thing may or may not be better, but at least you've extracted yourself from a KNOWN bad situation.

Nov 6, 07 9:21 am  · 
Living in Gin

I have a long history with depression, and have been following the thread with interest. I have a lot to say, but I want to take the time to compose my thoughts and do the topic justice.

Chilly, gray, and rainy morning here in NYC... Perfect weather to sleep in late and not do a damn thing all day. Alas, I'm here at work. I could barely stay awake on the subway ride, though.

Nov 6, 07 9:40 am  · 

good morning everybody.

happy election day, happy happiness in general...

cold and rainy indeed, as LiG says.

'beary, that 30% does seem to be tempting you. if you really think the management is willing to make changes and let you be a part of determining what they should be, implementing them etc, then go for it. i guess it can't hurt to try, especially if you're trying while raking in an extra 30%. that said, if you think you're just being blinded by the money and know it to be a helpless situation, run like the wind...everything will surely work out for you.

vado, i too had a crazy dream last included someone unexpected from my past, someone expected from my present, all taking place in my present circumstances. no violence, quite the opposite, but nevertheless i woke up a bit unsettled and am currently trying to shake it via coffee and TC.

my best to everyone...

Nov 6, 07 10:16 am  · 

I didn't dream at all last night. I saw an amazing lecture in my materials class, came home, ate dinner, collapsed in bed, and didn't move for 7 1/2 hours. I guess I needed the rest.

Nov 6, 07 10:38 am  · 
no violence, quite the opposite

hmmmmmmm... i wonder what that means???

that reminds me... i got an email over the weekend from myspace informing me that i had received a message... i didn't even remember signing up for myspace, so i checked it out... what i found was a message saying "are you the same architphil that used to live in jacksonville, florida? i've been trying to reach him forever." it was from an ex-girlfriend from highschool... we broke up on very bad circumstances... i checked out her page and she now has two kids and has never been married... i felt a little bit stalked... i didn't return the message...

Nov 6, 07 10:40 am  · 

it is a chillie bowl kinda day....

Nov 6, 07 10:46 am  · 

woh that is weird architphil.

i had similar experience. she found me by googling my name, that was it...kinda makes me feel queezy sometimes having that kind of vulnerability...can understand why public figures don't put stuff online.

is 1.30 in the am and i am up cuz i drank too much coffee and caint get asleep. was planning on an all nighter but finished work quicker than expected and here i am fulla caffeine...wut a bonehead i be. ;-)

Nov 6, 07 11:38 am  · 

i've been contacted by two ex-girlfriends (one from middle school, one from high school) and various other past acquaintances via myspace. i don't check my page...but occasionally get an email alert that so and so has sent me a message. i respond selectively. i did reply to both ex-girlfriends, but enough time has passed that any bad endings are long forgotten.

Nov 6, 07 12:09 pm  · 

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