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i remember seeing it somewhere, but can someone tell me what you need to put in an image link to keep the image from getting cropped on the page?

Oct 26, 07 2:53 am  · 

myriam, i guess you missed my point, perhaps the point looses it's subtlety when posted on the internet. i take no offense. so here it is in a nutshell, and you may want to step back from the brink and put down your drink, the point my dear is this; i am a cynic, i believe when disasters like this happen, a few promises come with - typically after the fact and typically empty - from our "fearless??" and feckless leaders to rebuild, get the full support of government resources, insurance bail outs and yes PROMISES to rebuild. what's wrong with that? well, everything is wrong.

1. bushie said the same thing after which?
a. 9/11
b. iraq
3. Katrina
d. 35w bridge kollapse
&. cali wild fires
2. after which event has bushie and the feds followed through with said promises?
a.__________, ___________, _____________, ______ _____________

after hurricanes and biblical type floods wipe out large sections of the midwest and parts of the east coast and gulf coast, how many times have i heard or read people say why should i help those people rebuild? they are the ones that built in the - flood plain, on the beach, in areas of obvious storm surge, right, so why should our tax dollars go to bail them out? this is what you always hear, always read. now right or wrong it's what is said, written or thought and it maybe a good question up for debate. why?

when abc news early yesterday morning runs a replay of the fires in 2004 - some of which happened in the same area, the questions that need to be asked are as follows[and in no particular order]; why did people rebuild in a tinder bow, why did the government have sufficient plans in place to rectify the situation, why do insurers continue to protect people that want to build in areas like this, why do the citizens that obviously can afford to live in these bucolic regions continue to vote down sensible forest management, only to save pennies on their tax bill???

then, as if that was not enough, there is the news media, governor, and people affected by the fire showing america and yes african americans just how to handle a disaster - get in your SUVS, 800 cu. inch engine pick up trucks, range rovers, etc...and go on over to Quallcom Stadium and get treated like royalty! do you need this sir? do you need perrier with that maam? i mean these "people" actually have the NERVE to say look how orderly this is, look how little they are complaining, look how everyone helps everyone else. uh, hello, is this mic on? do your cameras work with or without filters or are the media so retarded as to not see the glaring differences? Nawleans is not this particular region of California, the people in N.O. don't drive around in fancy vehicles, in fact many don't own fancy vehicles or live in the lap of luxury that affords those residents the comfort they were accustomed. but, when the government says we will rebuild Nawleans, and then goes on to say we won't rebuild certain areas because they are too close to the levies - whcih by the by are the poorer areas of the city - how is that a promise to rebuild? but you bet your ass Suzanne Sommers, and Elke Sommers home, and any other low grade infomercial hack that lives in Malibu will get their home rebuilt - and probably without an architect sorry to say - insured and subsidized by tax dollars.

1500 homes and 7 people. 1500 homes not located in south central or any other urbanized areas[read expensive, wooded regions] vs. how many in the ninth ward of N.O.? what's more important? what's more in tune with a responsible growth, and stewardship of the resources?

perhaps that puts my cynicism in perspective. it's quite simple, i hate promises and only believe in actions. i hated rah-rah patriotism after 9/11 i knew what would happen, where is your american flag from 9/11, how have you changed, how have i changed? probably no one changed, no, not probably, definitely. i hate the bullshit. i hate the fact that white people, of which i am one, drive to disaster areas in their luxury autos and get to rain shame down on poor black people and show them how to act like civilized people. that i really detest, detest with all my heart.

Kanye was right, George Bush hates black people.

Oct 26, 07 5:30 am  · 

vado, what could possibly be lame about an album that starts with 'feels like the first time' and follows up with 'cold as ice'?!

are you sayin' that archinect been that ROCKIN' lately?!

Oct 26, 07 7:23 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive

Oct 26, 07 8:21 am  · 

somehow i knew you'd survive the fires puddles! congrats.

Oct 26, 07 8:27 am  · 

the morning presentation of the new masterplan to the leading political party and their primary administration went over very well today. Most were impressed by the amount of work done in a such a relative short space of time, as well that they could see vision we were working with. The chief financiers were also their and looked on with a measure of happiness that the concensus was there.

In 9 minutes and counting we present again - but this time to the opposition party and some business leaders. Again wish me/us luck.

a-teckno out~

Oct 26, 07 1:50 pm  · 
brian buchalski

thank you beta3, it's heartwarming just to know that someone cares!

Oct 26, 07 3:54 pm  · 

Just some things I've been chewing on since the fires began...

As you've mentioned, many of the Katrina victims had no resources to get out of the city on their own accord. Kinda hard to do so when you have no mode of transportation. The poor pretty much stay where they grow up, not out of choice but by proxy. I can't tell you the number of times I've spoken poor people who say they've never actually been outside their cities beltway b/c they've never had the resources to do so. THIS is why Katrina was such a tragedy. The rich were able to get in, their cars/SUVS and get the hell out, while the poor were left to basically fend for themselves in the deplorable circumstances of the shelters.

Not really the case of the residents of suburban San Diego. What really irks me about these fire victims is when I hear them saying "Wow, I never thought this could happen to me." Are you kidding me? There's been a severe drought in the Southwest for a while now. The underbrush is overgown and is tinder dry and the winds are notorious to boot. How could this have never crossed your mind? Are you an optimist? Are you oblivious? Or are you just plain egotistical? "It won't happen to me." Oh pu-leaze. Get over your big bad self. Yes, it is sad that your house burned down. Yes, it is sad that all the photos of your son’s childhood are gone. Yes, it is sad that everything you’ve work hard for is gone. But come on. It had to have crossed you rmind sometime right? I guarantee you that most of those people did not grow up in those hills. They had the resources and CHOSE to buy a house there. It’s sad, and I empathize greatly for all of those that lost everything; but the self righteous part of me does not really see this as a true tragedy… just something I hope the residents hold in their hearts and minds and remember for when the the next wildfires come after they’ve re-built on that same ground.

Oct 26, 07 7:14 pm  · 
b3tadine[sutures] this thread doesn't fall off the front page, like vado would ever let that happen, i just wanted to post we are pretty much moved in to Project 2940 and soon i will get those photos up of a moved in and semi painted space[s]...have a fanfuckingweekend....[!]

Oct 27, 07 4:33 pm  · 

most peeps are completely ignorant and oblivious to risks of natural processes- then there is the lack of understanding of statistics and probability that goes back to the american public school system.

Oct 27, 07 4:35 pm  · 

Its felt like ages since I've been on the Thread

Steven Ward: like you I feel that my architectural literature is a big part of who I am professionally. I often gaze at the shelf of books with me and remark on the choices in books, trying to figure out what it says about the way I work, what kind of architect I continually aspire to be, and well which books are missing from the collection

Rationalist: Sorry about the loss of your books. Next time I'm buying books on Amazon I'll send one your way. Email with the address when you have some time. Losses like that can be a real bitch.

Miriam: I love the rant and whilst I have mixed feelings on the issue the points you raised are valid. I live on an island where everything people had before was destroyed, I can't begin to tell you how that has affected the collective pyschi of these people.

Oct 27, 07 5:18 pm  · 

Oh and last night I made a complete ass of myself whilst on the drink. I had people passing by this afternoon to find out if I was alive and well. I was blowing off steam after yesterdays two presentations and well I deserved to...I'm had too much pent up energy the last couple of weeks so it was nice. Now i must recover

Oct 27, 07 5:20 pm  · 

A-techno - so how did the presentations go anyway?

Oct 27, 07 6:15 pm  · 

tunamelt they went great! The feeback was great, and we made some last minute adjustments for the second presentation. I was actually quite stoked at how well it was recieved both by the politicians (who at seem like they hate everything) and the business leaders/stakeholders. The input was invaluable, but they were so appreciative/receptive of the fact that we kept previous ideas and plans involved.

Oct 27, 07 10:36 pm  · 

OK, I know architects all think diagrams are important, but I had never spent ten hours on one before. And it's not done. Goddamn information design! It keeps me home from Halloween parties to make maps of the US electrical grid.

Oct 27, 07 11:23 pm  · 
liberty bell

Congrats on the presentations going well, a-techno!

Oct 27, 07 11:26 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Just posting here so I can see "Living in Gin" four times in a row on the main page.

Oct 28, 07 12:37 am  · 

I love you guys. I'm drunk. I love all of you and your presentations and diagrams. Good job. I need some water. Humph.

Oct 28, 07 5:57 am  · 
liberty bell

Hope your head feels OK this morning, DubK! You know I love you too, my firecracker friend, and I'm not even drunk!

Oct 28, 07 8:46 am  · 

Congrats A-techno. Happy to hear that both sides lked what they heard. Keep up the good work. I think this calls for wearing both the Superstar t-shirt AND the charm bracelet tomorrow. Off to rake some leaves. I really do love this time of year.

Oct 28, 07 12:15 pm  · 

I really love finding dog shit in my yard... especially considering I don't own one. :-/

Oct 28, 07 2:40 pm  · 

Tuna I hate when shit happens. I get ferile cats on my terrace thinking its their personal love hotel. I don't feed them but they keep coming back.

Wonder K.... save some sobriety for your SCI-Arc Halloween party. And please make sure and take pictures...even if you can't do it with a heavy hand.

Rationalist... further on to your loss of books, do you by chance have a list of them. I feel like this could be a great cause, not just for you but anyone who has lost their architectural or design literature

best line of the day by Poland Defense premier on interview with BBC "we are a catholic country and we don't apologise for it"

Oh and lastly...Liberty brilliant job on the news post

Oct 28, 07 3:55 pm  · 

and for my Yoga guru mdler....where are you??

my brother from another

Oct 28, 07 4:27 pm  · 
liberty bell

So I've been listening to Steel Dan while making dinner (shepherd's pie, with local organic lamb!) and I've really been grooving to it, which is funny because in high school I was one who always immediately changed the radio staiton if Steely Dan came on.

Oct 28, 07 6:01 pm  · 

I still change the station when steely dan comes on the radio.

LB- nice spot on the picks of the week. Wassup with lamb when you have all those chops and bits o' wilbur sitting in your freezer? get some oink on!

tuna- don't have a tomato soup recipe, but if add lots of other veggies it will be delicious.

Oct 28, 07 6:37 pm  · 

Liberty sounds like fun. Oddly I'm cooking at the moment too - fish soup, but it would be nice if someone were here to enjoy it with me. My little crush has returned to island and I find that I always feel lonely when she's on island. It could be that she used to run a Spa in ontario and I keep thinking of her....well me being a client.

Oct 28, 07 7:01 pm  · 
liberty bell

barry, my husband and his buddy pulled the engine out of the Rambler today, and I felt they needed something "manly" for dinner. Meat and potatoes, you know. And besides, the ham roast is still thawing. I'm doing it on Tuesday, with a Cuban flavor...and I bought a meat thermometer today! So if anyone has meat, I can tell you whether it's hot ;-)

Oct 28, 07 7:57 pm  · 

I guess lamb is manly in a greek way;-)

cuban style = rum, ginger, garlic, molasses, allspice, & bayleaf drift up from the memory of roasting an entire pig last century.

a-philia: she'll be back. if not, then you can find another!

Oct 28, 07 8:20 pm  · 

a guy in the house where I live works in a fish plant down the road and brought home fresh tuna steaks last week. A woman who also lives in our house worked for a chef a number of years ago and is full of cookery wisdom. tuna can be rather rich to eat, so what you do is marinate the steaks in the fridge all day with a layer of crushed pineapple on top. after this you bake the tuna in the oven with the pineapple still on top. the pineapple, I am told, neutralizes something-or-other in the fish that would otherwise make it less palatable. this secret trick worked as the fish was delicious, with white rice cooked in pineapple juice.Does anyone out there have other ways they know of cooking fresh tuna steaks which they would share? We have more steaks in the freezer which we will eat up eventually, but not too soon as it is rather rich.

Oct 28, 07 8:21 pm  · 

salt & pepper (preferably coarse pepper and sea salt) really work it in, grap the foil wrap loosely and place over an open flame. Give it about 12 minutes, and enjoy.

Oct 28, 07 8:59 pm  · 
Oct 28, 07 9:15 pm  · 

techno, that's a sweet thought, but I'd feel too badly taking you up on that offer.

Oct 28, 07 11:27 pm  · 

Beta – re: TED Photosynth. Quite exciting but I am perplexed that a Microsoft rep is involved in this project (..and TED no less??). I commend the project yet on the other hand I am quite disturbed by the notion that Microsoft is part of it – what do they have up their sleeve? We might have a better chance at advancing this technology by removing the snake from the campground - I hope my analogy is wrong.

Oct 29, 07 2:28 am  · 

today is the day!!!!

have to wait a few more hours.

Oct 29, 07 9:52 am  · 

what? lunch 'n' learn?

Oct 29, 07 9:55 am  · 
liberty bell

How is it MY fault that the plumbers neglected entirely to plumb the sink in the frickin' powder room?!? How does this happen?!?

Angus is home sick today - looks like I'm dragging him to the job site.

Happy Monday everyone. Breathe,

Oct 29, 07 9:59 am  · 

lb- if i was a kid, going to the jobsite would make me 100% better. all those cool tools, big noises, and trucks!

hey beta- lay off per. its not worth the spit or bile

Oct 29, 07 10:10 am  · 

what is that all about? can't be beta actually sending that crap can it? that would be terrible. per is an eccentric feller, but i have no problems with his art or his 3dh. it is mildly interesting even. only his constant arguing and inability to know when enough is enough make him annoying. but sending personal e-mails? wow. i think i only send personal mails when i want to compliment someone, or if content is possibly sensitive. otherwise i can't be bothered. it is incomprehensible to me. like peewee herman wanking off at porn theatre. i mean....why?

LB, oh no! i totally know how you feel. sometimes contractors and/or their subs do strange things and there is no way you could have found out til its too late. luckily it is you dealing with it, so it will fer shure come out all right in the end. have fun with wee lad at the site! that at least is always fun.

Oct 29, 07 10:58 am  · 
vado retro

beautyful day out just walked up to the local cajun place for some jambalaya and got to hear skynyrd's simple man while eating.

Oct 29, 07 12:49 pm  · 

i think those comments between per and beta happened on the message boards, i remember some of them from the Silverscreen thread. I aqree with jump, let's not degrade the boards by posting youtube quality comments

Oct 29, 07 12:55 pm  · 

vado, I've always loved that Skynyrd song. I developed an appreciation for that band whilst with my first boyfriend, who fancied himself some sort of faux suburban redneck. I do enjoy making mistakes....

liberty bell, doesn't Angus already know Illustrator too? Between that and his job site experience he will likely be registered before many of us, LOL.

techno....I have already taken many pictures and intend to take more. Now I need to take some that I can actually put online!

I am looking for inspiration today.....let me know if anyone finds any.

Oct 29, 07 1:20 pm  · 

i could have approached today in one of two ways, say nothing or respond in a negative fashion. defending myself would only exacerbate the issue, so i chose to say nothing. i want to apologize to those i offended and disappointed, i am sorry.

Oct 29, 07 1:32 pm  · 

so was that thread pulled?

Oct 29, 07 1:36 pm  · 

I just have to point out that per ONLY copy/pasted the headings of the emails. We have no idea what is actually in the emails, because per summarized it instead of pasting it. So Per's thread's sole function was to out beta's real name, because all the comments that he bothered to quote directly were made on this board, not in emails.

Oct 29, 07 1:44 pm  · 
vado retro

still waiting for those dirty emails ladeeeez...

Oct 29, 07 1:48 pm  · 

What are you guys talking about? I don't see anything in the forum...... Seriously, if there's a flame war I want to watch. :oP

Kidding. Sort of.

Oct 29, 07 2:02 pm  · 

it was posted by per sometime last night i think, i forget exactly what it was titled but something about bulldozing a wall. It has since been deleted, which is a shame because it had potential like fancy graphics lovers

Oct 29, 07 2:05 pm  · 

hm. does its deletion affect my post count?

i'm just sayin....

Oct 29, 07 2:09 pm  · 

it was something interesting to read when i was eatin my oatmeal this morning

Oct 29, 07 2:15 pm  · 

I was trying to find some clever way of sharing the news, but directness is simpler:

tk is going to be a dad! got to see the ultrasound and figured the preliminary due date (we're about at 11 weeks). this first trimester has been awful - hope that all ends soon. special thanks to sarah for her great narrative (& Lb for the advice) to help us both through this. more news as it develops.

Oct 29, 07 2:16 pm  · 

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