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BTW- West Virginia is absolutely beautiful right now with all the fall color and it hasn't even hit peak color yet. Can only imagine how gorgeous it'll be in two weeks when it does. Brough my camera with but photos don't even do it justice. Seriously.

Oct 19, 07 5:12 pm  · 
le bossman

he also called you "puds"

Oct 19, 07 6:27 pm  · 
le bossman

this thread is rediculous. what do you guys do in here all day? don't you have jobs?

Oct 19, 07 6:29 pm  · 

I texted WonderK a pic already, but it HAILED here today! I haven't seen hail in so many years... then when it stopped hailing, it just rained. Nice day I picked to go get a driver's license, huh? I was successful in convincing the beaurocrats that I really do live here this time though.

bossman, I think everyone but me has a job here. My classes are pretty sporadically timed, so I can pop in during the day occasionally. Actually, I posted a lot more when I did have a job, because the work they gave me just wasn't sufficient to keep me mentally entertained.

Oct 19, 07 6:45 pm  · 
vado retro

bossman you're not the boss of us. get back to work.

Oct 19, 07 7:03 pm  · 
snooker have met Kurts brother Bob yet have you in the land of the Moss Back Cowboy?

Oct 19, 07 7:35 pm  · 

I'm getting drunk at school tonight! It's awesome! Here's to making new friends :o)

Oct 19, 07 8:18 pm  · 

Oh wow. I drunk posted again. That was pretty tame by my standards though, so that's good.

Great night last night ;o) Very G-rated, so don't get too excited, but fun nonetheless.

Oct 20, 07 11:39 am  · 

snooker, I have very little idea what that all means, so I will venture to say 'no'. My only clue is that I'm assuming you are referring to Kurt Cobain.

Slightly related, I remember grunge in the 90's. I was a little grunge in the 90's even. Now that I live here, I get it much better. Pendletons (which we just called 'flannels', since nothing else we owned was made of flannel) pulled over your hands was downright stupid in Phoenix. In Seattle, it makes sense because it keeps your hands warm. Little things like that just make more sense now.

Oct 20, 07 12:37 pm  · 

mrs tk is flying down to norleans to present at a conference. - so I'm left all alone to be a workaholic- posting from the office today. the boss and pm get on a plane tonight to cross the pacific. gotta get the neverending presentation done. the final final version is due while I'm playing at greenbuild - so at least i'll escape that panic and stress... ok back to work.

Oct 20, 07 3:04 pm  · 

WK don't worry you aren't the only one drunk posting. A friend returned on island and we've made our way through 3 bars on his way home from the airport. I am just home to grab my swim trunks to head to a pool party. Hopefully I can take a nap before all the madness begins. You just have to love weekends.

tuna you are right, I feel like I am doing something right with the colours...despite someone taking the bloody credit

Oct 20, 07 4:27 pm  · 

I just came back from the first $100.00 a plate of Chinese Lunch. Being a nice guy after visting the Billion Dollar lake with a realtor to look at a house this morning.....offered to take my wife to lunch in
one of a near by town. I knew she was needing to get out of the house cause it was such a beautiful day. So we headed East and I asked her if she wanted to eat Chinese....and she said well we just ate Chinese at home...lets try something different. We were rolling down the road and out of no where the clutch goes out on our 1994
Jeep....kinda scarry cause everyone is going I coach
the trooper into the parking lot and into a space. Turns out it is the plaza with the Chinese Place, so we go have Chinese and I call a tow
truck. He tells me he can't make it there for 4 hours. So I say sure that is all right. Then we start cruizing around the Plaza and end up in an Indian Import shop where the lady is very nice. I spot a great
crazy quilted cloth wall hanging...and it is not so expensive but I pass
cause we need to check the dimensions of the window first. So the next place is the fireplace store and up pulls a police officer. He is headed into the same place so I kindly ask him if he knows of a
local tow country cause I'm not interested in spending four hours waiting for someone else to show up. The guy is so nice, he has a company on his speed dial, calls the guy and the guy says ya I'm about a minute away from you and as the guy is hanging up his phone the tow truck guy is pulling up. He explains he has to drop a car locally and will return in 15 minutes. Which amazing he does...
Halls us to our garage...and drops us off infront of our house... The bill came to $180.00....and lunch for two....$21.00. Damn expensive chinese.....However I can say the tow truck driver did make everything
quite painless....I think the mrs....liked riding up high above the road....something I don't think she has ever experienced.

Oct 20, 07 6:28 pm  · 

hey snooker, I'm glad that was a memorable experience - this like that usually go to shit really quickly. But you mentioned your wife riding up high...isn't the jeep high off the ground? Or was this like some monster caravan towing you guys to safety?

Anyhow the drinking continues. I was able to get a 30 minute nap whilst the alcohol soaked up the little bit of food in my stomache. I get woken up by a phonecall, grab my pants and as I'm heading out of my bedroom one of my friends is walking down the hallway - my heart jumped right out. Why am I telling you this? I have no idea I just like to share with Thread Central the real life happens of a-techno

Oct 20, 07 7:09 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Posting from the office now, because I feel like I'm falling behind on my project and I want to knock out a few things. I wish I was posting drunk.

Speaking drunk, I almost got into a fight with a couple of drunk, belligerent jackasses at a crappy little bar I stopped at on the way to get a beer and a bite to eat. I was already in a shitty mood, because I had just stopped by what felt like a half-dozen delis or restaurants to get something to eat, only to find they either didn't have what I wanted, or were obscenely expensive. They joys of working in the tourist ghetto of Midtown.

So I order a Newcastle and a burger, and end up waiting 45 minutes for the food to arrive. (And the place wasn't even busy.) Of course, they fucked up the order, so I have to wait again for them to correct it. Then I have to wait and wait and wait for the check to arrive. $21 for a beer and a mediocre burger.

Meanwhile, one of the two drunk assholes near me at the bar decides to light up a cigarette after already being repeatedly warned it's illegal in NYC and that he needs to smoke outside. Him and his friend have also been sexually harassing the female bartender since I arrived.

When I suggest that he needs to take his fucking cigarette outside, both him and his friend get up in my face and begin making threats of bodily injury. At this point the two bartenders come over and try to physically push the jerks out the door, and a large doorman from the apartment building next door comes over to assist in the effort. Once they're outside the door, a scuffle ensues with the doorman, and one of the jerks comes back in to harass me again. Meanwhile I'm on my cell phone with the 911 operator asking them to send some cops over.

Eventually things calmed down, the jerks went off to terrorize some other pub, and I finished my mediocre, overpriced burger and waited for the check. The cops never did show up, so I eventually left and came to the office.

I'd have given anything just to smash a beer bottle in the guy's face, but then I'd be the one they haul away in handcuffs. I fucking hate people.

Oct 20, 07 7:19 pm  · 

techno....nope...not in the Jeep....this tow guy puts your jeep on a flat bed....and you ride up front with him, cause there are no Taxis
here. You know those 24' Trucks with the big windshield...She so I guess I will become a Trucker in my next life.

The big Yahoo! Is I did land a job this week that I interviewed for two years ago....and it will be a fun one...I suspect....people running a charter school...who like to think outside of the box....god I hope they do....and well I hope there is enough money to do a bang up job.

I'm also in the midst of another project which will take time to unfold and it is an important one for everyone who comes to this site. Anyhow I think it is but for now....keep good thoughts for me.

Oct 20, 07 7:43 pm  · 

LiG- glad there are still nice guys living in nyc. there are good burgers and beer if you know where to go.

Oct 20, 07 7:57 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Yeah, I know a couple places that have good burgers and beer... Just none near my office.

Oct 20, 07 8:25 pm  · 
vado retro

gin you're my hero! what the hell you workin on saturday for. is it really that important? no not really.

Oct 20, 07 9:32 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Okay, done with what I needed to do. Time to go home, or at least somewhere that isn't here.

Oct 20, 07 10:19 pm  · 

hey at least you guys are working...
i am waiting for the copy of b-155, owner architect contract for the small projects, signed and returned with the deposit.
i am on a month to month dance in here and this is the worst time. waiting for that envelope to arrive, that is.

god, i miss a nice barfight for 30 years now. stupidity adrenalin adrenalin stupudity. you win some you lose some doesn't matter either way. i am still glad that michelob bottle i launched, missed the fuckin' guy by a hair. i told him going back to where i came from was not an option for either one of us!

Oct 20, 07 10:49 pm  · 

if you break a beer bottle be careful if you are still holding on to it. it can cut your hand to shit. never in movies but in real life you might find yourself without proper motor control in your hand cuz you got stoopid once.

other topic, but have any of you had to deal with unruly neighbours on small residential projects? how do you do it?

we have a slightly insane person next door to us who keeps calling the police if we stop a truck on the road to do nearly anything at all. the cops are not happy but have to come and we are fighting to keep to schedule. she even complained when the contractor had the wallpaper guy in on a sunday cuz she said it was too noisy and the fumes were too much to deal with. what? fumes in wallpaper (the law changed so wall paper is largely without noxious chemicals now all across the country)? windows closed and there is nothing but a guy and his wee machine for cutting the rolls and wetting the paper, but she still nobody will work overtime or on weekends at all. AND she thinks our design is totally wrong. in japan you don't get to complain about what the neighbours house looks like, but she called me up to ask what i was thinking...her own home is a prefab mess, windowless and ugy as heck, undesigned and unrefined. which is fine, but why get upset when someone tries to make a similar house look better....

anyway, if any of youse have advise i would love to hear it.

Oct 20, 07 11:21 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Back home now, and enjoying a Tanqueray martini.

I would have gotten my ass kicked anyway. My last fistfight was 15+ years ago, I have no upper body strength, and no motor skills. These two assholes seemed like the types who probably get into into a fistfight on a nightly basis.

Oct 21, 07 12:22 am  · 

Am finally back home and am relishing it. My cats are very happy I'm back as well. Unfoirtunately they won't let me out of their sight and have been pretty muich stuck to me like glue since I walked in the door Friday. Last night I went to a Symphony Pops concert. They played selections from Carmen the first half and Wayne Brady performed Sammy Davis Jr and Sam Cook selections the second half. It was really good and quite entertaining. There was a audible "Ahhhhhhhh" when Wayne announced his last song. Even better, my friend and I got our tickets for free. We were at the box office buying tickets whensomeone came up to us and gave us theirs. Pretty good seats too, really good accoustics.

LIG- Glad to hear nothing went down with those guys.
Jump- Hope things get better with the neighbor. How much more work is there to do until the project is finished?

Oct 21, 07 11:39 am  · 

jump my only suggestion for that one is, "shoot to kill" - but thats also my suggestion to gin

Oct 21, 07 11:47 am  · 

architechno, look:

I was hoping you'd catch up with me!

Oct 21, 07 1:14 pm  · 

maybe a bribe will help, or get a restraining order. I don't know japanese culture, but it is worth writing a letter explaining that the quicker you finish, the less disturbance she will have to deal with (and that every time she complains, it typically adds 3 days to our schedule)... its a difficult situation and one of the reasons why I never want to do private residential work again (unless it's my own house).

Oct 21, 07 1:24 pm  · 

Way to go Architechno!!!! I can only aspire to get up to these kind of numbers being at a measly 58 posts ;-)

Oct 21, 07 1:25 pm  · 

Wonder K it would be an awesome pleasure to share the podium with you. And appropriately so with what i wanted to share.

I just watched an Inconvenient Truth. I've always been a treehugger thanks to my dear sister. I want to say that everyone should watch it with an open mind as well to remember your place in this world matters; for every moment spent has a larger impact on the world around us.

Also does anyone know if there is a hungover thread. I'm sitting here and I've had a headache for the last 5 hours its been brutal - I've been wearing sunglasses around the house because the whole place seems too bloody bright.

Anyhow me and Wonder K sitting in a tree, a-r-c-h-i-n-e-c-t-i-n-g....

Oct 21, 07 2:11 pm  · 

[url=]hair o
[url=]the dog
[url=]bit ya

Oct 21, 07 4:02 pm  · 


hair o
the dog
bit ya

Oct 21, 07 4:03 pm  · 

hangovers are a thing i have avoided since getting seriously sloshed with my old boss once. i didn't have a hangover for a day, but for two, and must have been pushing toxicity. man i was sick. didn't help that they fed me some kind of slimy ocean bottom dwelling fish that was incredibly rare (cuz nobody intelligent would eat it unless drunk i think)....ugh, the memory makes me nauseous...hope yu get better, techno.

the neighbour is delaying work by about 3 days so far. we had to get the wallpaper guy in on a weekday where he was in the way of the other trades, and nothing has been moving on the exterior at all. driving me nuts. at least she stopped calling me.but the owner is moving in and we still have to finish up outside and can't get to punch list...contractor is starting to lose his temper with her cuz now it is not just annoying. yesterday the carpenter got into shouting match that had to be stopped by the contractor...yeesh.

what amazes me is that anyone who can afford a home where the land alone costs a million bucks is so bitchy and petty. don't you have to be intelligent at least a little bit to be rich? she is lucky we didn't go with a new build on the site instead of a reno job or she would have had 7 months of work on site instead of just 2.

oh well. as the saying goes...this too will pass. just wish it would go faster. ;-)

Oct 21, 07 7:27 pm  · 

Jump....maybe she needs to get laid!

Oct 21, 07 8:51 pm  · 

was looking for pictures of bubbles for a landscape concept for expo 2012 and came across this image... think I posted a similar one a dozen pages back. anybody remember where that was?

Oct 22, 07 1:29 pm  · 


i've worked in a high priced wonderland resort town where most of the neighbors hated the new modern almost to the setback that tore down this historic cabin that was here for almost 100 years construction project. neighbors to the east didn't care (i threw their morning paper on their driveway to their door weekday mornings). neighbors to the west sucked. got nasty letters every other day. the building dep't or police came by so often we were on a first name basis (seriously one of the complaints was "the siding is too shiny and the reflections wake me up in the morining"). after a while it really became a joke with the officials and they would just drive by and wave. eventually west neighbors sold (at a much higher price, especially now there was a new house next to them) and wrote a letter explaining that the "neighborhood just isn't what it used to be."

Oct 22, 07 5:42 pm  · 

hah, too funny emaze. it is sort of going the same way here.

i am used to talking to crowds of neighbours over a new school design or dealing with issues for a new tall apt building...but this fuss over such a small project that will never impact anyone in the neighbourhood...i really didn't expect it. it is a new experience for me to be dealing with crazy people one on one as part of the job. hopefully won't get too much more experience...such a pain.

Oct 22, 07 7:26 pm  · 

I promised I'd stop...but I didn't

I said I could stop whenever I wanted...but I couldn't

I feel weak and tired, and stressed because I'm going to do this

Oct 22, 07 9:54 pm  · 
liberty bell

techno, I support you in whatever it is you are doing.....(did I miss something? And what you're doing doesn't involve hurting yourself or another, right? Then i suppoert you!)

Oct 22, 07 10:17 pm  · 

naw Liberty you didn't miss anything. I am not hurting myself or others - in fact the total opposite. Consider it my approach to taking better care for myself.

Now if only I could find a few monkeys to develop a sketch section for me

Oct 22, 07 10:34 pm  · 

It's been raining since yesterday afternoon. A good thing considering we've been experiencing a drought for most of the summer... a bad thing b/c a new leak just developed less than 2' from my desk so now there are a total of three. Oh joy. Can I go home now?

Oct 23, 07 8:38 am  · 

tuna.....there's leaks at the office?!? Ask me if I am surprised.

Oct 23, 07 2:44 pm  · 

It was pissing down with rain here this morning as well which made the drive to work interesting. I really didn't want to come out of my house, and my shirt was soaked just the 20+ ft to my car. Its all dried up by the afternoon and left the place humid and muggy in its wake.

On other news, how do you keep a level head if you keep getting complimented at work? So far this week I've been hearing alot of "good job" or "great idea" <- this is very new for me as my previous place of employment preferred the belittling tactic or worse silence/non responsive view. Anyhow I can't really enjoy it as I'm up to my nostrils with designing presentations for the town centre...this week alone we are going to have 4 to a total of 70+ people. That is not much but on an island with 4,500 people that is fair percentage

Oct 23, 07 2:56 pm  · 

HA! HA! DubK. To make matters worse, another leak actually sprang during lunch. Now there are FOUR garbage cans sitting behind me.

Architechno - just take the compliments for what they are worth and keep on, keeping on. Accepting compliments has always been hard for me too. I try to make a concerted effort not to make a big deal out of them, and it seems keeps me level headed (i.e. I keep telling myself, I'm just doing my job). Hope you are able to come up for air soon.

Oct 23, 07 3:54 pm  · 

so I shouldn't of ordered my "superstar" t-shirt and charm bracelet huh?

Oct 23, 07 4:13 pm  · 

I think I like your plan better actually. Did you find a shirt that reads "See I told you I was Right!" on the front and "You Should Have Listened to Me in the First Place" on the back, b/c I could really use one of those right about now.

Oct 23, 07 4:29 pm  · 

techno, maybe this t-shirt is for you:

Oct 23, 07 4:38 pm  · 
liberty bell

techno, just smile and say "thank you" or "I'm glad you liked it" whichever is appropriate.

I have to admit I love how flustered many men get when you compliment them, and if I'm feeling sassy will sometimes thorw out a compliment - a sincere one, mind - just to see that reaction. it's very endearing.

Also: on another thread today WonderK posted a combination of three words today that I suspect have never been posted here before:

Well put, mdler.

Deservedly so, i must add! Do you think mdler got all flustered when she said it? ;-)

Oct 23, 07 6:00 pm  · 

I like that shirt WK

And to all my friends of archinect in and around California keep safe please...don't be roasting marshmellows in the ravaging flames or worse remaking towering inferno. Your life and contributions are important

Oct 24, 07 8:32 am  · 

i am sure this has been noted before, but this is too cool not to see again.

Perceptive Pixel


i have never been this excited by technology before, but these two things can't happen fast enough for me. having these tools just may be my salvation...

Oct 24, 07 9:21 am  · 

and as i has been noted before. good.

Oct 24, 07 9:22 am  · 

anyone going to this or think's it's interesting?

Oct 24, 07 9:51 am  · 

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