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It looks like it's shaping up to be another gorgeous midwest fall day, here, with a cool breeze and perfect blue skies in the morning


I wish, another rainy day and the wife is sick. Got tickets to see arcade fire tonight, but might have to nurse the mrs...

Beta, glad to see you escaped NJ and are back on line. gotta love how the red states take any form of nuanced satire and critique and think its a 'rah-rah' jingoistic anthem. (except when its a song by john c. melloncamp- then they ignore it).

Sep 30, 07 1:31 pm  · 

myriam - that sounds like how life should be on a weekend...a little work to help a friend and then go fly a kite

you gotta love Mary Poppins

Sep 30, 07 1:41 pm  · 

myriam, I compare living here to being at Girl Scout Camp, year-round. Wandering around the UW campus you find wild blackberries growing by the sides of the roads, and I ride my bike over a friggin ravine (yeah, girl scout camp was definitely the last time I had anything to do with a ravine...) to get to campus. As I type, the view of my own backyard is one of the lushest, greenest things I've ever seen, aside from the one tree that seems to know that it's fall and has turned yellow.

Sep 30, 07 1:44 pm  · 

let's go fly a kite, up to the highest heights! i used to listen to that song on bad days in studio, ha ha ha. God bless the Disney complete cd set.

When I was in danger of falling asleep at that crucial 4am turning point, I cranked up "Main Street Electrical Parade" and put it on repeat in the headphones. Sheesh. Now whenever I hear those happy-go-lucky Disney songs I suddenly feel tired...


I'll be interested to see how you fare in the overcast days, rationalist--I'm considering moving to the area in about 4 years but I'm worried that I will get depressed w/ the short, grey days. I have heard from Seattle-ites that Californians (and, by extrapolation, desert-dwelling Arizonians) have some of the hardest time adjusting to the weather up there. I'm wondering if the ability to escape to the clear skies up in the mountains helps with that at all. You can be my test-bunny! :D

Sep 30, 07 2:05 pm  · 

well, the desert-dweller-in-the-rain experiment and the car-free (well, car-light for now) experiment are an interesting mixture, to be sure. That reminds me, I should call the cycle shop and see if they've got their winter gear yet. I've been a bit put off of biking because I've not been feeling great, and because my bike has no fenders. When I went to get some, I was told that they were a week or two away from getting the winter gear in, so despite it raining almost every day since I've been here, I am still ill-equipped to deal with it.

As far as mood goes, I'm not sure that one winter will be enough to judge. I have enough reasons to be depressed that have nothing to do with the weather that it'll be pretty hard to tell how the greyness is affecting me.

Sep 30, 07 2:27 pm  · 

Good point. Well I'll give you an extension then and you can report back in two years. ;)

It has rained almost every day since you got there? Ok, maybe that's my answer right there... I have found since living in 3 different climates that I can handle very cold and very hot (dry) weather-- as long as its sunny. I don't LIKE it, and I get SAD after awhile, but I doesn't affect me anywhere near as much as consistently grey days do. Hmm.

Sep 30, 07 2:39 pm  · 
vado retro

yeah same thing with fortunate son! they use it in some commercial and take a lyric like "some people born to wave the flag, they're red white and blue" and make it look like a wave flaggin anthem when its probably the most direct antiwar tune ever written. so theres this single engine plane flying around draggin a geico banner. i guess cuz there's a game today. its so fucking noisy about every five minutes it comes around. if i had a rocket launcher it would be much quieter.

Sep 30, 07 2:41 pm  · 
vado retro

my exgirlfriend future wife was born in washington state. same town as kurt cobain. apparently the hospital nurses were mean to her mom, who is puerto rican.

Sep 30, 07 2:43 pm  · 

I feel that way whenever someone uses "The Road Less Travelled" to make some speech about how people should specifically choose the "different" path in life. That completely misses the entire point of the damn poem, kinda proves they never actually read it.

Sep 30, 07 2:44 pm  · 

Probably every day... maybe it skipped a day or two, but it's certainly been overcast at least half of every day. But either way, there's been rain on nearly every day for the past two weeks. There were a few days there though where it would sprinkle in the morning and by afternoon things would clear up and it was beautiful. Usually the rain isn't particularly long, but today it's been coming down since I woke up. On the other hand, the locals keep telling me that this is particularly bad weather for September.

Sep 30, 07 2:49 pm  · 

Tis true rationalist. We had one of our wettest summers this year. September is usually pretty good here.

Sep 30, 07 2:58 pm  · 

When would be a good time to do a little weekend visit to the area? Is it nice in April? That's when it's horrid here, I could use a reason to leave.

Sep 30, 07 3:00 pm  · 
vado retro

you'll be SinginThisAlot in Seattle.

Sep 30, 07 3:03 pm  · 
vado retro

this may interest KiLtWeArInGsEaTtLiTeRs!

Sep 30, 07 3:06 pm  · 

I would expect April to be nice, since it was pretty good when I was here last March. The cherry blossoms were out then, which makes everything seem happy.

Sep 30, 07 3:07 pm  · 

i should point out that i am not entirely anti bobbling chihuahua head dolls...

many architects go way beyond rationality the other way, and EVERYTHING is almost feels like they would design their own excrement if they could...

wild bouts of bad taste are cathartic for long as i don't have to live there such places are fantant...a reminder that life is messy and architects are required to make places that can handle it without having to hire a consultant jes cuz a sofa got moved a few millimeters or cuz the peanut butter was left sitting on the floor...

Sep 30, 07 7:58 pm  · 

good point jump

and rationalist, you sound very down in your posts. I know this transition is rough but there are about 2 dozen people in thread central that know you'll get through it just fine. Worse case scenario is you can go visit the parents in sunny Bonaire and have a deep tan to last you until winter.

Sep 30, 07 10:26 pm  · 

Hi TC!

I'm drunk-izzle.

n_ (or is it _n?)

Sep 30, 07 10:34 pm  · 
liberty bell

rationalist, a photographer friend who lived in Portland for many years used the environment to inspire her work - and she desribed the landscape of the Pacific Northwest as "dark earth, luminous sky"

That phrase always helped when I felt like the endless drizzle and grey was dragging me down. The air under the tree cover is near black, but there is this soft thickness of the air from the light, the mist makes every little leaf and blade of grass refract the sky.

It's just a very different quality of light. Suffusive. Try to savor it.

And, does your apartment have a fireplace? Time on front of a wood-burning fire will help too.

n________, glad yo hear it.....BTW, I realized this weekend that my Swap CD for you has been in the trunk of my car for three weeks...buried under tile samples and a throw pillow. I'll get it to you this week, really. I'll throw in a copy of aml's disc too, because it's awesome.

Goodnight TC, see you tomorrow.

Sep 30, 07 10:53 pm  · 

big move was done today. i am beat. came home and took a nice shower. now i am going to join rest of the family to watch larry david show. i thought i could never get thorough this thing!
we still have to go to old studio and do a final thrashing and light clean which will take couple of hours and after that week(s) of fun stuff starts, which is settling into the new space. i got rid of a lot of stuff that makes me feel a lot lighter.

Sep 30, 07 10:59 pm  · 

can't visit parents, as I don't have the $$$ for a ticket. And I know you've seen pics of me, you can't actually think that this pasty freckli-ness tans, do you?!

Anyway, yeah, I've been up and down a lot the past couple of weeks. As WonderK reminded me last week, I'm basically the equivilant of newly-divorced after ending a relationship that's lasted more than half a decade. I'm pretty sure I'll be fine, but it's going to take some time. This weekend was suprisingly good considering the roomates were out of town and I was alone the whole weekend. Not a tear shed the whole weekend, which is saying something because me crying has been like rain in Seattle lately - a little bit every day. So yeah, sorry I've been a bit of a downer lately.

Sep 30, 07 11:08 pm  · 

anyone know where that Annie Lennox youtube video was filmed??? - (the one that vado posted) Great scenery.

Sep 30, 07 11:20 pm  · 

an interesting exhibit is going on in Minneapple, and 3d-h is not involved, so you know it rocks.

Oct 1, 07 12:10 am  · 
Katze 3d-h? damn, I'm dissapointed.

Oct 1, 07 12:32 am  · 

beta, what the heck are you doing up so late? Don't you get up in like 2 hours? Or are you like Mozart....genius never sleeps? ;o)

re: Seattle, there is a reason that coffee culture is so prevalent up there. When I visited, it didn't rain but it was overcast part of the time....and the cool breeze coming from the bay, and the clouds and the hills, it all makes coffee shops seem like the perfect idea. Anyway, I am excited because not only did rationalist move up there, but my BFF that lives in Chicago is moving there in January. So, I will have many people to visit! myriam, perhaps we could coordinate a trip in the Spring? rational, when's your spring break?

My new roommate moved in this weekend. She has the coolest sh*t I've ever seen for a person her age (24) and she is also from Seattle. (I am now thinking the universe is trying to tell me something....hmmm.) Among her cool sh*t are some amazing prints, some Eames chairs, a long ornate ottoman that matches nothing but I want to curl up on it, and a fly-swatter clock. Oh and her cat is adorable. My cat has already hissed at her, of course.

My last roommate (who is doing well in SF) got me hooked on this really awful show on VH1 called "Rock of Love" which just ended tonight, thank god. Now I can go on with my life. I could hear my brain cells screaming as they perished during each episode. I just couldn't tear myself away though.

So school is still kicking my ass but I'm enjoying it nonetheless. I've gotten myself into a bit of a pickle with my part-time job.....a really awesome research opportunity has just arisen in my department that is being offered to work-study students (aka me) and deals with green stuff and involves LEED (me again). So I'm up for it and I think I've got it but I'm going to have to reduce my hours at the other job for about the 3rd time. I feel bad, but it's right up my alley and might actually help with my thesis so I can't turn it down.

Gosh, I'm chatty tonight. Sorry. I honestly don't have anything to say on those other threads. I am hoping all the 3DH nonsense goes away soon.

Back to homework!

Oct 1, 07 1:26 am  · 

on the eurythmics video: my first thought was gibraltar, just from having been there and scenes i've seen of there before. (think of monet's seaside/rock paintings.) but this setting looks so much cooler/darker/less green than gibraltar should be and that flat plateau throws me off.

so my second guess is farther north: annie lennox is from scotland and proudly scottish. wouldn't be surprised if it's there.

Oct 1, 07 6:17 am  · 

Thanks for the double hook up, LB. I look forward to receiving them.

Oct 1, 07 10:06 am  · 

Is maybe the universe telling you that you want to move up here to all the green lushness and keep me company WonderK? = )

I'm hoping the 3DH nonsense goes away soon too. I popped into one thread, and that's it, I'm done!

Oct 1, 07 10:45 am  · 
Living in Gin

New York may be may favorite city in the US, but the Pacific Northwest is by far my favorite region. The natural beauty up there is incredible... I just wish it wasn't so damn far from NYC! I've only been to Seattle once and didn't have time to do much exploring, but I'll have to return there someday and spend more time there. It looks like a pretty cool city.

And yeah, this whole 3DH crap is getting out of hand. Somebody please just put Per and his 3DH out of our misery.

Oct 1, 07 11:00 am  · 

hi beta

Oct 1, 07 4:03 pm  · 

This whole country is really glorious in that way, isn't it? There's something for everybody, and many of us spend our lives searching for the one state or city or area that has all of the items on our list. And then we grow and change, and our list changes, and just when we think we've found it......well, then we decide to move again! That is one of the things I love about this country. Along with baseball, the First Amendment, and chili dogs.

That whole healthcare thing I could trade for another country's though. You think there's another country with a great healthcare system that needs Habeus Corpus? Since we got rid of ours we could give that to them in exchange for healthcare. Just saying.

Oct 1, 07 4:05 pm  · 

killa! thanks again for the invite last night, and the great and bountiful veggie collection, might try to cook it up tonight.

Oct 1, 07 4:06 pm  · 

beta, that's so cool! I will totally buy it. For a fair price even.

Oct 1, 07 4:08 pm  · 
vado retro

next year i may be livin in one or none of the following: exgirlfriend/future wife's top picks for professorship applicationtype things:

University of Colorado at Boulder...
UCLA In Cali...
Cornell at Ithica New York...

Oct 1, 07 4:18 pm  · 

hi all... back from copenhagen... i was starting to catch up on thread central and saw something about a vote to ban vado... what the fuck happened???

back to catching up... i'm surprised that there are only 2 new pages... i'll post more about my trip later this week once i get some pictures up online...

Oct 1, 07 4:41 pm  · 

Vado - one you can go skiing and hiking at, one you have to own snowshoes, and one you can go to the beach year round.... good luck to her job search.

beta- it was a good show, glad you could make it.

Oct 1, 07 4:42 pm  · 
vado retro

i hate skiers.

Oct 1, 07 4:43 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I know a good bar in Ithaca that has over 50 micro-brews and imports on tap.

Oct 1, 07 4:44 pm  · 
vado retro

i think the boulder opening is perfect match for her cv. cornell prolly not cuz they are probably gonna hire someone who has been teaching a bit. la? well there's the la archinecters to deal with...:)

Oct 1, 07 4:51 pm  · 

move is done pretty much...

Oct 1, 07 5:24 pm  · 

on to the new page

Oct 1, 07 5:24 pm  · 
le bossman

hey guys check out this hot new thread:

Oct 1, 07 5:26 pm  · 

that's all you need...vado moving to LA and the balance of
power has shifted from the midwest to the west coast.

Oct 1, 07 5:38 pm  · 

fittingly, i have just made my 1000th post! and it was about radiohead.

the world is as it should be.

am i allowed into the elite archinect group i keep hearing about now?

Oct 1, 07 5:40 pm  · 
le bossman

if you are referring to achieving Lordship status, then no, you are not allowed, as you are not technically lazier than i. however, you can apply for Honorary Lordship Status. your qualifications must be reviewed by the board before an official decision can be made.

Oct 1, 07 5:45 pm  · 

fantastic how do i apply

Oct 1, 07 5:52 pm  · 
le bossman

you have to make a formal request on the official Lordship for Archinectors? thread, and your request will be reviewed on the public forum by those with Lordship status.

Oct 1, 07 5:53 pm  · 

wait a minute I thought the Lordship vote came after 3000 posts? Damn I can never figure these things out.

Oct 1, 07 9:04 pm  · 

congrats lldownl, welcome the achieving 1k elite silver status, you are now entitled to one free upgrade on your 3dh usage.

Oct 1, 07 9:34 pm  · 

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