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cheers, architechnophilia!

believe it or not that 2nd house is supposed to be done in the next 2 weeks. inside is almost done, exterior should get pretty dramatic from next week. we are finding the contractor doesn't always look at dwgs though and some strange details have emerged from some kind of carpenter's mystic is amazing how easily contractor makes mistakes when he doesn't have to start from scratch and literally check on every material etc...

beer on roof sounds fantastic. lucky folkses.

back to grindstone for me. we are doing large-ish competition now with my old office and it is turning out to be a lot of work...i really wish we could afford some staff...

Oct 7, 07 2:24 am  · 

Just had to share with people that might understand. I went to Home Depot this morning to pick up some items for one of my various half done projects around the house; when I stopped in the paint department to look at paint colors for my bathroom. As I'm picking up colors I think that will work my room, this women looks over my shoulder and says "Ooh, I think that color might match". She was holding up some sort of color sample from Lowe's and comparing it to my choices. It really wasn't close so I offered to help, wandered over to the correct hue range and BAM, pretty much matched it on the first or second try. She was amazed and thanked me and walked on to finish finding what she needed.
Then this guy came up with a color sample as well, and tried to do the same thing (I think THD is having a paint sale). He was on the phone the whole time but it was obvious he was getting a little frustrated by not finding the color so I looked over his shoulder, picked out one sample and BAM, matched it up quite nicely too. I left, but not before feeling happy about my excellent color accuity.

Oct 7, 07 12:12 pm  · 

good job tuna.

I am sad. I turned off the TV after the critical play last night.... oh well, time to go drown my sorrows in an alcoholic brunch.

Oct 7, 07 12:17 pm  · 

Party was a success. Much architectural intermingling going on. However Paul did not show up, much to mdler's chagrin. Sad.

Need to go take care of this hangover now.....

Oct 7, 07 12:48 pm  · 

the guacomole should help WK, between two slice of rye or wheat

Oct 7, 07 1:32 pm  · 

good thing you could help, tunamelt.

must be because you're a woman because - according to all of the women that work in the office building i've got under construction right now - 'all men are colorblind'.

funny, i actually thought there were men out there that made their living dealing with color!

Oct 7, 07 2:05 pm  · 
vado retro
Oct 7, 07 2:12 pm  · 

LOL!!!! AHHHHH! The Munsell Color Wheel. It's either a thing of beauty or a torture device. Steven - sorry to hear that the women think all men are color blind. I'd love to actually see what their accuity is like. Oh well. I read some of my LEED stuff, now it's time to get back to stripping my stair risers. I don't think this project is ever going to end. I started Labor Day weekend and their are still some spots in which the damn paint still keeps holding on. :-/

Oct 7, 07 2:32 pm  · 

I'd be color blind after drinking this...

beta- wife is doing better.

wK- got any incriminating pics from the roof?

Oct 7, 07 3:04 pm  · 

Um, no. I don't think so. If there were incriminating pics, I didn't take them.

Just got back from brunch. Feeling better but still not 100%. Time for a nap.

Oct 7, 07 5:17 pm  · 

it's not that all men are color blind, but more men than women are color blind. Also, there was some study that found that some women had perception of an extra range of color that they did not find men to have. So, on average, women are more perceptive to color. But an average is such an un-subtle thing.

Oct 7, 07 5:47 pm  · 

you may be mis-understanding the point/goal of their contention:

their statement basically undermined any attempt by any men to be at all involved in selecting finishes for this office building. and it was very effective in that purpose.

of course we went from having all of the finishes selected and published to the contractor to a situation in which much angst and internal (but certainly not color-blind!) debate is leading to change orders for restocking fees, but... i'm not bitter.

the good news is that the building being built simulaneously next door, the one for which we were able to install almost all of the finishes based on our (male) recommendations looks great and is nearing completion!

Oct 7, 07 5:58 pm  · 

its funny my Japanese coworker (female) always got the compliments for her colour selection even if they were outrageous. Oddly when i select the colours they still compliment her - assuming she did it, wtf?

Oct 7, 07 6:20 pm  · 
vado retro

yes scientist did find that extra range of color perception in the ladies and coincidentally it matches the Sherwin Williams Victorian Line which includes these lovely choices Queen Anne Lilac, rose Brocade, Cabbage Rose, Majolica Green, Chelsea Mauve and Peacock Plum. Actually Steven this is Discrimination of the most ghastly an unamerican nature. What are we fighting the Iraqi terrorists for if not to make color selections...

Oct 7, 07 6:31 pm  · 

HA! HA! To my defense, I was looking at Behr paint. Most of those Victorian shades make me cringe.
Steven- that totally sucks that the women hijacked your project. Tell me they had to eat those expenses.
A male designer friend of mine actually has a better knack sometimes for putting color schemes together than I do. Then there's my former female co-worker of mine who is pretty much color blind, so ergo its horrible to make any assumptions that men are color blind and women have a knack for color. Let everyone in on the game if they feel so behooved.

Oct 7, 07 8:47 pm  · 

It's almost 7 o'clock here and I'm remembering that I really shouldn't drink that much anymore as I get older. I still have a headache! WTF. Grading 50 tests isn't helping either, but it must be done!!

Oct 7, 07 9:29 pm  · 

hey WK, I don't know what time zone you are on but happy birthday...and don't worry about the drinks too much. A day here or there without drinks should fix that liver right up

Oct 7, 07 10:10 pm  · 

Thank you architechno! are almost even with me in posts!!! Another 50 tests to grade for me and you'll probably be ahead :o)

Oct 7, 07 10:16 pm  · 
vado retro


Oct 7, 07 10:34 pm  · 

happy b-day WK!!!

Oct 7, 07 10:47 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Happy Birthday!

Oct 7, 07 11:10 pm  · 

happy birthday wonder k.

Oct 7, 07 11:33 pm  · 

Thanks gang! It's actually tomorrow (Oct 8th), but it already IS tomorrow for many of you, so it's all good :o)

Today was my mom's 50th birthday (I was Mom's 21st birthday present to herself, LOL). So, shout out to Mom of WonderK for raising a child as a single parent on a modest income, and doing a pretty decent job, I'd say.

Oct 8, 07 12:20 am  · 
Chili Davis

Happy Birthday WK!

And to quote puddles, "I'm still alive."

Oct 8, 07 12:37 am  · 

1000th comment.

12% snark
30% defense
23% response
39% inane
1% birthday greetings

/happy birthday WK.

Oct 8, 07 2:58 am  · 

Aw, hi Chili! Thanks. Where've you been?!?

Thank you Cameron! And congrats on your 1000th!

I'm all about exclamation points today!!!

Oct 8, 07 3:11 am  · 
liberty bell

How did I miss that the reason for the party was your birthday, DubK? Between that and posting comment 15,000 on TC w/o noticing, I'm out of it lately. If anyone sees my brain laying around somewhere please send it back to me, my friends would appreciate it.

Happy happy WonderK, and kudos to your mom for not only raising you on her own - for which I have a stunning amount of respect - but especially for doing it so well as to bring the smart, sassy, loving and lovable you into the world.

Monday morning. Hi everyone!

Oct 8, 07 7:08 am  · 

so today's the 8th: happy birfday wk!

turning 21 yet? (...ignoring the fact that i could do the math above.)

Oct 8, 07 7:44 am  · 

the word for today is "sassy"

word usage: in description of the women of archinect (see calendar)

best quote ever, from my dad. "It don't know how single women do it, there were 2 of us, and we kept getting your aunts and uncles to help raise the two of you. Anyone who can successfully raise children on their own is really special"

Oct 8, 07 9:17 am  · 
Living in Gin

Ugh.... Monday.... Must wake up.... Need coffee....

Oct 8, 07 9:31 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Interesting facts I learned this weekend...

Sugar doesn't actually affect children's hyperactivity, the activity and surroundings do. Not saying gobs of sugar is good for them, but tha studies have shown it not to affect their moods/behavior. Weird, huh.

Also, regarding hang-overs...

We all know its from dehydration, but I learned this weekend that alchohol actually convinces your kidneys that you are over-hydrated, and they work double hard to pump out 'extra' liquid, which is why you pee so much, and unfortunately, most of that liquid is coming from your brain, which is 70% water. Also, achohol causes some chemical receptors to release and accept more chemicals than neccesary, and others to completely block them. Which is why we tend to feel more uninhibited.

Ok, lesson over for today. Sorry, when Husband is away, I watch a lot of educational shows on Nat. Geo.

Oct 8, 07 9:36 am  · 

happy birthday wonderk! [i posted on your facebook but i don't know if you'll remember who i am- i'm the one that posted a curvy tree]

: )

Oct 8, 07 9:50 am  · 

Feliz Cumpleanos, Dubbers!

I bought you a silly bike! It's in the mail.

Oct 8, 07 10:53 am  · 
liberty bell

I had the misfortune of watching Idiocracy last night. It was terrible, though it did definitely have a few moments of searing brilliance.

puddles, are you beaming into my brain this morning? Because it seems that your goal today - posting soulcrushing "design" and boobs for brains - must be to reinforce the fear that arose in me last night while watching that movie: that yes, Western culture is headed for the toilet.

Oct 8, 07 11:07 am  · 

happy bday wonderk.

is already the 9th here officially, though i am treating it like it is hte 8th still cuz its only just past 12am...and that doesn't count...right?

very long day here in japon; though it was in fact a national holiday had 2 meetings scheduled starting from 4:30 and ending at 11pm. both were fun and productive, but i can't help but wonder what i will do if this becomes the norm...

i persoanlly suck with color. my step mum ws recently making fun of me for wearing pink, but i love it...anything towards the will aslop sort of extreme color range i am very content with...subtler shades i can't get my eyeballs around....probably a genetic thing...

Oct 8, 07 11:12 am  · 

just spotted on the contact page:

For inquiries regarding advertising, press, public relations, job listings, and partnerships please call us:

Toll Free:

From outside of USA:

is this the big green head's phone so we can invite him to parties????

(mdler- please don't try calling at 3am)

Oct 8, 07 1:27 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Am I missing something, how does ARCHINECT translate into 27244?

Oct 8, 07 1:45 pm  · 

Of course I know who you are aml! Thank you. And thanks n_, and jump....good to hear that my birthday is a national holiday in Japan :o)

Sarah, I believe it's the ARCHI in ARCHINECT that spells 27244....if I remember my phone correctly....yes that's it.

Oct 8, 07 2:05 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

So, if you aren't thinking and then dial the 4 letters, do you think the poor person answering the phone will get an earful of beeps?

Oct 8, 07 2:29 pm  · 

we should all try calling just to say hi to paul or whomever answers!

Oct 8, 07 3:18 pm  · 

this morning i received a viral email which purported to build a case for considering the possibility that obama is a radical muslim terrorist. my aunt sent it to her entire address book. i angrily drafted the following response (which also went to her entire address book):

please don't send this kind of inflammatory misinformation to me anymore. unless you want to also shoulder every current christian candidate with the violent history of the christians (which would be silly, right?), it makes no sense to portray obama's muslim background as a tie to terrorism.

our country was founded, at least partly, on religious tolerance wasn't it? and religious freedom? i can't see how anyone who calls himself/herself an american - and is proud of that title - could work to tear down another american's reputation based on his religion.

who writes this mean-spirited manipulative junk? if that person weren't so cowardly, he/she would sign a name to it so that obama could answer it. since it constitutes defamation of character, though, it makes sense that no one would actually have the guts to claim it.

what politically aware and intelligent person could read it and not be immediately aware of the manipulation - the sleight of hand that makes innocent nuggets of fact seem more sinister than they are? the word 'radical' runs rampant these days: when used irresponsibly it can cause normally rational people to make an end-run around reason in forming their opinions.

when i get the opportunity in the primary, barack obama is the person for whom i intend to vote. you vote for your candidate and i won't slander him or her. OK?

now i'm getting emails from my family that makes me think that i might be in trouble. oops.

Oct 8, 07 5:31 pm  · 
liberty bell

Good job, Steven, and if the same viral email comes my way (which is entirely possible given my extended family) I will copy your response and send it back.

Excellent job.

Oct 8, 07 5:35 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

It seems like a very level headed, unbiased response. Maybe if you had excluded your choice of candidate then they'd have no reason to be upset with you, or be able to cast your response off as 'pro-obama/radical muslim drible' which I am afraid that now they might.

Do you ever get irrationally angry, Steven, or are you always so cool and collected?

Oct 8, 07 5:55 pm  · 

that WAS an example of steven being irationally angry!

good on ya steven. the entire obama as terrorist thing is absurd. his ears as sign of satan or something, sure, i get that, that could make sense...bush has big ears and look what HE has done with his chance at the wheel (or reins, depending on your position vis a vis transport technology)...clearly ears and the distance they stick out from the side of the head is an important clue to how a person will act when president.

anyway, i am glad you had balls to tell off family members when appropriate. very much respecting that. you are def archinect hero for the day.

Oct 8, 07 8:21 pm  · 

big ears really are a mark of satan- the moral majority has just not been looking in the mirror.

steve that was very eloquent.

Oct 8, 07 8:32 pm  · 

steven, i have been known to do exactly what you did. it is infuriating, but fun responding to the originator of the email. as for the family part, i would imagine that next time they'll be talking about you at family bbq's as the commie relative, but hey at least you can bring your little red book out in public again...!

Oct 8, 07 8:34 pm  · 

so, i am a home owner, please welcome me to the neighborhood!

just ripped out the carpet of the bedroom in the attic space, it has wide plank unfinished floors. so, my thoughts on what to do in the 1/2 story space was to sand the floors and do a wash on the floor and throw down area rugs. any thoughts on what i should use to do the wash?

what is nice is the wide plank floors make the space feel much bigger than it did with carpet. the carpet was skeevy beyond all get out, doggy stains and shitty to boot....

hopefully the resident arbor-assassin will come on over for some liquor and tell me about my trees, where to set-up composting, veggie garden, and other goodness...

Oct 8, 07 8:39 pm  · 
vado retro

congrats beta hope you get the renovations done before the terrorists get into the white house... man it s like 80 degrees outisde at 9 pm its like drive in movie weather.

Oct 8, 07 8:54 pm  · 

Good job Steven. I'm glad you stood up to your family. It can't be easy. It completely infuriates me that people seem to have forgotten the main principle this country was founded upon... Religious freedon and tolerance.

Congrats Beta on being a homeowner. Will you be posting photos.

Big birthday wishes again, DubK. Hope it turned out okay depsite working all day.

I'm beat from surveying all day and still have four more days left until I sleep in my own bed. Ugh...I'm amazed how much surveying actually takes out of me.

Oct 8, 07 9:14 pm  · 

thanks for the support everybody. i got an email from my cousin that she was 'saddened' that i felt it necessary to 'belittle' my aunt. ah well. so i apologized for any damage they may think i did - without taking anything back.

apparently i was irrationally angry. i've probably started a family feud.

more important things:

congrats beta!!! it's been a long road to home-ownership for you. why is it we always tear out carpet first?

Oct 8, 07 9:28 pm  · 

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