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rationalist, you count as a tribal member of Archinect. Get Paul to send you an ID card.

Sep 25, 07 6:25 pm  · 

or if not archinect try your school id, if its a state school it should work. And don't ask how i know that!!

Sep 25, 07 6:50 pm  · 

Rationlist- Sorry you're having so much trouble convincing Washington you are now a resident. Hope everything works out.

N_ so what does it all mean that your passport is expired. Are you stuck here until you get another one?

Sep 25, 07 7:06 pm  · 

Nope, I have an American passport as well. I usually use that one anyway so I'll be fine.

Sep 25, 07 7:37 pm  · 

that soup smells divine!

Sep 25, 07 8:51 pm  · 

rationalist - are you having to prove residency for school tuition or is this for something else.

Sep 25, 07 9:19 pm  · 

treekiller: thanks- it was just fine. You're invited next time, as well...

Sep 25, 07 11:58 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Ugh.... I have a fucking cold. I felt it coming on while driving back to NYC from Chicago on Sunday, and it's only gotten worse since then. I blame it on breathing that stale cabin air while waiting on the tarmac at Newark over an hour before taking off -- to LaGuardia, of all places.

Pretty sure I'll call in sick tomorrow... I probably should have called in today, but of course I had to show up today to demonstrate how sick I am so I wouldn't be accused of trying to extend my 3-day weekend by a 4th day.

Somebody pass me a tall glass of NyQuil....

Sep 26, 07 12:05 am  · 

Gin, isn't NyQuil the best?

Just got home a little bit ago. School is at once both exhausting and exhilarating. I'm learning so much every only worry is that I'm learning so much so quickly that I won't retain it that well. I'm the type of person that likes to reflect on what I'm learning, mull it over a little, and form opinions on it. It's hard to do when I feel like I'm going 90 miles an hour.

But....I am certainly enjoying it. And I got a roommate! So that's a lot less to worry about.

Hope you are all well on this fine Tuesday evening. It's time for me to model a space and do lighting experiments on it.....

Sep 26, 07 12:36 am  · 

Katze, it is indeed for tuition purposes. But I called UW today and they helped me sort it all out. I've got more time than I thought I did, and they can provide me with one piece of paper that can contribute towards my proof of address.

First day of class tomorrow!!!!!!!!! It's one of my light days, only one class, with all the other design grads. Tuesdays and Thursdays will be hell, though, with two studios and my TA internship, with only ten minute breaks for travel, bathroom, food, everything.

Oh, and I woke up this morning to discover that one of my glands (the armpit ones) is excessively swollen. So I may just put my new health insurance to work right away and make a trip to the health center to make sure everything's kosher. I had attributed my headaches and tiredness to a combined seasonal and climate adjustment that was a bit more than I am used to, but that's a bit of an extreme reaction for just that.

Sep 26, 07 2:04 am  · 
liberty bell

I'll tell all students what I told DubK privately: you have to take care of youself! Do get rest, do exercise (walking/biking aorund campus helps), do eat as well as you can afford...there is such a tendency to over-extend in school, and to do that you also need to listen to your body and keep it running well for you.

rationalist, go to the doc. You don't want to kick off the semester with a health problem.

Sep 26, 07 7:09 am  · 
vado retro

we just had a staff meeting. it was all about indianapolis. we had a guy in to talk about the exciting things going on in town, like the new stadium(even though we are doing all the interiors for it) and how the city made a focused and determined choice to get sports venues downtown and to appeal to the big ten and ncaa to host tournies that no one else wanted at the time. etc... and about the expanded convention space etc... then we played an exciting game of indianapolis jeopardy. i rocked on that booth tarkington answer woohoo. and liberty, brians cardinal sculpture was included in one of the answers as well. unfortunately, at the end of the game every team was in negative numbers.

Sep 26, 07 1:10 pm  · 

anyone else notice how out of controll this ridiculous 3DH/Per bashing is getting these days?
i dont know about you all but i think its really immature and giving this forum a bad rap... not sure what we can do about it...

Sep 26, 07 2:25 pm  · 
liberty bell

Agreed, lletdownl.

I'm hoping meta's proposed competition might bring about some good results. Either that or slay the 3DH dragon once and for all.

I would miss Per if he left.

Sep 26, 07 2:30 pm  · 
le bossman

letdown i completely agree with you. a lot of people on the forum seem to be looking for a fight these days.

here, have this image:

Sep 26, 07 2:59 pm  · 

all five of the current top 5 threads have lengthy per/3dh battle-royales.

you know how we change it? by getting more compelling discussions going...

what should we talk about?

i know...i'm going to bring back the burrito thread...that'll change things up a bit, and it's sarcastic wednesday.

the only way to drown out the droning complaining about per (which i think in general is completely unfounded) is to overload it with bombastic threads of engaging interest.

like burritos, or coffee, or that kickass zumthor from up the page, or the library thread, or the name that architect thread, or......even archinect's shoes for crissakes.

here goes.

Sep 26, 07 3:24 pm  · 

Yeah I like having Per around. Granted I like to tease him a little because I can't read most of what he writes.....and I think he understands that I'm kidding but I can't be sure (since I can't understand what he writes).

Good job mighty.

vado, that game sounds hilarious. I wonder how well I would do at Cincinnati Jeopardy.

Sep 26, 07 3:34 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

I can't read Per's posts so I have no real complaint with him either.

Sep 26, 07 3:37 pm  · 

i don't get it...i find his writing to be completely intelligible. just gloss over the spelling least he's consistently spelling things the same incorrect way every time. i think i'm fluent in per-speak actually.


see? it's easy.

Sep 26, 07 3:40 pm  · 



Sep 26, 07 3:40 pm  · 
Living in Gin

The only times I get really pissed at him are when he derails perfectly legitimate threads and makes it all about 3DH. Other than that, starting a new thread for the sole purpose of insulting him seems a bit gratuitous.

Sep 26, 07 4:50 pm  · 

anyone watched californication this week on showtime?

well in one scene David Duchovny is meeting with a director who begins to name drop. Described as a black man with a hard on for modernism, and is seeking Duchovny's ex-wife to design his new home. The name dropped Ray Kappe - I was impressed...watching it again now

Sep 26, 07 9:13 pm  · 

I'm so loving this show now!!

architects on tv - what better way to wind down a busy day urban-planning and starchitecting

Sep 26, 07 9:14 pm  · 

Rationalist – regarding UW – that is exactly what I was going to suggest. A few years back I was thinking about attending but I had just moved to Seattle and I was concerned about out-of-state versus in state tuition and UW offered me assistance/direction. Glad they were able to assist.

Sep 26, 07 11:28 pm  · 
vado retro

6 thirty i'm in the office :(

Sep 27, 07 6:39 am  · 

"The only times I get really pissed at him are when he derails perfectly legitimate threads and makes it all about 3DH. Other than that, starting a new thread for the sole purpose of insulting him seems a bit gratuitous."

What I find even more strange, is how you can be blind to what is happening --- I answered so many times, explained the concept thruout and posted many graphids that by themself, answer all these silli questions you talk about.
By most I would think there are 10 pct. relevant mails about 3dh, becaurse each time it happen two or tree post insults and personal attacks ; I guess it is these insults and personal attacks you are in fact talking about as they are what overwhelm these discussions --- then why blame me for these ?
A small group that is constantly poisoning a particular persons treads , _that_ is what you blame that person. If you read some old posts , you find they consist of personal attacks, putting wirds in my mouth, claiming I will now do like this or like that , a guy like SDR more than ten times had the full explanation and I asked SDR so many relevant questions that SDR _newer_ answered with anything but personal attacks . Crowding together other sad bored outsiders, "Allowing" them to harrass some nice guy who did nothing more than share a brave idear -- well brave it must be with all these fury and dirty replies.

Now I would like to make a bet, that even this new tread about putting up a contest, will also be poisoned. No chance for the young tallented students that _also_ read this site, to get their works evaluated or displayed, instead we will see the same two or tree poisoning this promising tread, it would be the vorse thing that could happen, that this site would give young tallented designers a chance with 3dh --- trust me but please think about what it is that happen, when they start attacking that promising tread that could profit so many.

Sep 27, 07 7:22 am  · 

i like per. he reminds me of the swiss guy who worked as a fake marriage-a-fier here in japan for the japanese who aren't christian to have a fake marriage with. he kept chickens in his back yard in the city and seldom made sense and was funny as hell. it is somehow nice to be exposed to a persopn who plane ignores all comments and commentary, positive or otherwise, and just goes on with life in their own channel...

hm, that osunds sarcastic a bit...but it isn't. 3dh i have no idea about. it seems like it could be cool but even per is not going to try and take it past conceptual stage, so i don't bother thinking about it anymore. now when he comes back with a real physical prototype i will happily look, but till then i see him as enjoyable background craziness...a great reminder that not all life needs to be lived in the same universe just because we ARE in the same universe....

rock on per!

Sep 27, 07 7:29 am  · 

Thank you -- isn't it just so much more quality to bring into your life, when you open your mind and realise that art is as funny as how serious it is. It is here to profit your life not to pulverise it , to allow what make peace what make life worth living.

Sep 27, 07 7:48 am  · 
brian buchalski

nice to see per on thread central. i'll echo some of the above sentiments in that i feel it's unfortunate that people seem to think that it's okay or even "cool" to treat him as a kind of pinata. per has kind of become the paris hilton of the archinect forum, i.e., someone who is a lightning rod for criticism & unwarranted attacks by many who have not made any effort to treat him as a person first.

regarding per ruining threads...i suppose some of this could be blamed on him given his enthusiasm for the 3d honeycomb however it should be noted that per has participated in many threads and didn't even mention 3dh until somebody brought it up (usually to attack or belittle him). is it any wonder that he feels the need to repeatedly defend himself?

and galleri silver screen is per genius (pun intended)

Sep 27, 07 8:20 am  · 
liberty bell

Lovely analogy, jump, about living life in your own channel - that's exactly why I like having per around. What fun is life if everyone is just like everyone else and no one dares to dream crazily? Also, I think I was the one who once said he's "admirably tenacious" (as referred to by someone else on some other thread recently - too lazy to go check it now, might have been agfa or dml) and I am inspired by that tenacity.

per, I love it when you make those one-liner zinger jokes every now and again, too.

The "name the architect and building" thread right now is the best thing around. It makes me want to cry - in a really good way.

I've sworn today I'm going to accomplish-accomplish-accomplish so I can't spend a lot of time here today - but I just placed two phone calls
to two places that haven't opened yet - wtf? it's 9am get down to business!!! DId the time change and I don't know it yet?!

Sep 27, 07 9:10 am  · 

Look, it's Per! hi Per!

That's why I love Thread Central. It's like we're all here, hanging out at the coffee shop, and somebody gets wind of something going down, so they stop in to talk to everyone about it. Glorious.

That said, I'm off. I'm busy as hell. And exhausted. Catch you guys later....

Sep 27, 07 11:04 am  · 

Does anyone know what the typical distance is for a footrail to come off the edge of the bar front? 9 1/4" just doesn't seem right. Gotta love drawing details.

Sep 27, 07 11:23 am  · 

tuna- I would happily go to the bar to find out for you, but it's just not in the cards for me this morning

Sep 27, 07 11:29 am  · 

That's what I suggested too, but my project manager didn't seem to keen on the idea.

Sep 27, 07 11:31 am  · 

I would like to be more involved with Name that Architect and Building thread but because it's so image heavy, I always get an error message on the page. My work and personal comuter aren't big fans of that thread. Sad face.

Sep 27, 07 11:38 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I never know any of the buidlings, and just feel sorely inadequate.

Sep 27, 07 11:42 am  · 

good new - my wallet is fae. Only my passport to worry about. Feeling a little better

Sep 27, 07 12:45 pm  · 
liberty bell

That's great news, techno! Still a hassle to have to deal with, but one bright spot.

Sep 27, 07 1:19 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

It's safe?

Sep 27, 07 1:21 pm  · 

i wanted to post this image of the outhouse down here on the farm, on the 'small projects' thread but i thought it wd be a bit cheeky, so post it here instead

Sep 27, 07 1:39 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I owuld never had known that was an outhouse, farmer, it looks like a beautiful story instead.

Sep 27, 07 1:57 pm  · 

thank you SH, that's very kind. we're very fond of it.

Sep 27, 07 2:00 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Is it functional?

If a building is built solely for the purpose of toiletry, but the plumbing is tired into the sewer and such, is it still an outhouse?

Sep 27, 07 2:02 pm  · 

So I just got back from my first session of the studio class my advisor said I maybe couldn't handle.... NO PROBLEM. The class is basically Typography + Diagrams. 99% of the people there are good at the typography part and don't know the first thing about diagrams. I however, am pretty damn good at the diagramming, and could use extra work on typography. So I figure that if I spend as much extra time working on type as the rest of the class spends working on diagrams, I'm golden!

Silly short-sighted advisors.

Oh, and studios here only meet for six hours a week. That makes me happy and well-rested.

Sep 27, 07 2:02 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, only 6 hours! Thats so unfair, why did Architecture students get the short shaft of college life.

Sep 27, 07 2:19 pm  · 
liberty bell

Slipping, slipping down the page....

Sep 27, 07 2:33 pm  · 
liberty bell

(please let that image not be looks fine to me....)

Sep 27, 07 2:34 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Its gorgeous Lbelle. And works nicely with your 'slipping' text. Seems very Dali to me, though not so sure as to why. Maybe it evokes the same time period or something.

Sep 27, 07 2:48 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Farmer's outhouse looks like a door to some magical fairy land. Really beautiful image.

Sep 27, 07 3:06 pm  · 
vado retro

there was an operational outhouse at my grandparents house (even though they had indoor plumbing. we kids would use it occasionally it was cool. there were also two old pontiacs to play in.

Sep 27, 07 3:33 pm  · 

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