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it IS funny, but no less impt to running the office than electricity, computer maintenance, or starburst fruit chews. ( < ok that's my office.)

Sep 18, 07 3:13 pm  · 
Sep 18, 07 3:50 pm  · 

wow! my first page identifier! i feel special! or spatial!

Sep 18, 07 3:51 pm  · 

funny how I'm here cursing that my office can't purchase our coffee - weird since they buy crap tea for the general staff and herbal tea for the snr managers. As Penn & teller would say - BULLSHIT!!

Sep 18, 07 4:13 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Quick plug, For my Adventure thread....

I posted a question that I realized that many of you, who aren't following my adventure from the edge of your seat, could actually give some advice on. Just so you don't have to go there and then discover you can't help, its on spa treatments and if I should just do it, or somehow get my husband to do it for me.

Ok, back to your java talk.

Sep 18, 07 4:26 pm  · 

Okay here's another WWTCD

I am getting to a point where I have to do more and more work from home. This isn't my 9-5, but the stuff on the side. When i'm printing or copying for planning etc I usually send that stuff to be professionally done and for my scale and flexibility that works just fine. What I do need though is an all-in-one something I can have attached to my wireless network without any trouble. Now this is where I get picky, I want some thing with a large enough output - ideally tabloid/A3 and if it could scan at that dimension too I'd be a happy bunny. Any ideas or will I have to resort to including this to the many "what kind of printer do I need for my portfolio" threads? Help...

Sep 18, 07 5:24 pm  · 
vado retro

by drinking the office coffee rather than stopping for a ritual cup before work etc, i probably save ten bucks a week ez which adds up to 500 ducats a year! woohoo. of course i live only minutes from work so i can make it in alive without having to get coffee...

Sep 18, 07 7:06 pm  · 
liberty bell

I think that question, a-techno, deserves its own thread. Finding the perfect "1-in-all" machine is tricky. I'll try to remember in the morning to check the one we have at the office, it's good, but only 8.5x11 and I don't know if it has wireless. I recall that there is a huge jump in cost when you go up to tabloid (that's 11x17, right?).

mightylittle and treekiller: THANK YOU for the roasted okra recipe, I can't recall who posted it, and I could not find it so I just googled it and found a random raosted okra recipe that I made tonight and oh my GOD it was delicious! So much better than fried. So thank you for planting the idea in my head.

Off to pay bills, woohoo what an exciting night I have ahead of me!

Sep 18, 07 8:58 pm  · 

we have a small a4 as well and are now looking at going for a bigger model. my old office leases a monster machine that is a3 scanner fax printer coffe machine and licenced masseuse, m to f, 9 to is amazing but they pay a bit for it. we ahev so far not found anything reasonable in a3 size so if you find domething cool would love to hear about it.

yesterday i did a lecture socrates style in park to friend's students visiting from bezalel university. it was very surreal presenting archi/planning ideas without accompaniment of slides. it was even more surreal to be standing with lake behind me and 30 young people all looking at me while i pretended to know what i was talking about. i think i am too young for people to take what i say seriously...but was fun, in a mildly terrifying way. and students and profs were all very bright an interesting people. must be an amazing school.

Sep 18, 07 9:24 pm  · 

Lb- I haven't had my okra fix this summer, I think I missed the season up here. I'll be planting some next spring.

I have a 7 year old HP desk jet 1220c and its still puttering along (will print up to 12x18). only its cmyk versus the hexachrome of most modern machines, and the cartridges are pricey compared to laser, but it works (paid about $500 for it way back when). As to scanners, most SOHO flat bed models max out at legal, unless you get a huge business copier/printer/scanner or spend over one grand and waste the desk space.

plug for my latest thread on reality film making at its rawest.

Sep 18, 07 9:39 pm  · 

thanks Liberty - I figured I wasn't the only one in the dark about this. Our Xerox in the office does all 3 but its massive with legs and all and costs the price of a small [insert xenophobic cue here]

its all about the x's

Sep 18, 07 10:36 pm  · 
some person

thread got me to thinking. How many "regulars" are there on Thread Central?

Sep 18, 07 10:55 pm  · 

quick thought, is China trying to kill Americans through some kind of "invisible" war?

Sep 18, 07 11:16 pm  · 

oh, fill out loan apps for new home, broker said it's a virtual lock, 95%, a death, title probs or leins on seller could be an issue. so does anyone have any horror stories to feed my pessimism?

Sep 18, 07 11:19 pm  · 

I'm here! That 5% thing freaks me out.

Still busy. Not much to say. I'm throwing a birthday party for myself in a couple of weeks. If you haven't gotten the email in one of 5 different ways, and you are in the area, you're welcome to come!

So if only 5% of the daily readers are registered members, do you think I just invited a whole slew of strangers to my party?

Sep 18, 07 11:21 pm  · 
liberty bell

I feel so contributor-riffic! I wrote up a brief text for the pictures I took on the AIA stadium tour I went on last week; it is now posted on a local architecture blog!

Link here if you want to read me get giddy about big steel!

5%, that's funny. I imagine the percentage of readers/regulars on TC is much higher.

Sep 18, 07 11:36 pm  · 
liberty bell

PS beta, you're fine - I'm sure the lender is happy to have you guys.

A horror story for fun, though: a friend of mine bought a house, and at closing it was discovered that the seller was actually the child of the true owner, and was selling it without that person's knowledge - yikes! A quick trip to the nursing home and the threat of legal action quickly got the deal through!

Post pics of the new project when closing is done!

Sep 18, 07 11:44 pm  · 
liberty bell

Jeepers I'm perilously close to 6K - I think I'll be quiet for awhile.

Maybe now is the time to create an alter ego?

Sep 18, 07 11:45 pm  · 

maybe you could be liberty belle?

Sep 19, 07 12:48 am  · 

my all-in-one is a canon multipass mp730, bought in 2003-04-ish. i've loved it. the printing quality is beautiful, it's relatively fast as these machines go, and the interface is easy.

the only glitch: if you have the fax machine on the same line as the phone, it randomly cuts off phone calls not necessarily because of any fax activity. so i'd just advise having it on a separate line from phone.

oh, and you can't roast okra on it.

Sep 19, 07 7:31 am  · 
vado retro

good shots of the stadium lb! one of our interior designers was having fun specing all the trash cans for the stadium the other day.

Sep 19, 07 9:39 am  · 

Beta - Is this your first experience in home buying? I finally sucked it up bought my first house in January. If you are concerned with liens against the house, title isues, and all that jazz, you could always take in title insurance. I opted out of it b/c it rarely happens. Isn't it typical for the mortgage company look into that kind of stuff anyway?
Another horror story. I have a friend who is a realtor. She had this client that got ALL the way to the closing, had packed up her entire house (she was to hand over the keys that day) and was sitting at the table ready to sign off, when the buyer told her it wasn't going to happen because the financing didn't go through. Ugh!!! Can you imagine?

Sep 19, 07 10:05 am  · 

beta... i'll give you a short story to feed your pessimism...

a few years ago i was working on my first side project designing a new house for my neighbor... he was planning to purchase a small urban infill lot in an historic neighborhood... the seller had disclosed that there was an $8000 lien on the property... when my neighbor/client got to closing he found out that there was actually almost $30,000 in liens... needless to say the sale fell through... along with my dreams of having a really cool modern, yet contextual, house in my portfolio... :(

i'm off to copenhagen tomorrow... still haven't packed or written my lecture... i'm starting to freak out a little bit...

Sep 19, 07 11:58 am  · 

TC seems a bit slow today. Here, I'll help out with some random and off-the-cuff banter.....

A cool front has moved into Los Angeles and I am getting a big kick out of it. Mainly because I am walking around in tank tops still and I've seen several people in sweatshirts, and my coworker was wearing a pea coat the other day. I will admit that it's a different cool than the Autumn air I'm used to in's definitely got a nip to it....but it still feels great, especially when I'm biking.

Speaking of biking, I must be doing something right.....all of my clothes are hanging off of me. I'm looking for some sort of middle ground where I don't have to spend a fortune on a whole new wardrobe, but where I also don't look like a hobo.

Sep 19, 07 6:59 pm  · 

Optfor hobo chic.

Sep 19, 07 7:45 pm  · 

As I suspected, now that I'm not sitting at the computer all day, mdler has passed me in the "most comments" list. That's probably a good thing. I somehow have a lot more time at home now, but manage to feel that I'm doing a lot more real stuff every day.

The sun finally came out today!!! Bloody miracle. Still freezing, though.

Sep 19, 07 7:49 pm  · 

archinect introduces not 1, not 2, but 3 features in 2 days...

Sep 19, 07 8:17 pm  · 

that's why I am late Orhan, I was too busy reading them. Great features.

Sep 19, 07 8:43 pm  · 

I'm completely out of it today. My client is leaving a couple days and wants to meet (again) to see progress...ack! The weather isn't helping either I just want to curl up and sleep.

I think it will be an early night

Sep 19, 07 8:48 pm  · 
vado retro

just back from hob nobbing with david bright of knoll who was giving a lecture about florence knoll at the local knoll distributor. i think i drank too much, anywaze he was very enthusiastic to meet someone associated with mapa and the library charette. it was quite fun. those knoll reps are cute!

Sep 19, 07 8:53 pm  · 

tumbles, I do indeed know who you mean. Avoid Ford Graphics for printing. Their binding is good, but scanning and printing is complete crap.

Fed-Ex MURDERED my microwave!

Sep 19, 07 9:07 pm  · 

I'll bite rationalist. How did Fed-Ex murder your microwave

Sep 19, 07 9:29 pm  · 

diabase shifts into his new dwelling this weekend. It will be my first officially owned house, and my first renovation project - which I may or may not document Steven Ward style...

Sep 19, 07 10:42 pm  · 

diabase it would be rude not to, we wait with baited breath

tell us more in the meantime

Sep 19, 07 11:08 pm  · 

Thanks mate,

It needs a 3rd bedroom, new bathroom, new kitchen, landscaping, interior painting etc.. on an ambitious/mildly unrealistic budget.

Sep 19, 07 11:39 pm  · 
liberty bell

Looking forward to seeing it, diabase - and congratulations!

It's midnight and I have hours of work ahead of me towards an 8:30am meeting. Too many site visits today, I didn't get any work done!

Sep 19, 07 11:49 pm  · 

hi diabase!

congrats on the new dwellings~! ...and happy renovating :)

Sep 19, 07 11:50 pm  · 

lb - sounds like you need some spa time :)

Sep 19, 07 11:51 pm  · 

sorry techno, hadn't meant to be so cryptic. They killed it via poor handling, apparently. The door fell off, and the open button is all wonky. Now I have to search for a new one, since I told my housemates that I would provide microwave, and they've furnished most of the house so I can't just dump it on them. Bah.

Sep 20, 07 12:22 am  · 

oh, and tumbles, nose bruising persists. It's about the size of that guide thing he stuck up there, so I think that's what did it. It's not really bad, but wierd. How's the indy feeling? Had a good night of sleep yet?

Sep 20, 07 12:39 am  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

Vaguely whereabouts, diabase? Backyard for the kids? I was trying to get a place, but its the worst possibly time in AK right now. I missed the last place just because some other idiot was happy to pay ten grand more than it was worth.

Sep 20, 07 12:42 am  · 
liberty bell
My favorite part is where he says "so knock it of morons".

DubK I'm in your fan club!!! (That was hilarious.)

Sep 20, 07 6:22 am  · 
Living in Gin

I love it when newbies come onto a discussion board and then instantly complain about the established order of said board. (It's not just Archinect; I've seen it on other boards I'm on as well.) If I show up at a party and decide that it sucks, I just quietly leave. I don't stand in the middle of the room and tell all the people how lame they are. To do so would be, well, pretty lame.

Sep 20, 07 7:57 am  · 

I would like to thank 4arch, tunamelt and now liberty bell for joining my imaginary fan club. I am thanking you here because I'm not touching that thread again! Trolls are so frustrating!

LIG you are totally right. Excellent analogy. Besides, isn't he the guy that started the thread about grads from costly schools, and then admitted halfway down that he was lying and trying to ruffle some feathers? Classy.

Sep 20, 07 11:23 am  · 
vado retro

he's not the next mies or renzo! wk i've been in yer fanclub 4ever!

Sep 20, 07 11:35 am  · 
Living in Gin

I'm so sick of the whole fucking Ivy League vs. public university (or costly vs. cheap) grad school debates. Yes, there are some very affordable public universities that are every bit as good as the Ivies. And yes, depending on your circumstances, it's possible for some people to attend an Ivy League grad school and spend less out of pocket than they would if they had gone to State U. Let's move on.

I always considered the whole point of higher education to be to learn how to think critically and avoid knee-jerk generalizations. Judging by some responses, I think more than a few college graduates should be asking for their money back.

Sep 20, 07 11:36 am  · 
liberty bell
I always considered the whole point of higher education to be to learn how to think critically and avoid knee-jerk generalizations. Judging by some responses, I think more than a few college graduates should be asking for their money back.

Hahaha this paragraph made my day!!! Agreed, LiG.

Sep 20, 07 11:52 am  · 

I'm a firm believer that whatever you put into an education is what you are going to get out of it.

Sep 20, 07 12:39 pm  · 

Like I said in that other thread Wk isn't visiting: I take a PB&J on my 3dh with a So'DER!

Sep 20, 07 12:44 pm  · 

amazon just let me know that another un readable sanford kwinter book is about to be released! yay!

Sep 20, 07 12:58 pm  · 

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