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men are simple- we like to dominate. women are complex - they like to manipulate. a boy bully is just beats up smaller kids, a girl bully gets others to do her emotional dirty work.

so would a women dominated world be free of violence? probably less physical violence and more emotional sabotage...

an ideally government would have an equal proportion of each gender/sexual orientation so the grosser behaviors of each would balance each other out. for every rudy we need a hilary. for every sally fields, we need fred thompson.



Sep 17, 07 5:31 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I would have to agree, women can be much meaner than men, we just tend to be more discrete about it.

And Vado, I LOVE Polka music, so thanks to you and your ancestors. Since I'm half South-Texas-Polish, which is different than northern american Polish (different time imigration periods), we still play polkas at all of our weddings. Its such happy music. Who can frown while hearing a polka tune!?

And Hitler left a bad name for architects too, being that he was a failed one and all. Made a good excuse for people to be nice to the archi-students during crit week though.

Sep 17, 07 5:44 pm  · 

Sally Fields has clearly never dated a scorpio woman

Sep 17, 07 5:52 pm  · 

There's a lot of generalizations and subversive remarks being thrown around all of a sudden because of a stupid comment that Sally Field made. I know what she meant by it and agree with her on a basic level even though it becomes more complicated when you get into details and nuances. I agree that there were queens and female rulers throughout history who bore some responsibility for the destruction that humankind has brought upon itself, but before all the males on TC become indignant, I'd like to bring up the following names:

Attila the Hun
Pol Pot
bin Laden

Are any of them female? No. And I'm terrible at history so that's only a few of the guys I can think of off the top of my head, who are literally responsible for MILLIONS of deaths....

So do you think Sally Field is voting for Hillary then?

Sep 17, 07 6:23 pm  · 

dubk, i think it'd be great if women ran things. i just don't think it'd be some kind utopian wonderland. sally's comments are just indicative of why hollywood gets knocked around. perhaps if the world were just ran by apes, gorillas and orangutans...

Sep 17, 07 6:52 pm  · 
liberty bell

As predicted, we are now talking about Sally Field saying women don't start wars instead of her saying "You like me, you really like me".

A brilliant PR move on her part, IMO.

And of course the original widely-known bumper-sticker-type saying is along the lines of "If all the mothers in the world got together there would be no wars". The implication there, I think, is that if the regular every day people whose kids get killed in wars could all get together, dads or moms whichever, the likelihood of violence being used to resolve the problem would be much slimmer. With which I'm inclined to agree, in general.

Sep 17, 07 7:03 pm  · 

i think if kids ran the world there'd probably little difference, unless CBS/Viacom is running the works and not Halliburton...

Sep 17, 07 7:08 pm  · 
vado retro

my mom can beat up your mom!

Sep 17, 07 7:16 pm  · 

Every single time I see the previews for that show I start thinking of both Lord of the Flies and Animal Farm. Am I the only one?

Sep 17, 07 7:36 pm  · 

Is that that show about the "kids only" town? I think I heard a thing on NPR about that several weeks ago (back when I actually still listened to NPR)....I just want to know if they were responsible for their own food preparation.

Also, I was reading up on the movies coming out this fall....and I would like to say that I think this equation will work:

Will Smith + the apocalypse + zombies = awesome

Sep 17, 07 7:52 pm  · 

Yes, I believe so. They talked about it on NPR? How did I miss that one? You're right that movie does sound like it could be awesome. The premise reminds me a little of 28 days which also rocked. I keep getting these random telemarketing calls on my cell and it's really annoying me. I usually don't answer them but I thought it was a friend calling and picked it up without looking at the number. I just want to know how the hell they got my cell phone number?

Sep 17, 07 8:05 pm  · 


Sep 17, 07 8:25 pm  · 
liberty bell

snooker, hope the better half gets home safely - is it tonight?

Sep 17, 07 8:28 pm  · 

lB....The Better Half arrived yesterday afternoon....It is so good to have her home. Thought the dogs were going to lick her to death.
She is a bit zoned out today with the jet lag...she is haveing a glass of wine and I'm trying to finish up one of my nightmare projects....

Sep 17, 07 8:32 pm  · 

[beta]³ - I couldn't agree with you more. I must have been out of the loop and missed the various posts – which I agree is completely annoying. Stick to one post – if no one responds, too bad, so sad, move on….

Sep 17, 07 9:17 pm  · 

congrats on the return of your brazilian bombshell snooker.

I'm afraid I can't respond to anything about male/female leaders and war/voilence. We/Jamaica had our first female prime minister and it was relative to the 15 minutes of fame. She was beaten in the general election by 3 seats. Sad but true.

Sep 17, 07 9:26 pm  · 


So I've been out of it for most of the afternoon. I went to a site visit first thing in the morning and on my way back I sprained a muscle in my neck. I went to the physio and he pretty much told me to take the afternoon off but keep stretching my neck (I look like that advert for shampoo spinning my head around minus the flowing long hair). He also recommended a warm bath, which I enjoyed. I had a metro moment with bubbles and dried jasmin - I emerged the bath a new man.

Sep 17, 07 9:29 pm  · 

still alive

Sep 17, 07 9:38 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I sprained my neck twice within two weeks last month, and what a great way to make life miserable for a couple days at a stretch. I was at the point where even breathing was painful. I hope you feel better soon.

Today was a painful day at the office for me, for another reason. For the past couple weeks I've been working under one of the senior associates in putting together some sort of site selection feasibility study. This was something I've never done before at any firm, and the client on this particular project is very nit-picky and very high-maintenance. As such, I assumed the senior associate had a particular strategy in mind for how to create this feasibility study and how to deal with the client, and I saw my role as basically supporting him in that role, and pretty much doing the production work on the book.

Well, we put in a couple late nights last week and got the study put together and out the door. Everybody seems happy with the final product.


Today on our way to the project meeting, the senior associate expressed his displeasure with the way I handled the project; apparently he and the project principal were expecting me to take the lead on this and do everything pretty much single-handedly. They had mentioned that to me at the beginning of the project, but that was before I had a full idea of the scope involved, and things just naturally seemed to work out the way they did. I feel bad for letting down this guy (he's a good guy and we get along well -- he's also apparently worked every weekend for the past eight months), but like I said, I've never done anything like this before, so I would have been in way over my head without some sort of support, especially with this particular client. I had no idea they really expected me to fly solo on this thing... I guess I'm still too used to my last job in Chicago, where I couldn't even select a font size without being second-guessed a dozen times by project manager and the partners.

Arrrgh.... Why can't I find a job where I just design really cool shit for eight hours and call it a day?

In other news, my youngest brother gets shipped off to Afghanistan next week for a 7-month tour of duty..... He's not allowed to say what he'll be doing, but apparently he'll be in civilian clothing and working with the CIA and/or the Navy Seals.

Sep 17, 07 9:46 pm  · 

My thoughts go out to you, your family and your brother. My brother was in Iraq during the first Gulf War. It was a rather nerve wracking experience.

Sep 17, 07 10:22 pm  · 
liberty bell

LiG, I hope you explained your situation to your senior associate and principal just as you did here with the promise that next time you're told to take the lead you absolutely will (with guidance and support as needed and requested, of course, since it is ultimately their firm's name and they need to approve whatever gets done). I think the font size example is particularly illustrative!

Too bad he told you this on the way to the meeting rather than after? Or did it make you more productive during the meting to hear it beforehand?

Hope tomorrow and the next project is/are better.

a-techno, careful with that neck, you've only barely gotten the shoulders back in working order.

Sep 17, 07 10:23 pm  · 
some person

wow, LIG. That was rather bold of the senior associate to say something. It sounds like straightforward, honest criticism - something that many ask for but few receive. It's good to konw where you stand. Put it all on the line for the next project; I doubt that they will allow you to sink.

Sep 17, 07 10:45 pm  · 
liberty bell

Hi, DCA: Speaking of bold, I forgot to mention on the glasses thread how cool I think your new glasses are, super bold! And very cool.

Sep 17, 07 10:48 pm  · 
some person

I'm flattered. Thanks, lb! :)

Sep 17, 07 10:49 pm  · 
some person

oh, and thanks for being my personal "Try Google" on the Sally Field thing. I knew it was bound to be posted in the news by morning.

Sep 17, 07 10:52 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Thanks for the advice.... It sounds like my next project will be a corporate interior renovation job for a long-term repeat client (a client that I've already developed a relationship with). Not exactly Architectural Record cover page stuff, but I have a pretty strong background in corporate interiors, so I'm really hoping I can take the reigns on this new project and showing them what I'm capable of. Wish me luck.

Sep 17, 07 11:56 pm  · 

Good luck, Gin! I agree with DCA. I have a lot of respect for a person who can be honest with you and then come in and work with you the next day, and expec that you learn from it. It sounds like a total 180 from your last job.

BTW, everyone, I want to mention something......I may have left Cincinnati, but I left it in good hands. tunamelt may only have 14 total posts but she is now firmly addicted to Archinect and TC thanks to the many hours of stories I've told her about it. "How do you know so many people all over the country?" she would say. "Well, let me tell you about this site I post on..." and the rest is history.

So everyone please say hello...

"Hi, tunamelt!"

Sep 18, 07 1:12 am  · 
liberty bell

Hi tunamelt - I'm pretty sure we had dinner together, right? My goal is to keep upping my list of met archinecters.

I thought you sounded familiar for only having 14 posts!

Tile guys that started yesterday called my cell phone - waking me up - at 6:30 this morning. I'm afraid the day is off to a rough start.

Sep 18, 07 7:46 am  · 

Good Morning Liberty Bell-
Yes, I think we did have dinner together. I met so many new people that week I can't keep everyone straight. That sucks being woken up at 6:30. What are you tiling?

Sep 18, 07 8:23 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

630?! is that all. Gosh I envy you. I have to leave the house at 630. Why is your life so much better than mine? I'm truly jealous.

Sep 18, 07 8:44 am  · 

Hi Tunamelt,

We had coffee together and watched hipster on silly bikes ride past us.

Welcome to archinect!

Sep 18, 07 8:59 am  · 

sarah..i leave my house at 8:50..into work by 9..all by bike.

Sep 18, 07 9:22 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I hate you for your proximity.

Texas is very much a distance/commuter state, and too many lifestyle changes would have to take place for me to be that close. Plus, we have to be at work by 730 M-Th, and 8am on Friday. At least we get off at 2 on fridays, and hardly ever work overtime.

Why can't my office just move to accomadate me?!

Sep 18, 07 9:25 am  · 

wow..7:30 and 8...i could never work there.

on the plus side for you i'm sure i leave much later than you.

Sep 18, 07 9:31 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

yep, out at 5, well, 4:54 every day, except the friday at 2 schedule. We are a very low-maintenance kind of firm.

Sep 18, 07 9:50 am  · 
liberty bell

Site visit to answer tile guys' questions and I'm thrilled to report they are doing a great job. I have had such struggles with the quality of tile work in the past that I'm feeling cautiously optimistic that I've finally found a crew whose work will meet our standards. I hope I'm not jinxing it by posting about it!

tunamelt, project is a major gut renovation job on a house on Indy's historic Meridian Street. It's going beautifully, if I can keep the somewhat maverick GC reigned in here at the end as finishes go in it should be gorgeous.

Sep 18, 07 10:27 am  · 

My cats have begun waking me up at 6am every morning, weekends or not. It's very annoying since I don't have to be at work until 8am and only live 10 mins from work.

Sep 18, 07 11:02 am  · 

Hi N_ That was an excellent little cafe. How are the bikers anyhoo?

Sep 18, 07 11:04 am  · 

hi tunamelt!

My commute takes me 12:30, plus whatever stops are required for traffic, direction affirmation (still necessary as there's a tricky spot), and air. The hills here are a bit more than I can handle without a couple of breaks to get breathing going again.

Sep 18, 07 11:44 am  · 

hi tunamelt!

LB you are most correct I do have to be careful. A worried mother called to ask if it had anything to do with my partially healed shoulders. In hindsight I would of kept my mouth shut about it.

Sep 18, 07 1:32 pm  · 

hi tunamelt! In cinci, do they put chili on those?

LIG- best wishes for your bro's safe return.

Sep 18, 07 1:33 pm  · 

Hi TK: They put chili on just about everything here in Cinci. They do a lot of strange things in this town...

Architechno: Not really sure what happened, but I hope you start feeling better soon. Neck and shoulder problems suck.

Sep 18, 07 1:46 pm  · 

We just had a firm meeting about all 2006 financial 'stuff.' They broke down our profits, overhead, multipliers, division URs, etc. All in all, it was quite boring. I did learn that our firm spends $57,226 a year



57k. In. Coffee.

Many of us meager interns couldn't help but laugh out loud when they showed us that slide on the PowerPoint because it is signficantly more than our yearly salaries. Awesome. We are debating if this is a subtle hint that they value coffee more than us.

Sep 18, 07 1:55 pm  · 

HA! That's hilarious and yet quite sad all at the same time.

Sep 18, 07 2:04 pm  · 

that sounds like bullshit figure n_.
57k on coffee is more than 1000 a week. with that money they can open their own sturbucks in the premises. how many people work where you work?

Sep 18, 07 2:05 pm  · 

It's an AE firm with many locations around the nation.

I think we have about 750-800 employees.

Sep 18, 07 2:10 pm  · 

a day without an intern is better than a day without coffee i guess.

Sep 18, 07 2:41 pm  · 

750-800? then it is a deal they are getting. what is it they provide, yuban?

Sep 18, 07 2:58 pm  · 

coffee is a benefit, part of employee compensation, right? so you guys may be taking it the wrong way. this is not the place to raise a stink unless you're ready to buy that coffee yourselves.

Sep 18, 07 3:02 pm  · 

We aren't making a stink of it; we are making a joke of it. Why? Because 57k worth of coffee is a lot of fuckin' coffee.

I personally don't drink coffee but I think it's a great thing to offer. I think offering free coffee is an important way of showing respect and value to your employees.

Come on, it's funny. It's 57k worth of coffee. It's significantly higher than most of our salaries.

Sep 18, 07 3:08 pm  · 

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