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Time to walk the dogs....then go to bed....long day ....filled with many activities. I need to wrap up a couple of jobs...but life keeps getting in the way. Well I hope tomorrow is a sunny day and I get lots done...that is work and not play.

Sep 12, 07 11:35 pm  · 

DCA, I have to confess about how big of a nerd I am.....that assignment is actually from undergrad as is the notebook, and I kept it and I was using it to help me on my recent homework. But I still put my name in the right hand corner! I mean, doesn't everybody.....

Sep 13, 07 1:11 am  · 

i put my name in the bottom right corner of all my office projects...gack structures homework, i get chills just thinking about that stuff......

Sep 13, 07 4:55 am  · 

Ahhhh! I'm still awake! And beta just got up! Jeepers, it's time for bed!

Sep 13, 07 5:15 am  · 

WOW you are a trooper dubk...

Sep 13, 07 5:17 am  · 
liberty bell

Midwest DubK stayed up late going out with her firends .... West Coast student DubK stays up late doing homework...good job, sweetie!

Sep 13, 07 6:30 am  · 

liberty bell and cameron are comin' to louisville today! yay!

Sep 13, 07 6:58 am  · 
b3tadine[sutures] are so supportive liberty!

one thought; did anyone think that TC would ever surpass the "Fancy Graphics..." thread by nearly 10 fold?

Sep 13, 07 6:59 am  · 

i was thinking about that tuesday when 'fancy graphics' popped back up. i almost posted there: 'remember when this thread seemed way too long?'.

since then, though, the eds have given us some better navigation to move through the long ones faster. thanks, paul et al!

Sep 13, 07 7:02 am  · 

my wife and i are trying again, to buy a house that is, we made an offer, offer was accepted. good news, but i am reserving cheers and huzzahs until i get keys in hand. i do have a question though, i'd like to replace and add gutters to the home and thinking of either galvanized 1/2 rounds or copper, and considering doing the job myself - or with some help; read local TC'ers *ahem* hint, hint [beer and food as payment?] - is this task relatively easy to do? i'd like to incorporate rain barrels into my scheme as well.

Sep 13, 07 7:05 am  · 

if you know the gutters are bad, things to pay attention to during the inspection:

does the lower edge of the roof have drip edge? if not, is the lower edge of the roof sheathing rotted or ok?

is the gutter/fascia board behind the gutter in good shape or rotted?

rain barrels or spilling to grade (if your lot allows/accommodates/can absorb it) would be good, especially if it's an older house. our downspouts routed into hubs to underground storm and we had to deal with collapsed clay pipe under the yard.

Sep 13, 07 7:10 am  · 

oh, and, good luck this time. i must have missed that you didn't get one of the other two you had showed us. you went after the st paul one, right? over the one by the airport?

Sep 13, 07 7:11 am  · 

beta: galvanized is alot more economical than copper. I have used both on projects and don't think it would be a difficult diy project. I say this with reservations because being on a ladder is never a good thing when drinking beer. The major thing is it takes planning as it is a kit of parts so you have to figure out every absolute piece you need before you start. I say this because it sounds like a weekend project and it is not like you can run out ot Lows or Home Depot for
additional parts.

Sep 13, 07 8:49 am  · 

steven, so far the inspection come out pretty good, and the roof was replaced in 2000 or 2001, the fascia appears in good shape. the house has some gutters and in places where there are no gutters there are either diverters or rain handlers. i would like to put in copper or galvanized, like them both cost is an issue, but it depends on how much we are talking about.

the home we put an offer on was rejected, although he later dropped the price 10k and is now below what our offer was. this house has more for the money and is 20k less than the other guy's original price.

thanks for the advice snooker. i was hoping i could do it myself, because this would be the biggest thing i'd be tackling thus far.

Sep 13, 07 11:01 am  · 
help :o(
Sep 13, 07 1:59 pm  · 

just dropping in to say "hi" after getting WonderK's emailed plea for help.... loads of bags went to goodwill this morning, one last box of books shipped up north. The USPS workers recognize me and my heavy boxes now!

My nose is bruised. I've never gotten a bruise from a piercing before, but there's a first time for everything, eh? The placement was approved by tumbles, who came very close to getting poked herself, but decided to give the decision a bit more time.

Sep 13, 07 2:47 pm  · 


I think that tumbles should have gone for it


is your cat looking at pictures of the Eames house???


I get to build floats tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sep 13, 07 3:42 pm  · 

hello from aia headquarters in d.c... i'm up here for the aia national honor awards jury... it's gonna be an interesting process... too bad it's "top secret" so i can't share too much... y'all will just have to wait until the aia national conference next year in boston to find out which projects we end up choosing...

Sep 13, 07 3:56 pm  · 

Sorry guys I've been MIA for the last two days. I'm not overwhelmed or anything but its been alot of things going on since I've officially started at this new Development Corp. Anyhow the guy I'm working for is a dead ringer for Pierce Bronson (after the sunset vs. 007)...steely blue eyes to match. I found myself staring in those oceanic pools, and slowly realised that I had a wee bit of a man crush.

so in honour

Sep 13, 07 4:44 pm  · 


Liberty please take a photo with Cameron et al. It is perhaps the only way those of us really far away can feel like part of it all. I would say insert my head in there via photoshop

Orhan congrats on the new place. From what you were telling us you really loved your old shop, but I believe you will equally enjoy the new environment. You may consider dropping off some of those old suppplies by your nearest architecture school - I'm sure it will find a happy new home in some model etc.

DubK despite beind nearly 10K miles away I would move in a heartbeat. Alas life isn't so easy. I hope everything works out - perhaps you can ask her to post a note for cool apartment/roomate at SCI-Arc before she leaves...despite all the madness

Sep 13, 07 5:00 pm  · 

orhan, congrats on the new digs, and hang in there - please hang in there, i need some inspirational stick it types like you and liberty.

Sep 13, 07 7:15 pm  · 

hey Steven and LB, thanks for coming to the event. It's not often you get 400+ folks to show up to a talk @ 1pm on a Thursday.

I'll be in Lexington tomorrow (UKY), Taliesin West on Sunday and Toronto on Monday (HOK)...

stop by for a drink.


Sep 13, 07 9:01 pm  · 
liberty bell

Aww, dang architechno....I was so flustered hanging out with Cameron that I forgot to get a pic! I would have posted it immediately!

Steven and I are fortunate to have had not a single, not a double, but an unprecedented triple dose of Cameron today! When I was fifteen minutes out of town Steven called me up and told me to tune the radio to the local NPR station - there was Cameron talking about the world and taking caller questions - very brave!

Then the We Don't Ship lecture, which was wonderful and of course inspirational. I'm especially intrigued by the notion of challenging all the presidential candidates to have a debate on the built environment.

Then after lunch and some work (GSA) related stuff for Steven and I, we luckily ran into Cameron again in the lobby and got to chat with him for quite awhile. It was fantastic and as always when I meet archinecters I like them even more in person than online. Cameron, I hope you are getting some nice rest tonight in 21C (is the ipod to your liking?!?).

I got home and my husband said "You look like you drove the whole way to KY with the top down!" Well, no sh*t! I think if you drive with the top up on a gorgeous fall day like today you should have your convertible priveleges revoked! I guess my hair was kinda messy. And I do have a bit of a sunburn. But a fantastic day all around.

Bakc to "real" work tomorrw, damn.

Sep 13, 07 10:26 pm  · 
vado retro

sounds like a great time. sorry i missed it. :(

Sep 13, 07 10:29 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'm really sorry you couldn't make it, vado, especially as you would have remembered to get a dang picture! But it's impossible to talk on the freeway in the convertible, anyway.

Sep 13, 07 10:37 pm  · 

Its okay LB - i'm sure there will be other opportunities. And about the hair quite frankly wind swept hair (particualy red) goes best with a little bit of a suntan - shows that you living a good life.

Sep 13, 07 11:09 pm  · 
vado retro

its all good as long as we can hear the classic rock!!!

Sep 13, 07 11:18 pm  · 

lb.. your comments make me think of a bloke. A very dear friend from Scotland who came to America on a number of travel trips to enjoy America. He is the Financial Business, and single so he does his travelin at will. He made a trip to Florida, because there was so much press in England where he worked in the Banking industry, suggesting might be a place to visit. So he arrives in
Florida and when the COUNTER LADY ask him if he might desire an upgrade to a cloth top for an extra $ 5.00 US. H


4 WE

Sep 13, 07 11:55 pm  · 

architphil – the secrets are driving me mad.

Orhan – yeah, congrats on the new digs!

Vado – you really need to teach that kitty cat to do the dishes and laundry (and maybe some CAD). That way we will have more time to spend at Taco Bell.

WK – sooo sorry! I'd move in a heartbeat to be your roommate if I was looking for a new life. Take a deep breath – things will work out :)

Sep 14, 07 12:12 am  · 

Thanks Katze. I think it will be fine. It's certainly been a whirlwind day, but we already had a couple of people look at the place, and we just put up the craigslist ad this afternoon! Basically I was just in shock....I think I still am. But it will be OK.

Sep 14, 07 12:19 am  · 

WK - that's great news! I love craigslist for that reason - you can sell anything in no time. Sounds like you will have a roommate soon!

I'm about to post my Honda Civic on craigslist - wish me luck. I hate selling used cars!

Sep 14, 07 12:38 am  · 

well lb said it all: it was a treat to spend time with cameron and he was very generous to spend so much with us when there were so many very smart people swarming around the ideafestival.

cameron, i hope you had a great dinner with the dean emeritus and friends - another stunningly intelligent group of people - and that your visit to the university of ky today is an eye-opener for the students with whom you work.

after spending the day with so many smart people, going back to deal with an evening of ky dept of education regs, printers' orders, and other stuff in order to get this biga$$ school project out was a bummer.

but i hope it'll be a better project than some of the schools cameron reported seeing here in the u.s. lately! stay tuned for him to take on u.s. educational environments, something in which i'd be excited to participate!

Sep 14, 07 6:07 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive

Sep 14, 07 8:47 am  · 
vado retro

steven this is why i avoid smart people. to stay happy. liberty bell excluded of course.

Sep 14, 07 9:58 am  · 

Am I the only one who doesn't get snooker's post? What's the drinking plan for later?

Sep 14, 07 4:21 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Fuck... Our payday is technically tomorrow (the 15th), but I was under the impression we'd be getting our paychecks today since our payday happens to fall on a Saturday. Instead, they're pushing it back to Monday, which means I don't have a fucking nickel to my name until them. There goes my weekend.

Good thing I decided not to go to Chicago and move my stuff this weekend, or else I'd have been royally screwed.

Sep 14, 07 4:30 pm  · 

uh, that's scary. don't let that happen too much, i mean who's paying interest on the money owed you? keep your guard up there LIG...this from someone that's been through experiences where getting paid at times was either late due to "unforseen" circumstances or outright lied to...

Sep 14, 07 5:09 pm  · 
vado retro

hey guess what, businesses are supposed to have their shit together so these things don't happen. you get paid every other friday or monday or thursday or whatever not by the date on the calender. that's recockulous. that said i don't get paid til next friday and i am stone broke.

Sep 14, 07 5:12 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Our normal paydays are the 1st and 15th of each month. However, if the 1st or 15th happen to fall on a weekend or holiday, the payday has to be bumped to a business day. In other firms I've worked that have semi-monthly pay periods, they've usually bumped the payday to the last business day before the official payday. My current firm even did it last weekend, but they claim that was a special case because it was a 3-day weekend. I guess their normal practice is you pay the staff on the first business day after the official payday, if the payday falls on a weekend.... Still sucks for me, though.

Sep 14, 07 5:26 pm  · 
Living in Gin

* My current firm did it last payday, I mean, not last weekend.

Sep 14, 07 5:27 pm  · 

i get paid monthly. usually. when i invoice on time that is.

Sep 14, 07 5:30 pm  · 

that's the one thing that frightens me about returning to private practice - having people mess with my money. Its great to know that by the thursday of the last week in the Month my $$ will be in my account. Only once in the last 7 years has this not been the case and they had a bloody good excuse. The volcano had erupted on the Wednesday and all systems were down for 3 days.

Sep 14, 07 6:03 pm  · 

I would be REALLY interested to see Cameron's take on school environments. It's something I've thought about a lot--as I've posted on here before, my mother has been teaching in a windowless* classroom for 15 years now, and her heating and cooling is controlled by a thermostat sitting in a puddle of sunshine in another room in another hallway, to boot. She has suffered terrible sinus infections due to wild swings of temperature and her utter inability to control the temp. of her surroundings. Also, the school, which is public, does as little building maintenance as physically possible due to lack of adequate funds, and they've had severe mold growth in their AC ducts for years. The mold gets semi-swiped clean every few years or so, but all that really does is jar the spores loose so they are even more free to float down the supply duct and pour into the classrooms. The classrooms which, I might mention, have NO OTHER VENTILATION.

One of her colleagues at another school (one almost entirely made up of 20-year-old "temporary" portables) actually won a fat lawsuit against the district because she got so sick from her room. Apparently that wasn't enough of a wake-up call, though...


Sep 14, 07 6:11 pm  · 

Oh, and the school bells are regulated to ear-shattering decibels and the fire department won't lower them. So every hour my mother has to quick, jam her fingers in her ears or risk hearing damage.

Sep 14, 07 6:12 pm  · 

the new office is a nice los angeles courtyard apartments turned commercial set up. to the left of the corner shot, we have dead ending court and it will be a nice private place for exterior table with my garden i have been growing in the current studio space.
they are taking cople of walls inside making more open space. but the place is very nice scale and we will have more of a privacy and residential scale. it has nice windows too. it has nice details carried from 50-60's los angeles modernism.

i'll post more next month after we move in.

Sep 14, 07 7:28 pm  · 
Sep 14, 07 7:46 pm  · 

very coolio orhan! those savings sound very nice too. its almost like getting a raise...

school design discussion would be very welcome. my first office specialised in open plan schools, team teaching, inside/outside easy access, biotope sort of thing, and i loved doing them.

There are laws here that mandate sunlight for any occupied building (windows must be xx percent of room floor area) so that windowless room could only be built if it was officially labeled as a closet. some condos are sold that way, but a school? would never happen here. there are similar laws for ventilation that ensure things are pretyy comfy (if ugly).

north american education is sad sometimes. great in so many ways, but poor in important areas...i really can't understand how a first world country with so much money and resources at its disposal can so willfully ignore its future by not working hard to educate and support its secret hope is that through work of folks like cameron the so-called third world countries will catch up take lead and reset standards for the world...

Sep 14, 07 7:51 pm  · 

a little exposure on a small practice.

Sep 14, 07 7:53 pm  · 
Sep 14, 07 7:54 pm  · 

oh damn.

100 posts premature.

i guess i really do need bifocals...

Sep 14, 07 7:55 pm  · 

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