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how do you tell how many hits it's getting? I can't find any data sets for mine.

Sep 5, 07 11:52 am  · 
liberty bell
...and lb will attest that she's gorgeous. ..

"She" being me or your wife, Steven?!? I think we both are!!!

OK, just kidding, please no one respond to that obvious plea for a compliment.

But yes it is true: Steven's wife is not only gorgeous, but elegant and funny too. AND she keeps her nails looking fabulous, which is something I can't seem to find time or energy to do, much to my regret/embarrassment. Also, she is a very savvy consumer, which is important in today's world. She's the perfect partner.

I've been watching how TC's dynamics are shifting what with new jobs, new moves, back to school....I do love when I hear good news about everyone here, or when I can breathe a sigh of relief that rationalist's folks are OK, or see how awesome LiG's apartment is (it rocks!!). It's nice to see DubK and AP check in, even when everyone is busy I like to know that we're all still alive.

Yesterday there were two threads at the top of the page: worst run business, and worst paid profession. So I got it in my head that I wanted to make the top five threads all be something about how architects are "worst". I went searching for the one I started long ago on the insurance industry's finding that we are the worst drivers, but the thread title was "bad drivers" not worst. Then I figured I'd start some random threads about what architects are "worst" at just to flood the top of the page: worst sense of humor? Worst at time management? Worst at handling criticism? Worst in the sack? I couldn't some up with any good ones, and then the threads dropped off the top of the page and I lost interest and got back to work...maybe "architects: worst at follow through?" should have been one.

Ah, life on archinect. I'm late to a meeting.

Sep 5, 07 12:34 pm  · 

lb, good try though. I appreciate your attempt at forum fun.

I totally forgot to compliment LIG on his apartment. Gin, when I saw that picture of your apartment, my first thought was, "holy hell, you can fit like 16 people in there!" But I'm glad it's a normal apartment and it's just you and the roommate. Good find!

Sep 5, 07 12:42 pm  · 

OMG, I only have one week of work left!!!!! Ack. And of course, I've been bored out of my skull here for weeks, but today they decide to pile on the work. What's up with that? Anyway, it's pretty scary to think that I won't have a job in a week. It's been years since I've had any gap in employment at all, which makes it quite intimidating. I just pray that my financial aid comes in on time.

Sep 5, 07 12:54 pm  · 


i'm alive, just got a deadline that's keeping me from posting much...

AP & architechnophilia, enjoy the race to 4k!

Sep 5, 07 1:50 pm  · 

thanks 'killa

We finally got our new computers, granted the use of the phrase we[/i[ is mistaken - as it now turns out that I won't get the machine I spec'd nor will I get anything. It turns out because I will be relocating for 3 months, they are denying me any of the fun new stuff. I'm a little down and depressed by it, not just because I wanted some of the new/free stuff but it really feels like they are pushing me out of here.

So I went down to look at my new office, set in the area for the new town. The computers are tiny and slow and I'd have much better luck bringing my laptop. Now I have one of the computer guys teasing me, saying [i]i'll gone soon enough
. [sad face]sign[/sad face]

Sep 5, 07 3:49 pm  · 

ah shit sorry about the misplaced italics - I'm not all here.

And Liberty, I know you weren't fishing for compliments or anything like that, nor have I had an opportunity to gaze upon nothing more than facsimiles - but from what I've seen A+

Sep 5, 07 3:54 pm  · 

liberty deserves all compliments, fished for or not. she didn't earn that "super" belt buckle for nothin'. just another of the midwest's finest that lig apparently overlooked!

(besides, what was i doing anyway but fishing for compliments? thanks lb and wonderk!)

Sep 5, 07 4:14 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Yeah, but LB is from the East Coast!

Sep 5, 07 5:38 pm  · 

Actually, she's from all over, primarily Arizona. She just happened to live in Philly for a long time.

And I'm from the Midwest, so midwestern girls are definitely not all that bad, thank you very much.

Sep 5, 07 6:10 pm  · 
vado retro

just got back from Yat's which is a creole cajun restaurant here in town. very good very cheap. havent been there since i changed my diet. i can't imagine curry crawfish etouffe is too good for ya. but hey you gotta have fun once in awhile right? right. and i had a headache all damn day and still have remnants of it. so there.

Sep 5, 07 8:32 pm  · 

LIG...I'm positive most of those wonderful looking females are actually from Brazil....working in the modeling industry.. So if your really looking....heck head to Rio where the women out number the men 8 to 1. You will be highly admired if you speak Portugese. So start classes now! I'm sure your teacher in New York will be a knock out Brazilian Woman... Actually just enjoy the Big Red Apple....It is filled with plenty of life.

Sep 5, 07 9:30 pm  · 
vado retro

hey i just watched a show on unusual roadside architecture. think duck building. why is it steven that it seemed like most of the buildings featured were in kentucky???

Sep 5, 07 10:03 pm  · 

I was thinking, then I lost my train of thought, best call it a night, sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bite.

Sep 5, 07 11:17 pm  · 

All my big pieces of furniture, other than what the bf is taking, just walked out the door... my apartment is clearing out slowly but surely. Thank god for craigslist.

It's very surreal that I won't be living here anymore. My brain hasn't quiiiite wrapped around it yet, so I'm not feeling happy or sad or anything one way or the other. I've gotten so used to life here that apparently I'm having a hard time comprehending that I can or will be doing anything else.

Sep 5, 07 11:58 pm  · 

well I went for drinks & dinner at my fave restaurant where it was one of the owner's birthday. Here's the twist we cooked dinner for her instead. It was very summeresque, with roasted fish stuffed with wild spinache and okra, and a fried fish with olive oil vingarette (with pimento) with a side or two of beer & champagne. A good evening - but its 15 to 1 and I'm sneezing my head off.

Gonna call it a night.

mighty - give me your take on the menu, cheers

Sep 6, 07 12:47 am  · 

rationalist, brace yourself.....the next few weeks are going to fly by, and you'll be in Seattle unpacking before you realize it.

I just started a thread about the design of architecture schools that I want to promote here. It seems like a really obvious topic but I don't remember us ever having a discussion about it.


I am sitting here doing some research for a project and I have South Park on in the background. The kids have to vote for a school mascot and they are trying to decide between a giant douche and a turd sandwich, and Stan gets ostracized for not wanting to vote. I'm not a recreational drug user, but assuming people like Matt Stone and Trey Parker are, I have to applaud whatever creative process they use to produce this show. It's always over the line, and always right on the mark....

Sep 6, 07 1:01 am  · 

i found this really interesting but not quite interesting enough to start a new thread on.

check out this article


i have to say that poster is shocking.

i couldnt imagine anything like that being published an posted without a massive backlash in most places, yet in this instance, its being plastered about by the leading Swiss People's Party.
On the heals of of another Swiss drive headed by the same party to ban Minarets... i wonder what exactly global force is driving people to such seemingly ridiculous and blatantly reactionary decisions...

Sep 6, 07 9:53 am  · 


Sep 6, 07 9:54 am  · 

ok i have no idea whats going on... prevew wont work and neither are my links...
heres the direct linke

Sep 6, 07 9:55 am  · 
liberty bell

The sentiment of that poster is sickening and very scary.

The graphic design, IMO , is quite good!

Too bad whoever designed it didn't apply those skills to a kinder sentiment. But hey, [url='s just business[/url], right?

(Let's see if my code works - I don't know why lletdownl's didn't...)

Sep 6, 07 10:00 am  · 
liberty bell

Doh! Code problem today?

It was a link to the "should Stern be chastised" thread.

Sep 6, 07 10:00 am  · 


the amazing thing about the banning of the Minarets is that there have been several examples of this lately.

Beyond the poster, a TV commercial depicting several black youths committing crimes followed by a message that, FOR MORE SECURITY, foreigners needed to be expelled.

ALSO, ive read on other forums that there were posters supported by this same political party showing several veiled Muslim women with a subtitle reading "Where are we? Baghdad or Baden?" FOR MORE SECURITY

Sep 6, 07 10:08 am  · 
Living in Gin

Now that I've insulted half the population of the Midwest, now is probably an awkward time to mention that I've booked a flight back to Chicago on Friday, September 21st to move the rest of my stuff to NYC. I'll arrive at O'Hare Friday night, load up the truck Saturday morning, and then hit the road. If all goes well, I'll arrive in Brooklyn sometime on Sunday and unload the truck that afternoon and evening.

Any help loading the truck in Chicago or unloading it in NYC would be greatly appreciated... There's freight elevators and push-carts at both ends of the trip, so there won't be much in the way of stairs or heavy lifting. The customary food and beer will be provided... Get in touch with me if you're able to assist.

Sep 6, 07 11:58 am  · 

sorry sister's gettin hitched that weekend...

and really people.. is it that awful to say there aren't as many
good lookin folks in the midwest? it's not saying there aren't
ANY good lookin people is it?

Sep 6, 07 12:03 pm  · 

I think it's fine to say that you're more attracted to a certain type of people that is more frequently found elsewhere, so I've not taken offense on behalf of my midwestern relations.

I found out today that I'll get paid out for 104 hours worth of vacation when I leave next week! WOOHOO!!! I knew it would be at least another paycheck's worth, but it's nice to know the final number.

I'd really like to know where that poster campaign is coming from politically. If I have time later I may go research the backstory on it. And yes, graphically, it makes itself extremely clear.

Sep 6, 07 12:11 pm  · 

all the female 'necters in chicago should gang up.....i mean meet up with lig when he arrives. ; )

Sep 6, 07 12:13 pm  · 
Sep 6, 07 12:13 pm  · 

those midwesterners sure are vindictive.

are you also originally from the midwest mr.ward?

Sep 6, 07 12:14 pm  · 

current midwesterner, native eastcoaster.

Sep 6, 07 12:17 pm  · 

huh. i always considered louisville to be sort of east...
but looking at the map i'm surprised...where's the official
line between east coast and midwest? i guess you have
to have a toe in the ocean or close to it so to speak?

Sep 6, 07 12:20 pm  · 

^^ she's a midwestern native.

louisville's sort of midwestern to the east coast, eastern to missourians, sort of southern, but not to southerners.

Sep 6, 07 12:23 pm  · 

I've never been able to figure out the label of "midwest" in general.... it all looks pretty damn far east to me.

Sep 6, 07 12:31 pm  · 

europe is gettin scary.

they may not have religious based politics as much as the usa does, but they sure got that race card worked out.

same thing in japan, but not as nicely designed. lately i am always running into the right wingers who are scary folk indeed. damndest thing but there are permanent cops ready with road barricades to block off the roads leading to the korean embassy here in tokyo. block-long parades of pimped out vans with speaker blaring are always trying to slip past so they can go and harass the koreans and try to start a war. strange thing to watch the cops standing there when we go by. even stranger to see them shut down the roads.

what is more scary is that the current and former prime ministers of japan are using these guys as their base. which is why they go to the shrine of war-crime folks to pray every year. pretty much the same as bush and his crew, but hate-based rather than holier than thou based...not sure which is more scary. i think i actually prefer that evolution is taught along with creationism compared with the folks here who are trying to enforce a curriculum that says japan was a liberation army rather than an imperial one in the preiod leading up to the last war....

i swear i liked japan a lot more when i couldn't understand the news and didn't get out much...;-)

Sep 6, 07 12:32 pm  · 

I'm looking at the poster which as Liberty said, is quite good. I have to wonder if they message would be as shocking if you didn't know the background behind it. "...the United Nations complain that the poster is blatantly racist" - uhmm duh!.

They look like demeaned Serta mattress sheep

Sep 6, 07 12:32 pm  · 

i think those of you who believe there arent many good looking women in the midwest need to head to chicago and hop on the brown line north or any of the near north bound busses... your minds will be changed rather quickly id imagine.

Sep 6, 07 1:06 pm  · 

i think any large city attracts its share of attractive people...

Sep 6, 07 1:15 pm  · 
Living in Gin

*sigh* I didn't realize I was opening such a can of worms. Just to clarify:

There are many attractive women in the Midwest, especially in Chicago. That said, my personal preference is for the aforementioned olive-skinned, brown-eyed, sharp features common to women of Italian or Jewish ancestry. It so happens that there are many more women who fit that description here in NYC than there are in the Midwest. As a generalization, Midwestern women more more likely to be blonde-haired, blue-eyed, and with more rounded features. Nothing wrong with that, and I've seen many attractive women who fit the latter description, but again, my personal preference is for the former.

My sincerest apologies to any attractive blonde-haired, blue-eyed, rounded-featured Midwesterners who may have taken offense at anything I said over the past two pages of this thread.

I'm beginning to understand why I suck so badly at dating....

Sep 6, 07 5:10 pm  · 

hahahahahahahahahahaha! you've been a good sport, lig.

Sep 6, 07 5:28 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Oh, and I think the "boundary" between the Midwest and the East Coast is generally defined as the Appalachian Mountains. Once upon a time, anything west of the mountains was The West. (Which is why Chicago -- a city that's less than one-third the distance from New York to Oregon -- is home to "Northwestern" University.)

Sep 6, 07 5:35 pm  · 
vado retro

northwestern girls are HOT!'s one now....

Sep 6, 07 6:29 pm  · 
brian buchalski kind of reminded me of the time i posted a picture of my bare ass on the "architecture sucks" t-shirt thread...

Sep 6, 07 8:30 pm  · 

on the mark of 4,000 posts I figured a meaningful post was necessary.

So with that said, here is the surmon (it would be a manifesto but would require some measure of cohesion beyond it stemming from my lips)

here goes

architecture dubbed the art & science of making buildings by the beaux artes, is rather far more complex and ephermal. Its definition is fluid, changing with the needs and desires of the collective subconscious. Where the need for security from the elements and carnivorous fauna might have been paramount at man's beginning, it has both evolved from the mouth of a cave to the creation of hands and manifestation of the mind.

Every generation can be defined by the architecture created and preserved, similarly it identifies each continent, country, island or village. Additionally it can contain the message of different religions, cultures, languages, trials, success and compassions. As definitive it is an object, for me its real beauty comes from the gathering to bask in its ethos ... & that is the reason we are all here

if I have never said it before, I really love you all especially my family on Thread Central, and if you would allow let me briefly and architecturally say why. Wait scratch that, I spent the last 20 mins typing how great vado, wonder K, rationalist and mdler are and realised that this post would not end anytime in the future, nor would anyone have the courage to read it because it is so bloody long. But I will say to the holy trinity of TC vado/Orhan & Liberty Bell - the sharing of your minds and lives have humanised archinect and enriched everyone you've ever conversed directly or indirectly - thanks

on another note the guy would invented the artificial heart (Jarvis) wanted to be an architect when he entered college. So with my real I send my love to all

4k later...

Sep 6, 07 8:33 pm  · 

worst. workday. ever.

Sep 6, 07 9:28 pm  · 

thanks for the mention techno.

hey steven?

Sep 6, 07 10:02 pm  · 

Aw.....thanks, techno! You're awesome. Welcome to the 4K club. quote Fred Willard in "A Mighty Wind"....wha happened?!?

Also I came to bid you all farewell....not really, and not totally, but I got a job yesterday and I'm really excited about it but they seem rather intense. Like, they want me to work a helluva lot of hours (like, 24!!!) for someone carrying a full course load like myself. Add to that all of the class work I just got in the past 2 days, and well, I'm screwed. Anyway, I'm going to tell them tomorrow that I just can't manage that many hours....wish me luck. I don't want to have to quit a job before I start it....

Sep 6, 07 10:28 pm  · 

The Historic Wolves had my ass this evening....oh the charm of being a housewife, deliberating the value of Architecture and Historical
application within their community. Tis a pithey, because as we all know all that comes from these types of dabblers is a sub-standard
architecture. Design by committee never works, when it done by those who have no more idea as to what is Architecture than the "Better Homes and Garden" and Architectural Digest. This one
I will win, because they stand upon a floor of shifting sand.

Sep 6, 07 11:00 pm  · 

Lig.....Your living in the right town....for what your looking for. Please keep in mind....Italian Women...come with Tempers. Jewish Women, come with Needs! I'm married to one who is Brazilian of Italian Decent who converted from Catholicism to Judiasiam...So I have both...But I love the heck out of her. She is on Vacation and I'm working here in the office.

Sep 6, 07 11:06 pm  · 

Ahh, Ye Olde Neighborhood Historic Commission... yet one more thing I do not miss about new england!

Sep 6, 07 11:12 pm  · 
vado retro

congrats techno on four thousand posts. also, thanks for the kind words! its the nicest thing anyone has said to me since that canoe trip where i was told i had a purty mouth.

Sep 6, 07 11:18 pm  · 

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