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i suck at this profession, can i do something else already?

Sep 3, 07 8:19 pm  · 
some person

woah...where did that come from, beta?

Sep 3, 07 8:20 pm  · 
vado retro

beta you could always be a lamb burger...

Sep 3, 07 8:26 pm  · 

beta, I here ya! You can do something else, if the feeling persists. You really can.

The little lamblet is just too cute to eat...

Anyway, I haven't done my BBQing yet today, I figured I'd wait until evening. My grandmother inexplicably decided that Omaha steaks were a good birthday present for me (yeah, I know, WTF?), so me, the bf, and a couple of friends are grilling them up this evening poolside.

Sep 3, 07 8:57 pm  · 

I put my wife on a plane to Brazil today...and tomorrow is her Birthday, which she will celebrate with her identical twin. I was
really hoping to make the trip with her but work has gotten in the way.
I have a major presentation on Thursday. It is one of those where it is like the lamb being tossed to the wolves. In this Case the Architect being tossed to the Historical Building Commission for the fricking oldest Historic District in the Country. So I'm gathering muster as the Colonial Soldiers would say. Wish me well and that I come home from this Architectural War with only minor injuries.

Sep 3, 07 9:03 pm  · 
some person

nah, we need beta playing on our team, rationalist.

Sep 3, 07 9:08 pm  · 

I don't think I'll ever eat veal again.

Damn it's hot today...again!

I'm still sick :o(

Sep 3, 07 9:18 pm  · 
some person

That has the cadence of a haiku, almost, WonderK...

"Garth Algar: We're looking down on Wayne's basement. Only that's not Wayne's basement. Isn't that weird?

Wayne Campbell: Yeah, that's weird, man, that's weird. Garth! That was a haiku! "

Sep 3, 07 9:24 pm  · 
vado retro

snooker the best musketeers could fire three rounds per minute. keep your powder dry!

Sep 3, 07 9:32 pm  · 

WonderK sorry to hear that you are still sick. That must be awful with having to go to school as well. Hope you are taking something for it and get better soon.

Orhan I really love your synopsis of the war in I-rak, as well as your perception of the indoctrination of the soldiers going to fight there. I think more than their job its a matter of survival. How else can they occupy and fight for a cause they don't believe in without causing another anti-war sentiment ala the Vietnam war. Its a sad scenario, that so many people particularly American are against it - but there isn't a good to leave now. Its become a bad relationship for both parties with no upside. They have gone to eliminating the enemy they know to those hiding in the shadows - a very dangerous reality. But enough about war, I can only imagine how talking about it must tug at your emotions knowing that a family member could soon be there.

I was watching Californication and they stole someone's dog (yussuf islam aka cat stevens) and i swear it looked like Daisy or Mies. I had a archinect moment in real life <- funny when that happens

Sep 3, 07 9:40 pm  · 

I really miss having a doggie. I miss Tschumi! He used to wait for me when I would come home boozing, meeting me at the gate. Licking and sniffing the stench of cigarettes and booze from my hands. And then he'd be looking at me almost laughing the next morning seeing me stagger out to play with him. Ahh the good life when i was a uni lecturer.

Which oddly enough, ironic even with all the talk about structures etc earlier - I used to tutor a class called construction, structure and services integrated to the first year grad students. The vital think wholistic studio for the grad school. A fun class to teach as much of it was spent chatting on the phone with architects like Ken Yeang & Herman Hertzberger (or their staff) and dissecting/reverse designing their projects.

Sep 3, 07 9:56 pm  · 

architechnophilia - I loved the project in Berlin. I wish that they would have showed videos of the riders noticing the projections in lieu of still images. I think it would be interesting to see the moment that in clicks in their minds that this is a motion graphic experience.

Sep 3, 07 9:57 pm  · 

Vado rounds are dry and I have and orthodox rabbi as back up....!

Sep 3, 07 10:19 pm  · 

oops...and I forgot to add a top notch attorney....may we travel safe....among the historical least let us travel with respect.

Sep 3, 07 10:21 pm  · 

snooker you had a bit too much to drink? I've read your first post three times and still can't make sense of it

Sep 3, 07 11:16 pm  · 

not a drop my friend what you been smoking?

Sep 3, 07 11:28 pm  · 

Actually techno I been standing by logging into the airline flights just to be sure she is on her way, seems like this is yet another day of delays at airports.

Sep 3, 07 11:32 pm  · 
vado retro

midnite...long weekend is over...:(

Sep 3, 07 11:56 pm  · 

those sheepies reminded me of home. we always had goats (and chickens). first time i visited my hillbilly uncle with my wife we were eating supper when unc jumped up, grabbed his loaded (!) shotgun sitting in the porch and started shooting into the dark. then he came and sat down and continued eating. all he said was that he would check if he got it in the morning.

he was shooting at a wolf, which periodically ate his goats. he had just lost 2 that winter and dint want to lose the last two cuz then there would be no milk.

i think my wife thought my family was funny as hell and shocked to learn that some people still lived in a world where wolves were a real problem.

oh yeah,. my unc didn't get the wolf. he did lose another goat. then he got sick and moved into the city (a town of about 500 people), which depressed him all to hell.

Sep 4, 07 2:17 am  · 

WonderKKKKKKKKK, get better already! I will be sad forever if you miss next saturday night. = (

Sep 4, 07 2:33 am  · 

So a couple of mornings ago my dad emailed me to say they'd gotten tropical-storm level winds, but it wasn't too bad. Then later that day I saw on the news that Felix was a Cat 2 hurricane by the time it hit Aruba, and since my parents are only two islands over that got me worried. I emailed dad - no response. So yesterday I emailed mom - no response. Now I'm actually getting a little worried. I know the american channels get things wrong in that part of the world a good amount of time though, so I'm hoping they're just being negligent in writing back, or that the power's out and nothing worse. Techno, do you happen to know how the ABC's faired?

Sep 4, 07 12:56 pm  · 
liberty bell

Hope you've heard from your folks by now, rationalista - keep us posted.

I just skimmed the "best book deals" thread. vado asked me today where I keep my books because he didn't recall seeing any out last time he was at my house. I realized they are all still packed away in boxes and suddenly I fear my house must appear very non-literate to visitors. There are piles of them in the bedroom, but no bookshelves anywhere! I got a quote of $2,100 to build the long low bookcase I want spanning the living and dining rooms, and I can't afford that right now so haven't followed through. Brian doesn't have time to make it, and anyway if he makes it materials would still be $1,500 which I also can't afford. Sigh.

Suddenly I feel the loss of being surrounded by books and I miss it. I need a freelance job...

Sep 4, 07 2:40 pm  · 

outside is grey, and wet, and I've had 3 site visits for the day. One of which involved us standing in 3ft of water - oddly entertaining. Now I have find someone to patch a roof to satisfy my administrative staff. But its time to curl up with a finger of whiskey and head to bed

Sep 4, 07 2:51 pm  · 

Isn't your whole life basically a freelance job?

No parental contact yet. I think if I haven't heard from them by the time I get home from work, I'll use my phone card to give them a ring. We basically only speak over the phone once every month or two, but I figure making sure that I'm not an orphan warrants being one of the occasions.

Sep 4, 07 2:51 pm  · 

Rationalist from what I heard the ABC weren't hit directly, but that the hurricane went North of it. Notwithstanding that those islands are low lying and off shore storms can have a major impact. Take a look at this link which is perhaps the only reliable source for hurricane tracking

Sep 4, 07 3:31 pm  · 

Thanks techno. Maybe the newspeople meant that it was a Category 2 by the time it affected Aruba, and just left out the fact that Aruba only got the edge of it? I don't know. Your info sounds comforting. I'll probably still give them a call tonight if I haven't heard anything, though, just to be safe.

Sep 4, 07 4:40 pm  · 

rationalist - its been a while since you posted, I hope you have heard from them and that its good news. Worse scenario is that you can't make contact because the underwater telephone cabling is offline - tends to happen with bad off shore weather. fingers crossed - let me know.

Sep 4, 07 9:07 pm  · 

no, I haven't heard. And I haven't called due to phone card issues... I tried to recharge my phone card, and now they say it'll take time for the number to recharge (why? it's all friggin computerized!), and someone's coming over shortly to pick up furniture. So by the time I can call them, it may be too late over there!

Sep 4, 07 10:00 pm  · 

tecno Airline update: I dropped my wife off at 8:40 am Monday.....she arrived intack Rio....10:30 am Tuesday. It was a trip filled with delays, but thank the big guy she arrived safe. It is a good thing I wasn't traveling with her or I would have been busting chops.

Sep 4, 07 10:06 pm  · 

i keep a v o i d i n g this thread.....thinking I'm actually going to make money this year. "Why are architecture offieces the worst run business in the world?"

Sep 4, 07 10:09 pm  · 

ok, finally got a call through. They're just fine, it's just that they've just moved out of the hotel and they don't have internet yet.

Sep 4, 07 10:20 pm  · 

glad to hear they are doing okay rationalist. You too snooker. Ironic that your total number of comments both have 2 2's and 2 5's - cool.

Sep 4, 07 10:46 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I found out yesterday that my younger sister is pregnant, which means I'll be becoming an uncle for the first time, and my parents will be becoming grandparents for the first time. Holy shit, time flies...

Keep her in you thoughts, as her and her husband have been trying to have kids for a while, but were delayed by him having to go through a couple years of chemotherapy. It's somewhat of a miracle that his fish can still swim, so to speak, and apparently it's somewhat of a high-risk pregnancy. ER docs told her she'd likely have a miscarriage within days, but another doc says the baby is healthy and everything is fine... Go figure.

In the meantime, I'm hoping to kick-start my dating life here in NYC... There's so many absolutely stunning women in this city, I had forgotten how frustrating it is to be single here. Being single in the Midwest is like being a starving guy in the desert; being single in NYC is like being a starving guy in the middle of Zabar's.

Sep 5, 07 8:08 am  · 
vado retro

midwestern girls are hot! i don't know where you were looking gin...

Sep 5, 07 8:51 am  · 


every time my bro comes to tokyo he says the same thing, lig. he went to fukuoka for a gig last month and was stunned by the ladies down there too. i always wonder if something about moving makes the eyes fresher...

that is worryin rationalist. hope parents are ok. we are scheduled for typhoon#9 tomorrow and my daughter's school suggested she maybe should not go to school friday...we are waiting with the rest of the city to see how it goes. weather can be tense sometimes.

tumbleweed, i grew up on canadian prairie. most of my family on da's side continue to farm. one uncle was tired of the agri-business-ification of rural life in manitoba and moved to the mountains in BC where he basically did the homesteading thing. i lived out there for awhile. but i grew up mostly in the city.

Sep 5, 07 9:05 am  · 

i also think it's the change of scene. i noticed that people always seem more attractive in the new place i go than they did in the place i just left (i.e., was sick of).

Sep 5, 07 9:12 am  · 
Living in Gin

Well, to each their own... I've always been partial to olive-skinned, dark-eyed brunettes of Italian or Jewish ancestry, of which NYC has aplenty. The Midwestern corn-fed sorority sister look has never done much for me... Especially when so many Midwesterners seem morbidly obese compared to their New York counterparts. (Not that I'm in a position to point fingers, but I have managed to drop at least one pants size since moving here, no doubt due to me selling my car and doing much more walking than before.)

Sep 5, 07 9:27 am  · 

a tiny bit of stereotyping going on there, lig? my wife: olive-skinned, brown/black eyes, neither corn-fed nor sorority, and lb will attest that she's gorgeous. and i met her on main street in louisville.

Sep 5, 07 9:31 am  · 
vado retro

i guess this will have to be the LaStWoRd on the subject....

Sep 5, 07 9:33 am  · 
Living in Gin

I'll admit it's a bit of a generalization... I have very fond memories of dating an incredibly cute redhead (Kansas native) in Chicago a couple years ago, and there are certainly plenty of attractive women throughout the Midwest.

That said, I think there's an element of truth to the stereotype... Whenever I end up around Times Square or other touristy parts of NYC, it always amazes me just how much the non-locals will stick out in the crowd like a sore thumb.

Sep 5, 07 9:39 am  · 
vado retro

the last time i was in nyc i was told that i looked quite artsy.

Sep 5, 07 9:41 am  · 
Living in Gin

I think you'd fit right in here... I sort of envision you as a taller Woody Allen without the accent.

Sep 5, 07 9:55 am  · 

are there locals in ny?

Sep 5, 07 10:23 am  · 

hi tc! i've started teaching an urban design studio this semester, so it's a nice change of pace. yesterday i read my students a whole bunch of 'urban bits' from novels and short stories by garcia marquez, kundera, gibson , hemingway and others, all interspersed with calvino's invisible cities.

there's that story from calvino about the two gods that live in the city of leandra. the lares and the penates [don't know how it's translated to english]. the lares are the gods that have always been there, the penates are the ones that come and go. it's a great story to talk about immigration and social tensions due to 'who got there first' or 'who's been there the longest'.

Sep 5, 07 10:36 am  · 

you're allowed to call yourself local after you've been here
seven years i believe...

and it may be true, in general, that moving makes you perk
up and notice the opposite sex...but i've lived here for 4 years
and it's just true that new york attracts very attractive women.

as a friend of mine said when returning from d.c. for the summer,
"i've seen more hot women walking down the street to get to
the apartment than i've see all summer..." it's just true.

Sep 5, 07 10:44 am  · 

hi. i miss you guys. hope everyone is doing well...

Sep 5, 07 10:54 am  · 

it's been three days're getting a bit sentimental aren't you.

Sep 5, 07 11:21 am  · 

I see the 2008 grad school commiseration thread is picking up steam... I hadn't noticed it for a while, but it's been towards the top of the page most of the last few days.

Sep 5, 07 11:30 am  · 

no lars, not you, the TC crew. it's been far more than 3 days since i've been here.

Sep 5, 07 11:35 am  · 

AP come back! You're only a few posts away from 4000!

Steven Ward's wife is gorgeous, I can attest to that. Steven I would have told her when I met her, but there's not an easy way to work that in over brunch.

I forgot to tell you guys, tumbles and I talked to Alexander Walter over the weekend and he said that is going to be awesome. So I don't feel as bad about missing out on the "official" archinect school blog now, but I am still writing on my own blog, which seems to be getting quite a few hits, I might add.

Sep 5, 07 11:38 am  · 

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