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Sarah Hamilton

The "youthfull good looks" would be benefitial when trying to snag a rich sugar daddy.

Aug 30, 07 4:58 pm  · 

Well, you know, I'd like to not look like an old hag in wedding pictures.

But then, I'd rather have bad pictures and a good marriage, than the other way around.

Aug 30, 07 5:08 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Thats why we have photoshop, and with your soon to be degree'd graphic skills, I'm sure you could look like .... whose considered hot nowadays?

Aug 30, 07 5:15 pm  · 

[mugatu] Hansel...So hot right now. [/mugatu]

Aug 30, 07 5:32 pm  · 

yea tumbilina you read right - in their 40s. I guess nothing can compare to having your children at the wedding.

LB sorry about the image - dunno what went wrong. but it was a strung out cat ala baked on caffeine

Aug 30, 07 5:34 pm  · 

LB, SW, & vado -
while this should be on the facebook thread, got this email from CAMERON!!!! that I wanted to forward to ya'll in the IN/KY region - but don't have your addresses outside of archinect mail. So:

Cameron invited you to "Idea Festival" on Thursday, September 13 at 9:30am.

Cameron says, "We are kicking off Architecture for Humanitys' 5th Open Design Competition in Louisville. Join us alongside They Might Be Giants, Nicholas Kristof, Woz, Ned Kahn, Ray Bradbury and the ghost of Hunter S. Thompson for 3 days of mayhem in Kentucky. C"

Event: Idea Festival "We Don't Ship : How community design delivers more than architecture"
What: Workshop
Host: Architecture for Humanity
When: Thursday, September 13 at 9:30am
Where: Kentucky International Convention Center

To see more details and RSVP, follow the link below:

Aug 30, 07 9:16 pm  · 

well, lb and i have both been planning to go to that and already have tickets, but i don't think it's at 9:30 on my calendar - more like 1:00 - and i've scheduled a constr document review at the kentucky dept of education in the morning. i may have screwed up.

cameron, if you're out there, lb and i have emailed you to see whether you've got time for drink(s), coffee, lunch, etc that day. i'll just have to rearrange the kde. i just set the appt today.

Aug 30, 07 9:22 pm  · 

i've got a next thursday deadline and have been consuming large french roast 3xshot depth charges for the past few days, and you know what, it's been awesome!

Aug 30, 07 9:38 pm  · 

beta- hang in there man! don't let the jitters keep the job from being issued! - we should do lunch after you're done over at my office (if you care to drive across the river).

Aug 30, 07 9:44 pm  · 


Aug 30, 07 9:51 pm  · 
vado retro

i need to see if i can get paid to go to cameron's lecture as i have no pto that i want to use as i am goin to england and need the few hours i have left for that endeavor.

Aug 30, 07 10:26 pm  · 
vado retro

i never had good looks. even when youthful... :(

Aug 30, 07 10:29 pm  · 

vado- ask the big green head to represent Archinect and get a press pass to C's shindig.

Aug 30, 07 10:35 pm  · 
vado retro

yeah but will they pay me?

Aug 30, 07 10:37 pm  · 

for humanity's sake pay the man.

One hour away from weekend. Thank goodness...lately it seems I live for weekends. I could do with a vacation - an archi-vacation at that. Maybe to PR or St.Kitts

Aug 30, 07 11:04 pm  · 

more news i read of AFH the more i wonder how cameron has time to sleep at all.

my weekends have turned into my time for catching up on all the work that didn't get finished during the week.

but i never get caught up. and tommorrow (saturday) we have the joyful pleasure of introducing ourselves to the neighbourhood before we start construction on a house remodel that will involve some extensive exterior work. we know the neighbour right beside the property is slightly insane and possesive of her property, so will have lots of fun talking to her. hopefully our ivy-league credentials will shut her up a bit (sometimes it works), but i am having bad feeling.

nothing like being yelled at by neighbour who recently built a new house about how noisy the construction is on your work.

Aug 31, 07 12:34 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive...word

Aug 31, 07 8:24 am  · 

ok so i just checked the ideafestival schedule and cameron still shows up at 1:00 like i thought.

cameron, can you confirm or correct?

Aug 31, 07 8:40 am  · 

ahhh... the crazy construction neighbor... i've got a super crazy woman living across the street from one of my projects... early in the project she called to complain about the street being dirty because of the trucks coming and going with our fill dirt... so we had the contractor start cleaning the street on a more regular basis and she called back and try to convince me that the contractor was using gasoline rather than water to clean the street...

then she called the cops to complain about all of the construction workers that were parallel parking across the street from her house (along the side of our site)... that side of the street had "no parking" signs, but we figured it would be better to have the workers park there rather than in front of everyone's houses... i happened to be on site when the police officer came out to tell the contractor to have the workers move their cars and park legally... now all of the cars are parked directly in front of her house and she's even more pissed but they're parked legally so there's nothing that she can do... ahhh the irony...

Aug 31, 07 8:40 am  · 


that sounds typical.

now here is a stereotype, but the crazy construction neighbour is always female? so far we always get middle aged ladies with too much time on their hands...never men.

calming the crazy neighbour is i guess one more skill to add to the list of things they don't/can't tech you at uni...;-)

Aug 31, 07 9:42 am  · 

Happy Birthday to me!

Aug 31, 07 9:57 am  · 
vado retro

happy birthday now go shoot off your rifle !

Aug 31, 07 10:54 am  · 

Great idea. Nothing says happy Texas birthday like shooting firearms indiscriminately inside the city limits!

Vado, you're the coolest guy I don't know.

Aug 31, 07 11:45 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Thats not Texan, thats Mexican.

Aug 31, 07 11:50 am  · 

ha, they always had TV ads at new years and the 4th telling you not to do that in Phoenix. Every year, a couple of people were hit by falling bullets.

Happy birthday, fuller!

Aug 31, 07 12:02 pm  · 

happy birthday, rf. birthday cake and beer go well together.

Aug 31, 07 12:06 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Yep, Heres a Shiner on Me!

Aug 31, 07 12:24 pm  · 

on the long-ago discussed topic of hacking IKEA furniture: if one wanted to paint their IKEA stuff a different color, what sort of paint would be ideal for that?

Aug 31, 07 1:52 pm  · 

Present and accounted for....

It's really hot here today. It's making me feel exceptionally lazy, which is a problem since I actually have stuff to do now.

rationalist, I would think that regular interior house paint might work. You are talking about painting something that is actually wood, correct?

Aug 31, 07 5:42 pm  · 

hey rationalist - if all fails try lead paint. That shit sticks to everything.

But seriously it depends on the kind of finish. Some of them have this odd veneer applied to it, that appears wood based but when you check it out its actually vinyl. It is actually wood, give it a light sanding then try some flat acrylic primer and a low sheen oil paint, that should do the trick.

Aug 31, 07 5:42 pm  · 

So the week ended on a funny note.

The new SE, who's head is firmly lodged up his ass, okay'd a consultant fee rushing us to sign it. After the consultant signs and leaves we look at the numbers and turns out he's given the guy 3.5x the going rate and begins to backpeddle. This is not looking good for him - lol. week to go, and I start at my new location. Fun times.

Aug 31, 07 5:45 pm  · 

wood veneer. At least that had better be real wood! I was thinking semi-gloss was the way to go... I'd also rather not prime if I can avoid it, I'd like this to be a pretty quick project. I basically won't be able to unpack anything and will be living out of boxes until it's done, since this is my main piece of storage furniture!

It really is hot here today, it's wierd this late in the summer. I was drenched by the time I got to work, I can't remember having felt that gross before.

Aug 31, 07 5:50 pm  · 
liberty bell

rfuller, happy happy birthday - stretch the celebration over the long weekend, OK?

Angus had the day off school for the holiday, so we just spent five hours at the children's museum with another mom and her 4 year old. We had a fantastic time, but now I'm totally frazzled and exhausted. So, WWTC do: go for a run, or drink a beer?

Happy Labor Day weekend everuyone - be safe out there!

Aug 31, 07 5:51 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I caved in and got myself an iPhone during my lunch break, possibly making this the most unproductive afternoon of my life as I set it up and play with the features. And I feel dirty for having spent so much money on a cell phone, but this thing is so fucking cool.

Aug 31, 07 5:55 pm  · 

lb go for a run then have a beer

Aug 31, 07 5:58 pm  · 

LIG - that post would have been much cooler, considering it was 2000, if you had posted it FROM your new iPhone.

so tell it really Jesus?

Aug 31, 07 6:06 pm  · 

tumble, he posted the instructions on his website; anyone can do it. also he sold it to a phone servicing company so i'm guessing they'll be offering it soon.

also, the rationale is gold--people HAVE broken contracts to get it, so it's win-win-win; apple gains back some of their R&D money by selling an exclusivity contract; AT&T gets new customers; and finally, the people win because, as odd as it somes, some of the attraction is in having a toy that's exclusive. many people are really into that. architects aren't really that type--if we like it, like LiG, it's probably because the thing is so well designed. but the truth is a lot of people are flattered by the conferring of exclusivity from their purchased products.

so, yeah, it makes perfect sense!

anyway never fear, the exclusivity thing is only for 2 years, i think. can't remember the exact timeframe.

Aug 31, 07 7:15 pm  · 

the only crazy neighbor i've had to deal with was a man--but he was more like an annoying-know-it-all-neighbor. the type who chooses the exact opposite thing from you simply out of spite. oh wait, we actually had two of those, and they were both men! the other one was even more amazing--he finagled a small renovation project for his own house out of this disagreement he had over our client's construction, but then he, being a know-it-all, tried to tell the contractor how to do this small renovation project *his* way (the wrong way, of course), contractor did it per instructions because by then he thoroughly detested the guy, and then of course all kinds of problems with the extorted renovation come to light a few months later and jerkoff neighbor threatens to sue. retarded!

Aug 31, 07 7:26 pm  · 

Thanks for all the great Birthday wishes everyone!

SH, Shiner is by far my favorite beer. Thank you so much. SW, Cake and beer DO go very well together. That is why I way >200 lbs.

Tonight will be a steak and gin night. I'll eat a little and drink a lot for everyone.

Oh, and techno, thanks for the facebook birthday wishes.

You guys have a great Labor Daybor.

Aug 31, 07 7:29 pm  · 

am glad to know there are crazy guys out there too. was starting to worry.

happy belated birthday, rfuller!

Aug 31, 07 8:11 pm  · 

we had a crazy guy, too. So far that project is still in schematic, but he's been causing all kinds of hell with the city. His ravings actually caused our client (a school) to have to commission a whole extra traffic study! They aren't even expanding capacity, so we're dealing with the same amount of cars that are already there, and trying to handle them better. HOW he took that to mean that there would be more cars on the streets blocking his driveway is friggin beyond me...

Second to last paycheck today, yikes! I think I'm going to pick up a bottle of wine (and maybe even some to bring to tumbles's place tomorrow) and spend my evening watching movies, drinking wine, and doing some serious packing.

Aug 31, 07 8:16 pm  · 

this is funny

we have a crazy guy next to the crazy house (housing for mentally challenged). He's been calling politicians and what not and is threatening to put an injunction to stop works. We are a few months away from construction but he's already threatening silly things. I think we should just him in the home and call it a day.

Aug 31, 07 8:29 pm  · 

bah. Apparently I would've done better if I'd picked up packing tape instead of wine. I've run out after only a few boxes. Oh well, the wine was good!

Sep 1, 07 12:05 am  · 
Living in Gin

The iPhone isn't quite Jesus, but close. Maybe John the Baptist.

FYI, I didn't need to break a contract to get this thing, as my former cell phone was a prepaid T-Mobile phone.

Sep 1, 07 12:45 am  · 

come on LiG show us pictures

Sep 1, 07 12:54 am  · 

the iphone looks cool, but most of those features are old news in japan. not the gui, mind, that is very seriosly cool looking but the hardware looks like my father-in-law's cellphone/camera/mp3 player that he bought 2 years ago....

is the i-phone that new on that end in the state, or is it just hype?

Sep 1, 07 3:49 am  · 

its been wet and miserable all day. But I plan to make up for it with a steak and a bottle of wine. Sometimes you just need a little red meat/wine to make you smile. Will takes pictures

Sep 1, 07 5:59 pm  · 
liberty bell

Sorry about the weather, techno. But it's a nice change, right?

Sep 1, 07 8:47 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Well, for years I've been wanting something that combines a cell phone, PDA, and iPod... The fact that the iPhone does all that with style and a kick-ass user interface -- and allows me to post this from a bar on 14th Street -- is what sealed the deal for me.

Sep 1, 07 11:23 pm  · 
vado retro

yeah that post was definitely worth the money!

Sep 2, 07 12:08 am  · 

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