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from my local AIA job board:

Monday, June 18
Job Title: Lackey
Organization: Kuhl Design Build
Description: warning to all those who may apply.....this is a corrupt organization that offers no benefits and will willingly stab you in the back without warning. Run by two overwhelming arrogant individuals, they lie, cheat and steal.
Contact Information: Steve Kuhl
Contact Email: [email protected]

this is the funniest postings i've seen. guess there is a sense of humor in minnesota after all.

Good luck beary!

I'm trying to decide if I want to jump back in the rat race next monday or wait till after the 4th.... the money would be good, but I'm going to have archinect withdrawal no matter what. probably better to get the DTs over with as quick as possible.

Jun 19, 07 10:23 am  · 
Ms Beary

I saw that ^ beta posted it somewhere I think. Is it for real?

Jun 19, 07 10:26 am  · 

jump in, the water is fine.

you like that huh? did you see their job posting - the real one - you understand where the lackey one comes from.

Jun 19, 07 10:27 am  · 
Living in Gin
Jun 19, 07 10:30 am  · 

I had to attend a Planning and Zoning Meeting last night, regarding a Public Hearing for one of my projects. Thought for sure I was going to have to miss the first show of the season for "Closer," but
they continued the public hearing until next month I walked in the door at 8:58 and saw the corb knock of chair and what was with all the architectural light fixtures....Tree Killer don't tell you went back into TV Work while taking a break from Architecture in the Land of Lakes.

Jun 19, 07 10:31 am  · 

never, ever, do i plan on whoring my talents to the gods of hollywood again. I gotta save the planet first. Also, I would never be so blatant or dumb to stick a $2000 chair in a teenagers room.

job posting - part 2

Organization: KUHL DESIGN & BUILD, LLC
Description: Warning: This is a bs-free job listing. If this makes you uncomforable, please call one of our competitors. About Kuhl Design & Build, LLC.: Our goal is to be the best building and remodeling firm in the country. If you are not a cool human who is looking for long-term employment please read no further. What we seek: We are looking for someone who is... Creative yet pragmatic, energetic yet focused, serious but fun, talented yet open-minded, highly educated but adventurous. We require that you have a passion for what you do because that is how we approach every day. Unexceptional people will not fit in around here so please read further to make sure this is the place for you. We need someone with experience in residential design because that is all we do. If you do not have a wealth of experience designing both the interiors and exteriors of single-family residential homes, please to not contact us. Job Responsibilities: 1) Work with our clients towards the design of their new and remodeled homes, 2) Be skilled in AutoCAD, Chief Architect, Vectorworks, or similar. We are a very techy company and while we run mostly Macintosh in our office, we have entertained visiting the dark side as we grow, 3) We need you to be familiar with MS Office applications, 4) You must be able to articulate designs to a fine level of detail. You must be able to illustrate millwork and cabinetry details, interior and exterior construction specifications, finish terminations, lighting plans and so on. You will be generating construction drawings from top to bottom, 5) You must be adept in your communications skills, both written and verbal because you will be a large part of how we present to the world. You will be dealing with our clients, our employees, our tradesmen, our vendors and our designers. You must be able to impress people with high-brow conversation yet also be respected by our trades people for your approachability, 6) You must be very experienced in the process of client programming, design development and the practical realities of construction. Other Pertinent Information: Ours is a small, but stable company. Our benefits include 401k with employer match, paid vacations, flexible work hours and a work environment that is challenging yet fun. We do not offer health care at this time but have ambitious plans to do so within one year. We look forward to hearing from you. -Your friends at KDB

notice they are small and stable...

Jun 19, 07 11:15 am  · 

so Ziggy Stardust finally came from Netflix the other day...Mdler's gonna have him a glam rock weekend!!!!!!!!!!!

Jun 19, 07 12:08 pm  · 

we will dress up mies

Jun 19, 07 12:30 pm  · 
vado retro

bowie songs done by the garage band in a cornfield "vado retro" circa 1975-76...

moonage daydream
space oddity
suffragette city
five years
ziggy stardust...

Jun 19, 07 12:54 pm  · 

five years rocks

Jun 19, 07 12:56 pm  · 
vado retro

mdler does your BrAiNhUrTlIkEaWaReHoUsE?

Jun 19, 07 1:00 pm  · 


dont think you knew you were in this thread

Jun 19, 07 1:04 pm  · 

mr. bowie, are you wearing khakis and a vest?

Jun 19, 07 1:09 pm  · 

back in the job search mode - when it rains it pours.

'nother interview this afternoon has popped up for a more traditional role as an urban designer. The current job offer is a situation with a loose definition of responsibilities and no other sustainable geeks on board. While this is very exciting (and a chance to be all that I can be), there is part of me that would rather work with people who are equally passionate about sustainability and can show me the ropes versus inventing the wheel alone. So its between how much rope do I want to hang myself with versus keeping the training wheels on?

Oh, the korean design gig seems like something that could walk around the country with us as we get out of dodge when my wife's fellowship wraps up. The urban design gig wouldn't travel as well and has little glamor.

So WWTCD? play it safe locally? or play with kimchee and matches?

Jun 19, 07 1:25 pm  · 

I think the deal-or-no-deal issue for me would be the ability to finish your LAREs. Would kimchee fuel this venture in some way or would their lack of other 'scapers put the breaks on it?

Jun 19, 07 1:38 pm  · 

lack of 'scapers on board will delay registration & so will the lack of cd/ca phase work delay IDP/AREs. But is it more important to practice what you're interested in like conceptualizing eco-cities or dealing with the practical and finishing up registration crapola???

I'm pro registration and pro eco-cities!!! hence my dilemma.

maybe I can hire a korean landscape architect to supervise me... I bought a few days delay to figure all this out till thursday.

Jun 19, 07 1:45 pm  · 

tk, if you put it this way, *play with matches while you can and set it on fire.
if it helps, look at it if you have noting to lose, since you 'can' hit the road soon enough and never to be seen on the korean bbq table. the world is not that small.
because there is always a safe local play, specially nowdays.

*provided LAR is taken care of.

Jun 19, 07 1:47 pm  · 
vado retro

if you can jam good with weird and gilly choose job a
if you look a lot like che guevera choose job b
if you are floating in a tin can choose job c
if time has taken a cigarette and put it in your mouth, well its too fucking late for you pal.

Jun 19, 07 1:56 pm  · 

Tuesday, June 19 - fully coated

Madame Chia-turtle, FASLA

Jun 19, 07 3:06 pm  · 

I wanna chia garden of edible sprouts in my window

Jun 19, 07 3:09 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Nice view, AP. Are you somewhere near the Woolworth Building?

Jun 19, 07 3:16 pm  · 

hi TC.

mighty's back from philthydelphia.

he's also still nursing a series of major hangovers.

but that's not stopping him from attending tonights's Gala Dinner for Rising StarChef's of San Francisco at the Westin.

i'll be the guy at the bar drinking Powers Irish, which I grew quite accustomed to in philly. it's all they drink. well, that and beer by the ton.

nice to see you all.

Jun 19, 07 4:13 pm  · 

next door actually...the boss looks at the Woolworth from one side his office, the rest of us look out toward the Brooklyn and the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges...City Hall Park if you look down...

and M. Chia FASLA's view is slightly different than my own, she has her own work area and window, of course.

Jun 19, 07 4:15 pm  · 

ap, you work about a block from where i used to live when i first moved to nyc... fantastic sort of house-sitting deal in a 3 bedroom apt all to myself. was a great deal, moving on august 30, 2001. then a couple of weeks later, not such a good deal... got really dusty...

madame chia is looking very handsome, i can see she likes the view.

Jun 19, 07 5:12 pm  · 

AP are the sprouts of the Ms.Chia Turtle edible? Looks tasty.

And the following is for that beautiful wonder woman, got my postcard. The rest of you shreech with jealousy and rage.

Jun 19, 07 6:13 pm  · 

I'm in a little WWTCD moment myself, as we had a walk-out today. It could potentially disrupt everything we are trying to do in the office severly. Fingers crossed for tomorrow

Jun 19, 07 6:15 pm  · 

tumbles its a tiny govt office - and its only one person leaving. Problem is that they are far too integral in all the on-going projects and there is no one to replace them. They were told to think it over and I'm hoping they do

Jun 19, 07 6:32 pm  · 

please do; I'd like my last 9 months to go without incident

Jun 19, 07 6:48 pm  · 

ah yes, the 'far-too-integral-can't-be-replaced' employee.

On really bad days, I consider leaving- just to watch it all fall apart.

It seems that these situations are more prevalent in the architecture world. Is this true? If so, why? I have learned from being that employee that I NEVER want to have one but it seems all too common...

Anyhow, good luck with all that.

Jun 19, 07 7:00 pm  · 

it is very diappointing that a site like inhabitat is going head to head with archinect in popularity poll organized by architect magazine.
i checked their site and they are literally asking their readers to vote for 'them'.
well i think as stupid as this poll seems, we should just go this poll and vote for archinect from as many computers as possible to counter this on the cyber space. ask your neighbors, relatives and friends to vote for archinect.
i know it has been in archinect news too but it never 'asked' the members to vote for archinect. wtf?

Jun 19, 07 7:24 pm  · 


When you go on vacation and everyone at the office is calling you on your cel phone to ask you questions (including your superiors), you know it is time to ask for more $$$

Jun 19, 07 7:34 pm  · 

i'll throw my flickr hat into the ring...TCers (lurkers too) - share your flickr links. after archinect, flickr is my most visited site...

Jun 19, 07 9:28 pm  · 

(*buzzin from post-work happy hour with coworkers...)

Jun 19, 07 9:29 pm  · 
vado retro

ap i left a note on one of your pics! sorry its not more clever!

Jun 19, 07 9:46 pm  · 

can i add mine?

Jun 19, 07 9:59 pm  · 
liberty bell

abra, I will go to the student computer lab here at transy and vote on each of the 20 computers.

I'm tired, guys. Having a total blast, the students are great, we took a construction site tour today of artek lofts, saw a premier of a commissioned ensemble piece (kinda jazz/phillip glass-ey), heard some gospel, taught some drafting...but it's exhausting being "on" for the students all day AND coming up with projects AND doing my own work after 10 pm!

Anyway, Hi TC, hi Ms. Chia, congrats architphil, miss you all.

Jun 19, 07 10:06 pm  · 

tumbles you didn't see me? Hmm

Yeah the all too important person is an unfortunate scenario. I was told whilst I was that I was indispensible - athough the reality of it was slim to true. This person however is not an to be me.

Jun 19, 07 10:06 pm  · 

hey LB you should of just done a WWTCD for project topics. I've dozen or so crazy projects running around here. I can give you a site if you desire too.

lars I'm amazed at your paintings - you can doing the images for the archinect calendar/animated movie...

Jun 19, 07 10:10 pm  · 

AP has 1000 more posts than me and tumbles has 1000 post less - thats soo cool

Jun 19, 07 10:21 pm  · 

vado, i saw it and enjoyed it...thanks for commenting. it's nice to have friends stop by the pics and say hi...i was hoping susan would come by that image and set the story straight. honestly, me cameraphoning her was a semi-embarrassed reaction to her improptu portraitizing of me...

Jun 19, 07 10:46 pm  · 
my flickr

has pics of my students work, and is right now featuring a concept model of the danteum that marco, one of my students, made out of legos... you can laugh, but i think it's really cool. he's already done a clean version of that model, but don't have pics of that one yet.

[concept model as in, do a model that explains the concept of the building, not an actual lego model of the danteum- ok, and it has moving parts]

Jun 19, 07 10:46 pm  · 

thanks techno...
semi strange to see my work on TC, but glad you like 'em.

Jun 19, 07 11:04 pm  · 

sorry to invade lars, but I was really amped by the quality of work, apologies if it made you strange

Jun 19, 07 11:10 pm  · 

no worries...i like my work and i'm glad when others do too.

Jun 19, 07 11:44 pm  · 

yay, architechno got his postcard!

The rest of you more or less got love from me, in person, in the last few weeks, so don't feel bad. Actually, I have some really good postcards to send out right now so if anyone wants one, send me your address ASAP.......

yay for 16 hour days! Incidentally, this is actually good news....because I found out yesterday that I get paid for all the comp time that I don't use when I leave in July! Yippee!

Perhaps I should sleep now, yes?

Jun 20, 07 12:33 am  · 


is that the strange itch that wont go away...your love?

Jun 20, 07 1:58 am  · 
liberty bell

lars, I love your work and am happy to see it on TC in the morning when i wake up. Also, the similarities between the painting and techno's pose is funny!

Jun 20, 07 8:05 am  · 

lb! don't forget to email me a schedule for tomorrow.

Jun 20, 07 8:07 am  · 
liberty bell

Oh crap, forgot - I'll do it this morning Steven. Wait till you see the discipline T-shirts this year - an OSHA approved color!!!

Jun 20, 07 8:15 am  · 

i just sent this email to John Maeda;


I recently purchased your book, and I am personally captivated by the first few pages of the book, and anticipate that your thoughts will compel me to re-examine all aspects of my life. Criticality and introspection is something that is a continual struggle for myself.

I did have one thought as I read "The Laws..." the first thing I did - at least by page IV of the intro - was to "simplify" my reading of your book by eliminating the dust jacket. What I found was this gorgeous grey slab, with a simple and elegant font on the spine.

Dust jackets, for me at least, have always presented a problem; what do I do with this additional material? Is it a pseudo bookmark? Will it help me? Does it protect the book? What is it hiding? It renders the simple, beautiful object into a complex and at times unwieldy object that causes me to want to put it down.

So, you can take heed in the fact that at this point your words have rendered their permanence in my brain, and I am on my way to simplifying my life as I write this to you.



Jun 20, 07 9:09 am  · 

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