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liberty bell

myriam, I am so happy for you - I've been too swamped to respond to your printing/binding problems but I am so relieved to see you celebrating now - cheers!!!! And if I don't get to it before then !!!!!good luck!!!!! with the upcoming interview!

Dec 30, 06 8:55 pm  · 

like sugar and spice.

Dec 30, 06 9:29 pm  · 
vado retro

if you died right now would you go to Thread Central?

Dec 30, 06 9:53 pm  · 

thread central, ipg du jour and something else ...

Dec 30, 06 11:28 pm  · 

My computer is in laptop heaven right now, or at least purgatory while I decide whether to have Dell fix it or not (questions of value arise). Something shorted out in there and not only will it not turn on, it seems to have a negative affect on the power adapter, which lights up when not plugged into the computer, but quickly shuts off when it is.

The harddrive is fortunately fine, however, and I have my files back (5GB of the most important ones, anyway). The one saving grace.

Dec 31, 06 12:07 am  · 

I sound like a commercial, but time to suck it up and buy a MacBook. You can run windows on those things now you know.

Dec 31, 06 12:10 am  · 

If I hadn't just had to buy a new oilpan for my car, have 2k in credit card debt, and I was sure that it was the motherboard ($$$) and not just the power supply ($), that decision would be a ton easier.... but I really think it's the power supply and possibly the heat sink, which is $-$$, whereas a macbook is $$$$$. On the other hand, I may need a mac for grad school, depending on which one I go to. I get by just fine on my PC, but some of the schools have requirements.

Gah. I'm not going to think about that until after I'm in a better place regarding my portfolio. One step at a time.

Dec 31, 06 12:33 am  · 

glad you got your data back rationalist. it really can't be true, but seems like these things always happen at the worse possible time...

me, i am on holiday (working holiday really) in the country with wife's family. My youngest is so excited to see snow here (none in tokyo to speak of), and wshe as just about screaming with excitement on the train ride through the mountains coming here. "snowman, snowman, lok daddy, snowman!" she is 2 and a half years old and so far the only snow she remembers is related to frosty the snowman, so she is doing pretty good...;-)

this place is so nice, a huge lovingly refurbished farm house about 100+ years old. enormous property so is dead quiet, and the walls and ceilings are all finished in "hard to get done now cuz the craftsmen are dieing" earth and/or japanese version of stucco (shikui), or really hard to get smoked bamboo (lovely patina). so so nice. 40 mm thick hardwood floors, custom-made modern style tatami, it's all here. now if only i could live like this in tokyo...

ah well, it is still a good life.

happy new year everyone!

Dec 31, 06 5:12 am  · 

I don't think Thread Central has celebrated the new year yet. Happy New Year TC! Here's to peace and progress in 2007......

Jan 1, 07 11:18 pm  · 

Crap if only I had done that 10 minutes earlier, I could have gotten the time to read 20:07! Oh well. I'm a dork.

Jan 1, 07 11:19 pm  · 

Just got back from an EXCELLENT time at the [url=]Rose Bowl[/i]. Happy New Year!

Jan 2, 07 12:33 am  · 

er, let's try that again....

Just got back from an EXCELLENT time at the Rose Bowl. Happy New Year!

Jan 2, 07 12:33 am  · 
Ms Beary

well, I almost died on new years. had about 100 times more to drink than most would consider humanly possible. i got myself locked out of the house i was partying at (wearing a skirt and sleevless top) for an hour, it was about 20 degrees. eventually someone realized i was gone and came looking for me. i don't remember any of it. i am still hungover and still can't regulate my body temps. i give up drinking.

Jan 2, 07 8:26 am  · 
Ms Beary

it was two hours, not one, actually.

Jan 2, 07 8:28 am  · 

that's a very empirical method of determining your new year's resolution, strawbeary. i prefer for my resolutions to be based on theory.

Jan 2, 07 8:46 am  · 
liberty bell

Strawbeary gets locked out in the snow, DubK comes home wearing a different outfit than she went out in, and neither of you remember how it happened....

Glad you are both still here to tell the stories! Be careful, everyone.

My own new year's story is far less inebriated, but a bit scary nonetheless: a pair of dogs (boxer and American pit bull) showed up in our yard yesterday morning, they seemed like nice dogs, but we didn't recognize them, so we called animal control and sort of kept an eye on them. Five minutes later I heard my neighbor screaming in the front yard - the dogs had attacked her little terrier who was being walked on a leash. I somehow pantomimed and gasped to Brian that he had to go help and he went out and literally yanked an attacking pit bull off the other dog. Police came, animal control showed up, even a Faux News van. Excitement in our little suburban neighborhood!

Ollie the terrier is OK. Animal control did manage to get both dogs, eventually. It makes me sad because I worry about the fate of those doggies, but then again they did unprovoked attack another dog, and what if it had been Angus out there? So I am reminded of two things: you can never be too cautious around strange animals, and I need to work on being more articulate in emergency situations! I can't seem to get the words out when I panic! What if I'm on a job site and see a circular saw fall off a scaffolding and can't get the word "Move!!!!!" out fast enough?!?

Anyway. I started 2007 by sending my husband bare-handed into a dog fight. He did save the day, but I'm not sure my actions bode well for the year.

Jan 2, 07 10:07 am  · 


Guess I got lucky! Called AutoDesk this morning, just after their
support office opened and I didn't get a guy in India called Jack Smith. He was most helpful, we did have a discussion about default settings on their system. I must have clicked on something in my adventure to installing the software, cause all I had to do was unclick it and everything works just fine. I'm SO HAPPY!

Jan 2, 07 11:14 am  · 
brian buchalski

still living...but i drank so much scotch on new year's eve that i actually woke up the next morning wearing pants...and shoes too.

no idea how that happened. wow.

Jan 2, 07 11:47 am  · 

i am glad everybody made it in one piece...
lil' terrier has made it too and brian gets even more points.
i hope the attckers are also find homes and/or reclaimed by their owners if any. bulls and boxers. grand dadies of my rupi and daisy. i was so glad we made it home before the new year first time in seven years. puppies had us with them for the first time in four years. some neighbors fired some works and of course that freaked out daisy. good thing i was there to comfort her.and i posted the abracadabra, faia episode 31 @ 01/01/2007 00;01.
there is some chatter around that post turned into a diary/novel/whatever. i'll let you guys know first, if anything comes out of it.

Jan 2, 07 1:28 pm  · 

just wanted to congratulate rationalist on the USC victory...

I hope everyone had a happy new year's eve.

here's to '07...

Jan 2, 07 1:30 pm  · 

with all these adventures - my seems tame. lost my wedding band in the snow new years day while watching neighborhood kiddies sled. I had fallen on my butt, wiped the snow off and the ring just flew off, not to be seen again :-( so after 30 minutes of searching, placed a bunch of flyers around offering a reward... we'll see.

Jan 2, 07 1:43 pm  · 

I've had the best airport luck of my life over the holidays- flew out of Denver ON TIME between storms (12/26), and made it back through Denver right after the 2nd storm (12/31)! WOOHOO! Here's to 07 continuing to kick ass...

rationalist- pics of the new rims?

Jan 2, 07 1:52 pm  · 
liberty bell

snooker, good news on the LT turnaround. Funny how the entire universe seems dark and chaotic when the computer is acting up, then once click of a button and everything is sunshine rainbows and lollipops once more!

Orhan, abracadabra faia is or should be best-seller material.

tk good luck getting the ring found. My father has worn through two wedding rings and is on his third, but my parents have the strongest marriage I've ever seen, so don't attach too much psychic significance to the piece of metal. Don't beat yourself up over it! Just be careful not to fall on your butt in the snow! Hey, maybe employ some local retiree with a metal detector?

Jan 2, 07 2:06 pm  · 

no sentimentality/tears shed for the hunk of metal by tk's wife or tk (though it was handcrafted at halloween in philly). as I was sticking flyers on trees, a mom/kid nearby volunteered the use of their xmas present metal detector, now I'm waiting to hear back from them. maybe I'll be reunited.... if not, already know what/where my replacement is comming from.

Jan 2, 07 4:38 pm  · 

tk lost a cellphone two years ago in a snow bank and damn thing showed up in the spring afther the snow melted and I had replaced it. Funny thing is it still turned on after all that time.

Jan 2, 07 5:06 pm  · 
brian buchalski

not this year, but over the previous holiday season, my grandfather somehow managed to lose his false teeth while shoveling snow. poor guy had to suffer through christmas without any teeth.

everybody was sure they would show up in spring when the snow drifts melted, but they never did turn up.

Jan 2, 07 6:08 pm  · 
liberty bell

Wow, tk, now I am regretting my advice - the ring was custom made at Halloween?!? You know I actually never even went into that place, though I took a long close look through the one clear window lite one evening when all the lights were on - what a totally amazing place that is!! Now I regret not going in.

Jan 2, 07 7:17 pm  · 

Thank you, AP. It was a great game to watch, and I think that Michigan did a lot better than the sportswriters make it sound like. I'm very glad I got to be there.

Sorry about your loss, tk. My mom recently lost the diamond from her ring, just looked down one day and it was an empty prong. Came to find out that it was worth a fraction of what she'd thought it was - as women of her day were wont to, she had always looked at that ring as a financial safety net, so it was a sad blow to discover that the value of it could sustain her for a week or two if she lived frugally.

Jan 2, 07 8:25 pm  · 

Ok, let me get one thing straight.....*I* was not the one who came home in frilly red hot pants. My ass probably wouldn't even fit into hot pants. Although in theory they would match my lovely "architecture sucks" shirt.

That prank phone call was hilarious!

Jan 2, 07 8:54 pm  · 

i have an interview with a michigan grad coming up. thanks a lot rationalist.

Jan 3, 07 12:49 am  · 

i bought such a sweet lamp for no money!


Jan 3, 07 1:20 am  · 

my parents got that lamp. I LOVE that lamp. It is rad. Good job, SBD! Did you like the other one they have too--the more, kind of, circle-y one?

(also i was kidding btw rationalista!)

Jan 3, 07 1:24 am  · 
el jeffe

for all you Thomas Pynchon lovers out there:

that claris prank call nearly had me shooting a latte out my nose.

happy new year everyone.

Jan 3, 07 10:27 am  · 

myriam - just tell them you think that Henne (Chad Henne, their quarterback) held up really well considering the level of protection he recieved from the Oline (which, btw, is absolutely true). But only if they bring up the game first, they may still be in major pain and not want to think about it.

SBD- I noticed those a while ago. They look a lot like those expensive 'artichoke' lamps, only cheap materials, which is fine for us unmotivated young'ins

Jan 3, 07 10:46 am  · 
liberty bell

Nice to see you jeffe - didja get that book for christmas?

Jan 3, 07 10:47 am  · 
el jeffe

naw - but i knew there'd be takers here.
i'm tempted though.

Jan 3, 07 10:52 am  · 

at least Michigan no longer has a claim at the national title... they can stop whining about being jumped by UF...


Jan 3, 07 11:44 am  · 

sporadic supernova popped in on the new year's resolutions thread!

Jan 3, 07 12:30 pm  · 

reporting from superior court of california - county of los angeles los angeles jury waiting room 01/03/2007;

even though i tried to excuse with my dr's signatured paper that i take some questionable prescription drugs, i've been recalled to jury duty. my excuse denied...
i have got here @7;45 am. this is the superior court building on temple street in downtown los angeles and my car is parked in disney concert hall parking lot by frank gehry and validated by justice dept of california. ahem.
this the jury room computer that i paid 12 $ for all day pass to archinect and other web on the 5 th. floor, waiting for my name to be called and possibly enter some judgement to somebody's life. the room is relaxed and we are to be here at least till' 4-5 pm. a workday for a libra like me.
first day of jury duty is unpaid and there is a pay of 15$ a day if you are called for the rest of the week.
most people who are waiting for their name to be called are reading paperback novels. how i would love to be here in this room as abracadabra, faia someday, people reading my adventures as they are waiting for their jury duty. btw, this room is decorated by the posters of 'other' celebrities like jamie lee curtis and ed james olmes, who served as juries in this very room. burp. how i wish jamie was here now.

one good perk we get though, other than serving our country as good citizens, is that we are allowed free of charge to museum of contemporary art, not too far from here upon showing our badge to the doorman there i don't know if i shoud go there or return to my car in disney concert hall listening the radio and eating my lunch. i wonder how much money disney concert hall charges the superior court for the parking fees.

stay tune for further reporting from abra. brought to you live from the courthouse with possible side trips to moca and the other bunker hill architecture while i am here doing my jury duty...

Jan 3, 07 2:00 pm  · 
Chili Davis

Architphil, someone forgot to tell you, the National Championship game was played November 18 in Columbus, Ohio. You can't give a team 2 months off and expect the same team to show up at a bowl game. The Wolverines lost by 3 at Ohio State. Had the game been in Ann Arbor, the outcome could have been reversed. Bowl games are a joke, as is the entier BCS. The only way a clear cut champion could ever be determined is with a playoff system. As it stands in my book, OSU is at #1, with UofM at #2, FLA at #3 and USC at #4.

Jan 3, 07 2:06 pm  · 

abra - if you get picked for some great murder jury or putting a drunk actor behind bars or speeding ticket borrow someones blackberry, fill us in and we'll set out a poll on archinect to see how you should vote!

Jan 3, 07 2:06 pm  · 

so far i made up my mind for not guilty for below;

drug users and small time dealers
small time thieves
jose padilla (i suggest everybody to write their congressman for this guys relase who totally and unsudstantially accused of terrorism and dirty bomb making)
homeless people cought stealing or loitering or breaking into abondoned buildings
homeless people caught in beverly hills or in westside
small contraband involved crimes
victims of racism turned criminals
stealing for food


racist treatment of anybody
mindless murderers
people who victimize innocents
child pornography
slave traders

please help me with the list...urgent... i might be called anytime now to report to courtroom #53 or something.

Jan 3, 07 2:26 pm  · 
Chili Davis

Houw about Guilties - Catholic Priests with a penchant for young alter boys?

Jan 3, 07 2:29 pm  · 

white collar crime - enron-ish?
tax evasions?


per correl?

Jan 3, 07 2:38 pm  · 

all good suggestions keep it coming.

how about homeowners who terrorise the architects in the middle of the project?

Jan 3, 07 2:43 pm  · 

if anyone watched the umich game and ohio state game
they'd know it wasn't really as close as the final score
would indicate..

umich never does well in bowl games..but why are other teams
able to show up after two months? lloyd carr has a piss poor
record in bowls..while coaches like joepa have a very good
record..coincidence? i don't think so.

i agree with you though..the bcs is crap. i can only hope that
ohio state shows up and kicks the crap out of florida. my
roommate is a huge florida fan and i've watched most of their
games...although the sec is great this year i haven't been
very impressed. i think the top 3-4 teams in the big 10
stack up very well with the SEC.

Jan 3, 07 2:43 pm  · 

architects who charge a lot of money for nothing?

Jan 3, 07 2:44 pm  · 

lars. for trying to divert criminal issues at hand to football games.

Jan 3, 07 2:46 pm  · 

whoa downboy... thy shall not judge too much and there is at least 5 more hours to go....

Jan 3, 07 2:47 pm  · 

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