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TC was 3rd from the bottom... c'mon people... i need entertainment today... i'm one of only a few people in the office today...

how many people are taking all of next week off?

Dec 22, 06 9:02 am  · 
Chili Davis

I have to work 2 days next week and 3 days the following. My vacation is from the 28th to the 2nd.

Dec 22, 06 9:04 am  · 

i'm working, but most of my office is MIA...

Dec 22, 06 9:12 am  · 

Orhan, I second everything that everyone else said but I'm not terribly good at putting it into words. However, I do empathize.

I have to "work" 2 days next week and technically 4 days the following week. 4 of those days will be spent out of the office though.

I really wish I could go home right now. I think working in December at all is just BS. I think we should get 6 weeks off like the Europeans....

Dec 22, 06 9:15 am  · 

Orhan- I've been feeling bad about trying to add a little humor to your delema. It's always awful watching somebody you care about painfully die, self-inflicted or not... be strong and don't forget to take care of youself.

Dec 22, 06 9:25 am  · 
Chili Davis

Things I have done since I got to work this morning:

1. Checked email (both work and personal)

2. Walked to Starbucks, bought venti peppermint mocha and Detroit Freepress

3. Paid Verizon, American Express, and Comcast bills

4. Talked to mom on the phone

5. Went on a fart walk around the office (it's nearly empty, so I don't care)

6. Posted on Archinect

I'll be back in a while, I'm gonna go read the paper and maybe take a nap.

Dec 22, 06 9:26 am  · 

you have to buy the detroit freepress???? it's not really free is it?

Dec 22, 06 9:46 am  · 
Chili Davis

I've been petitioning for a name change.

Dec 22, 06 9:50 am  · 

Chili, I am trying not to pee myself from laughing at #5!

Dec 22, 06 10:04 am  · 
vado retro

i do things like that when the office is full. no work for me til 2007

Dec 22, 06 10:06 am  · 
vado retro

my day so far...

cat woke me up at seven to be fed.
decided to stay up...
made coffee and turned on computer...
checked email and myspace and decided nobody loves me...
watched the final episode of Middlemarch...
plugged in xmas tree lights...
gave cat a treat...
tried on my new hat...
made more coffee...
am tidying up and moving stuff around the crib of lonliness while listening to diane reahm...
checked bank account and almost slit wrists...
10:10 am

Dec 22, 06 10:10 am  · 

Vado - I love you, but if my wife finds out we're both dead ;-)
9:20 cst

Dec 22, 06 10:17 am  · 

just finished packing for a 1:15 flight to Chicago. says that I'll make it through the weekend.
10:59 EST

Dec 22, 06 11:00 am  · 

and, dear friends, Merry Christmas.

Dec 22, 06 11:01 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive

Dec 22, 06 11:16 am  · 

puddles- you've still been alive since page 10 of thread central. Any anticipated change?

Dec 22, 06 11:48 am  · 
liberty bell

No rest for me. Countertops going in right now and tile backsplash guys will be there Tuesday at 8am.

vado I'm surpised your list didn't show "got pissed at liberty bell for hanging up on me just cuz her damn client showed up".

Safe travels everyone.

Dec 22, 06 12:10 pm  · 
Chili Davis

Just returned from another fart walk. This time, I have discovered one secretary seated in her cube, directly adjacent to the path of said fart walk... Pray for her soul!!!

Dec 22, 06 12:17 pm  · 

just woke up about .5 hour ago. tina has already gone to ohio yesterday. nice to have quite morning. i know soon after the third truck goes by, daisy will bug me to take her and rupi for a walk. third truck? what is that? well, friday is a trash pick up day in my neighborhood and we have regular trash (black container), landscape trash (green) and recyclable trash (blue), all picked up by a different truck of course. and, my daisy doesn't like the noise garbage trucks make and counts those trucks and she is all over me after the third (last) one passes. the number is really six if you count the other side of the street, like daisy does. it is amazing how mathematically advance she is and only few steps from doing my structural calculations if you ask me... a calculating bitch we have in the house. her counting doesn't really stops at trash pick ups but goes into how many treats left in the jar, how many rupi got, what time it is, when mailman comes. how many kisses her brother recieved and how many is due to her. it goes on and on all day. she also fart walks around the house and sometimes there are guests are around.
this is one of our future plans, daisy and i discussing. what about rupi?
that fucker is already on the driver seat and only makes the final decisions.
have a fun day, even if you are feeling lonely, you are still alive, life is beautiful...

Dec 22, 06 12:22 pm  · 
vado retro

liberty that post was prior to your bad phone manners which cut me off in mid sentence.

rest of the morning...
had a bagel and some yougurt...
called dry cleaner and paid my bill even though they f'd up my favorite shirt...
called student loan and said can't pay ya... merry christmas...
de cat haired my table cloth...
in honor of drawing/diagram thread pulled out some oil pastels from my thesis that have been stashed in a container under the bed. am gonna go find three frames cuz they are good drawings...
also, there must have been remnants of cats past on the stuff i pulled out cuz pearl was padding around sniffing and opening her mouth and sticking out her tongue ala a serengetti lioness...

Dec 22, 06 12:30 pm  · 

Chili, I'm really upset with you. I'm eating lunch at my desk because I have so much work to do, but decided to check TC first of course.....I seriously almost choked on a piece of ham sandwich because of your comment above.

Let that be a warning! Avoid Chili Davis posts until you are finished eating lest you choke to death alone at your desk!

In any case, I too am still alive.

Dec 22, 06 12:34 pm  · 

I'm alive, but barely.

Dec 22, 06 12:44 pm  · 
Chili Davis

I'm not always a giant ball of noctious gas. You see, my fiancee works for a very high-class art gallery, and last night was their holiday party, complete with prime rib, shrimp, sushi, lasagnia, chicken parmegian, pasta, potatos, potstickers, springrolls, hommas, etc. After that, it was an assortment of desserts, including my personal fav, cheesecake! Oh yeah, an open bar to boot. So after a long night of stuffing my face with crab claws and Makers Mark manhattans, I seem to have a little problem with flatulence today. Right now I'm enjoying some minestrone and a diet pepsi hoping it extinguishes the flame. Thus, my Friday.

Dec 22, 06 12:46 pm  · 

I for one am NOT alive, and intend to do something about it.

I am calling it a year in this office within the hour since nobody is here to stop me. I will then go pet my dog on the way to 4 hours of snowboarding, followed by taking my girl to a phat dinner, see a friend in the local theatre's version of A Christmas Story, then Sister Carol w/ Yellow Wall Dub Squad.

I hope it works. Happy Merry everyone!

Dec 22, 06 1:09 pm  · 

just checking in before going home. missed the office lunch/party because i was out doing a punch list inspection in the rain on a roof.

rest of the office is already gone and our office is closed next week.

Dec 22, 06 1:45 pm  · 

a gsa architect posting to archinect... welcome to Government Mule!!!

from the Morphosis courthouse in Eugene thread:

Total Entries: 0
Total Comments: 1

12/22/06 10:18
"is former GSA chief architect Ed Feiner responsible for this project? he will be sorely missed, considering classicist Thomas Gordon Smith will be taking his place..."

As an architect working for the US General Services Administration (GSA) I can assure you that Mr. Feiner was very much responsible for this ugly mess and waste of my tax dollars. Structures like these only glorify the one who designed it- not the people who will use it or live around it. Also, as an architect I feel sorry for the real true architects “the master builders” who are the ones that do the detailing to put these fiascoes together because it will leak not only water but most everything else. The main Eugene newspaper has asked readers to comment on it and most comments were negative. And the majority of architects here at GSA are glad to have the classicist Thomas Gordon Smith among us.

His head is stuck in the sand- I've seen too many doric columns stuck into leaky rotundas to equate classicism with well built or water resistant architecture... the roof geometries of palladio or even jefferson have many, many more conditions where potential water infiltration can develop... Mr. Mule shouldn't blame modern architecture or starchitects for designing buildings that leak, but the lack of GSA budgets to build correctly.

hey isn't he wasting out tax dollars for posting to archinect from the office????????

Dec 22, 06 2:08 pm  · 

I found out today that I blew my oilpan scraping on a steep driveway. $500. There goes the christmas bonus...

Dec 22, 06 2:14 pm  · 

true enough, treekiller. construction quality / mistakes are more often to blame than detailling in any of the building flaws i've been witness to... the GSA should pay for better contractors if they want better-built buildings.

Dec 22, 06 2:29 pm  · 
vado retro

that morphosis building looks like a typewriter company headquarters in the sixties...

Dec 22, 06 3:05 pm  · 
vado retro

back from running around.
got eleven movies from the library...
got 45 ft of cable to relocate my computer and phone
got something to nail into the wall with
got some cheese and some wine and some snack food.
priced some frames at a framing shop. guess im goin to target for those...
nap coming soon...

Dec 22, 06 3:18 pm  · 
liberty bell

Contractor just gave me a bottle of Maker's Mark.


Think I'll have a nip now. Stay tuned for a new "Top Ten of 2006" from me.

Dec 22, 06 3:23 pm  · 

LB- that rocks! don't enjoy it alone...

my boss just said it's okay to leave at 2:30 today!!!! happyhour here we come!

Dec 22, 06 3:26 pm  · 

Well I didn't get to leave early but my boss treated us to 4 o'clock shots of scotch. That'll do.

"get in my belly!"

Warm and fuzzy now! Going home soon, if I miss any of you over the weekend, have a wonderful Garwondlerful holiday, my fantastic ephemeral friends!

(gosh that was good scotch)

Dec 22, 06 5:00 pm  · 

i love rationalist's car talk. sorry to hear that r. my vacum hose blown out the other day, needless to say shorty fixed it pronto and free of charge. something about having your business across from aamco.

Dec 22, 06 5:12 pm  · 
brian buchalski

excellent top ten list liberty bell

Dec 22, 06 5:23 pm  · 

liberty, proof positive, yet again, that Christmas and Modernism will never go together.

oh well, looks like my carbon fiber christmas tree and fiber optic light spectacular needs to get trashed.

Dec 22, 06 5:32 pm  · 
vado retro

lb you be spendin too much time in the northern burbs!!!

Dec 22, 06 5:47 pm  · 

Almost had a head on while sitting stopped at a Traffic Light. Guy making a left hand turn must have forgot he was driving in America
and punched it to the floor and headed right for me...veering at the very last second to miss me. There wasn't a damn thing I could do except sit there and watch it happen cause I was stopped with cars
behind me.

So my comment to all rude drivers today has been, "Hope you make it home for Christmas!"

Dec 22, 06 5:58 pm  · 

car is back, no noticeable difference. other than the $560 dent in my wallet. hen-peck-typing is painful, but i can't bring myself to put down the margarita that's dulling my pain. mmmmm, margarita salt.

new item on xmas list: 17" wheels for car, so that i don't scrape the oilpan anymore.

Dec 22, 06 6:12 pm  · 

these are my preferred gift, but I know I won't get them...

Dec 22, 06 6:14 pm  · 

just a quick question for Paul or John, is the site going down for christmas? i liked it when in the past you went dark for the holidays...

Dec 22, 06 8:19 pm  · 

margaritas at christmas, rationalist? like that robert earl keen, song:

carve the turkey, turn the ball game on,
mix margaritas when the eggnog's gone,
send somebody to the quickpak store,
we need some ice and an extension chord,
a can of bean dip and some diet rites,
a box of tampons 'n' marlboro lights.

hallelujah, everybody say cheese,
merry christmas from the family

Dec 23, 06 7:40 am  · 

it was a nice top ten, lb. i saw it on your flickr first and was wondering what was up. thought maybe something about surveying indy's ratio of asphalt to christmas decorations.

Dec 23, 06 7:41 am  · 
vado retro

i'm going dark for the holidays...

Dec 23, 06 8:40 am  · 
Ms Beary

snooker, perhaps he was from Denver. strange thing here that I haven't witnessed elsewhere, sometimes the first car making a left turn is allowed to go in front of all other traffic. sometimes 2-3 cars get to go.

my car is in the shop over the holidays, it's under warrantee, so the only sucky thing is driving a crappy rental rollerskate in 30" of snow!

Dec 23, 06 10:49 am  · 
some person

Who else plans to submit a top-ten list? Each one gets progressively richer and more humorous. liberty bell set the bar pretty high with (self-taken?) photographs. WonderK's was truthfully funny.

Have all of the list topics been exhausted? I hope not...

Dec 23, 06 4:01 pm  · 
vado retro

looks like i didnt make dca's top ten list of top ten lists. maybe im just bein paranoid...

Dec 23, 06 4:59 pm  · 
some person

yep, just paranoid, vado :)

Dec 23, 06 5:51 pm  · 

Ha ha, now you HAVE to do a top ten list of top ten lists. Tee hee, how meta of you!

I was pretty drunk last night, BTW. I stayed up until 4:30 and I am surprised that my list was coherent, and that I didn't make any more posts.

I have to go meet mdler for dinner now. Wish me luck.

Dec 23, 06 6:27 pm  · 

Yeah, good luck with that. (he he)

Make sure he doesn't put his junk in a box.

Dec 23, 06 6:32 pm  · 

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