
Thread Central


Speaking of product, I made a bit of a mistake.....I didn't include a client's standard door locks in my door hardware schedule, and the vendor sent a different they are trying to pin the cost on the next email will be to client, explaining that I didn't realize that specifying this brand was absolutely necessary at that point.

Whoops-y. I honestly didn't know any better. I have a pretty good relationship with this client, so fingers crossed :o/ Frankly all of this mess could have been avoided if they would send shop drawings or cut sheets like a normal company....

Jan 5, 07 10:41 am  · 

get knobs at lowe's, lb. it would suck if you got handles and the offsets were slightly different than the permanent ones.

Jan 5, 07 10:59 am  · 
Living in Gin

Myriam: It was great meeting you the other night. How are interviews going?

Jan 5, 07 11:08 am  · 
brian buchalski

yes, i'm still alive and well.

Jan 5, 07 3:23 pm  · 

speaking of meeting 'necters, I'm really looking forward to next friday.

Jan 5, 07 5:09 pm  · 

Yay! So am I. How fun is this going to be!

Jan 5, 07 5:22 pm  · 

I think this is my first threadcentral post. I have always been intimidated by its longness but I figured I don't need to read the whole thing.


OK that's it. I'm also all done with my grad apps :D :D :D Now maybe my "nervous tummy" will go away...

Jan 5, 07 5:43 pm  · 

congrats on finishing your applications Susan! Woohoo!

happy friday afternoon everyone...

Jan 5, 07 5:56 pm  · 

I would like to say that yes, I met Susan, and she is awesome. As if we had any doubts! She has an extraordinary talent and is brilliant and fun. Susan if you are not familiar with Thread Central, sometimes it turns into a love-fest, like right now......

In all honesty, I have not met a single archinector that I didn't think very highly of. Except maybe my roommate! Ha ha ha, just kidding SBD....

Jan 5, 07 6:18 pm  · 
Ms Beary

Had my review. Wow. All 4's and 5's out of 5 (we had to do this silly grading thing). I brought up my issue in a round about way (sans ultimatum, I couldn't bring myself to do it) He understands, will try to keep a better eye on that kind of stuff, just too busy.

But "she" must be reading archinect or something because we are just working really really well together now. We have been sitting back here, running ideas past each other all day long lately -- there is give and take, good discussion, mutual consideration, no competition. She asks my opinion and takes it, or improves on it. I do the same. Perhaps I need to chill out the next time I get "offended". Remind me of that, would ya?

Susan, thread central can be very theraputic too.

Jan 5, 07 6:59 pm  · 
brian buchalski

who invited susan? i thought this was an exclusive enclave. i feel much less special now

Jan 5, 07 7:13 pm  · 

oh puddles...don't let your panties get in a .....oh wait.

Jan 5, 07 7:52 pm  · 
vado retro

wonder K you used to say those things about me! this is for
Susan! becuz its a lovefest baby!!!

Jan 5, 07 9:06 pm  · 

has tc became too powerful for the worst? like even being intimidating and impossible to a rock star like susan surface? well, someday everybody will have been posted in thread central.

treekiller, the courtroom have nice mohogany veneered paneling, beautiful white plastic cell (1/2" x 1/2") ceiling panels set in an aged bronz anodized 6' x 4' grid, storefront like system except horizontal. there is also grill like vertical wood panels made from dark stained oak(?) interior machined 2 x 4's @ 4" o.c, in which an approx 4' dia. bronz seal of california embedded, right behind the judge.
carpet floors for the bench area. and, ivory colored vinyl 1x1 tiles in the spectators section, under the bent plywood row seats that has a very nice simple curved bentwood profile.
seems like they remodelled the jury area in 80's because it is furnished with nice dark blue imitation wool upholstred bucket type seats with arm rests. very comfy but definetly remodeled against the earlier plan. does anybody have the interior pictures of morphosis eugene, oregon project? i am now ready look at it.
i think defendant's mexican attorney is bit of a tv lawyer wanna be. not so bad though...
DA is totally working girl.
there is a killer detectivess involved. she is from the lapd abuse unit. she has a gun, badge and ammo. around her belly, under her casmir jacket. she has medium hi heel pointed black shoes and she hits the vinyl floors of the 14' wide double loaded main corridor with her heel taps which sounds like a flamengo dancing that goes pretty good as a background music with the real life drama inside.
btw, she wants to can the defendant more than anybody else.
the judge is a very pleasant and good looking woman in her mid 40's. me and the juror english teacher / fiction writer talked about wanting to see her in civilian clothing, like, what's under the vail...

my immediate right juror is an interior designer who works for a respectable modern design showroom and my left is a journalist who gave me some pointers about what is the going rate around written stuff. can you imagine he said nyt pays very little per article (+,- 500$) but he got 2K from readers digest for the same length. of course i don't know what he really writes though, but he was a full time people's mag staff until couple of years ago.
there are also and attorney english teachers, retired peeps and couple of students.

i so far, photoed disney hall, caltrans and some other points of downtown la, around the temple st down to 6th.
i think frank gehry's project will be a good addition to that area but i wouldn't bet any of my money to that bunker hill.
but, his lacing of series of urban parks is good follow up on what exists in that area already (at least partial reading i got from that billion dollar project's pictures). you can go up from spring st to hill st by just traveling through the green plaza's. something of a sort, if you ever seen the film called the swimmer w/ burt lancester. one of my all time favorite films which takes a place around hollywood hills and it is one of the rare psychology flix hollywood use to produce. where they dealt with time, space and the void.

Jan 5, 07 9:51 pm  · 

case continues to monday and possibly into tuesday...

Jan 5, 07 9:56 pm  · 
liberty bell

Good morning TC, welcome Susan, I figured you were here already? guess I'm not paying enough attention. And of course one doesn't have to read the whole thread to post here.

Party last night went very well. Everyone loved the remedl and carried on and on about how beautiful and bold and modern it is. And everyone made jokes about the trendy new flooring material, white building paper taped to the floor, AKA a covering to protect the un-sanded and -sealed oak floor below from red wine spils until February when the owners go out of town and we can do the floors.

If possible, Brian, my anti-social husband, actually had more fun than me last night because he spent the evening talking/networking with art collectors - who knew there were people in Indiana who own Nam Jun Paik and Brian Tolle and Agnes Martin?!? So the big outcome of the party is we are rethinking the notion that Indy is a totally cultureless backwater. I just need to work with better people, like the totally amazing clients of the house last night. I gave them a little framed rendering of the kitchen with the line "Good owners make good architects" written on it and our names - thank you SP for using that line and reminding me of it the other night (you know who you are but I forgot your screen name).

Will get some pics soon - I decided not to take my camera in last night. And still have the pulls and aluminum angles and other little touchup stuff to finish as well - but the contractor and I both breathed a big sigh of relief last night. Wahoo!

And on to the next project...

Jan 6, 07 9:23 am  · 

welcome susan to TC!!! TC is the downstairs insiders clubhouse of archinect, so we mostly say things nice about each other and bitch about other people... if you are addicted to archinect and need to fill some time, reading through all of tc can be an enjoyable weekend worth of reading. (and there are some good recipes there somewhere)

Abra- great power of observation... reminds me of my days designing court rooms for primetime tv.

LB, glad the party was fun- i was worried for a bit that you were too stressed out about the details to enjoy the occasion.

Jan 6, 07 11:48 am  · 
vado retro

LB my good friend i am so glad the party and showing went well even though when i talked to you friday you were ready to kill someone. Hope you and Brian made some contacts there. Time for a nap!

Jan 6, 07 1:19 pm  · 

yep, i kicked that fucker to the curb. bitch slapped him harder than a red-headed step child. i showed him just who the man is and i even think i heard a whimper when i did it too.

SP done, and i am certain that was the last time i'll see that fucker again.

sayonarra, hasta la vista, paco.


Jan 6, 07 2:12 pm  · 
some person

congrats, beta!

I just got my CD pass letter today, which was just icing on the cake of this 73-degree January (?!?!) Washington day.

Jan 6, 07 7:06 pm  · 


what's next?

for me it's ME, before the change over...

Jan 6, 07 9:35 pm  · 
some person

MM was today. PD is in two weeks.

And more icing on today's metaphorical cake: I just talked to Professor Dorf HIMSELF to order his solution guide. Yes, he returned my call at 9:30 pm on a Saturday night.

Jan 6, 07 9:58 pm  · 

I just found out that USC placekicker Mario Danelo was found dead in San Pedro today, at the bottom of a cliff. One local reporter is saying it was a suicide... Danelo missed two extra points in last weekend's Rose Bowl, and was generally ridiculed for it by members of the sports media. I really, really hope that those comments had nothing to do with it. It just strikes me how harsh some media are on those kids, and they're just kids. 18-22 year olds who have god knows what else going on in their lives, and you don't know what could push someone a bit too far, what could be the last straw. Who the FUCK is some 70-year-old has been, or some 25-year-old-never-will-be, to take jabs at some kid who's working his ass off because a kick goes wide, or they get intercepted, or whatever. This just makes me very, very sad. RIP Mario.


Jan 7, 07 12:05 am  · 

The articles aren't really saying anything about a possible cause of death. I can't imagine that he would go so far as to kill himself, I mean, they won....and he was one of their highest point scorers, I gather....

It always saddens me when I see someone so young with such potential pass away. It's terrible. The same goes for that Denver Broncos guy last week. Unnecessary, and preventable, and tragic.

Ah crap. I have to work on my stuff now. Urgh.

Jan 7, 07 12:59 am  · 

from local reporter Scott Wolf: "USC kicker Mario Danelo found dead today of an apparent suicide in San Pedro.
Danelo's body was found at 4:30 p.m. at Point Fermin Park and he had been missing for a day and rigor mortis already set in when authorities discovered him.
The man appeared to have suffered traumatic injuries and was wearing street clothes, police said. Police planned to use a helicopter to remove the body."

As much as I dislike Wolfie (he's not so ethical), he usually turns out to be right. It's also apparently a place that's rather known for suicides, according to people from the area.

Yeah, I'm working on my stuff now, too. Should be ready for monday send-out for two packets, but had to scrap the fancy packaging.

Jan 7, 07 1:09 am  · 

this kid had issues beyond a dumb football game.

Jan 7, 07 7:33 am  · 

crap on journalist chasing death stories.....just because they think is reportable journalism.

Jan 7, 07 8:19 am  · 

on lighter note, not anything earth shattering, or gossipy, but maybe useful to those of you who have posted here about crashing computers, spilled alcohol, etc...

anyhoo, david pogue's latest geek-mail had a thing about online backing up of, secure (whatever that means), and free and easy, most of them.

am trying out xdrive, which has 5gb free storage and automated backup system...also can control access and share folders with product of aol, which sorta sucks cuz gots to get an accnt (free) with them, but apart from that bother is quite nice. now have a remote drive pretty much the same as my network drive that i access through my wireless as backup, cept this one ain't in my room. shows up with same icon in MY COMPUTER too.

also quite nice that i can backup files even when visiting the in-laws for a week and don't want to carry along a hard drive...

Jan 7, 07 9:30 am  · 
vado retro

didn't they win that game? not quite the donnie moore story...

Jan 7, 07 11:22 am  · 

yup, they won. It just got me thinking that these journalists don't know what else the kids they're slamming have going on in their lives, they don't know how that slam is going to affect them, whether they can brush it off or whether it's the last straw.

Jan 7, 07 12:31 pm  · 

Nevermind. Just went to ESPN to see this much nicer headline: Police rule out suicide in death of USC's Danelo The story doesn't actually say that, but the link did, and I'm going to hope it's right.

Jan 7, 07 12:35 pm  · 
vado retro

well, if you haven't already you should take a look at the donnie moore bio. or watch a star is born or something like that.

Jan 7, 07 12:39 pm  · 
brian buchalski

maybe the usc kicker was majoring in architecture and just took a look at the salary poll...or maybe he misinterpreted the "go to bottom" button. at any rate, i feel partly responsible for this tragedy.

Jan 7, 07 1:57 pm  · 
some person

Woah...did anyone else notice the brawl in the Care to comment on my proftolio? thread?

Jan 7, 07 2:27 pm  · 

I hadn't noticed it, but now I'm totally invested in it. I feel bad for Chch. Why the fuck do these people care so much, anyway? Do they get a big ego boost from criticizing the work of others and are disappointed that they missed out?

Jan 7, 07 5:00 pm  · 

Yeah I've caught up on it too. Who are these people? I don't think I have the words to express how confused I am that someone would be so offended that they didn't get to see a portfolio that they felt the need to post about it. Especially on your run-of-the-mill, "I need an opinion on such and such" topic. I'm a Libra. I need an opinion on everything. I'm surprised I don't ask you guys what I should wear everyday.

Jan 7, 07 5:12 pm  · 

Rationalist, if you are so invested in that discussion, then why do you wonder why others care so much? By the way, I think you misunderstand the difference between critique and "criticizing." A good critique is never personal, and should never become about hurt feelings.

Jan 7, 07 5:17 pm  · 

dubK, you don't ask 'cause you already know ;-)

Jan 7, 07 5:20 pm  · 

sam- you mistake me, I am invested in it from the opposite side. I feel very badly for Chch that people are jumping on him when I can't see that he's done a thing wrong. I understand the difference between critiquing and criticizing, and was inferring that these people must be in it to criticize (and therefor selfgratify), not genuinely to critique.

DubK, it's not only that they're so offended that they didn't get to crit a portfolio, it's that they are so offended that they didn't get to crit a portfolio of someone they don't even know! They could otherwise care less about this guy, but for some reason are terribly offended that he doesn't want their opinion.

Jan 7, 07 5:26 pm  · 

"They could otherwise care less about this guy, but for some reason are terribly offended that he doesn't want their opinion."

Because he is asking for opinions...look at the thread title! And if someone takes the time out to respond, he/she gets a thanks-but-no-thanks email! It's rude. He apologized sincerely, so that's fine.

How about this: I start a thread on a website with hundreds of members, and call it "Care to come to my party??" Then you enthusiastically respond and say "sure! I'd love to, thanks," To which I then politely respond, "No, I only meant to invite three or four people."

Jan 7, 07 5:59 pm  · 

piss off 7A- it takes a lot of balls to venture into thread central, but you've picked the wrong forum for your own inflated ego. It's going to take a lot of brilliant posts and discussion on your part, to earn back the respect you've squandered in your first 9 posts here.

'Thanks but no thanks' is a rather gracious response from ChCh. Most people would have just ignored the flood of emails after the 20th, or whenever they felt like they had enough reviewers. It was their prerogative to stop distributing the link to the portfolio, so stop whining.

Jan 7, 07 6:12 pm  · 

sevenA, you might be new here, so I think it's fair to tell you that we do that all the time. (The opinion thing, not the party thing) It's perfectly reasonable to expect that if you are a member of a forum, on which information is frequently exchanged, that you can ask for some people's opinions, and expect to get some have to draw the line at some point, you can't just keep accepting 90 people's opinions! That's ricockulous. I'm impressed that he even responded to people with "rejection" emails, or apologized. I would have ignored them. Especially if he's working on grad applications? He's not a portfolio distributing charity.....

Or, to put it in the perspective of the building code: if you started that thread on the website about the party, and invited everyone on the site, and most of those people started showing up.....but then the house got full......and no one else would fit inside.....well, then you'd have to turn some people away, wouldn't you?!? Same concept. Chch's house got full.....

....And then the fire department shows up, and things get messy, and you get cited for exceeding capacity.....well, you get my drift.

Jan 7, 07 6:15 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Wow, it's been a while since a good flame war. [sets up a folding chair with a good view and cracks open a beer]

Jan 7, 07 6:26 pm  · 

Bluto: What’s all this sitting around shit?

Stork [another frat brother]: What are we supposed to do, you moron?

D-Day [another frat brother]: War’s over man. Wormer dropped the big one.

Bluto: Over? You say over? Nothing is over until we say it is.

Jan 7, 07 6:34 pm  · 
brian buchalski

it's sunday and i have to go out tonight...but i really don't want to. this is unfortunate. of course, once i get to the bar i'm sure i'll feel right at home like always.

and some of these other posts about fire departments and hot pants...just leave me feeling confused. i can't wait for abra's jury duty to resume.

and since some of you seemed to like my recommendation of the verdict starring paul newman, you might also check out his role as architect in the towering inferno. here's some sample dialogue:

Architect Doug Roberts (paul newman): I thought we were building something where people could work and live and be SAFE. If you had to cut costs, why didn't you cut floors instead of corners?
Developer James Duncan (william holden): Now listen. Any decisions that were made in the use of alternate building materials were made because I as a builder have a right to make those decisions. If I remained within the building code then god-dammit I did.
Architect Doug Roberts (paul newman): [Chuckling] Building code? Building code. Come on, Dunc, now that's a standard cop-out for when you're in trouble. I mean, I was crawling around up there. Those duct holes weren't fire-stopped, corridors without fire doors, sprinklers that won't work, and electrical system that's good for what? It's good for starting fires. Hoo boy, where was I when all this was going on? Because I'm just as guilty as you and that god-damned son-in-law of yours. What do you call it when you kill people?


Dan Bigelow (robert wagner): I'll be back, with the entire fire department.
Chief O'Hallorhan (steve mcqueen): [sighs] Architects.
Architect Doug Roberts (paul newman): Yeah, it's all our fault.
Chief O'Hallorhan (steve mcqueen): Now, you know we don't have a sure way to fight a fire over the seventh floor, but you just keep building 'em higher and higher.
Architect Doug Roberts (paul newman): Hey. Are you here to take me on, or the fire?


Architect Doug Roberts (paul newman): I think they ought to leave it the way it is. It kind of shrines all of the bullshit in the world.

priceless...and surprisingly prescient given the trade towers demise some thirty years later.

Jan 7, 07 6:39 pm  · 
vado retro

the ToweringInfernoPinkLeisureSuit

Jan 7, 07 7:56 pm  · 
liberty bell

Not only the pink suit, but that super groovy carphone, too - and did he actually say "Call a meeting - post-stat"?!? Cuz that's what I heard.

vado thanks for your sweet post yesterday - yes as you know I was ready to strangle the cabinet pull providers on Friday but I quickly got over it once I got a glass of wine - that's being an Aries (to go back to DubK's mention of being a Libra) - anger comes fast and furious but dissapates real quick too.

And AP, nice hotpants post on page 64 ;) - can't believe TC is up to 65 already!

Jan 7, 07 8:37 pm  · 
vado retro

liberty i want to hear about your cabinet pulls!

Jan 7, 07 8:52 pm  · 

SevenA - The best part about your logic is that it makes absolutely no sense. I do appreciate the completely inaccurate, ridiculous analogy though. Its a very nice attempt at sounding witty but sorry, you lose. I seriously can't imagine how you could spend this much time and energy complaining about a guy that has all the feedback he needs on his portfolio. He apparently doesn't need your help, and for you to by offended by that is just borderline retarded. I honestly hope you are just messing with everyone, atleast then there would be an excuse for being so asinine.

Jan 7, 07 9:04 pm  · 
liberty bell

Wait, this is starting to remind me of some thread about some ivy that I think someone said "blows"......

Jan 7, 07 9:13 pm  · 

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