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Sarah Hamilton

Yeah, I had a hard time coming up with something too, melt.  I just searched under WTF and chose a photo.

Aug 31, 11 12:09 pm  · 

Sarah, that naked photo you posted - of other people!  with cats! - is the funniest thing I've seen in awhile.

Yeah, musty must've posted some pretty inflammatory posts on several threads that are now gone.  The only thing I saw was a truly hilarious picture of a little dog deeply sniffing a big dog's rear.  And now rusty seems to be gone.

I'll try to come up with a would you rather but jeepers I'm swamped!

toaster, I do think you're onto something, too.

Aug 31, 11 2:06 pm  · 

how come I've never seen this corbu project before:

philips pavilion, 1958 - it was also apparently interactive:


Aug 31, 11 2:21 pm  · 

For the record, rusty was not banned, nor did anyone here even suggest that he would be banned. He just seems to be, as he would say, and "ego-bruised assmuncher" ;)

Aug 31, 11 2:34 pm  · 

Paul didn't ban me, he just spanked me in front of all my classmates. Worst parenting ever.

Aug 31, 11 3:17 pm  · 

okay, so you're an ass-bruised egomuncher

Aug 31, 11 3:19 pm  · 

Moderator zing!

Posting in a Paul thread.

Aug 31, 11 3:27 pm  · 

HAHAHAHA ass-bruised ego-muncher is pure brilliance.

Aug 31, 11 3:27 pm  · 

I've never seen that Corb project either, and the monster in the video has weirdly human hands.

Aug 31, 11 3:28 pm  · 

Who do you complain to when the site operator openly mocks you?

Paul, I'm writing a letter to your mom.

Aug 31, 11 4:06 pm  · 

Iannis Xenakis involvement is synonymous with Corbisier on Philips Pavilion project.

Aug 31, 11 4:49 pm  · 

i don't know, rusty. our complaint box is already overfilling from people getting openly mocked by you.

Aug 31, 11 4:58 pm  · 

I'll put that up there with "sucks a big donkey's dong".  One of my favorite LB statements :o)

Love that photo of the Corb project.  I've never seen it either.

rusty! - People can only handle so much snarkiness.  Is it any real surprise Paul, one of our wonderful founders, took it upon himself to post something?  Perhaps he did to make an example of those who seem to troll the site looking for an argument.  Sorry it had to be you, but some or us, me included, get tired of the daily banter and bad attitude that seems to come with your posts.  Yes, it sucks out there for a lot of people.  A lot of us are in a bad mood, but does that mean that you (plural) have to bring everyone else down as well?  From the outside looking in, it seems as though you can dish it out but you can't take it.  As an outsider looking in, it seems as though either need to toughen up your skin or change your general posting approach.

Aug 31, 11 5:15 pm  · 

melty, tellin' it like it is.  rusty, be good and we'll all tell you what the four asterisks in front of her name mean!

Aug 31, 11 5:22 pm  · 

"Paul, one of our wonderful founders,"

I knew this was a cult!

Aug 31, 11 5:29 pm  · 

What can I say, I'm just tired of incessant the bullshit.

Aug 31, 11 6:07 pm  · 

^  +1

Aug 31, 11 6:12 pm  · 

incessant the bullshit.

What a terrible cognomen.

Aug 31, 11 6:18 pm  · 

Sorry,  that was supposed to say incessant bullshit.

Aug 31, 11 6:26 pm  · 

I now. But I like Incessant, the Bullshit better.

Could you imagine being forever known in history as Prince(ss) Incessant the Bullshitter?

Aug 31, 11 6:48 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

James, you may have just come up with Rusty's next screen name!  And you know what, I bet people would take him less seriously if that was his nom de plum.

Aug 31, 11 7:15 pm  · 

Hey melt,

You have let me know on a number of occasions that you don't like loud noises. Why not leave it at that? "Kick a rusty" telethon was a day or so ago. Why must you insist that a gathering of architectural professionals must conform to some specific liking that you've personally spec'd? Most importantly, why tired of incessant bullshit? Why would you let yourself be emotionally affected by what someone said to someone else? If this is an occurring problem in life, do yoga, go for a run, or whatever will make you happier. "People suck" only if you let them be. And a public forum is probably the shittiest place to look for an emotional oasis. 

Things do suck a big donkey's dong (we have officially had 3 full years of recession) but it wasn't my fault. I swear!

I looked for my own peace and found it in Jesus.


Now who wants to do some PCP with old rust tonight?! My treat!

Aug 31, 11 7:49 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, do they still even make PCP, Rusty?  I thought it was all X and Salvia nowadays.

Aug 31, 11 8:26 pm  · 

I actually wasn't referring to myself rusty!  I don't come here for emotional refuge.  I was reiterating what Paul and many others posted.  I honestly could care less about your snarky comments.  I actually think you bring a lot to the table, but unfortunately it's frequently overlooked by all the other nonsense.  All I'm saying is if you can't handle being publicly mocked by the site originator then stop doing it to others.  Stop dishing out what you can't take.

I like enjoy loud noises as much as the next person, but not at 2am outside my bedroom window on a school night.

Aug 31, 11 8:58 pm  · 

fair enough melt.

I do think Paul likes my bs (most of the time) but doesn't care for having to babysit me. Too much paperwork.

Some of the "why are you people mocking me??" was a put-on, but having so many beady-eyes pointing at you is tough! Especially when the question is "Why are you being yourself?" as opposed to a specific list of charges.

Sarah, you guys in Texas get all the best shit.

Loud noises!!

Aug 31, 11 9:21 pm  · 

incessant the loud noises!


i liked the original version too.  happy accident it was.


@toaster, i only learned about the project when i had to teach a course on modern architecture.  its pretty cool.  very nice to be reminded that VJ's have been around for like 80 years or so too.

Aug 31, 11 9:28 pm  · 

Excellent post on Would You Rather, melty!


Aug 31, 11 10:53 pm  · 

the very strange video that went along with the pavilion can be seen here


I'd recommend getting a projector and watching it inside a womb-like structure for the full effect.

Aug 31, 11 11:44 pm  · 

orhan - xenakis' musical works are very interesting - apparently during that period he was doing "parametric" music.


Sep 1, 11 12:02 am  · 

I love that building. That's right. My name is miesian, and I love that friggin' building.


Signs that you may be working a little too much: clicking ctrl-s every two minutes while taking internet breaks.

Sep 1, 11 12:13 am  · 

miesian, I was just doing the same thing, but apple-s in Sketchup.  Too much work too late at night!


Sep 1, 11 1:20 am  · 

Yep. I was searching for more images of the phillips pavillion earlier. Tried to orbit around one.

Sep 1, 11 1:28 am  · 

You know we can always bring back archinect chat right?

Sep 1, 11 1:49 am  · 

is alive after driving 2080 miles with a 3 y.o. 


seems I missed a hurricane or two....


Sep 2, 11 1:01 am  · 

HI Barry - glad to see you made it safe to LA.   When do classes begin?

Sep 2, 11 8:20 am  · 

Morning all. TGIF!

Barry, I will be emailing you in next couple of days. Will you be too busy settling in still?

Sep 2, 11 8:47 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Barry, I can't believe you survived!  You must have had a back seat, and ear plugs.

Sep 2, 11 9:15 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I went out to a Brazillian steakhouse last night. Yum.

Sep 2, 11 9:48 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

(there is no there = the archinector formerly known as Strawbeary)


Sep 2, 11 9:49 am  · 

was it one of those places where they bring you meat on swords?

Sep 2, 11 9:52 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Yes. prime rib, sirloin, filet mignon. I had a coupon.

Sep 2, 11 9:54 am  · 

south americans really like their bbq.

Sep 2, 11 10:06 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Indeed, I forgot how to say thank you in portuguese though.

Sep 2, 11 10:07 am  · 

I recall some garlic cheese infused meat sliced monstrosity in Rio that nearly killed me.  (Ooooh but I'd do it again.)

If there's one thing I can recommend before going into a Brazilian steakhouse, it's to practice some self restraint.  

Sep 2, 11 10:33 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

An ex-coworker had to call in sick to work after meeting his in-laws at one of those places the night before.  Must be a guy thing.

Sep 2, 11 10:58 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I practiced some restraint. I had been before, so knew what to do. I mixed and matched a lot of flavors from the salad bar, I put some goat cheese on a piece of prime rib and and then dipped it in the au gratin sauce. To die for.

Sep 2, 11 11:13 am  · 

sarah - did he call in with a bad case of the meat sweats?

Sep 2, 11 1:08 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

He just said he was sick, but we all knew where he'd been the night before....

Sep 2, 11 1:34 pm  · 

so.  a while ago i dealt with this recruiting firm.  i was looking for freelance work, but they found a f/t opportunity for me, and i was asked to come in for an interview THE FOLLOWING DAY.  the recruiter said they were looking for someone to start immediately, so i scrambled to find a way to move around all my other commitments, but said i would be able to do it. then they called me for a second interview, to meet the partners and other staff 5 days later.  both interviews went really, really well...the second lasted almost 2 hours. and that was 2 MONTHS AGO. i haven't heard a word from them since, and neither has the recruiter.  and, she's being pretty vague about the whole thing, saying she will contact me IF anything comes up.  now, i'm finding this pretty unacceptable, since they are repeat clients of the recruiting firm, and surely they would be able to get a hold of them somehow if necessary.   what's going on here?  is there some sort of recruiting-firm scam that i'm not familiar with?


Sep 2, 11 7:41 pm  · 

elinor, the recruiters are the debbil. Don't ever deal with one ever again, and you won't miss a beat. That said, your situation is different since you had two interviews. Architects only know how to deal with one type of high stress: overwork and impossible deadlines (ok two!). For whatever reason your hiring process got stalled at some point. No one has the emotional skills required to tell you why that is.

Time for my own rant. Telephone conversation today:

  • Rusty: "Hi I'm rusty and I'm calling on behalf of (xx). I am preparing specs for the landscape architect and wanted to coordinate with you items that might already be covered by architecture specs."
  • Guy in charge of coordinating specs: "Uhh ok..."
  • Rusty: "We need to add items to metal fabrications, unless you feel it warrants for a new spec. Also, there seems to be confusion as to who is writing the cold-fluid applied  waterproof....
  • Guy: (cheerful voice) "Excuse me! Did you read the specs we posted on the ftp?"
  • R: "Um. No, but these are new items..."
  • G: (still cheerful voice): "You need to read the specs posted on the ftp! There's nothing we can talk about until you read the specs posted on the ftp."
  • R: "Uhh..."
  • G: "Do you know how to access ftp? I can send you the instructions. It's all on the ftp!"
  • R: "I understand but..."
  • G: "ftp!!"
  • G: (not so perky anymore) "Uhh...."

G then proceeds (about 15 minutes later) to e-mail me (with every big kahuna CC'ed) saying how he looks forward to hearing back from me on my comments on the specs posted on the ftp.

For those who don't know me, I am very comfy with reviewing specs. Two hours later, I had about 5 pages of comments on the specs from the ftp (that were posted a month ago). After I reviewed it with my client, we narrowed it down to one page. So what if the facade falls off in five years, not in our scope. Omit that one. Fine.

What really gets me is that 'Guy in charge of coordinating specs' was only reflecting his boss'es arrogant swagger. Every request for design clarification was met with "you said you would have your document submitted a week after you received such and such" while ignoring very basic design intent questions.

Why are architects like that sometimes? We are all working towards the common goal.

In this case, it's actually a cool project (at least portions of it). The building creates a big urban plaza with a really cool waterfall-wall feature right downtown. Landscape architect (my client) and fountain consultant are in charge of detailing the whole thing. There are five levels of parking underneath. You would think that the architect's office would at last take SOME interest in how the details are executed. But instead it's the classic: "all our consultants are clearly retarded". I would know. I worked on both sides of the fence.

So moral of the fable is, don't be just nice to people immediately surrounding you. Be nice to the voices on the phone too. They are here to help. Really! World is not your enemy. really. You are only as strong as people that you know. really...

/end rant




Sep 2, 11 9:49 pm  · 

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