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Elinor, even if you went through a recruiter, you can still contact them yourself. It usually doesn't go against your contract at all to give someone a ring to say "hey, I know that (recruiter) has been having a hard time getting a hold of you so I just wanted to touch base myself and let you know how much I enjoyed the chance to speak with you regarding the opening at your office. I am curious, has it been filled or am I still being considered?" My current position (not arch though) was found through a recruiter, so sometimes they do work out, but you've still got to give the process a little extra love sometimes.

Sep 3, 11 1:30 am  · 

rusty, your experience is not limited to dealing with architects, unfortunately. when people have no time, they tend to think you're stealing more instead of just getting what you need. 

i sometimes think i go too far the other direction, giving all of my time so that there is not any time left for me to actually do anything productive during work hours. hello weekend work hours! 

Sep 3, 11 8:00 am  · 

Thanks, Erin, that's good to know...I was planning to do just that after the weekend, but wasn't sure how it would be perceived.  I guess I'm just surprised by how completely unprofessional this recruiter has been...first of all, she never did try to get me the kind of freelance work i was looking for (i got two separate referrals from friends for freelance projects through the same recruiting company...both jobs she never told me about directly), she aggressively tried to get me to go down in my salary request, bluntly telling me i was pricing myself out of the market, which was frankly ridiculous, and then never did follow up on this one lead, and now it seems like she s trying to get rid of me.  something seems totally off about the whole thing....


Sep 3, 11 8:43 am  · 

Steve, that's a very interesting point. From my experience, such attitudes are more likely to come from brand name joints. Polshek and Vinoly were like that (but not always). Graves was definitively like that. All princeton grad controlled firms were a nightmare to work with.

On the flip side I worked with team captains who definitively knew how to bring everyone together. They always had time for you and made it look easy. Projects were delivered on time, and all issues fully coordinated. Professionally, I'm inspired by such people. Steven, if that describes you, then keep in mind that by sacrificing your time, you are probably boosting productivity of those surrounding you, and the net effect may be time saved by everyone involved on a project. And time is money (until Chinese take over, then it's time is rice).

I think a bunch of arch schools offer courses (or seminars) on time management. One lesson of such workshops should be 'a strategic hour wasted can become 5 hours saved'.

Sep 3, 11 5:00 pm  · 

princeton grad controlled firms

Princeton isn't known for its business savvy. On the other hand, Brown is really known for its ability to take huge bong rips. Harvard knows business and bong rips. Columbia was too cool for bong rips and business.

Your mileage may vary.


Sep 3, 11 5:51 pm  · 

sarah - didn't have ear plugs but certainly wished for them at several points on the trip. his car seat was centered in the back until yesterday when I pulled the seat out for a thorough car wash/vacuuming of the trip debris, now it's installed on the back passengers side so he can't kick my seat or headrest any more (a trick he figured out on the last 1000 miles of the trip), and to facilitate buying furniture.

nam - life is crazy busy as I finally got enough of my marching orders to start planning the quarter, but yes, let's try  meet next weekend.


Sep 4, 11 1:05 am  · 

Wait, barry and nam meeting?  I thought you are on opposite coasts.  barry, aren't you back out left now?

Sep 4, 11 2:04 pm  · 

donna, yes. but i am getting ready to on a full 2 week vacation (first one in 2 years) to the left coast mostly Bay area/NorCal but also LA area for a wedding/family thing.

Hopefully i might get a chance to meet some of folks at Archinect HQ also, although unfortunately for me Alex will be out of the country.

I am hoping i can check out Barry's new campus at Pomona.

happy sunday all!

Sep 4, 11 3:10 pm  · 

also every-time the page loads and i see "meat sweats" i get a horrible mental image....

Sep 4, 11 3:11 pm  · 

This has been one of my Summer Projects. Sadly it is still under construction.

Sep 5, 11 1:56 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Way to go, Snook, you posted a photo!  And that is very similar to what I was telling Husband we should do with our canvas awning when we build our pergola.  Thank you for posting an image so he can see it.

Sep 5, 11 5:23 pm  · 

I love the way that canvas drapes, with the simple bar at the end to hold it in place.  Very nice.

I found myself at the mall today, against my wishes, because I finally had to cave and get a new battery for my laptop.  So husband and I wandered into some home stores looking for a few accessory items we needed to finish the remodeled bathroom before the house guests start arriving this week.  Pottery Bland, Williams SoPretentious,  Restoration Tombware - no joke, walking into Restoration Hardware was like being in the scenes inside the concentration camp from Schindler's list: gray, wrapped, dark, pallid, and horrid.  We turned around and left before we had walked 20' into the store, I felt suffocated.

Then Crate and Barrel came through!  Everything in there was bright and perky and fun and suited my marketed-to tastes to a T!  And the saleshelp were excellent!


Sep 5, 11 5:52 pm  · 

Like this: I'm deeply embarrassed at how much I was craving this flatware!  I resisted, though.


Sep 5, 11 5:55 pm  · 

hey Donna,

Yup I'm back on the left coast (though at the eastern edge of LA county). We have one more day without furniture, or should I say: one more day of freedom....

Classes start in about three weeks and I'm still up in the air about sites for both of my studios. Thinking that my 3rd year bsla studio will focus on urban heat island, while I'm co-teaching the mla foundation studio, so there are just a few short projects to plan.

At least all my new (cough) 'toys' have arrived. Tomorrow is for setting up all the peripherals before the deluge of books arrive. 7-101C is a strange office - four walls of storefront (bronze glass/dark bronze mullions) and no gyp board for pinup/display space. So found an old 8' bulletin board in university stores that will hide much of the awful vertical blinds that shield me from the architecture studio next door.

Still need more bookshelves, so will probably pull one of my wire shelving units in from home. Maybe I can recruit Nam to help shelve books.

Sep 6, 11 12:51 am  · 

I eat at home in a Brazilian Steak House every night...but it is not all Steak... but often served on a sword. 

Actually took the Mrs out to dinner for her B-Day and ran into  the Best Man and Woman at our Wedding some ten years ago. 

We also met some over the top people, who I have no idea what they actually do for a living...but Donna might know since they are all about "Fashion."

The awning material is 90 percent solid and 10 percent open to allow for rain water to fall thru it cause if you don't then it becomes a bit of a problem as you can imagine....Canvas sagging to the middle and rotting not a good thing.

The Lights are rope lights mounted in the reveal...I have to get over and turn them on tonight just to see if there is enough light. Looks like were still over a week till we get the blessing of,  "those who must be obeyed." 

We took the awning down just so Irene wouldn't rip it to shreds.  It will go back up tomorrow.





Sep 6, 11 1:41 pm  · 

Bad, bad day.  Crashed one of our cars into another (luckily neither of the hotrods), stumbled through a mess of a code lecture, then left my Mac power cord in the lecture hall, and THEN came home to an unexpected $700 bill from my accountant.  Ugh.

Sep 6, 11 9:26 pm  · 

so its obvious that my wedding is near - it's occupying 90% of my days thoughts and I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes as I look at our engagement photos.

Donna sorry about your day that does suck. Big hugs

Sep 6, 11 10:22 pm  · 

Aw, David, that warms my heart!  So exciting!

Sep 6, 11 10:24 pm  · 

late to the party, but in reference to this from rusty:

Every request for design clarification was met with "you said you would have your document submitted a week after you received such and such" while ignoring very basic design intent questions.

I've worked with (bad) arch employees who do this... basically this is their way of getting defensive in order to try to deflect questions they obviously haven't thought through yet.  Sometimes it can simply be a legitimate ploy for time, for example if they are so overworked they literally haven't had time to go through the specs properly yet themselves and thus are trying to buy themselves time in order to review before talking to you and not look like an obvious idiot on the phone to you.  Sometimes it's just pure obstructionist, point-the-finger-at-someone-else-so-it-doesn't-get-pointed-at-me bullshit though.



Sep 7, 11 12:03 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

David, you're such a softy.

Speaking of softies, Abram is a typical male.  We watched a new version of The Velveteen Rabbit over the weekend, and it was so sad that he started to tear up.  I could see the glassiness in his eyes, and they were getting red.  But when I hugged him closer, he fought back, and got angry with me.  So strange to witness a three year old be affected by a movie, and then play it off like a grown-up.  How do they learn these things?

Sep 7, 11 8:52 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Hey Jump, you're Canadian, have you ever heard of "nanaimo bars?"  How do you say it?  nanAYmo? nanIGHmo? nanaEEmo?  I'm giving up.

Sep 7, 11 11:21 am  · 

Donna, the flatware looks nice, but have you tried eating something really delicious from a rounded spoon? I don't know, maybe I'm weird, but I think food doesn't taste as good as with a traditional spoon. I have a rounded one here that I never use.

Sep 7, 11 1:45 pm  · 

Well, I do see your point, and I too I prefer a traditional oval spoon, but I honestly rarely ever use spoons anyway - for dessert is about it, and dessert makes me happy enough I don't care what the shape of the utensil is!

Sep 7, 11 3:10 pm  · 

Donna is clearly lying.

See, when no one she knows is around and the clients are far removed from her daily life, her and the family cover up all the art, put on their pajama jeans, slide into this seasons' must have neon Crocs and get ready for dinner.

And by get ready for dinner, that really means going to the garage, pulling out the fancy dinnin' tarpaulin, you know the silver reflective one, cover the table, sprinkle sawdust all over the floor and heap on 20 lbs of coleslaw, baked beans, chicken fingers and fried cheesecake. It's a fantastic menagerie of condiments flying, handfuls of food being mashed together into fantastic new culinary creations and there's never a fork or napkin to be found.

After this all-American dinner is over, the pajama jeans go back into the shameful closet, the Crocs put back underneath the floor boards, the dinnin' tarpaulin goes back into the garage, the art is unsheathed and the latest issue of Art Forum is put back on the dinning room table.

Sep 7, 11 3:36 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, with that mess, I can't blame them for covering the art.

Sep 7, 11 4:22 pm  · 

I'm not a fan of baked beans or coleslaw (but I love Asian slaws) or chicken fingers and WTF is a fried cheesecake?!

I'm about to roast a fresh ham.  And bake some cookies - oatmeal white chocolate with dried cherries, I think.

Sep 7, 11 4:25 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I love coleslaw.  Actually, I think I just love cabbage.  Must be my Polish DNA.

Sep 7, 11 4:36 pm  · 

I just don't like sugary, mayonnaisey slaws.  I like vinegary slaws.

Sep 7, 11 4:46 pm  · 


You take bits of cheesecake frozen to sub-zero temperatures (usually with dry ice or liquid nitrogen), wrap them in dough, batter them and then drop them in the deep fryer long enough til the outside cooks. The inside should just be defrosting to almost frozen while the outside is crispy and hot.

Sep 7, 11 5:05 pm  · 

i get to see donna tomorrow! and her awesome family! 

Sep 7, 11 5:14 pm  · 

Sorry to hear about the demolition. 

Sep 7, 11 5:54 pm  · 

I'm right there with you Donna on the coleslaw.  Am not a fan of the creamy stuff but can practically lick the plate if it's the Asian stuff.  Baked beans are underwhelming.  I prefer black beans. I do love me a good chicken tender though.

Sep 7, 11 6:20 pm  · 

@ Steven- So she's cooking!  You are a lucky guest!

Sep 7, 11 6:42 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

May favorite cabbage dish is thinly shredded cabbage, and equal parts white vinegar and vegetable oil, and salt and pepper to taste.  It's even better if you cook up some bacon bits, and then toss the slaw into the pan just to warm it a bit.

And I make my coleslaw with a bit of mayo and the juice of one lime.  It's tangy, and only a little bit sweet.

Sep 7, 11 6:43 pm  · 

Actually Steven is not coming for dinner, though I do have a nice bottle of Elmer T. Lee if he makes it back to my house...the opening of Brian's show is tomorrow at the Museum, and I have wonderful friends coming to town for it yay!

Sep 7, 11 7:05 pm  · 

I had  cokeacola....ribbs last night  along with green beans in garlic with toasted almonds and rice...topped off with a fresh out  of the oven apple cake...using our own fresh apples picked of the tree just before Irene landed.....Now you have to ask me about Coke a Cola Ribbs....they are to die for...Mrs Snooker done it to perfection...


Sep 7, 11 8:32 pm  · 

sure i heard a nanaimo bar  sarah.  mum used to make it alla time.  i tried it recently and couldn't eat it it was soooo sweet.  clearly my tastebuds have mutated.

pronunciation for me was na - nai - mo (nai like in bye)

no comment on coke and ribs.


just moving to new digs.  light were being installed while we were in meeting with the engineer.  kinda funny.  will post images after the place is actually set up.  alla sudden can't print wirelessly and all other kinds of things don't work, but at least we have some space, which is a nice thing after years of totally not having anywhere to work at all properly.

Sep 7, 11 9:41 pm  · 

Donna those are some hot cutlery and very much resemble these I saw recently

I just made spagetti and spicy meatballs. Secret recipe that's 90% about the preparation. 


Sep 7, 11 10:46 pm  · 

another day without furniture - but we talked to the driver and got an affirmative ETA for tomorrow!

progress in setting up my new office, even if it meant spending a good hour and a half talking to tech support about why my new RAID HD wasn't working with 10.7. At least the guy in India threw in the towel quickly so I could chat with a tier II guy who actually knew a work around. The result of all that time is that I'll have to manually back stuff up - no time machine for me :(

the bright side of my day is that I've figured out (sort of) what site and  program to throw at my juniors. gonna play around with outdoor education/nature center next to one of the debris basins in the local mountains all as a context to introduce resilience and heat island mitigation. I was sorely tempted to find something next to the LA River in downtown, but that seems overexposed and too obvious.


(I do like traditional baked beans, since I'm from boston)


Sep 7, 11 11:32 pm  · 

I love coca cola ribs.  makes baked beans taste better, too.  My fave bbq place here does 'em up that way... so yummy!

Sep 8, 11 1:03 am  · 
vado retro

pulled pork sandwiches with slaw on top. yum. may make some this weekend or some green chili stew since it is suddenly fall like here and now have things such as yard work to do.

Sep 8, 11 7:12 am  · 

Mmmmm... pulled pork samdwiches. 

I prefer the longer tines on Donna's forks.  They just seem so much more elegant.  Not to mention you can stab more veggies when you're eating your salad.  So am I the only one here who eats with a knife in the right hand and the fork in the left?  It was a habit I picked up when I worked in Germany and it never really left. 

Sep 8, 11 8:24 am  · 

morning all,

I was under the impression that vinegary slaws were a midwestern thing, since that is the traditional one my grandma (from Kentucky and Missouri) makes.

It is definitely the type I prefer.

Jump is that a new residence or a new office space for Front Office? Is it ok that i have mentally checked out today even though my 2 week vacation doesn't start until tomorrow? I am practically giddy.

And james that sounds like some sort of down home southern version of a Rirkrit Tiravanija food-work (ie Relational Aesthetics project)...


Sep 8, 11 8:42 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I've been eating a lot of slaw this summer because I am poor again and it is cheap.


Did anyone watch the repugnants, er, I mean, republicans debate last night?

Sep 8, 11 8:56 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Oh, and here is one to try that I discovered this summer  - add flax seed to your slaw for extra omega-3's!


Sep 8, 11 8:58 am  · 

@ nam, it is a new office space.  crazy old house in akasaka (centre of tokyo) with tea shop on ground floor and our new place on the 2nd.  we took out all the walls but kept the timber framing and now need to cut the furniture to fit in where the columns are.  that probably doesn'T make any sense, but will use the archinect press release tool to post some images once is all done.

a couple new house going up in next few months actually. both interesting, one of them especially good if i say myself. 

didn't watch the debate but heard bits of it on the maddow pod-cast.  those bits sounded interesting.  have to admit i find them interestingly scary people for the most part.  they sure do say some questionable things those publicans do.


Sep 8, 11 9:04 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I wanted to watch the debate, but we don't get that channel (only have an antenna) and I forgot about it.  Woops.

Pulled pork is my favorite BBQ, even though I'm supposed to say I'm all about the brisket.  Shhh.

And Vado, the weather is awesome, right?!  Too bad it's going to be in the mid-high 90s again next week.

Sep 8, 11 9:13 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I watched it on the internet, Sarah. There are like 100 more debates. But it was significant because it was Perry's first. The most uncomfortable part was the crowd cheering when Perry bragged about how many people he has executed on death row. Seriously, cheering?

Sep 8, 11 9:19 am  · 

Ugh, thereisno, cheering killing people, gross.  Yay America.

David I like that flatware better - I prefer the chunkier handle, and wood not resin as is the set from Crate & Barrel.   The C&B set was much slimmer and more lightweight than I'm used to, but I felt it mike make me eat more delicately, which would be a good thing!

Sep 8, 11 9:57 am  · 

jump - what are those notebooks that you use?  I wanted to order some waaay back when you were talking about them but they were sold out online - but since it's been a while I can't remember what they were.

Sep 8, 11 10:53 am  · 

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