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Hi _n I wanted to share with you an article called under the table that talks about the black market groceries in Cuba. It's an interesting article for anyone to read. And oddly the story told, reminded me of your impending quest/travels. Do make sure to leave the city and see some of the smaller parishes Trinidad is by far my favourite... it's more Caribbean than the rest of the island.


Myriam love the sign... but I'm thinking the texture is going to be the selling point - the landscape in the fore/background and the material quality of the concrete/stone. Looking to see more and more as it develops.

Apologies if these messages seem late - I'm two pages away

Aug 18, 11 2:17 pm  · 

Good question indeed jump.  One of these days I'm going to make it down to the Creation Museum.  Seems like it could make for some interesting people watching at the very least.

Aug 18, 11 2:51 pm  · 

hi tc! popping in from my self-imposed sabbatical (t-minus 6 days till the move and counting) with a question:

anybody have any good language to insert into a lease to allow having a home office/business (a psychology practice) in California that protects the landlord (and us)?

Aug 18, 11 4:21 pm  · 

This is the longest conversation I have seen. You guys submit to Guinness Book yet?

Aug 18, 11 10:04 pm  · 

"This is the longest conversation I have seen."

The worst part: the original poster asked a question, but hasn't responded to any of the answers in years! What an ass. 

Aug 18, 11 10:09 pm  · 

I pulled into the parking lot of the Creation Museum on one of my drives home from Kentucky one day.  But the people there, the security guards, and the overall vibe of the place made me feel like I was a trget: they could see my skepticism a mile away and it creeped me the fuck out.  So I drove right out again.

Aug 18, 11 10:42 pm  · 

Actually, it's kind of the same feeling I get when I drive into a New Urbanist community.  Like I'm clearly an outsider and I'm being watched.  I know: welcome to what it's like to be a black man in America, 24/7.

Aug 18, 11 10:43 pm  · 

hah donna.  think i would feel the same.  but would still be interesting.

I think my kids would enjoy it.  My youngest finds the religious art in the museums here fascinating somehow.  the horror of "jesus on the cross" as Art struck her quite hard this year and she is clearly wondering what the deal is. Add dinosaurs to the mix and I think she would totally enjoy it - much better than pictures with some dude stabbing jesus with a pike i must say. 

since the bible is not part of life here it would at the very least be a good way for them to understand the way their relatives all think back in canada.


is this actually the longest conversation?  couldn't be.

Aug 18, 11 11:14 pm  · 

donna, it's probably because you were the only miata in the middle of acres and acres of mini-vans and suvs.

Aug 19, 11 6:55 am  · 

Your daughter would be able to ride a dinosaur, jump, just like a horse, saddle and all.  A proclaimed atheist friend of mine visited the museum and had her picture taken on it on said dinosaur.  It was her FB profile photo for a while.

Aug 19, 11 8:28 am  · 

If you are the sould developer of a design concept but someone else did computer generated renderings for the client, is it sill possible to use those renderings in your portfolio?  It seems kind of sketchy to me.  If so, how would you do this without falsly "advertising" the rendering work as your own?

Aug 19, 11 8:32 am  · 

there's an actual creationist museum?  I am glad I do not live in the bible belt.

Aug 19, 11 10:48 am  · 

really melt?  hah amazing.

it would be a hoot i am sure.  we are spoiled rotten by tokyo, which has several fantastic science museums but none with saddled dinosaurs.

the japanese audience all laughed when the announcer explained that creationists think the world was made 6000 years ago.  Of course I think it's a hard thing to believe as well but I have never thought to laugh at someone else's religion before.  not sure if the museum makes the religion seem more or less sincere.


do you own the renderings melt?  if you paid for them (or the office did) then they are yours to use as you like.  if the client paid for the renderings then ask him/her for permission i think.  for portfolio the authorship of the images maybe can be noted but otherwise wouldn't worry about it.  heck, when the building is done you will be able to replace them all with photos anyway...


Aug 19, 11 8:34 pm  · 

Freud would have a field day with types of people who want to ride Jesus's dinosaur. 

Aug 19, 11 8:49 pm  · 

hey rust.putin, i know you are down on your luck and want answers but you really have ask them here if you want personal attention. make sure you follow the format, it is a state job...

Aug 19, 11 9:27 pm  · 
vado retro

jesus' dinosaur would be a good name for a band.

Aug 20, 11 9:00 am  · 

The renderings were done by the renderer in our office.  I was just the one who developed the concept.  The client was the one who paid for them.  that's why I'm slightly weary of how to go about adding it to my portfolio. 

Aug 20, 11 8:17 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Melt, i would just show the renderings, and under write "conceptual Design" as part of a title or something.  I think you're over-thinking it.

Aug 20, 11 9:03 pm  · 

dear abra,

why did you quit your advice column? After you did that the whole economy went to shit.

I blame you for everything. 

Aug 20, 11 9:41 pm  · 

it only matters if it's your property or not.  i would ask whoever owns it if you can use it, but otherwise of course is coolio to use.


in the mildly weird category...recently went to see house we are thinking of renting and the broker had my resume from 8 years ago in his hand.  he downloaded it from a website that i erased completely ages ago.  my wife was mildly freaked out.  i thought kinda funny.  nothing is EVER erased from the internets.  and you never know when someone entirely unrelated to you might decide to do a google search.

Aug 20, 11 11:18 pm  · 

Yeah, jump, I'm pretty screwed if some people go googling me, but the same info would make some other people like me more!

Aug 20, 11 11:23 pm  · 

I just googled donna and got meow!

I like more!

Aug 20, 11 11:33 pm  · 

hilarious what I just found

Aug 21, 11 12:46 am  · 

lol, david


funny thing is in english i can be found with a bit of effort, but in japanese im the only one here pretty much so there is really no where to hide.



Aug 21, 11 3:19 am  · 

i'm guess i'm lucky (?) that there are so many steven wards in the world. there are plenty right here in louisville, have been others in each major city in which i've lived, and there were even a few within the university years ago when i was at tulane. i used to get mail for an engineering student with the same name. if anyone googles me, they're likely to have to dig a bit to figure out which steven ward is actually me. except for all these archinect posts, that is. 

Aug 21, 11 7:33 am  · 

David that's hilarious - love the wallpaper!

Aug 21, 11 10:47 am  · 

Steven Ward: Master Matchmaker  ;o)

Aug 21, 11 7:50 pm  · 

Steve Ward is...a love coach, dating guide and relationship expert...

Fantastic find, melt!

Aug 21, 11 9:20 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Sloop John B is one of my favorite songs of all time.

*melt, for the rendering, you can put a tag in the corner of the drawing like "Drawing by Ace at WTF Design"

Happy Monday everyone.

Aug 22, 11 9:53 am  · 

Sad day in Canadia. One of our finest 'commie' leaders passed away this morning. RIP moustache man. 

Aug 22, 11 11:38 am  · 


That is some second job!  You must have one heck of a makeup artist for the transormation from Architect to Matchmaker.



Aug 22, 11 3:46 pm  · 

smilin jack was pretty cool.  very canadian win by overwhelming with good thoughts approach to politics. 

Aug 22, 11 6:38 pm  · 

School starts tomorrow.  My studio is going to look at light local manufacturing, aka boutique manufacturing, similar to what's being done at SFMade and Made in NYC.  Anyone have any feel-good local manufacturing stories to share that I can show my students?

jump, how are things made in Japan?  I'm guessing you have some really beautiful small manufacturing groups there making things like perfect tea ceremony ceramics.

Aug 22, 11 9:44 pm  · 

Donna, I guess local stage scaffolding manufacturers are out of the running?

Too soon, I know...

Aug 22, 11 10:35 pm  · 

@donna   japan is a nation of small businessmen so local manufacturing is pretty normal.  lots of artisans with special skills.

this link was on arch-daily recently showing fairly small timber yard.  very typical way of building.  quite interesting and in many ways amazing.

Aug 23, 11 4:32 am  · 

School starts next week for me. They bumped me to the 4th year to coco ordinate the design studio. I'm trying to jazz it up a little from the start. We'll be doing a university response station for the campus police which should be interesting - I would say more, but fear some smart ass student is lurking and taking information.


Aug 23, 11 9:20 am  · 

donna - sounds like a fun studio!  it's interesting because it's kind of like the ubiquitous artist studio project except you need special MEP and fire protection stuff and there's an additional economic component.  around here there are few areas that are accessible by public transit or are close to the city center are zoned for industrial use - so space is at a premium - and if you're a start-up you don't need a ton of space so that further restricts your options...  IMO - light manufacturing is one of those things that could benefit from slight changes in zoning and building codes.... anyway - I'd be interested to learn more about what you are doing.


I just got a nice e-mail from a client on a project I worked on a couple years ago.

Aug 23, 11 9:44 am  · 

Beautiful, jump!  I love that it's a contemporary building using those traditional methods.

toaster I'll tell you more as I get it more fully formed.  We have a couple small preliminary projects to do first, and as usual I can't seem to prepare anything until 5 minutes before the deadline!  

Emails from happy former clients are one of the best aspects of our business.

Aug 23, 11 11:54 am  · 

nyc just had a little earthquake...



Aug 23, 11 2:02 pm  · 

what i was going to post, before the earth moved, is this link for those of you in the area interested in urban rooftop farming:



Aug 23, 11 2:12 pm  · 

earthquakes are weird... this was my first one... i was at lunch with a friend and we weren't sure what the hell it was... my wife was in her office on the 21st floor of a building and got a little freaked out by the swaying back and forth...

Aug 23, 11 3:31 pm  · 

Earthquakes aren't weird. If you do tape delay (say 1 second to a 10 year ratio) of earth's geo-activity, all you get is earthquakes. All the time. 

What's weird is us. Our entire existence. By the time you read this post, entire civilizations got created and vanished. That's what the earth thinks of us.

Aug 23, 11 4:25 pm  · 

Gotta love all that fault line movement... or not.

Aug 23, 11 4:30 pm  · 

according to wikipedia, there are 500,000 detectable (by instruments) earthquakes per year.  that's 1370 per day.  this one felt like a regular oscillation...we have a rocking chair that creepily began rocking itself. 


Aug 23, 11 5:05 pm  · 

now imagine it 25 times stronger and for 4 minutes.  earthquakes are scary motherfcukers, no doubt.  hate them.  hope ny can avoid another.  we are all waiting to be hit by one like the one that hit the city in 1923.  supposedly it's like coming any minute now.


@ donna i agree totally.  there is almost zero 2x4 construction here, only timber frame but with robots.  takes 10 years to earn stripes as carpenter cuz is necessary to learn all those joints.  makes for a pretty smart crew i feel.  and skilled like nobodies business.  makes my life so much easier.

Aug 23, 11 8:27 pm  · 

evening all.

earth quakes hitting the east coast, end of days? but seriously, earthquakes are cool just in terms of raw, natural workings.

being in one would be a different thing i am sure though. i wonder how nyc would fair if it started experiencing them. in terms of building codes/compliance. Etc

Aug 23, 11 9:21 pm  · 

nam.  working as i do near ground zero....people were definitely freaked out today.  alot of buildings were evacuated and people just stood outside for an hour or so until they either went home or went back in.




Aug 23, 11 11:00 pm  · 

when tokyo was hit the trains all went down and didn't come back up again. musta been well over a million people stranded in the city overnight with noway to get home.  could you imagine the same in ny city?  woudl be riots allover the damn place...


lars, was the explosion at ground zero like an earthquake (not sure if you were there then or not)?

Aug 24, 11 2:36 am  · 

lars, I'd be interested to hear your 9-11 story, too.

In the Jim Carroll book Basketball Diaries there is a chapter about the great blackout in NYC in 1965.  Very lovely description of some anger and frustration, some looting, some sense of a big party, and getting home by hanging onto the bumper of a bus because the subways weren't running.  Then dinner at home by candlelight with his family telling stories about their adventures.  Yeah, I think Steven and jump are right that we need some periods of no electricity every now and then.

Aug 24, 11 6:23 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

There was an earthquake on the Colorado-New Mexico border yesterday morning too. 2 quakes in the US in one day!!!

Aug 24, 11 7:39 am  · 

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