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Sarah Hamilton

Jump, do please keep us posted.

And as for all those FB comments, they're totally real. How do I know? My OWN HUSBAND said something of the sort. I just looked at him open-mouthed, and said we already evened that score with the atomic bomb! I mean come on, if you're really going to have a balanced-score mindset, then at least remember that we already took care of it. Besides, if it was God punishing them for Pearl Harbor, why the heck would he wait until most of the WWII vets were dead and gone? I mean really, it's common sense, people.

And I thought Krauts were German. Doesn't make sense to call Japanese people krauts. Oh, and ever since you guys called Straw out for typing 'Japs," I've caught myself nearly typing it often. Japanese is such a long word! Is there some sort of acceptable shorthand for that?

Off to blog...

Mar 15, 11 9:06 am  · 

American (and Unites States) are such a long words too. let's start calling ourselves AM's or US's!

hey blank name, citation please for those figures about radiation released from coal!

Mar 15, 11 12:01 pm  · 

Oh for crying out loud, just how many of those f*ckwads were actually alive during Pearl Harbor anyway? I'm guessing very few. Remember it, learn from it but it's time to get over it and move on. There is no point in holding a grudge.

Fucking asshats. I hate ignorant, xenophobic people.

Mar 15, 11 12:27 pm  · 

Besides the frequent mention of Pearl Harbor, I noticed the racist asshats also have a few words of praise for the Japanese; that at least they are not looting like the Katrina "savages". Thanks uncle Adolf!

Jump, maybe it's time for a visit to Canada for your family? The permafrost has shrunk to record-low 96% coverage since you last visited. You'll have a blast here! errr not blast... terror free vacation!

Mar 15, 11 12:39 pm  · 

SH - Krauts are Germans. That just goes to show just how ignorant people out there can be.

Mar 15, 11 1:20 pm  · 
"Krauts are Germans. That just goes to show just how ignorant people out there can be."


Oh the ironing.

Can you explain to us who the spics and surrender monkeys are next? :)

Mar 15, 11 1:49 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Surrender Monkeys?

Mar 15, 11 2:54 pm  · 

zut alors!

Mar 15, 11 3:26 pm  · 
St. George's Fields

Is the Oak Ridge National Laboratory a good enough source? If so,

You'll have to do some sloppy math to adjust it for today. But there's a lot of good math in here regarding coal and radioactive byproducts.

Mar 15, 11 3:47 pm  · 

you put too much faith in numbers blanky.

some north americans, including sadly a few people in my family, and sarah's husband apparently, are too ignorant to believe.

it is fine when they are anonymous, but more shocking when its family and friends. i am glad you set him straight sarah.

things are not getting better re the meltdown. it is amazing that the scale of the personal disaster of hundreds of thousands north of here seems like such a small thing in comparison to the elephant in the room.

those guys working to put things straight at the reactor are real heroes, putting themselves at immeasurable risk to prevent a national disaster. I don't know how we will ever repay them, whether their efforts work or not.

Mar 15, 11 6:25 pm  · 

‎"Ohh, ching chong ling long ting tong," said Alexandra Wallace, giving her impression on Asians who received and made phone calls in the library every "15 minutes" to and from friends and family concerned about people in Japan's earthquake/tsunami while she was immersed in her "political science studies."

A UCLA political science student!! DISGUSTING!!!!

Mar 15, 11 6:32 pm  · 

Orhan, she makes racism look cute. Reminds me of Seinfeld's 'cute nazi' episode.

One minor thing that really buggs me about the evens in Japan is the relentlessness of the international stock markets. Why can't we put these assholes in a drunk tank for a week? If vegas was betting on misfortunes of others we would call that tasteless, but when bankers do it it's business as usual. In fact, it's a wealth making opportunity for them. World is run by sociopaths. Always has been. Aaaarghhhh.....

Mar 15, 11 6:59 pm  · 
snook_dude need to have an Archinect Sleep Over!...Of course no one sleeps they are busy working away on their lap tops cranking out your project, cause they know you pay in good Whiskey or what ever you might get your hands on in the land of Indianastan...

Mar 15, 11 7:28 pm  · 

It seems like tragedies like the one in japan bring both the best and worst in people. On one hand you have a ton of sympathy, charity, and heroics. And on the other hand... well, we can see some of the links above.

Again, stay safe Jump and family.

Mar 15, 11 9:04 pm  · 

Sorry. I'm having a bad week. Too many things on melt's plate makes melt an oblivious, condescending, bitchy, mean person. I'll be happy when this month is finally done with.

Mar 15, 11 9:59 pm  · 

night all....

Oh and Steven since we were just talking about what i presume is this part of Louisville.

Via The Daily Dish's The View From Your Window here

Mar 15, 11 10:19 pm  · 

If memory serves, one can barely see the edge of one of Steven's favorite Louisville buildings in that photo! It's a nice tight little building.

And melt is using "krauts" because she's repeating someone else's use of it by example. She's not saying she goes around referring to people of Germanic heritage as "krauts".

Although again, if memory serves, melt you are of Germanic heritage, das ist richtig?

And I'm an angry bitch these days too. Just ask my poor young students whom I spanked this morning. Figuratively! If I can make it through deadlines Thursday I should get through.

And all that said: I'm so grateful to not be having to face what you are right now, jump. Comparatively, my life is like being a sex therapist in Aspen.

Mar 15, 11 11:41 pm  · 

lol donna

kids are safe so that is a big stress from my life right now. now we just have to figure out if tokyo is coming to a slow end or not. the news remains contradictory.

Mar 16, 11 2:48 am  · 

the news here has become more contradictory, too, jump. a friend of mine who lives in fussa messaged all of us that - contrary to reports she's read in u.s. press, she and her family are not glowing green and there are buildings in japan that have been left standing....

nam, that building is about 7 blocks south of the ones that are endangered and - ironically - it's been completely (beautifully) renovated by the same developer who is renovating the buildings right next door to the endangered ones. that's right: three buildings that sat for just as long and suffered the same conditions as mr blue's six buildings, immediatel adjacent to them, have now undergone complete and painstaking renovation because the developer knows that these reused historic buildings are better for both the city and his investment.

it's also pretty far south of the building you're thinking of, donna. this is the old henry clay hotel > ywca > henry clay (renovated).

Mar 16, 11 7:20 am  · 

jump even the thought of if tokyo is coming to a slow end or not althought hopefully slightly hyperbolic is mind-boggling....

morning all,.

Mar 16, 11 8:27 am  · 

no kidding nam. time will tell.

interesting times. interesting times.

i believe it steven. it is sort of strange feeling. look out the window at a beautiful blue sky and all is well; look at the tv and the world is hell. look at it through CNN and its hell on a stick.

news reports are also being manipulated quite a bit both in the western press and here in japan. it is hard to know which hyperbolic arc to sit under really. the only answer seems to be to learn as much as possible about what is going on and then sift through the pigsty that is modern media. business as usual i suppose but it shouldn't be this way in an emergency.

Mar 16, 11 9:36 am  · 
the pigsty that is modern media. business as usual i suppose but it shouldn't be this way in an emergency.


I just got criticized a meeting for designing a bus shelter that doesn't really shelter. It provides more shelter than was there before, yes, but not the amount we've come to expect from a typical bus shelter.

I'm feeling like a crap designer right now, because their criticism is valid, and I'm just to tired and dispirited to make the argument that providing a capital-P Place is as important as providing a function.

If I can finish all the drafting I have to do before tomorrow morning and have a successful meeting with those drawings in hand, then tomorrow night I'm going to drink bourbon until the world is all better. Or, I guess, drink green beer, since it's St. Patricks.

I love this blog; Why Architects Drink:
It would be easy to get mad at the users (and/or the client) for underestimating a department's needs, but programming is a gift that architects sometimes take for granted, I think. It's our job to take users through the course of treating a patient and get them to think about the spaces they use and need. It's our job to help a client think through if they do something a certain way now because it's how they want to do it or if there's something about the existing building that makes them do it that way. It's our job to help a client understand space and really know what it means to have a 7'-0" x 14'-0" storage room. So instead of getting pissed when clients say, "Oh, good Lord, we need another four exam rooms and a lab!", I try to remember that they're having to play catchup to the way I already think, just as I probably remember important symptoms at the last minute during visits with my own physician.

Guy and I scratched and picked at everything to see what it was made of. Being an architect is like being an alcoholic--even if you're not a practicing one, you're still one. You can't stop wanting to know what everything's made of and can we do this on a project at home?

Mar 16, 11 10:40 am  · 

donna - how many bus shelters have you designed? As a prototype, you did great work! your shelter is beautiful and enhances the streetscape for all users, not just those waiting for a bus. Okay, maybe more shelter would be appreciated - so the next version can provide that (and avoid looking like the banality of a billboard that most shelters aim for).

try irish whisky to scratch both itches.

okay, gotta go write grant proposals.

Mar 16, 11 11:35 am  · 

barry, you're a sweetheart. Thank you.

Mar 16, 11 11:38 am  · 

woohoo!!!! just made a 'long list'! hope 15 minutes on the phone is enough to make the 'short list'... guess my 'sweetheart' karma is helping.

Mar 16, 11 12:02 pm  · 

Yay! Good luck with your 15-minute window!

Mar 16, 11 12:07 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Completely off topic...

I didn't put any products in my hair for the first time in at least a year. My hair is 4 times it's usual size, and won't stay out of my face. Eff this natural look. It's driving me insane!

Mar 16, 11 12:52 pm  · 

What Donna's bus stop might look like:

Mar 16, 11 3:46 pm  · 

I was thinking this:

or this:

Mar 16, 11 5:15 pm  · 

To their credit, the committee I presented to today wished my bus shelter looked more like this, our Greyhound/Amtrak station in Naptown by Evans Woolen - which is a very cool canopy structure.

Mar 16, 11 8:48 pm  · 

is there money for canopy like that donna?

bus shelter as architecture

hope that means you just have to make new design?

Mar 16, 11 9:14 pm  · 

night all, a little buzzed and its hump day.

Also, not to self-link, but oh well. Would love feedback on new feature What is a Park - Landscape or Infrastructure which went live yesterday.

Wherein I discuss parks (as infrastructure and landscape) and the importance of community involvement in the design process with Gerdo Aquino, president and principal of SWA's Los Angeles studio.

Mar 16, 11 9:51 pm  · 

donna, i'm sure your bus shelter kicks ass. i'd be willing to get a little bit wet for the privilege of standing under a kick-ass bus shelter for a little while. god knows the nyc bus shelters don't really keep the rain out....sometimes they seem like rain-funnels straight to where you're standing.

Mar 16, 11 10:34 pm  · 

nam and his shameless plugs. ;-) will read when I come up for air.

donna - are you going to share your design with us? or are we all going to have to speculate by posting images of shelters shaped like fruit asking "is it like this? how about this one?"

in other news (new to me - old to everyone else...) Bieber is growing a mustache!!!! OMG!

IMO deserves it's own thread. plus he cut his hair. the world has gone completely upside down. it's all everyone's been talking about at the office the past week - clients are like WTF? can he even grow a 'stache? a GC told me that he's betting he's going to get a fixie and move to williamsburg. I said he totally missed the whole hipster boat, though - everyone's wearing indy boots and riding dutch bikes these days. the 'stache is so 2009... he's what - 17? trying to act like he's 19? what the hell.

and he wants to be an architect. someone needs to tell him to just buy a f-ing bowtie and corbu glasses. I wonder what his moniker on archinect is?

Mar 17, 11 12:33 am  · 

Happy St Patty all,

Toast, what are indy boots? As for staches, I have been a consistent and regular wearer of one since i could grow one. It is really only facial hair i can grow with any fullness....

Mar 17, 11 8:18 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Really nam? I hadn't noticed one in any of your pictures. Strange.

I'm finding that either as I get older, or because I'm a 'mom' that I am not as observant as I used to be. I'm becoming one of those "If it doesn't affect me directly, it doesn't exist" people. Scary. It's like wearing blinders, but not knowing that you have them on.

Speaking of, anyone use a Simple Human trashcan? I'm thinking of getting one, but dropping 200 clams on a container that hides my trash is a bit extreme. I will get two containers in one, though, so it's like I'm only spending 100 on each.

Mar 17, 11 8:36 am  · 

toaster I'm impressed at the depth of your speculative analysis of The Biebs.

And, like nam, I don't know what indy boots are?

Pick up drawings, go to meeting, then meet the moms at the brewpub (owned by one of the moms) for, basically, beer all afternoon. That's the plan and if there was ever a week I deserved to spend the afternoon in a pub this is it!

Sarah you need to find a group of moms to drink with. Really. It helps, a lot, to be with people who share my concerns and understand my craziness. The drinking is a bonus.

Mar 17, 11 8:43 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I know Donna. I tried one mom group, and while they were nice, it was still all so kid centered. Plus, now that I'm semi-working, and Abe is in school, I can't make any of those playdates. My only female drinking companion went and got herself knocked-up. I'm happy for her, but it kinda killed girl's night.

Donna, how do you find time to go and do all these great things? What do you do with Angus? I sometimes wonder if living in the suburbs holds me back.

Mar 17, 11 10:06 am  · 
St. George's Fields

Indy boots are simply either chukka or chelsea boots. Specifically, though, Alden's is the brandname of said boots.

There's 5 or 6 pretty well-known makers of these styles of shoes-- other than Alden, there's Red Wing, White's, Clarks and Frye. Cole Haan and John Varvatos jumped on this trend pretty early too.


I have the cheap simplehuman trashcan. It's the brown-colored 13 gallon semi-round plastic step trash can. BEST TRASH CAN, EVER. The step part is all metal, it has a piston mechanism that doesn't let the lid slam and the plastic is super thick on it.

It's been a year and it hasn't broken yet... which is pretty rare. They also come with a 5-year warranty... so, you get a new one in case it does break!

And it's not easy to knock over.

I can't imagine how awesome the $200 version is because the $50 dollar version is A-MAZING.

Mar 17, 11 11:28 am  · 
Ms Beary

My female drinking companion had her baby, so we downed a few over lunch yesterday - first time in almost a year!

Mar 17, 11 11:56 am  · 

Sarah, today I'll be at the pub while Angus is in school and I'm self-employed so I can play during the day and work until 2am (which I've been doing all week minus the "play during the day" part). Otherwise I have a husband and mother in law who allow me to have the occasional evening off.

Mar 17, 11 11:57 am  · 

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone.

Today I'm having a meltdown both professionally and personally. FML!!! I just need to remember something my yoga teacher told me... that everything is temporary... this too shall pass. Just hope it passes sooner than later.

Mar 17, 11 12:11 pm  · 
For melt.
Mar 17, 11 12:24 pm  · 
It is really only facial hair i can grow with any fullness....

I've been growing out my eyebrows. they're like two giant furry caterpillars racing across my forehead. it'll be the new trend. full, lush, eyebrows.

fuller eyebrows also helps to accentuate the raising of one to an even higher level of a non-verbal "are you serious?" which is of the utmost importance when issuing devastating verbal smack-downs. If you don't precede the tongue-lashing with body-language that conveys a certain level of gravitas, you lose a lot of impact in the delivery. it could be the most brilliant utterance of snark disguised as soliloquy, but without the scowl that seemed to have been forged from the depths of centuries of collective disappointment, it just falls flat.

Mar 17, 11 4:39 pm  · 

toaster, having multiple eyebrows on your face smells like design move of a desperate man. Real men only need one. It unifies the face and lets your construction opponents know that if they mess up your design you will eat their babies and wives.

Mar 17, 11 5:24 pm  · 

happy St Patty's all. Sorry for my silence, life has been kind of crazy in ways that I can't really share yet. I have been reading though, and have been very relieved to hear that jump and family are all right.

And Donna, chin up. Design for public amenities gets 100x the criticism that most buildings do, because you have thousands more "clients." If you're willing to listen and keep working on it, I have faith that it'll turn out great.

Mar 17, 11 6:04 pm  · 

funniest two posts in recent pages...

ta ta

Mar 17, 11 6:34 pm  · 

hang in there melt.

looks like they might have gotten a slight grip on the nuclear power plant situation. big relief for me. trains are not running full-time right now, but it is such a small thing it is impossible to complain.

We are really beginning to see the hardships of the half a million people made homeless by the tsunami. I think Japan is doing amazingly well in the face of things.

I've always had respect for the culture here, especially the toughness and willingness to endure together what is hard to endure alone. In the last few days its clear how strong that culture is and how well it will serve us all to pull out of the effects of the disaster. Incredibly impressive.

Mar 17, 11 6:40 pm  · 
toaster, having multiple eyebrows on your face smells like design move of a desperate man. Real men only need one

what?? no redundancy? that's just asking for total catastrophic failure.

Mar 17, 11 10:06 pm  · 
what?? no redundancy?

not so much a redundancy as it is doubling up on awesome.

Mar 17, 11 10:13 pm  · 

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