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Ms Beary

I'm really stressed out, in over my head on some stuff, practicing avoidance.

Mar 1, 11 1:16 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Relax, Straw. Want some help?

Mar 1, 11 1:18 pm  · 

Sarah, for a second there you were everywhere! Good on ya!

Straw, best way to practice avoidance with dirty liberal hippies is to shower daily.

Mar 1, 11 1:47 pm  · 
Ms Beary

I am a dirty hippie, shower every 2-5 days for water and skin conservation reasons.

Just too many opposing forces converging in my lap and new territory to navigate with some big decisions about how to invest some money. Sure wish I had that MBA I always wanted to get. Not sure anyone can help except maybe a business mentor. And a shrink.

Mar 1, 11 2:05 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

The laptop battery crashed. Hope they let me go to lunch soon, mostly so I can charge the batteries.

Mar 1, 11 2:09 pm  · 

Strawbeary I think we all need those two at times in our adult lives. I remember seeing a billboard along my travels for a Life Coach that said and I paraphrase, "therapist and business guru at the touch of dial." Now if only I could become one and still maintain my life as an architect.

Mar 1, 11 5:13 pm  · 

Sheeeeeeeeet I wish I had some invest!

Mar 1, 11 7:54 pm  · 

barry, i think that's pretty typical for most academic jobs these days... i know that UIC had about 115 applicants... last year when i was shortlisted at UF there were a little over 100... however, i also suspect that 25-50% of the applicants tend to be people who aren't remotely qualified, but i could be wrong about that... i'm getting anxious about hearing from the places that i applied... i did finally get an official rejection letter from northeastern...

Mar 1, 11 8:09 pm  · 

hmmm, nothing yet for me from NEU, might be in the mail. Pomona is my last best hope for this year's go round, but there are still a few other apps that might still have life to them. Decided to not chase IIT - Chicago is still too cold for us.

Mar 1, 11 9:43 pm  · 

my rejection from neu was via email...

Mar 1, 11 10:02 pm  · 

Important bad news about women rights.
1. Utah passed a law making miscarriages illegal. 2. In Georgia, they want to pass a law that includesDEATH PENALTY for women with miscarriages!

Mar 2, 11 10:45 am  · 

morning TC! my steady past few months at work has abruptly screeched to a halt. i'm trying to create work and make the most of the office downtime.

here's my list of options to fill that time:

organize office
firm blog posts
firm website update
product library update
sharpen software skills
review new editions of codes

any thoughts on good uses of downtime?

Mar 2, 11 11:06 am  · 

mfrech - there is always marketing if you wish to increase your value to the firm, or sharpen your skills/knowledge if you wish to increase your chances of jumping ship.

Mar 2, 11 11:22 am  · 

thanks Barry - marketing is a good idea...we have no formal strategy (we are an office of 5) and we market in fits and starts. i settled on updating the firm blog for now (and i've been working on new software skills on my own time in case the latter situation arrives.)

Mar 2, 11 12:18 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Paul, surely that's an over-read of the actual bill. I haven't seen it, though.

Mar 2, 11 12:47 pm  · 

yeah..purpurina..that makes no sense...unless miscarriage has a different definition than the one i know

hey nam!

Mar 2, 11 1:05 pm  · 

lars, not sure which part of that doesn't make sense to you. Republicans across the board are waging a war against human rights. In this case, they are trying to rephrase definition of abortion. Bonus WTF: under the proposed laws, if you are a woman and have a miscarriage, the burden of proof is on you that you didn't have an abortion.

Scary stuff.

Mar 2, 11 1:18 pm  · 

meanwhile, the SCOTUS ruled that those hateful fucks at the Westboro Baptist Church can protest and celebrate at military funerals. awful.

Mar 2, 11 1:48 pm  · 

i guess it's the part where a miscarriage is not a preplanned thing and is emotionally devastating to the woman it happens to... (it's like trying to say that sneezing is illegal in terms of something that can't be controlled) but it def is crazy if much i don't understand about what's going on with our current politicians.

Mar 2, 11 1:59 pm  · 
Ms Beary

mfrech, when we had downtime we used some of it to study for the ARE's. We were a small, young office. I made study materials for my coworkers and led study groups. It was great because it got people motivated to do IDP and get licensed. It brought us closer together too, made for tighter team and increased communication among us.

Another thing to think about in down times is submitting work for awards. We also put index tabs things in the code books for quick access to frequently used sections.

That is really scary about the miscarriage laws. WTFx1,000! I would love to hear a rational argument to back that up.

Mar 2, 11 2:06 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Seems to me that they are just wasting time.

Mar 2, 11 2:10 pm  · 
larslarson actually it's a bit different..still potentially bad but not as bad as stated above:

"The law was amended to prevent a woman who miscarries from being prosecuted under the measure.

It only prosecutes those who intentional try to miscarriage. The law is in response to a 17 yr old paid someone to beat her so she would miscarriage. Also, the law punishes women for deciding to get an illegal abortion. " (ie an abortion not carried out according to the laws of the state of utah)

the potentially bad offshoots as the ACLU states:

A woman who fails to wear a seatbelt and is in a car accident could be charged with reckless homicide, should she miscarry. Likewise, a woman who has a substance abuse problem is likely to forego necessary prenatal care out of fear that she could be prosecuted for "knowing" or "reckless" homicide by continuing to use illegal substances while pregnant.

another also posits that a woman could be charged for staying in an abusive relationship while pregnant and miscarries due to domestic violence since she knowingly stayed in the situation...

Mar 2, 11 2:24 pm  · 
"but not as bad as stated above"

The story about a 17 year old is only a smoke screen. In your search did you also find that the proposed law redefines personhood back to the zygote stage?

We may have different definitions of 'really, really fucking bad'.

Mar 2, 11 2:39 pm  · 


as per usual you're reading what you want to read...and responding (i guess?) to what you think i said through your filter..

the original post said that a woman could be prosecuted for having a miscarriage..after reading about the law for five minutes i found that in fact the law (although poorly written initially and still poorly written and hardly defensible ie how is 'reckless' to be defined?) was amended so as not to include women who miscarry unintentionally...which is what i'm referring to.. which is also why i was referring to what was 'stated above'

as far as what you said..would it be possible to include a link to what you're talking about?

Mar 2, 11 3:17 pm  · 
Huffington Post

talks about it. So do many other sources.

lars, no idea why you would take any of this personally. You are alluding that these are well meaning but may be poorly phrased. I am saying that these laws are hell bent on repealing 20th century. I see nothing but spite, marginalizing of others, and call for return to theocracy. And it's systematic. An army of fundamentalists (that got elected on the platform of eliminating deficit)v are using the occasion to push a moral agenda, and little else.

Voices that say 'it's not so bad' I see as quietly nodding in approval. Perhaps my 'filter' has been fubar for well over a decade now.

Mar 2, 11 3:48 pm  · 

I did some short post because I'm busy and I much prefer that you do a search on this because there are many articles to read and it's the pick of the litter. It does not get any better as you read them on each of the bills.

so last year...
A bill passed by the Utah House and Senate and waiting for the governor's signature, will make it a crime for a woman to have a miscarriage.... In addition to criminalizing an intentional attempt to induce a miscarriage or abortion, the bill also creates a standard that could make women legally responsible for miscarriages caused by "reckless" behavior. Using the legal standard of "reckless behavior" all a district attorney needs to show is that a woman behaved in a manner that is thought to cause miscarriage, even if she didn't intend to lose the pregnancy.

Mar 2, 11 3:51 pm  · 
vado retro

so, there's a rally to legalize pot in louisiana forming outside which is great except they all wanna use my bathroom. anyway i've been thinking about architecture and entrepreneurship and how they are quite related. except due to certain factors architecture has become weighed down with many elements which take the entrepreneurness out of the equation. facebook was created and is valued at 25 billion dollars in the time it takes most to finish the idp. most firms are small businesses and many of the methods for getting work are similar. i don't know i think maybe this bootstrapping and entreprenuer spirit needs to be injected back into the profession. i know some out there are doing it bypassing the traditional role of architect and doing it in other ways. what do you think?

Mar 2, 11 3:52 pm  · 

rusty... you're saying that i'm one of the ones that's saying 'it's not so bad' which is why i was taking it personally...

i think it's horrible legislation but that the original post was misleading i and was trying to clarify.

Mar 2, 11 4:01 pm  · 

and to clarify..i'm specifically referring to the utah law not the other...

Mar 2, 11 4:06 pm  · 

In respect to the miscarriage law, what the f*ck are your politicians on?

Mar 2, 11 4:20 pm  · 
Ms Beary

What are they on? It is a very powerful drug, religion.

Mar 2, 11 4:43 pm  · 

What about the separation of church and state? The US is obviously an incredibly complex and strange organism - I will never understand it.

Mar 2, 11 4:55 pm  · 

vado re: i don't know i think maybe this bootstrapping and entreprenuer spirit needs to be injected back into the profession. i know some out there are doing it bypassing the traditional role of architect and doing it in other ways.

granted i am not in the profession, but given the recession's effects on the ACE profession i would day at least couldn't hurt...

also mfrech i was going to say

firm blog posts
firm website update
product library update

i've been in a big pro-collaboration, project go-live prep meeting(s) all day until now. you all?

Mar 2, 11 4:58 pm  · 
Ms Beary

dia, yes we have separation of church and state, but religion provides the moral grounds on which some lawmakers act.

Mar 2, 11 5:19 pm  · 

thanks for the recommendations nam & straw. (thankfully i am done w/ ARE!)

Mar 2, 11 5:24 pm  · 

That should not read Seperation of Church and State my friend. It should be seperation of "Religion and State." Oh please don't get me started on this one. I know more pain about this issue than anyone can possibly imagine.

Mar 2, 11 6:50 pm  · 

I am just glad that in my country, religion never comes into politics. You will never hear the word 'god' in any sentence any politician utters. Both our current and former prime ministers are confirmed atheists, and there is not one party with a religious background that has a shred of influence. I would be just so frustrated with that kind of carry on, as I know a lot of Americans are.

Mar 2, 11 7:15 pm  · 

Wow... finally caught up with TC and all I can say is great thought provoking discussion. I've been swamped this past week and finally have had enough time to come up for some air

mfrech - as frustrating and awful as it is, I support the Supreme Court's Decision. However, like I posted on FB, I find it a tragedy that these people feel it appropriate to hold such protests during soldiers' funerals. Whatever happened to respect for the dead and their families? Have they no empathy or common decency? MEH!!!

Haven't seen anything about the miscarriage bill, not sure I want to, it will just put me in a piss poor mood and that's just not very productive.

Mar 2, 11 9:38 pm  · 

maybe I might shorten to dia?

Mar 2, 11 9:48 pm  · 

you were awfully quiet over there *melt, this place ran havoc without you.

Our politicians have recently started to spout morals and decency,. Ironic to say the least. They tried to have some moral trial on the legality of abortions and thankfully it got no further than it did, people go their 5 minutes of fame and stepped down. And there is a heavy mixed bag of religions so no one is claiming mine is better than yours. Now if only they'd get on the whole legalizing.... uhm

Mar 2, 11 10:35 pm  · 

Vado- I couldn't agree more re: bootstrapping- I am
amazed in this day that there would be any question regarding
a 35 k salary (as discussed elsewhere on the 'nect.)
I won't go into the whole "I walked through snow without shoes
uphill both ways," argument. It just seems ludicrous to question.
Especially with limited experience under your belt. Anyways. Bootstrapping. Belts. 2011.

Off topic- new music. Viva Voce. Blue Giant. Check it out!

Mar 2, 11 10:36 pm  · 
Ms Beary

Q.How can you tell when Strawbeary has something important to do but doesn't feel like doing it?

A. The discussion forums on archinect go CRAZY.

Mar 2, 11 10:43 pm  · 

Amendment to Strawbeary's statement above:

What are they on? It is a very powerful drug, power.

A lot of these politicians use supposed religious beliefs as a conduit to power. They seek office for power (and money), and a convenient way to do it in this country is by claiming a mantle of conservative religiosity to which a majority of your voters believe themselves to ascribe (despite rarely having attended services and likely never having read the book the religion is based on).

Mar 2, 11 11:04 pm  · 

Not that that makes the whole situation any more palatable... in my view it makes it worse.

Plus, some of the politicians really DO believe all that bullshit. But it's worth noting that plenty of them are simply sleazy douches who don't believe anything except whatever suits their purposes...

this is why they're constantly getting caught with their pants around their ankles and a hooker on the side, or tapping their foot at a glory hole, or with drugs in the bloodstream and a fake prescription in the wallet.

Mar 2, 11 11:08 pm  · 

mantaray, spot on.

To be fair, most religious people are reasonable, yet oh so easy to manipulate.

Mar 2, 11 11:08 pm  · 

I guess my point is, our politicians are not as religious as you'd think, given their talking points... but they're more morally bankrupt douchenozzles!

Mar 2, 11 11:09 pm  · 
Ms Beary

Right on.

Mar 2, 11 11:11 pm  · 
Ms Beary

I can't wait until page 420!!!!!!

Mar 2, 11 11:12 pm  · 

I remember reading this article at the New Yorker called 'Frat House for Jesus and thinking, wow, how odd.

Mar 2, 11 11:29 pm  · 

so in my search for a cool 419 I came across 419 positive things about Nigeria met with an upside down cross. Hmm too juicy to post. So instead we'll go with the super safe but enlarged for your viewing pleasure

Mar 3, 11 12:17 am  · 

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