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Sarah - those are fricking awesome... to use some Jamaican slang "blowwow!!" You archi-moms are downright fantastic! I'm impressed on many many levels.

Donna, et al I suggest instead of dropping all those magazines in the recycle bin to consider leaving a pile at the doctors office.... those magazines always suck and I'm usually forced to look at an Architectural Digest from 1982

Feb 21, 11 10:01 pm  · 

i thought that i'd share this craigslist ad that my wife saw... i guess architects don't have the market cornered on shady hiring practices... she actually knows who this guy is... he always wears a white suit, white shirt, red tie... he's been banned from philly young lawyers events for acting creepy around the women...

"I am a lawyer in Center City Phila and I need a secretary who can smile every day. No whiners "I am busy, I am tired," None of that. Must type 50 WPM and have positive attitude. Must be Friendly. No legal experience necessary. Must follow the rules for pursuit of excellence. Good English and proper business manners required. Must dress elegantly and be deferential. Must smile. Some evening work time required. If you have office management experience. that is a plus.
Please email resume. This is a short-term assignment. Photo appreciated, but not required.
Graciously Yours

Allan K.

Feb 21, 11 10:59 pm  · 

Holy crap that's creepy, Phillip. <shudder>

Feb 22, 11 12:05 am  · 

well at least he doesn't hide his attitude. Surely that is better than a really sneaky bugger...he could seem nice and be foul...

I didn't realise you weren't being paid Sarah. That sounds like it should be on the non-paying starchitecture office thread. How shitty.

Feb 22, 11 12:28 am  · 


crazy, sad, cool. bonus.

1. ex - or shall be named soon to be ex - decides to join facebook, and friends me.

2. my second in command on the arts commission has just been told that she has advanced stage bile duct cancer, and will probably not see the end of the summer.

3. going on my third date in less than a week, with third different woman, and we're going to see biutiful tonight. only concern is that, we have not had coffee or a drink yet.

bonus: my closest friend in this state and now the world, a phd candidate, thinks she wants to have a child, does not want marriage, and i think we are both considering doing it.

Feb 22, 11 5:37 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Beta, your bonus sounds like a bad Madonna movie. Oh, wait...

And, yeah, I don't get paid, I even have to pay them - three easy payments of $990.00. But I WILL have my certification in the end. And I'm not really doing the full teacher load, anyway. It's not as crappy as it sounds, although, I'm sure it is in some cases. My mentor teacher is the guy who manages to get out of most of the extraneous duties, and doesn't assign work we can't grade in class.

Feb 22, 11 8:25 am  · 

oh yeah, i forgot to mention this about the creepy lawyer guy... last year my wife accidentally interviewed with him, not realizing who it was... he asked her if she had a white suit... she told him no and he asked if she at least had red shoes... very strange creepy guy... his job advert reminds me of that james spader/maggie gyllenhall movie "the secretary"...

Feb 22, 11 9:11 am  · 

morning all,

beta, actuallying doing it? or just combining fluids, medically?

Also, sucks re: your co-board member.

Phil, i was sort of expecting that ad to go along the lines of the lawyer from The Secretary...

Feb 22, 11 9:25 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I love that movie, strange as it is. Wonder if he has a thing for red pens.

Feb 22, 11 12:38 pm  · 

phil, Maybe I should apply for the position and go drag! In a white suite skirt , red tie and white patten leather shoes. Think he would mindif I didn't shave my legs?

Feb 22, 11 1:55 pm  · 

snook that image is hilarious. Just make sure you wear a smile!

beta, I'm sorry about your co-commission member. If you take on having a child, just be aware of the extreme magnitude of the commitment. It's forever. Even if she says she wants to raise the child on her own, you *will* be involved, forever.

I'm about to implode from stress. But had an exceptional yoga class today that was like 50 minutes of bodily torture but mental bliss.

Feb 22, 11 8:58 pm  · 

snook how fantastic if you were one of 10 waiting in drag with matching outfits. Depth of voice included. The ad does sound a tad slimy.

This is one hump day I'm not looking forward to - I have evening appointments all week until Sunday, including an architects Web-seminar on sustainable communities. I'm going to be knackered by Friday morning

Feb 22, 11 9:25 pm  · 

fuck part deux

sad. cool. maybe.

1. the woman responsible for me being an architect died of cardiac arrest, on the way to a facility, for additional treatments related to ovarian cancer.

2. date was cool, cute, and we managed to sit through biutiful, with a little chit chat.

3. possibly two second dates coming up.

donna, you are right, and i have wanted to be a dad for a long time. part of the reason for my current status.

why are people dying around me?

Feb 23, 11 12:43 am  · 

its one of the penalties for growing older beta.

as my gramma always says living longer beats the alternative, even if things are shitty. she is scottish so assumes life should be tangy. but yeah it ain't fun being left behind and missing good friends who don't deserve to be gone. no way to get over it i suppose, apart from becoming less than human...

busy here too donna. we seem to be on a (small) roll in the office, and from next month am starting studio. I am going to be teaching with a pretty awesome figure in architecture world and am looking forward to getting started.

heading to bangkok this weekend, and mentioned to snag a day to hang about without anything in the schedule. anyone have suggestions for things to do on a day off in that city?

Feb 23, 11 5:09 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Beta, it could be to simply make room for the life you're wanting to bring in.

Jump, I now have rob zombie stuck in my head. Thanks.

And I was told yesterday that in Thailand, they pamper you all first class like at the movies. Free buffet, lazy boy recliners, waitresses. I'm terrible with geography over that way, so I really am not sure where bangkok is. Have fun though.

Feb 23, 11 8:41 am  · 

jump your Scottish gramma was wise and right. I like that paragraph you posted.

And I'm out for the day unless it's to chime back in to post "FUCKINGHELLIAMTOODAMNBUSYTOEVENBREATHE!"

Feb 23, 11 8:54 am  · 
St. George's Fields

Bourbon is about 25-30% oxygen, chemically. That's more than the atmosphere.

That is... when you have time to breathe of course.

Feb 23, 11 3:32 pm  · 

Sarah Bangkok is in Thailand. Enroute to Australia couple years ago we landed in Bangkok for a 5 hour layover @5am... I planned to leave the airport but got caught up in the pampering at the airport. Complimentary tea baths, massages and pedicures. The latter I opted out of - not that I have anything against pedicures but I'm a tad snobby on who does it (blush)

Feb 23, 11 4:35 pm  · 

My cousin just returned from Thailand. She was visiting her daughter who resides there. She wasn't in Bangkok, but some where were you can rock climb and snorkle off of the same white sand beach. It looked like loads of fun.

Jump I could hook you up with a Police Officer (Detective) I know in Bangkok, but I don't think you would have much fun. He is kept busy busting perps. You would see the gritter side of the city for sure.

Feb 23, 11 5:18 pm  · 

well see that's just the thing snook, everyone i know has fun in thailand but not in bangkok. the only good story i have heard about the city was from two friends who were left for dead in their hotel room after being drugged and robbed (they were really happy they were not killed, but did end up paralyzed for a few months as side-effect of lack of blood flow to their legs for the 24 hours they were zonked out). everyone else has worse stories. like your cop friend.

surely the city has more to offer than crime? why can't they bring the beaches and the snorkeling to the city centre, i guess is what i am saying. it would be much more convenient for me that way.

i guess i will find something to do.

@donna, yup gramma is a pretty cool ol bird. she has spent most of her life living a good life, if that makes sense, and i think she even gets perverse pleasure from her aches and pains as she runs up to 85 yrs old. she is one of the last of the people around from her generation though, and you know small farm girl that she was she and all of her friends never left the community they were born in, so really she is watching her own life story melt away as friends and family pass away. its a wonder she isn't more depressed really.

Feb 23, 11 6:47 pm  · 

Hey folks

Jump - My experience has also been that all the other cities in Thailand were good other than Bangkok. It wasn't the city itself really, its just that they ("they" as in all the touts) just will not leave you alone. It really cheapens the whole experience, and very tiresome.

It might be worth getting out of the city if you have the opportunity. There are a lot of great towns (like Chiang Mai, Kanchunaburi, Sukhothai, etc), but a realistic day trip would be Ayuthaya. You can rent a bicycle and probably see the whole "island" in one day. If you like ruins, this is the place. Be careful of stray dogs at night though.

If you must stay in the Bangkok, checking out the markets and temples are obvious choices. Even if you're not buddhist, it is interesting to go through the rituals of what a typical Thai Buddhist would do. There was a cool traditional boat museum along the river and some interesting residential areas with canals. Ooh, and there was this one huge outdoor restaurant that was an all-you-can-eat BBQ with the grill at your table. I still remember the grilled prawns.

And please, do stay away from certain "shows" that you could mistakenly presume to include a certain sport that may or may not be a table version of another sport where you hit a ball back and forth. It is so outrageous and wrong, its surreal.

Feb 24, 11 12:48 am  · 

^ I second Ayutthaya. It's a quick train ride and its historical park is quite lovely.

Vado + Donna, Indianapolis is in the NYT:

Feb 24, 11 1:11 am  · 

Saw that, n_. Husband and I just had dinner in one of those Chinese restaurants last week then shopped at the best huge international grocery nearby. There is a HUGE immigrant population here, and the Repubs in the house just voted in a law exactly like the unconstitutional Arizona show-me-your-papers one yay!

Feb 24, 11 6:48 am  · 

hurray for america.

thanks slart. i been to the area before but not bangkok for no good reason, so am looking forward to it. will avoid the shows. temples could be nice. now i just need to finish my presentation so i won't have to work after i get to my hotel. that would make it such a waste of a good free trip.

Feb 24, 11 8:13 am  · 

morning all. jump the trip sounds nice hopefully you get to do some sighseeing!

Hi n_ !

Feb 24, 11 8:49 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

So the budget numbers for the district came out two days ago. Not only will I not have that dream job teaching architecture, I won't have a job period. There is a hiring freeze. The district needs 27 new teachers, and they simply aren't going to hire them. They plan to demote counselors and assistant principals to fill the teaching positions. And the other districts around aren't any better. SOme are laying off ALL first year teachers!

Minnesota may be picketing, but Texas is hurting more. They need a cultural shift. Athletics needs to take a back seat to the rest. If you read my blog, you know I've already railed on this. It's just sad.

And today, I'm astounded that kids don't know their nursery rhymes. Parents, read them to your kids. Please.

Otherwise, have a great day!

Feb 24, 11 9:44 am  · 

sarah bummer. unfortunetaley with current direction of House republicans such cuts seem destined to happen on a wider nationwide level.... who needs eductaion it only builds the future...

Feb 24, 11 10:21 am  · 

sarah bummer. unfortunetaley with current direction of House republicans such cuts seem destined to happen on a wider nationwide level.... who needs eductaion it only builds the future...

Feb 24, 11 10:21 am  · 

hi nam!

I'm taking the day off school today because I'm moving. It's a horrible idea to move to a new place in the middle of the school quarter but it had to happen.

Also, I will be moving two houses down from DAN SAVAGE. Yes, Donna, Dan Savage will be my neighbor. I secretly envision dreams that we bump into each other on the sidewalk, immediately befriend each other and then I'm having dinner parties with him and his husband. Needless to say, dinner conversations will be scandalous.

It's a more likely scenario that I befriend his son because his son and my landlord's son are good friends so they are always sitting on the front stair stoop whenever I go up to the apartment above the house. Regardless, Dan Savage will be soooooooo close.

Feb 24, 11 11:13 am  · 

OMG n_ I'm so jealous and besides Dan's husband is a total hottie!! Not that it matters to you, but if I came to visit I'd spend days sitting on your stoop watching for Dan so I could befriend him and terry so I could, you know, look at him and imagine...

Hey I'm going to see Lynda Barry speak tonight, one of my heros and another brilliant product of Seattle. What a great town.

OK on total downer news: Sarah, that sucks, and it's indicative of a huge problem in this country, and an attitude that makes me want to bail the hell out and go live...where?! New Zealand is still my first pick at the moment. <sigh>

Feb 24, 11 12:16 pm  · 

sarah, that sucks.

I'm also really disturbed by this constant drumbeat of "teachers are the problem." just makes me think it's the same people behind what is going on in Wisconsin - this attempt to dismantle all social programs that actually benefit the public.

teaching is really shitty right now - not only are most school districts under water so there is no adequate resources for teachers to do their job, you've got the media and pundits blaming teachers for all of our low test scores, societal ills, global warming, acid rain, etc... it's not about our kid's education - it's seems to be more about punishing and demeaning highly educated people who tend to vote democrat.

Feb 24, 11 1:01 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Something like that. And yes, Nam, really, 18. It's ridiculous. Cut out some of them, and give me a job. I'm trying to make productive members of society, not elite, sports players. ANd hell, do sports players even vote?

Feb 24, 11 1:13 pm  · 
St. George's Fields

Oh noes, no nursery rhymes?

Tomorrow's childrens will start speaking in a terrifying Iambic pentameter.

Feb 24, 11 1:28 pm  · 

Sarah, didn't you say you lean on the conservative side? Not paying for public education of any kind is a conservative's wet dream. For profit everything is the ultimate goal. Run the schools into the ground and then say, see? It clearly doesn't work. We need to privatize.

You can't have it both ways.

And yes I am very sorry to hear that the current system is keeping you from teaching (for a living). I've known a lot of public school teachers over the years. The system appears to be broken. People in charge seem to like it that way.

Feb 24, 11 1:56 pm  · 
Run the schools into the ground and then say, see? It clearly doesn't work. We need to privatize.

also an effective way to get an underling you don't like or someone you're competing with for a position fired - strategically deny them resources and crucial information, spread rumors that they steal office supplies and/or take extra long lunches, then complain to your higher-ups that this person is not only taking advantage of the office, they clearly cannot do the work (especially effective if you have corroborating cronies and have gotten in good with the boss).

same principle - these guys really know their Machiavelli.

Feb 24, 11 2:51 pm  · 
"also an effective way to get an underling you don't like or someone you're competing with for a position fired - strategically deny them resources and crucial information, spread rumors that they steal office supplies and/or take extra long lunches, then complain to your higher-ups that this person is not only taking advantage of the office, they clearly cannot do the work (especially effective if you have corroborating cronies and have gotten in good with the boss)."

hahaha sounds like spoken from experience :)

Feb 24, 11 6:04 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I never said which things I lean on, I like to pick and choose.

Feb 24, 11 7:14 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Jump, I have to ask - What do you think of this?

Feb 24, 11 7:26 pm  · 

what you aren't a one sided caricature, sarah?

that's just rude. how dare you??!

all conservatives are hate-filled under-educated self-destroyers who want to cut taxes but don' want to cut services. that's like gospel, ain't it?

clearly you can't be against abortions but for immigration solar energy or education. just not possible. you would like explode or something.

that said america looks like it is heading down a bad road, much of it completely unrelated to budgets and economics, its pure ideology. cut taxes for the rich then cut support of education to pay for it? sounds gooda me.

seems like education is still being treated properly here. i am lucky to be in tokyo during a period of hiring at the universities. lots of investment in climate change research especially (which is my thing). which makes america seem much sadder because i think frankly that japan is behind the curve in comparison to other countries like china for example.

when did america decide to give up and commit slow sepukku?

Feb 24, 11 7:33 pm  · 

that's awesome sarah. wonder what the story is?

Feb 24, 11 7:45 pm  · 

speaking of conservatives running schools into the ground... the school district in my hometown is considering reducing school to 4 days a week to save possibly as much as $80 million as a result of their douchebag new republican government...

Feb 24, 11 9:19 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Philip, I guess it's a good thing school kids can't vote.

Feb 24, 11 10:39 pm  · 

yeah cause they would want to do it...

The house with slide is awesome.

night all. anyone else working Sat? i would like to get some writing done at some point this weekend,

Feb 24, 11 10:49 pm  · 

i work every saturday myself pretty much. most sundays too when it comes down to it. i don't recommend it.

Feb 25, 11 2:14 am  · 

yeah i guess in the professions like architecture and law (at least these are the two i know cause i have friends in both) that you often work way more and outside of a regular m-f 8-5 schedule. I guess I have just become use to the regularity of m-f 8-5. Of course at least for now i am not salary so i do get paid overtime....

Feb 25, 11 10:07 am  · 

I want to slide!!!!!

Feb 25, 11 4:07 pm  · 

my cousin just got back from libya. i guess he is going to need a new job.

Feb 25, 11 7:49 pm  · 

where's cousin libya moving back to? Canadia?

Feb 25, 11 8:32 pm  · 
St. George's Fields

Oh god, not the 417.

How I miss thee!

Feb 25, 11 8:52 pm  · 

yup. back to the prairies. he got out when things started going wobbly. smart man. would hate to be there right now.

Feb 26, 11 3:27 am  · 

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