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Hi Philarct!

jump your daughter sounds totally cool. Amngus' school has a talent show coming up, Angus doesn't want to do anything - too shy!

Feb 17, 11 8:48 am  · 

hi philarct!

i know donna, it's quite something. when i was that young i don't know if i would have the courage to do that. probably not. it's not like she played guitar before very much either. she just decided this is what she wants to do. her friends are much the same. i guess its them all pushing each other that does it. peer pressure of the good kind ;-)

Feb 17, 11 9:11 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Jump, how much of that is cultural, do you think? I mean, the Japanese tend to push more and expect more, don't they, so could her awesome personality be because she's being raised in the Japanese culture? Maybe it's a blend? Or maybe she just likes to rock it.

Oh, and if my Anime kids were like those, I'd still think they were strange, but at least they'd be confidently strange. These poor kids seem more like they are just lost, and looking for something to belong to. They're what most Church Parents would call Good, Clean, kids, but to the rest of us, they're just a little off. It's strange. The boys I can talk to easily because I see them as a kicked puppy, but the girls, its harder. Girls can't be kicked puppies, and I don't know why. It's amazing the things you learn about yourself when teaching.

Donna, you should get Angus to do a magic trick. He could get one of your chickens to lay a golden egg!

Feb 17, 11 9:55 am  · 

Random Interjection -

Adobe Illustrator says "L" is an appropriate hot key for which command?

Thats right... you guessed it! Ellipse!................................


Feb 17, 11 10:33 am  · 

el-lips. Maybe.

Feb 17, 11 11:14 am  · 

it's also right above the period, so it's in the area you would normally go to create ellipses the bad way.

Feb 17, 11 1:02 pm  · 
vado retro

i just did a HatchShowPrint inspired deezine in illustrator.

Feb 17, 11 4:34 pm  · 

Hatch Show! Nashville love!

Also, I really dig the work of another Tennessee letter press: Yee-Haw!

I hope everyone is doing well. My furniture design studio is killllling. On the bright side, I should have a finished khaya wood, blackened steel dining table in the next four weeks. Until then, no sleep 'til Brooklyn.

Feb 17, 11 6:49 pm  · 

qwerty makes no sense, therefor hot keys shouldn't either. or not too much.

maybe the L was left over after all the other letters lined up to get picked for a team. its such a sad little guy, the letter L. W is where its at.

@ sarah, the really out of touch kids are troubled here as much as in the usa. it's sad since this is easily one of the most productive wealthy and safe places to grow up in the world. some of the goths are in that category but at least they have a place to go on weekends. maybe that helps. suicide rates are pretty high here though. which is a real tragedy.

as far as my daughter goes i think it is partly genetics (my wife and i are both polyanna personalities - we try to be sad and shy but it doesn't stick), plus a huge dose of the personality of my wife. my wife is simply one of those amazing people that everyone loves immediately and who can talk to anyone and she never seems to be trying. I try to copy her but can't. But lucky for my kids they get exposure to her 24/7 and it is turning them into amazing people and they don't even know it. japanese culture probably plays a role in there too. the kids around here sure are confident and happy. maybe its something in the water.

Feb 17, 11 7:27 pm  · 

I'm sorry, but I have to throw out a depressing rant.

My current state of residence, Indiana, has brought to the legislature the most bone-headed assortment of bad ideas one can imagine lately, and they are all about to pass:

-redefine an already existing law that marriage is between one man and one women with language that says two people of the same gender aren't even allowed to enjoy "marriage-like" benefits. So companies offering same-gender health etc. benefits might now have to stop doing so. Thanks but no thanks, any company wanting to locate here with new jobs as well as Eli Lilly our largest job provider who is showing signs of being fed up at their inability to attract top research talent to this hillbilly state and threatening to move to New York!

- pass a law similar to Arizona's "can I see your papers" law that is not only under supreme court review (at cost of enormous tax dollars) but has caused a massive boycott in convention and visitor business. Goodbye, all you non-caucasian people and friends who have already claimed you won't bother coming to the Super Bowl next year if we pass it as well as all the conferences that had intended to come here to rent our brand-spankin-new billion dollar convention center!

-prohibit any state money from going to Planned Parenthood - called out by name - because they provide abortions. Goodbye, affordable access to birth control THAT STOPS FRICKING ABORTIONS YOU ASSHOLES as well as decent health care of any kind for poor women many of whom are also mothers WHO HAVE CHILDREN THAT BNEED FOOD AND SHELTER AND A PARENT WITH A JOB to provide those things!

And I'm sorry but it's all republicans who are pushing this bullshit after being elected because they said they were going to focus on the economy the economy the economy! Where in bloody hell are all the jobs you intend to create in a state where no one is going to want to visit or live?! Are Repubs and their constituents really that blindly stupid? Just flat-out ignoramuses with no sense of shame?

So I decided to get away from the stress of the news on my computer by turning on the TV and everything I saw in 70 channels was offensively appalling: Charlie Sheen (drugs and hookers and angry rages for $2bazillion dollars an episode!), our local rep on the cable access station talking bluntly about his personal goal of destroying Planned Parenthood, some reality challenge show where people are throwing themselves into icy water or sewage or something for a buck, house hunters international for all those rich fucks who want to start a new life in Costa Rica so they can live off the cheap brown labor and not have to pay any taxes on their American estate inheritance...for godssake why is the world so awful these days?!

Please god let the good people of Wisconsin kick some Repub-jerkoff ass and give me a ray of sunshine in my day! I'm not even very pro-union, but I want to see them knock some sense into this braindead, selfish world we apparently live in.

Ugh. Thanks for listening. Or just for letting me vent if you didn't read it all which I do not expect you all to!

Feb 17, 11 9:33 pm  · 

So, I'm going to go have a big bowl of ice cream with a bottle of bourbon poured over it.

Feb 17, 11 9:47 pm  · 
St. George's Fields

Donna, don't feel too bad.

Rumor on the High Street is that Google is moving to Lower Manhattan. They just closed a billion dollar deal to buy one of the more significant buildings in NYC.

Feb 17, 11 10:11 pm  · 

donna, it will be interesting to see how Wisconsin goes down...

Hopefully the bourbon + ice-cream cheered you up. sounds like what i need.

night all.

Feb 17, 11 11:06 pm  · 
mantaray I guess this isn't a good time to bring up the pending law in South Dakota in which a person will be allowed to murder someone for providing abortion services (or possibly even thinking about having an abortion herself)?

Yeah Donna I'm pretty scared too.

Feb 17, 11 11:08 pm  · 


Feb 18, 11 12:23 am  · 

Welcome to the 14th century. Next it will be womens right to vote. Oh and no colored folk behind the red line if you please.

I guess the question is whether you would move to escape the hate and the mind police? Or do you stay and try to make things less crazy? If it were me I think I would really feel the need to go into politics and start fighting back.

Is America really that broken ? It sound like the ayatollah is in charge in some of the states. Surely that can't be possible.


Feb 18, 11 12:39 am  · 

Donna, tldr (too long didn't read)


Up here in Canadia, the top news is Obama's plan to charge $5.50 every Canadian crossing the border. (I'm not even joking)

Deficit gone!

Feb 18, 11 1:49 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Jump, it must be the dolphin they put in those mandatory school lunches. That's right, I saw the cove.

Donna, I'm sorry. I tend to lean to the conservative side, but those are all overkill. And murder? Really? Surely it's not worded that way. Maybe "sentenced to death row?". Naw, even that seems off. Crazy times.

Feb 18, 11 8:10 am  · 

mantaray... please tell me you are joking.

Donna I still have a half a bottle of rum within arms distance of the computer - if I would pour you a glass and magically hand (though I better not folks may think I'm that wasted)

With all the talk on gay rights and planned parenthood (of all the sorts) I'm glad it's laws you guys have to fight about - here we are fighting to make the change socially and culturally.

It seems globally that that tenants that define civilisation ie. tolerance for others, has some how been forgotten.

Feb 18, 11 9:05 am  · 

unfortunately manta is not joking... my wife read about that law yesterday and told me about it... basically it allows a family member to kill anyone who is a threat to an unborn child and claim justifiable homicide...

scary stuff...

Feb 18, 11 9:34 am  · 

I need to fill my head with fluff so I don't go postal as it were, but sadly have to run to a meeting - so can someone else please start a thread about the NEW Barbie Architect and her stylishly symmetrical outfit?!

See ya'll later.

Feb 18, 11 11:00 am  · 

jump et all re: South Dakota law, yes it was actually being put up for vote. The good news is it failed/all the bad PR made them shelve the bill. For more info see link

Good morning all

Feb 18, 11 11:04 am  · 

I am NOT joking, it is severely, totally fucked up.
Thank goodness, however, that the intense outcry it has provoked has made the S. Dakota legislature table the bill for the time being. Let's hope they don't just wait till the controversy dies down and reintroduce it...

If you're interested, read here:

A law under consideration in South Dakota would expand the definition of "justifiable homicide" to include killings that are intended to prevent harm to a fetus—a move that could make it legal to kill doctors who perform abortions.

The bill, sponsored by state Rep. Phil Jensen, a committed foe of abortion rights, alters the state's legal definition of justifiable homicide by adding language stating that a homicide is permissible if committed by a person "while resisting an attempt to harm" that person's unborn child or the unborn child of that person's spouse, partner, parent, or child. If the bill passes, it could in theory allow a woman's father, mother, son, daughter, or husband to kill anyone who tried to provide that woman an abortion—even if she wanted one.

As a friend of mine said, "Do you think you'd have to barge in on the procedure? Or could you just say "She had an appointment for next Tuesday, your honour!"

Scary shit.

Feb 18, 11 11:08 am  · 

there is no reasonable logic to Indiana

lastest design

Feb 18, 11 11:11 am  · 

there is no reasonable logic to Indiana

lastest design

Feb 18, 11 11:11 am  · 

F***in stupid reloading still!

Feb 18, 11 11:12 am  · 

what the hell is wrong with going postal?

indiana is crazy. and, that law is crazy. like crazy crazy. but not the good kind of crazy, which is actually crazay. what is up TC!? Coffee!

I may be doing a brief stint in naptown for a job. There's an indianapolis 'nect contingent right? What's big and brutalist and has rainbow colored socks?

Feb 18, 11 11:19 am  · 

Yep, I know that building, postal! I'll meet you there and take you somewhere cool for coffee! Just let me know when you're in town!

Nice parallel images BOTS - I mean the pink building and barbie the designer. She's the computer engineer, though. Note her pixelly pink jacket.

Thank you to whoever started the Barbie thread - I'll go look at it now!

Feb 18, 11 12:46 pm  · 

The abortion restrictions scare the crap out of me too... on top of all that, there's that awful disgusting clinic that got shut down, where the local health agencies are saying they didn't inspect it because of the pro-choice government that would see them as obstructing access. This is complete bullshit because the big reason for being pro-choice is supporting the right for women to access this service in a safe, healthy way! But by saying that, they're only undermining the pro-choice laws and government by making it seem as though it's their fault for being too lax, and the backlash will only end up tightening restrictions.

Feb 18, 11 12:47 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

You're welcome, Donna. And why is your name in red?

Feb 18, 11 3:22 pm  · 

that is a good point archi. some places its much worse than usa. but in north america at least we have been pretending to be against theocracy. and yet in practice... it's worse than big brother, at least that was obvious. this is disguised in what we call culture but i think is just hate.

how sad that we are unable as a group to live up to our greatest ideals and treat our worse thoughts as though they were the logical consequence of a belief in justice.

Feb 18, 11 8:59 pm  · 

@sarah, sorry i don't get the reference. school lunches here are pretty good. no pizza, and calorie balanced so japanese kids are not all candidates for diabetes like in the usa. there is the once a year biteful of whale meat thing, which is wrong (and political not part of the school policy at all), but have not heard about dolphins.

actually the performance yesterday was amazing. in japan kids come of age at the age of 20. the entire country celebrates with mass ceremonies that are pretty moving. anyway, my oldest daughter and her classmates are just 10 and so one of the teachers decided to make a half-way to adulthood ceremony to get the kids thinking about what they will do with their lives from now on, and to show everyone how much they have learned already. It was, frankly, seriously impressive. every student showed us something.

i was mostly impressed with how the teachers casually assumed the students were exceptional, and the kids lived up to that assumption.

my wife and i were thinking that great teachers can change a kids life with just that kind of work. my own elementary school education was nothing close to being like that, and i went to a funky open school that was supposed to encourage creativity and shit. not because of the facilities. just the teachers. which is i guess why what you are doing now really matters. get it right and you could be the person that inspires magic in kids...

that's quite something.

Feb 18, 11 9:05 pm  · 


I agree with you 110 percent! I love it when I see real learning happening in kids.

Feb 19, 11 2:15 pm  · 

I just tossed three years' worth of Architect, Record, and Dwell into the recycling bin. I feel lighter already, plus have a lot more shelf space.

Feb 20, 11 11:59 am  · 

i tossed about 7 years of each of those (plus 3-4 years of metropolis) in the recycling bin when i moved to phiiadelphia... it really pained me to let them go, but i sure as hell wasn't boxing them up and moving them... now every magazine goes straight into the recycling bin once i've read it...

Feb 20, 11 2:52 pm  · 

hi all,

made wonderful brunch and now off to enjoy the sun!!!! I love not working on weekends.

Feb 20, 11 3:15 pm  · 

Donna, I hate the new Jezebel design. I think you're the only other person around here besides me who reads it so I feel compelled to share my disgust with you.

Feb 20, 11 4:24 pm  · 

manta, I hate it too. Especially on the red carpet galleries, where the pics are too small to even see! But it you go to Jezebel, then go up to the address bar and add ca. after the second slash and before the j in Jezebel, you get the old format.

Feb 20, 11 5:21 pm  · 

anybody been watching the criterion collection in hulu?

they have a great and growing selection.

Feb 20, 11 5:48 pm  · 


I have been doing the same over the winter. However it is mostly rolls of old drawings. I have been using them to start fires in the fireplace. No need to hang onto all those ole working drawings when you have in on a computer.

Feb 20, 11 7:08 pm  · 
vado retro

nam i noticed all those classics on hulu. if you haven't seen it, i highly recommend cluzot's "wages of fear" i think it is one of the greatest films eva!

Feb 20, 11 7:37 pm  · 

I so don't feel like being at work today. Morning all. Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Feb 21, 11 8:37 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I have my first teacher-inservice today. I'm excited to see just what goes on at those things, and annoyed cause I won't be in the classroom with the kids today.

And check out what I made...

You won't believe what I used. Or maybe you will. You can see here.

Yes, that's another shameless plug. Hope everyone has a good day!

Feb 21, 11 8:38 am  · 

mel, i feel you. that combined with the fact i will be working this Sat again, led me to put in today. going to use the day to rest up and do some things which have been on a back burner.

Feb 21, 11 9:04 am  · 

OMG Sarah you're one of those moms that makes crappy lazy moms like me feel like losers - those cupcakes AND cookies are so, so beautiful!

Now that you've shown how, though, maybe i can do it myself...

Feb 21, 11 9:53 am  · 

omg the old jezebel format!!! thank you donna! now i can go back to wasting time there, hooray!

sarah - those are pretty rad. question for you: how does your teaching thing work? they already have you student teaching? do you have to take classes, too? i'm curious about the structure of it. does it cost you anything or can you earn money while you learn how to teach?

Feb 21, 11 11:09 am  · 

sarah that is really awesome. fantastic job.

reading about your teaching is also very interesting. am glad you are posting about the experience.

Feb 21, 11 11:26 am  · 

I'm a Jezebel'er! And I had no idea I could go back to the old format! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, yes. This just made my Monday exponentially better.

Feb 21, 11 1:27 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

The teaching thing goes like this, IF you already have a degree in something else from a 4 year college.

You apply, pay the app fee, and enroll into an alternative certification program. Then you take a test in the area they say you have the college hours to be certified in. Then, you pay them money, and sit through a bunch of weekend and nighttime classes. After all that, you can get a job teaching for one year, where you are monitored, your pay is docked to pay for those monitors, and in the end, you are certified. If you can't get a job because the economy blows, like me, then you interview for the student teaching spots. You work everyday, with a mentor teacher, for 15 weeks. It's unpaid, and you can't be the substitute if the mentor teacher has to be off. If the mentor teacher arrives at 6am and leaves at 8pm, you're supposed to be there with him. I'm lucky. My mentor leaves at 430 every day, except for that day we have those Anime kids.

At the end of the 15 weeks, I will be certified. Don't know that it will matter, though. Budget cuts, and all that. Dang economy.

Feb 21, 11 1:58 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh, and Donna, you're ninja bread men were awesome. The cupcake molds were just money. And you know, I bet you have tons of legos lying around your house. If I had legos instead of duplos, my robots would've been smaller.

Feb 21, 11 1:59 pm  · 

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