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i have shown man with a movie camera, philip. also metropolis. the first is fascinating, and surprisingly familiar becasue of its high-paced editing. the second not as much fun, but still quite cool in small doses.

Sep 7, 10 7:00 pm  · 

i was thinking about man with a movie camera too... i think that i'm going to show regen by joris ivens... and possibly a scene from richard linklater's before sunset where julie delpy and ethan hawke walk through paris (particularly the promenade plantée), which is really the third actor in the film...

Sep 7, 10 7:16 pm  · 

Phillip, I'm a little lost in the film conversation, but if you're interested in avant garde films where Paris is a character you MUST show Rendezvous.

Sep 7, 10 7:46 pm  · 
Video here.
Sep 7, 10 7:51 pm  · 

THANKS DONNA... that is actually perfect... i'm having them do a "site research" exercise that different scales/speeds of experiencing our site (i.e. pedestrian, bicycle, car, EL, highway)... the contrast between "rendezvous" and "before sunset" will be perfect...

Sep 7, 10 8:31 pm  · 

Yay! Glad to help.

So my good friend and super wonderful curator Lisa Freiman has just been announced as the commissioner for the American pavilion at the 2011 Venice Biennale. In other words, the Indianapolis Museum of Art here in Naptown USA was selected over the Whitney, MOMA, et al for the art world's biggest dealio.

Sep 7, 10 8:40 pm  · 

SW - I just noticed you are a friend/fan of my friend's restaurant in Louisville. Talk about a small world. LOL!!!

Sep 7, 10 9:05 pm  · 

Phillip, thanks a lot for the talk-n-tour! It's wild to be in a room with so many famous architects/thinkers. Grad school, mmm, mmm, good. I just wish the promise of potential good works, would translate to comprehensive and finished portfolio...Now, on to crash courses in GRE prep, portfolio repair/rebuild, writing samples and coning well established professionals for references. I can get that done in, oh, 3 - 4 months, right??

Sep 7, 10 11:08 pm  · 

wow I really love those Avant Garde posters for those films. Now that's worthy of doing a lecture on.

Sep 8, 10 1:07 am  · 
Ms Beary

facebook makes the world smaller... how 'bout this: a friend of mine posted a link on fb to a video on architechnophilia's website...

Sep 8, 10 3:26 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

I have found at least 4 to 5 of my posts copy-and-pasted on various architecture blogs by clicking on links I've found on blogs directly from Archinect!

With no attribution!

Don't really care but I would have liked to use my real name so if employers ever Google me... I'd look more important.

Sep 8, 10 4:07 am  · 

unicorn ghost isn't your real name?

Sep 8, 10 8:06 am  · 

beta - I have all the confidence that you can get all that done and more in three to four months time.

Sep 8, 10 8:26 am  · 

Hi all,

Beta, Do you want to apply for fall 2011, which means your deadline would be Christmas. Either way I am sure you can get it done.

Donna, just further evidence there is an American between the coasts...

Anybody got advice for things to see while in Dallas

Sep 8, 10 8:52 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

You could see me! I could be the hilight. Oh and there's that Rem Koolhaas building, the Foster, and the Piano.

I gave Abram cake for breakfast. It's got eggs it.

Sep 8, 10 9:51 am  · 

One of my "hens" gave a hearty if adolescent "cock-a-doodle-doo" this morning. Sigh.

Got a deadline today. Poets can be a pain in the ass to deal with - or they can be lovely. I'm juggling the full range of client interaction this week!

Sep 8, 10 10:08 am  · 

Sarah I would be delighted, although I will only be there 48 hours or so and wasn't sure how close to Dallas you actually were.

Sep 8, 10 11:02 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

You could see me! I could be the hilight. Oh and there's that Rem Koolhaas building, the Foster, and the Piano.

I gave Abram cake for breakfast. It's got eggs it.

Sep 8, 10 11:14 am  · 
Cat Parkour
Sep 8, 10 11:40 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Sorry for the delayed double post. Nam, I'm about 45 minutes from downtown, and an hour from the airport. Whether you get to meet me or not, you absolutly must go to the cosmic cafe. I know it sounds cheesey, and it looks even stranger, but it's all vegitarian, and even Owen Wilson never misses the place when he's in town. I think you'd love it. They do have a website if you feel like searching.

Email me your dates.

Sep 8, 10 11:56 am  · 


I was in Dallas yesterday late afternoon....for like 3 hours waiting for my flight back to New England. If I had known you werer so close, I would have called you and we could have done Jamacian Jerked Chicken at TGIF....

Oh to be back from was the clean house run around day....and damn I'm pooped and it is only 6:00 PM....
I need yet another vacation. Off I go to give dogs baths, cause we just brought them home from the kennel....and I don't want bed bugs...or any kind of bugs...they might have picked up there.

Sep 8, 10 6:03 pm  · 

yay! cat parkour!

looks like I've been roped into heading up the community composting effort. I was just trying to find out if there was anyone in my neighborhood who was interested in taking our extra veggie scraps since we've managed to fill up our city-issue composter, and now it's become work...

I'm scheduled to have a meeting with the "guru of composting." the guy apparently poops in a bucket.

also WTF should I make for dinner?

so, tonight, I guess...


Sep 8, 10 9:55 pm  · 

I enjoy WTF should I make for dinner.

Deadline #1 met, now to prep for class tomorrow morning. Sigh - not enough hours in a day!

Sep 8, 10 10:00 pm  · 

First lecture of the year is now in the bag! think the few sips of wine at the grad student reception before class helped. It's really cool having 20 folks who are not design students enrolled, but it will slow things down a lot until their visual literacy gets up to speed. Doesn't help that the projector and my laptop are not high-def. I might just through powerpoint out and go PDF on them so I can zoooooom in so the tini-tiny text is legible.

It also sucks that my University computer got thrown into quarantine this morning because it picked up a virus - hope I get it back soon.

Oh, tomorrow morning got a pre-meeting about what could be (finally) a big announcement in a few weeks. All I can just say is that the wheels at the U move very, very slowly (we've been waiting for almost 6 months at this point).

Hey Donna - Ball State is hiring!. How far is Muncie from Naptown?

toaster - wtf is brilliant! thanks for sharing.

*m, please post that to the Parkour thread! or I will!

Sep 8, 10 10:33 pm  · 

I think I cringed a little at snook's jerk comment

so you know the beautiful thing about standardised things right... they are rarely ever standardised. We are doing a residence on an amazing hillside made entirely of containers inter-locked. They get delivered and installed (we weren't in on the selection) only to find that each is a different height. Window schedule? Uhmm ouch. Fun being an architect

Sep 8, 10 11:13 pm  · 
Ms Beary

I suspected I couldn't surf. Today, I proved it. I did get up for an instant on my knees a few times though, which made it worthwhile.

Sep 8, 10 11:40 pm  · 

That sucks Atechno, but it does make for some interesting problem solving though. As frustrating as it may be, I do enjoy a good design puzzle to solve. Keep us posted on the outcome. I'm interested to see what you come up with.

Sep 9, 10 9:02 am  · 

where are the John Lydons of architecture?

Sep 9, 10 9:16 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Morning. Can you believe it's still raining!

Sep 9, 10 10:57 am  · 


When is saw the oversized graphics at TGIF I also cringed.
I went with the Steak Tips, cause when in Texas eat Texan. The Alternative to TGIF was Mc Donald's, Pizza, Yougart, or Liquid Food.
Since I had a 45 minute drive upon arrival to New England I passed on the Liquid food.

Sep 9, 10 11:59 am  · 
The Alternative to TGIF was Mc Donald's, Pizza, Yougart, or Liquid Food.

You sure you weren't in Indianapolis then, snook?

Measuring a house today for a big kitchen remodel. Later all.

Sep 9, 10 12:53 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Since I get so much traffic to my blog over my Brise soliel diagram, I've decided that once I get my new tablet, I'm going to start posting architectural diagrams once a week. I thought I'd start simple with thermal windows or something. Any thoughts?

Sep 9, 10 1:20 pm  · 

Sitting here filing my nails waiting for the clock to hit 5pm.

If you are out there puddles, I hope your fingernail issues are being kept under control.

Sep 9, 10 4:38 pm  · 

My head of school wrote me a letter on behalf of the entire school, commending me on my efforts teaching all of the undergraduate humanities courses, against the odds. I weep.

Sarah I can't find your brise soliel image.. help.

I'm tired heading to sleep.

Sep 9, 10 10:40 pm  · 

Aw, techno, that's awesome! Congrats!

Sep 9, 10 10:54 pm  · 

For melt: 100 cats in an IKEA.

Sep 9, 10 11:00 pm  · 

hey! AWA is hiring - portland is a minefield of laid off architects (including some AWA losses).

and even though they don't have any LEED silver certified buildings, the new hire can at least design to LEED silver - you know, since all their buildings are supposedly designed to LEED silver (whatever that means...)

Sep 9, 10 11:06 pm  · 

holz, you know, since I kind of switched gears here in Portland I only loosely know about the architecture firms in town. Is AWA Portland? Sometimes I feel sad that I don't know all the people from the other firms and I'm not in on all the intrigue, but then I realize every industry has intrigue...

Donna, do you have to give back your she-rooster? Here they have rules against people owning roosters in city limits... so if a chick grows up to be a he, they have to get rid of it. There is an animal preserve outside of Eugene that rescues farm animals and I hear he has like 30 roosters that were given up by city people.

I came on here to mention two things specifically:

1) Anybody else using Firefox 4.0 Beta? Because wow, it sucks so far! I almost had a floating gray box in the middle of my Archinect page until I switched browsers... they've got a lemon there. I'm just saying.

2) Dexter the Free Range Cat came back! I found him while I was outside doing laundry... I petted him once, and he followed me back to my place, and then I had roughly 4 hours of happy kitty purring on the couch next to me. He is locked in the bathroom for the night, and my rash is threatening, but he'll go back out in the morning. At least I know he's safe and warm and not hungry. He's such a well-behaved cat!...

Sep 10, 10 2:52 am  · 

AWA - allied works architecture

Sep 10, 10 2:56 am  · 

The very last cat in that IKEA video looks just like Dexter. Sleepiness and everything. What an interesting idea... and the kittens! Awww.

Sep 10, 10 2:57 am  · 

morning all, super busy work, and outside. One new thing I just started yesterday is volunteering helping some friends who have an acre in the city and are trying to start an urban farm. They already run a CSA out in the boonies..

Sep 10, 10 8:42 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Here you go Techno. It's not earth-shattering or anything, just simple. Let me know what you think.

Sep 10, 10 9:01 am  · 

I reached out to AWA's NYC office when I was looking for work; they had been wining a lot of competitions this past winter/spring so I thought they might be hiring, but not a peep back. Alas. But since I might end up moving to Portland next year maybe I should contact that office... though I'm sure they already have a hefty stack of unemployed pdx architect's resumes in their files.

Sep 10, 10 2:46 pm  · 

DubK, Indy allows roosters, so I could have kept him. But...if I can bore you with the chicken saga:

I took him back this morning to exchange for a hen. He started crowing at 6:30, right when I hit the first snooze on my alarm clock (husband asked "If you hit the rooster on his head will he snooze for five minutes?"). So for the next ten minutes I snoozed and listened to the crowing while worrying that my neighbors would show up with pitchforks.

So I took him back to the farm and exchanged for a hen PLUS I couldn't resist buying a pretty new grey girl too (total of 5 chickens now).

Five minutes after letting the two into the henhouse to join the rest I looked at that grey one and my mind went "Rooster!". I think it is. Another damn rooster. The farmer looked it over real well and pronounced girl, but I'm fairly certain.

I can't bring myself to bother the farmer again, and it's an hour drive. So my options are:

1. Ask the neighbors if the crowing bothers them, because I actually like it, or
2. Freezer camp. Husband said he will assist.

What do you think?

Sep 10, 10 3:09 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Just throwing that out there.

Sep 10, 10 3:23 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Freezer camp? Like you're going to eat it? Aren't roosters tough?

And that is an interesting backdrop for that rooster.

Sep 10, 10 3:56 pm  · 


Hahahah. This site is fun. There are some good ones.

Sep 10, 10 4:05 pm  · 

i may never be able to shop at ikea again. does no-one have terribly bad cat allergies in the uk?! ugh.

participated in a all-consuming invited competition this week. just like last year: #2.

the good news? there was a consolation prize this year! so, we didn't get the $29m project, but we did get the $4m one. not too bad.

Sep 10, 10 8:57 pm  · 

That's fantastic, Steven!

And thanks for the Ike Reilly info. Too over-extended to commit to a tip to L'ville right now, but we'll see.

Sep 10, 10 9:23 pm  · 
some person

100 cats in IKEA. Loved it! I would have watched an hour-long documentary if they made one.

Sep 10, 10 10:13 pm  · 

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