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Distant Unicorn

I can't afford to go to the doctor as I no longer have insurance.

I'm on week 7 of bronchitis. I took some antibiotics I had left over from a previous illness but that didn't do anything. If it is bacterial, I'm sure they'll just give me some crap cipro, amoxicillin or augmentin... which don't really work that well and I'll be back there in two weeks.

The doctor's office here is stingy with arithomycin and doxycycline... which I don't really mind paying $200 of money I don't have on good antibiotics.

But if I go to the doctors office and get crap antibiotics, I'll be out $135 for the office visit and $45 for shit antiobiotics. Then once the disease I have morphs into a super bug from half-assed antibiotics, it'll be another $135 and then like $85 for bactrim.

And every time I go there, all they try to do is get me to get a prescription for percocet and prednisone to "feel better."

To be honest, I'd rather die at this point.

Sep 3, 10 7:18 pm  · 

i'm totally buying one of those toaster... it will certainly come in handy when editing book submissions...

so, i survived the first week of teaching studio... had a good time... studio lottery on monday (i was surprised to find that i had the most people pick me as their first choice)... gave a short presentation and did desk crits on wednesday... and we did a site visit today where i had them pin-up and present their case studies on one of the highway overpasses and EL lines that cuts through our site...

Sep 3, 10 8:10 pm  · 


That's a pretty awesome word, dubK. Reminds me of the Trailer Park Boys, which you should see, if you haven't.

Sep 3, 10 8:22 pm  · 

Did I miss this... Phillip, where are you teaching? NYC?

Sep 3, 10 8:27 pm  · 

@manta... at temple in philly... also, i was called "professor" for the first time today and it was very weird...

Sep 3, 10 9:47 pm  · 

so I've been writing non-stop only to get an extension for Monday. Life is good!

Permagrin.... love it!!

Unicorn... bronchitis. Yea used to have that near annually when I smoked. Fresh lungs are a blessing. Might I suggest going to the pharmacy... there are some otc that do wonders. Start with an inhaler

Sep 3, 10 10:54 pm  · 

canadian content! trailer park boys totally reminds me of my childhood.

that's awesome philip! i always feel like correcting students who call me professor. oddly enough they almost never address me as doctor jump when they write me questions by e-mail. they seldom get my name right actually which is kind of worrying, though funny. Mind you, my actual name sounds like i should be a stand-up comedian - the honorific "doctor" preceding a clearly scottish name is somehow just not proper in this universe, is it?

Sep 4, 10 1:31 am  · 

if yall ain't seen trailer park boys, this one is a fave

Sep 4, 10 1:35 am  · 

Leaving the competition design team in the lurch and taking a trip for the long weekend. After a 60+ hr wk, feeling both good and a little guilty...

Have a good weekend y'all!

Sep 4, 10 8:26 am  · 


Sorry to hear about your sickness.

That's what I do when I get that sick and it has been more the 4 years since the last one: I eat quite a bit of garlic everyday and blow my nose very often to get rid of that stuff sooner. I make some garlic and mayo samiches 2x a day. That will light you up faster I promise and make you high.

ah and granny's awful hot garlic tea with honey and lime.

...I hope you don't choose death... Who is going to do those Google searches for us?

hope you feel better

Sep 4, 10 9:29 pm  · 

5 days straight of writing. I'm spent I've sent it to my two closest ladies to have a read through and nit pick the writing, then I'll hand it off to the professionals and the editor on Monday. I think this is the first time I've written something so intense since grad school and I still feel like puking.

I could use a pint of some midwest dark ale

Sep 4, 10 10:17 pm  · 
Sep 4, 10 10:23 pm  · 

I tried a black ale from New Belgium Brewing this weekend - quite tasty.

Sep 4, 10 11:32 pm  · 

Also: diabase, if you're reading: I hope you weren't affected by the earthquake. I've been wondering and haven't seen you post in a day or two, but I don't know if you read TC regularly anyway.

Sep 4, 10 11:34 pm  · 

hi all off to the beach...

jump, The Trailer Parks Boys is good what about the The Red Green Show??

Phillip glad to hear it went well.

Archi and Steven sounds like you both deserve a bit of a break.

bye bye

Sep 5, 10 9:57 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Techno, I haven't received a copy of your paper. Could you send it again? Oh. Wait. I'm not one of your closest ladies, am I? Damn.

Jump doesn't sound very Scottish to me.

And what is it with all the ales? They're everywhere, and I just don't like them. Seems what I call bitter beer, others call "hoppy.".

Sep 5, 10 10:17 am  · 

red green was great, nam. also kids in the hall, this hour has 22 minutes, and before that sctv.

lol sarah.

Sep 5, 10 11:47 am  · 

I usually do not like red or trappist ales - they're too fruity, and it's the only beer I get sick off of if I have more than one pint...

I tend to like lagers and more german style beers, myself...

Sep 5, 10 12:08 pm  · 
vado retro

i watched citizen architect recently. i thought it was a phenomenal film. i would show this film the first day of class if i was teaching a studio. and although petey is the contrarian, i don't totally disagree with him. however, given the community service and the get your hands dirty aspect of the rural studio, eisenman's take does seem aloof. therefore, that cute kitty should be named Sambo after sambo mockbee. or perhaps duchamp since he is a found object.

Sep 5, 10 3:59 pm  · 

I'd really like to see the A/E industry organizing a boycott against a certain private conglomeration, whose owners are funding a wide political campaign to undermine individual liberties, to remove regulations that protect the environment and individuals, and using hate to disrupt civil discourse purely for their own profit...

Sep 5, 10 4:22 pm  · 

hah hah hah Sarah.... you made me smile. Once I get the go ahead I'll forward to you.

just tried my hand at making dal... and it's fricking amazing. Credit does go to the missus (and secretly Aarti) for the directions and courage. I could s'lather thing on anything

Sep 5, 10 5:13 pm  · 

barry, does that conglomeration have the appellation of a small-ish but feisty mammal?

By the way, I NOW HAVE CHICKENS!!!!

Sep 5, 10 10:43 pm  · 

cluck cluck

Sep 5, 10 11:46 pm  · 

Unicorn, if you are a fan of Google searches then this shouldn't be news to you, but there are homeopathic remedies that you can use that might actually work. My Mother is a big proponent of essential oils, so I always start there before I try drugs. With bronchitis, you could pick up some eucalyptus essential oil and rub it on your chest or put a few drops on a hot washcloth and then put it over your face for a few minutes at a time. There are some spices that might help as well.

I drank a lot of beer this weekend. Incidentally I've been drinking a lot this year, period. The past few weeks I've realized that I skipped dinner several times because I drank it instead. I'm going to try to slow down soon because, well, I try to do everything in moderation and that is not my idea of moderation.

Sep 6, 10 12:26 am  · 

family and friends, nothing better. feeling the love. i am going to enjoy missing them all. as bad as i feel, the love and friendship, man, love it, and i will be okay.

now, off to nyc - highline and lincoln center, and wandering around with sis, then off to see my friend's son in the hospital, then dinner with mom.

good times.

Sep 6, 10 8:52 am  · 

giant chickens?

Sep 6, 10 9:40 am  · 

the photo above has answered the eternal question|

the answer appears to be yes.

Sep 6, 10 9:46 am  · 

the evil conglomeration has a name pronounced like the world's most popular cola and owned by two brothers. They own one of the biggest forest products companies (named after a southern state and the ocean on the west coast). See this for how evil they really are.

enjoy the chickens!

Sep 6, 10 10:20 am  · 

barry - slightly less biased article here

page 3 explains their paranoia with perceived socialism. I wonder if I would be too if stalin had killed all my business partners...

I also highly doubt the AEC industry would gather enough support to boycott said individuals - obviously you haven't met many firm owners or anyone in the construction industry - but it's worth trying...

Sep 6, 10 11:43 am  · 

toaster - I read the New Yorker article and have been haunted by this ever since. There also was a spineless and glowing article about their philanthropy of the arts in New York Mag a few months back. I've spent enough time in the AEC industry to be very discreet about proposing this sort of action, I'm even wary posting here and sending this to COTE - since the people-who-shall-remain-nameless seem to be political/capitalist psychopaths that enjoy stirring up hate and violence. I don't want to targeted - especially since I'm looking for a tenure-track gig...

hi ...tumbles... - can I get the tail? Oh, how's the latest cheese?

Sep 6, 10 1:59 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

It's actually seems to be clearing up. Of course, last night set me back because I decided to finally have a drink after like 3 weeks of not drinking.

And that drink was scotch and campari sours. Of course, you can't drink a putridly strong awful drink without chainsmoking at least 5 cigarettes.

Sep 6, 10 2:42 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

I also stayed up til 7:30 a.m. working on a competition entry.


Sep 6, 10 2:43 pm  · 
David Cuthbert

I like all conspiracy's especially since we know they all surround the Pentavirate ie. [/i]The Queen, the Vatican, the Gettys, the Rothschilds, and Colonel Sanders before he went tets-up. Oh, I hated the Colonel with is wee beady eyes! And that smug look on his face, "Oh, you're gonna buy my chicken! Ohhhhh![/i]

It's pissing down with rain interrupting my planned almost daily 5 mile walk. But it is such sleepy and romantic weather, makes you want to curl up with a.... good book under the covers ;-)

Sep 6, 10 3:35 pm  · 
vado retro
Sep 6, 10 5:14 pm  · 

oh man thas funny. nasty but funny.

david maybe you getting our rain. it hasn't rained here for ages and is plus 30's every day. the leaves are starting to fall off the trees and yet its still mid july weather here. ver strange.

Sep 6, 10 8:39 pm  · 

David, that was totally enjoyable. I loved Mike Myer's old comedy so much.

One shitty week after another round here. Thankfully the chickens went onto their roosts on their own tonight - last night I had to plop them up there so they'd get the idea.

Sep 6, 10 9:02 pm  · 

donna, if the chickens work out well you may inspire me to finally go ahead myself, with them...

tumbles i love the fact that you couldn't find the gun in the end. Sorry he got some chicken though.

Seems everyone had a good weekend...

I drove by a Georgia Pacific paper mill in Palatka on my way to the beach this weekend...

Sep 6, 10 9:13 pm  · 

donna, if the chickens work out well you may inspire me to finally go ahead myself, with them...

tumbles i love the fact that you couldn't find the gun in the end. Sorry he got some chicken though.

Seems everyone had a good weekend...

I drove by a Georgia Pacific paper mill in Palatka on my way to the beach this weekend...

Sep 6, 10 9:13 pm  · 

i think the reality of what is happening to us, is starting to hit the wife now...i, am confused.

Sep 6, 10 11:04 pm  · 

David and Phillip, that's one of my favorite movies too! Love it!

I went on a 3+ hour hike today. Great time, great views, and now I'm totally exhausted!

Sep 6, 10 11:38 pm  · 
Ms Beary

I did a 3 hour hike today too, nice!

Donna, a bit of trivia --- did you know Kauai is overrun with chickens? Some years ago a hurricane disrupted a plantation's coops and they got loose. They are EVERYWHERE!!!! Wild. Cock-a-doodle-do!!!! Nobody on the island can sleep past dawn. I even saw a cock fight from my bed this morning, out the window, at dawn. A family was clucking around a bush and another family came up and made it be known that it was their territory. The two roosters danced in a circle and butted heads for a minute before the first family gave up and skeedaddled. They ran across the road: papa, mama, and 4 baby chickys. I thought one of the chickys didn't make it cause a car passed at that very moment and appeared to squish him. Was about to run out and give chicky cpr in my jammies when I saw the whole family was indeed intact and safe on the near side of the road. Whew!

Sep 7, 10 1:08 am  · 
Ms Beary

beta, hang in there!!! thinking of you.

Sep 7, 10 1:09 am  · 

beary, thank you so much!

Sep 7, 10 2:01 am  · 

Congrats Donna on the chickens. You'll definitely have to keep us updated on the progress.

tumbles - good to hear all yours are still around, despite bobcat's attempt to eat them. Who would have ever guessed chickens would be good at playing dead.

Atechno - glad to hear your article is complete. I hope it's all good news from here on out with it.

vado - keep the videos coming, I've missed them.

Unicorn - I completely empathize on the bronchitis. Used to get it every year until I started using Singulair. I've always had success with using Robitussin DM. Nothing else works as well as it does, although I do admit one year my doctor put me on a pack of prednisone because my bronchial tubes were so inflamed he had to bring down the swelling.

beta - sending positive vibes your way.

Not much new going on in my life. Just trying to take one day at a time so as not to get too overwhelmed by everything.

Sep 7, 10 9:08 am  · 

Wild chickens in the jungles of Kauai. I'll start telling my girls bedtime stories about the adventures of the Kauai Chicken Tribes! Have a great trip, Straw!

beta, you're traveling, right? Be safe.

Sep 7, 10 10:50 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Beta, that "sudden realization" seems to happen often. Hang in there.

Husband bought me a Wacom tablet for my birthday. Yay! We got it on the student discount, but I'm so excited to play with it. Can't wait till it gets here.

Donna, you've got to post pictures of your new pets.

Sep 7, 10 10:51 am  · 
This video of a cruise ship in heavy seas, BennyHillified

, made me laugh so hard I had tears and stomach pains. I haven't laughed so hard in a long, long time.

Sep 7, 10 2:45 pm  · 

i was lucky enough to have lunch and a nice conversation with b3tadine[sutures] today... the third archinecteur that i've met in the flesh...

now i'm watching a dvd of avant garde films from the 20s and 30s trying to find something to show my students tomorrow in addition to walter ruttman's berlin: symphony of a metropolis...

Sep 7, 10 2:52 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Donna, here's a nonsensically funny video since you seem to be in the mood.

Now, I have no idea what they are saying since it is in German. But... perhaps not understanding it makes it much funnier than it actually is.

Sep 7, 10 3:05 pm  · 

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