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nam, i use a program called bookography and i scan them in using a cuecat... my wife got them both for me for festivus a few years ago...

Aug 17, 10 9:11 am  · 


Do you only use it for cataloging? Or also for notes etc... It seems mostly like a index not research tool/database?

Aug 17, 10 10:48 am  · 

i agree phillip. except i don't need bookstore as excuse anymore. amazon is just sitting there beckoning, and sooo much interesting stuff is being published lately. and they know what i like, damn them.

mind candy is weakness of mine so have to balance my bookshelf between academic stuff and SF paperbacks. with limited space in the flat my method to maintain control is to give away any books that don't fit when i buy something new.

it kind of works.

i really really really am looking forward to day when i can put all of my books onto a very clever ipad type of device.

Aug 17, 10 11:46 am  · 
Ms Beary

Have been buying lots of books since I recently became unpoor. But honestly, I'm mostly living like I'm still on unemployment, saving a lot of money while pretending I'm broke. Except that I'm going to Hawaii for a week this September!! WHOO-HOO! I was overdue for an international vacation destination, but Hawaii is just as exotic and fun and I can keep the money American at least.

Yay to test takers! I failed the PPP, because I drew my section in the wrong place on the vignette! Stoopid mistake. I was all worried about the multiple choice, but that wasn't the hard part. Should have practiced with that stoopid software some more.

Aug 17, 10 12:30 pm  · 

sorry to hear about that strawbeary.

sounds like you are totally ready for next time!

Aug 17, 10 1:27 pm  · 

jump have you seen the newest Showcase feature here?

Weren't we just talking about plywood interiors in Japan recently? The project is almost exclusively plywood on the interior and is sort of amazing. Also, love the built in bookcases as walls.

Aug 17, 10 1:34 pm  · 
Ms Beary

jump, that was a while ago, when I was taking the ARE. Not taking them anymore as I'm not practicing anymore and don't intend to.

Aug 17, 10 1:35 pm  · 

I'm taking SPD first. I should go study.

Aug 17, 10 8:11 pm  · 

donna, i saw the picture. it is mostly the second building sci arc moved to (current place is their 3 rd. the school is a gypsy wagon really.) although the group picture might be the first corrugated metal one in santa monica, where i studied and where it is all started. in that group picture, the tall guy standing up is glen small. thanks for posting.. it was a short stop at the memory lane.;.)

Aug 17, 10 10:29 pm  · 

@ strawbeary, i did wonder about that, but thought perhaps you were doing it anyway just for the sake of finishing. sorry ;-)

@ nam, yeah i did see that. very funky design.

myself i prefer the way sou fujimoto used wood in his earlier project called t- house, or some of the projects by atelier bow-wow. but that is just a taste thing...

Aug 17, 10 10:38 pm  · 

good luck slarti!

@ strawbeary, i did wonder about that, but thought perhaps you were doing it anyway just for the sake of finishing. sorry ;-)

@ nam, yeah i did see that. very funky design.

myself i prefer the way sou fujimoto used wood in his earlier project called t- house, or some of the projects by atelier bow-wow. but that is just a taste thing...

totally unrelated but the damnedest thing happened last week. my partner was in holland last week and against his normal instincts randomly picked a large coffee-table book called "starchitects" off the shelf only to find we were included in between herman herzberger and norman foster. we are trying to work out how that happened and why still. such strange things happening lately. we are not starchitects and are not really sure what the word means anyway. if it means i get to share paper space with norman foster i will take it however.

Aug 17, 10 10:47 pm  · 


that's cool. not cool they didn't contact you, though...

Aug 18, 10 1:02 am  · 

Thanks peeps. Steven I love that you bought yourself a book after every one of them... also a good tradition to start. However, after mine I bought a new bike! Talk about a reward that might take up too much space in the long run! :o)

Seriously though, let's hold the applause until after I actually pass something.

Aug 18, 10 2:32 am  · 

wups sorry for odd double post.

am sure you will pass dubk !

thanks we suspect it was for a book project we were invited to join that didn't go anywhere and somehow got picked up later and transformed and no one let us know. maybe....really, it doesn't matter. The funny thing is that my partner literally found it entirely by accident. what are the odds?

i can't explain the feeling, but it is very strange indeed. Especially since the book is mostly filled with seriously big people, like foster, Steven holl, tschumi, thom mayne, jean nouvel, renzo piano. then there are small folks like us scattered in there, including i am happy to say, andrew maynard (who sometimes shows up on archinect). well anyway we know we are not in that league, and find the entire book kind of odd just with the topic itself, but there it is...

Aug 18, 10 5:52 am  · 

jump, what's the book?!? Some of us might want to get it - I'll bet Steven might be taking a driving test or something soon and need to reward himself. ;-)

Team-teaching ProPractice this semester with my awesome amazing friend Wes Janz. Im very excited about it and headed off to a meeting to do some curriculum planning!

Aug 18, 10 8:12 am  · 

morning alll..

Jump that is very cool yeah what is the book name. could you at least message me the title off nect?

Also, re: t- house, vs the new showcase. I just really liked the all wood everywhere. It doesn't even really matter to me re: plywood.. Although, i thought (and maybe you were just referring to Tokyo) you had said there were issues with doing all plywood.

Anywho. morning all

Aug 18, 10 8:21 am  · 

dubK, are you moving on to studying for the next test? if you are, great! my advice - if i may offer - is to not wait for the score, just keep moving. the anticipation is a paralytic, and you'll want to keep the momentum.

Aug 18, 10 8:32 am  · 

jump - very strange and awesome.

sou fujimoto is definitely on my radar. I also really like the T-house - the black outside, the white courtyard (nice contrast), and the use of wood on the interior... I really like the shifting "contemplative" views as one moves through the house - there seems to be more of a spatial/compositional reward for the longer you spend time at certain moments - something that is often difficult for american clients to understand - either that or I'm lousy at selling it.

nam - that showcase house reminds me of this one visitor center/observation deck on the tip of cape cod near provincetown - especially those railings with the netting and the plywood. feels very ocean-side cabin to me...

Aug 18, 10 10:57 am  · 

hi all. Congrats jump - you are a starchitect in my book.... and I'm sure in many others on archinect as well. I'd love to know the title o I can add it to my library. Any recognition that bits you with Holl and Hertzberger is great

Aug 18, 10 11:10 am  · 

the book was printed in dutch, but is called starchitects (such a dangerous word nowadays) and is really mostly just a picture book. you can see here if interested.

@nam, yeah plywood finish in most of tokyo center at least is not possible legally because of fire regulations. we are required to put 9mm of plasterboard over the plywood subfloor even, not just walls and ceiling.

Aug 18, 10 12:01 pm  · 

Donna, are you teaching the CA part or the ethics/accounting/management part? Also, what book are you using? My (upenn) prof wrote architect's essentials of starting a design firm & I'm still using it.

Aug 18, 10 12:24 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

We used the boring aia pro practice book. Snore.

Have you ever had an idea you were very excited about, but didn't want to tell people just in case the idea flounders? That's where I am.

Aug 18, 10 4:25 pm  · 

I'm still alive.

Aug 18, 10 4:29 pm  · 

beta, yes, my study buddy and I are moving onto studying for the next one, but with a 4-week or so break to let us enjoy the rest of our summer here. It's too nice to ignore. But we plan on taking the next one by Thanksgiving.

Oh Donna, it warms my heart to think that awesome people like you are teaching ProPractice, instead of the professor I had. :o/

Aug 18, 10 7:40 pm  · 

study buddies..
and I'm Still Alive..
That is where I am
Star Architects....
of a different kind.

i signed a construction contract
on a project i have been working
on for three years and the building
budget is around $200,000 dollars.
boy oh boy am I sucking wind!

Aug 18, 10 8:22 pm  · 

<a href = ",%20CA/0/0/0/0/201003/100_101_102_103_104_105">this<a/> is awesome.

shows you how much money an individual in your city spends on stuff...

Aug 18, 10 9:05 pm  · 

I was looking at the moque thingie...and well I thought Freedom of Religion was part of our constitutional rights by the 1st amendment.....that is sort of a change order isn't it.

oh well!

You really don't want me to get going on this one.

did you know there are more Catholics in Salt Lake City than Mormons?

Aug 18, 10 10:18 pm  · 

nite all. I just finished a wonderful home cooked dinner. a roast, slaw and rissoto.

Aug 18, 10 11:00 pm  · 

It has come to my attention -once again- that my archinect account has been tied to an old email account that I barely check and messages from Archinect go straight to my junk/spam box. I know I can change the email address...

But sorry if I've ignored your email. It may have been deleted unintentionally. Also, I don't generally answer emails from Archinect if I don't know who you are. But whoever asked me about what I'm going back to school for: A lot has changed in a short period of time including getting a new job. So grad school is out for a while (and M.Arch especially). I constantly struggle between going back to school to explore what I want to learn about (what if I don't know what I don't know???) and waiting until I know exactly what I want to focus on (and then get sidetracked once I'm there anyway). Once AREs are done, I'll think about it again.

DJ - "Seriously though, let's hold the applause until after I actually pass something." I feel the same way. If you never hear about how my test went, lets just pretend it never happened. Lets say I lost the $210 on one hand of poker and it was such a good hand too.

Jump - does this mean if I ever again make it to Japan in my lifetime, you'll be too famous to even consider visiting?

The thing with the mosque debate is that, its not about legality and rights. Its about "appropriateness" and "sensitivity." If we want to talk about it that way, every building is inappropriate or insensitive to something or someone. And since when did everyone have an opinion on sensitivity of building location and have it be a national level discussion? Where were all these opinions when we demolished historic buildings to expand existing convention centers? Or when we have drug dealers within blocks of children and schools? When we build on pristine greenfield land? We are haphazardly and CONSTANTLY insensitive and do inappropriate things to our culture and natural environment, and THAT is what people are having a problem with?

Aug 19, 10 1:17 am  · 

Not to insinuate that those things are equal, of course, or that it is less important. I'm coming from the point of view that, it shouldn't have been an issue in the first place for most people. Misguided or not (as I may think), victims or families of victims will have feelings on appropriateness and sensitivity, as that is just their response. I guess it just puzzles me that it is a national media phenomenon. But it may just be the media and some nuts thrown in. And politics picking up on it.

Aug 19, 10 1:47 am  · 

the mosque stuff is frightening and sad. yall even hear about the bomb in front of the mosque recently? how crazy is that?

i think you are safe on the visiting japan score slarti. it would be very funny if we did become famous. what a great joke that would be.

Aug 19, 10 3:38 am  · 

isn't time for a free love reunion... too much religion based and sexual orientation based angst going on in the world.

So totally geeked out yesterday and headed to Akron to see an exhibition on Detroit. It was a series of photographs showing the degradation of the city over the last 1/2 decade. Sad but captivating. For good measure we headed to the head office of Goodyear tyres and to the world of tyres museum, but apparently the recession has killed the museum and all that was left was the gift shop contained in a pristine 70s office interior.

Aug 19, 10 9:22 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

At least we can say "we knew you when."

Aug 19, 10 9:24 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Say... anybody got anything to say about the wacom tablets? I'm thinking about getting one.

Aug 19, 10 9:29 am  · 

Slarti, nice post re: mosque discussion. I agree, and just posted something about the power of architecture to represent ideals - nice to see it still exists, even if only in a ridiculous national media frenzy started by a bunch of people whose paychecks depend on starting said frenzies regularly!

I need to be a superhero today. I need to be this woman:

toady, and next week, too.

Aug 19, 10 10:43 am  · 

hi all

Aug 19, 10 10:53 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

I wanted to post this in the mosque thread but did not necessarily want to start something. I still want to get it off my chest.

A terrorist act simply is an act to induce confusion, panic and... uh general terror.

I think groups or individuals that resort to terrorist attacks usually always know that they are a minority with no real chance of "winning" a broader battle-- as in, a formal war or conflict is well beyond their means.

So, the principal goal of terrorism is to inflict a profound internal reflection-- who, what, why, where and when of being the victim.

Supposedly, the best way to fight terrorism is to largely ignore its existence or its effects. However, I think it would be ideological suicide to tell everyone to ignore the recent tragedy in that regard.

But in terms of the terrorist act and our "war or terror," we lost the war on terror the moment we declared a war on terror by giving the offensive party's plight legitimacy.

In that aspect, the terrorist(s) organizations behind 9/11 have frankly won as they met their goal of creating profound change within our society-- we've lost rights, we've lost the ability to travel freely and we're no longer 'arrogantly' ignoring the people around us and instead gazing upon everyone else with mistrust and suspicion.

And when it comes to situations like the mosque, the conflict shows that we are unable to maintain our composure or limit our vengeance-- reaffirm that the terrorism (or terrorist act) still has a stranglehold over our society a decade later.

Aug 19, 10 11:52 am  · 


any thoughts on this related to Passivhaus?

As it seems the main complaint is airtightness and a lack of focus on low or no VOC etc materials.

I wonder if this would be an issue with Passivhaus as well or do they have more of a focus on air quality than LEED?

Aug 19, 10 2:10 pm  · 

Donna you are that super hero

Aug 19, 10 3:05 pm  · 

Yes, Donna, you are!! :o)

Slart, re: the exam ... totally. In fact, let's just say we were playing poker together, against some world champion poker players.

Aug 19, 10 3:09 pm  · 

Anyone ever have one of those days where you feel your brain never actually fully came online? Ya... I'm crossing my fingers tomorrow is better.

Aug 19, 10 4:08 pm  · 

I think that is the norm. And then once in a while you have that day when things click, you have clarity, vision, have random memories of childhood you've forgotten for a long time, have ideas that actually work on multiple levels, and etc.

Aug 19, 10 4:51 pm  · 


this article kinda annoyed me the first time around, mostly because i think the writer is mad USGBC won't reorient LEED around his agenda...
though there are some legitimate complaints about LEED, LEED's focus has always been resource-driven.

in LEED for homes, EQs 2,3,4,5,7,8,9 and 10 revolve around reducing IAQ problems in houses...

airtightness in buildings is a good thing. most people designing airtight buildings are already selecting low/no VOC products. regardless, an HRV (req'd for passivhaus) almost always means better IAQ than natural filtration through a leaky envelope (e.g. fresh air is significantly filtered, radon issues are lower, balanced system sucks out stale air and particulates, etc.)

everything in passivhaus revolves around energy conservation - because that's the biggest piece of the pie we need to tackle. the core of PH designers i've met are already designing towards living building challenge/LEED platinum/built green-type programs - so these 'outsider' issues aren't being addressed, they definitely are, PH designers just don't get bonus points for doing it.

Aug 19, 10 4:56 pm  · 

holz, thanks for the input. it did seem agenda driven. obviously air quality internally is an issue, though. wasn't sure if passivhaus house was exclusively energy focused or not..

Have a good one y'all..

Aug 19, 10 11:01 pm  · 

hey jump - it's useless on that one thread - I think people would rather sit around and whine on archinect than actually get off their asses and go after stuff. you're not going to convince anyone who is unwilling to work at something even when things seem their bleakest. I know you and I both came from humble beginnings... so maybe we've got practice.

Aug 20, 10 12:55 am  · 

lol. probably right toasteroven. maybe such threads are the result of all those rumors about feelings of entitlement i have been hearing about...didn't know it was actually real.

Aug 20, 10 4:04 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Morning. Abe gets to go to his first swim party, and I have to go to defensive driving instead. I'm bummed.

Aug 20, 10 9:58 am  · 

what is defensive driving? like when you are under sniper fire or something like that?

probably most of you saw john stewarts take on the NY mosque yesterday? he is quite impressive the way he boils the issue down and up and spits out in funny but smart way. the speech by charleton heston is pretty damn good too.

Aug 20, 10 10:31 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Jump I've never been to DD, but I know it's what you go to when you get a traffic ticket. You don't have to pay the fine, you don't get the ticket on your record, and you get 10% discount on your insurance. It'd be pretty awesome if it was a class on evasive driving manuvers.

Aug 20, 10 1:26 pm  · 

[vado-esque humor] I'd like to take offensive driving, sure fire way for that old lady to stop using my parking spot [/vado-esque humor]. I miss vado.

the missus and I are entertaining some friends tonight (I think this may be the second time here in Cleveland). So I've spent the entire time cleaning and preping (I'm the sous tonight). But I did make tomato sauce which oddly enough if you don't use almost over-rippen tomatoes will come out orange when you blend it all together. Oh well it will be hidden under layers and layers of cheese, pasta sheets and ground turkey/chicken

Aug 20, 10 2:34 pm  · 

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