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Sarah Hamilton

nam, you have been added. Barry, so have you.

does anybody else's post response box have a strange gold outline? Is it a Google Chrome issue?

Jan 6, 10 2:28 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

13 sweet!

Jan 6, 10 3:09 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

I meant 13 page views today.

Jan 6, 10 3:14 pm  · 
liberty bell

I can barely say the words "rumpagne binge" out loud when sober - if I had been drinking even a sip or two of rumpagne I'd be slobbering all over the table trying to say it.

nam, the Ike Reilly release (itunes only for now) is Hard Luck Stories and that song is called The Ballad of Jack and Haley. Dave Lowery from Cracker sings backup on it.

vado and I just had a completely serendipitous meeting at the local cafe and enjoyed a quick cup of not-overly-pessimistic coffee. Nice to see you, vado!

Jan 6, 10 3:30 pm  · 

ha ha ha, oe, that's pretty funny! (re: fergie)

question to the peanut gallery -- what do y'all think of putting Arch of Record projects in your portfolio? As in, where you were the arch of record, not the original designer? In this case my actual design involvement was limited to, perhaps, 10%... it was already pretty well taken care of by the designer before CA started (and I shepherded it through CA and made the necessary design adjustments as you might expect).

The project itself is pretty cool and is a project type that would round out my portfolio. (retail) Otherwise I suppose I don't care that much whether it's in there or not.

What do you think?

Jan 6, 10 3:47 pm  · 
vado retro

bff's 4EVA!!!!

Jan 6, 10 4:40 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton


Jan 6, 10 5:01 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

¡¡¡¡ɐʌǝ4 s,ɟɟq

Jan 6, 10 5:20 pm  · 
vado retro

my side is splitttttting!!!!

Jan 6, 10 5:29 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton


Jan 6, 10 5:34 pm  · 

LB looks alright, but vado...

Jan 6, 10 5:46 pm  · 
vado retro

my hair used to be longer than that!

Jan 6, 10 6:06 pm  · 
snook_dude be taking on the norske grandma look, but just so filled with poety it brings a big fricking smile to my face.
We had a bunch of them working in the kitchen where I spent my last year of highschool...they were a nice lot of ladies who always awarded the breakfast dishwashing crew with fresh bread and honey butter. Life was good then, christ I didn't even know what a Credit Card was.

Jan 6, 10 6:39 pm  · 
liberty bell

That's freakishly weird.

I need a drink now.

Jan 6, 10 7:22 pm  · 

nice orochi.

geek question - is there a code to flip text or is that a font?

nice tunes for the kiddies. my girls lately are into hannah montanah, utada hikaru, green day, and the ramones. finding good childrens music was so hard i am thrilled they finally have grown into stuff that doesn't involve tunes that rhyme with b-i-n-g-o.

stinky cheese man is awesome, sarah. we have a couple of Jon Scieszka and lane smiths' books. for me smith is the one who makes it work. i am pretty sure he was art director for james and the giant peach movie too, which is loverly to look at.

Jan 6, 10 7:45 pm  · 

Guys! I've been trying to post for days but I keep running out of free time... and then you keep talking so I'd have to find my place again :)

nam, I really can't believe I didn't see that NY Times article when it came out!!! How crazy is that.

Sarah I like your blog! I'm going to email you so I can get on there...

Orochi I like your blog too! I like your theme as well. Where did you get it?

Also, Orochi that photoshop picture is freaking hilarious. I miss lb and vado no matter whose head is where, LOL.

oe, I tend to agree with you about the Black Eyed Peas thing although I kinda feel bad for her.

puddles, Philarct, et al, I also agree with the 5 billion less people thing.

I have to go back and read Orhan's post above now because it requires my full attention and potentially, brain cells.

Jan 6, 10 11:49 pm  · 

Orhan, in all my years of experience I never had to deal with using AIA documents, which is both a good and a bad thing. I am studying them now for the ARE but that doesn't help you much. Based on your description I'd go with the B104. (Sounds like a country music radio station...)

Sorry I'm not more helpful!

Jan 6, 10 11:54 pm  · 

hehe aw. Sorry fergs. Im being mean. On the bright side she does have like billions of dollars and throngs of adoring fans to console her ;)

Jan 7, 10 12:15 am  · 

Orhan, I'm glad you posted your question - not that I can assist you in anyway shape or form, but it is rather insightful for me as a non-American to see how you all practice (beyond designing, and into the fun contract/client engagement aspects). I do hope you get your answer however. A side question and it may or not be relevant but often in the other places I've practised we've used standard forms with noted and agreed amendments (usually signed by a notary or arbitrator third party) is that an option?

Nam I liked Black Eyed Peas before and after, I remember years ago going to a concert with them and some other non-mainstream hip hop artists. But I do like the inclusion of Fergie both for them and her, a wider scope perhaps. Her Wild Orchid stuff was so "pop" that it was good for to just sing feel good yet critical music even if it was repackaged to look the same on the shelf.

The first book for the new year is Unpacking my Library: Architects and their Books. For the other arch book collectors (I'm talking to specifically to you holz) it is a worthwhile addition and it becomes painfully obvious in the first two pages.

Sarah add my blog please

Love the photo and the manipulations. Those are two beautiful people and despite only meeting them once physically I can't but miss their company (Wonder K too). But the missus and I did agree to drive to Indy during the summer.

And finally a WWTCD I've got to make a narrowed list of places to consider doing a doctorate for submission next week (I need 7 US schools not withstanding the 3 in the uk I'm considering). No names will be discounted ... here is the full list

Jan 7, 10 1:27 am  · 


i was really disappointed i couldn't catch the exhibit. the smallest collection was something like 750 books? damn, i'm only halfway there...

i might have to check out the book. my collection, though it's not huge, can be found here.. i didn't opt for the paid version, so it's only showing 200 books. i need to update the list, as well.

and yes. i'm a dork.

Jan 7, 10 1:46 am  · 

oh, and tschumi's collection of 6,000 books? friggin insane. i wish i had a quarter of a million plus to drop on books!

Jan 7, 10 1:52 am  · 

techno, email me, I've got a longer list of schools with doctorate programs, I did some research on it last year. What are you submitting? Are you going to apply for a PhD?

Also, did I ever tell you guys about my box of architecture books that got lost in the transition between Los Angeles to *slightly homeless* to Portland? It was the Post Office's fault, and actually it wasn't lost, it fell apart and was "repackaged"... with a bunch of books about computer science. The ones I lost were all my nice big coffee table books, too :( Luckily I didn't lose the box that contained books that had been given as gifts. Still, that sucks.

Jan 7, 10 2:39 am  · 

archi, 2 of my friends back in canada are doing phd through UCL (University College of London). Not faculty of architecture but department of Geography & Urban Laboratory.

architecture schools don't really do phd so much, but that is not actually necessary anyway - even if you want to do a project that is thoroughly architectural theory. most important factor by far is the professor. actual school or faculty is nearly irrelevant. cool that you are pursuing another degree. a tough haul but very much worth it.

Jan 7, 10 3:10 am  · 

Very cool. I have been thinking lately that if i do go back to school it doesn't make any sense for me to get another Masters, even if a professional (read specialized) degree.

So I have pretty much decided to try for a Phd. Hopefully in the nest 1-2 years.

When i graduated with my MA, i always told myself you have until 30 to get out of debt ad figure out the next step. I think i have figured out the next step now i just need to move on it.

Hey WonderK!!!! Guess that new job is keeping you busy huh?

Sucks about the books.

Morning all.

Jan 7, 10 8:36 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

WonderK, it took some searching but my theme is "Fjords" by Peterandrej. It originally has a beach scene but I found this wonderful HDRI picture of a Spatialfields London that's courtesy of "wili_hybrid" via flickr. The fjords theme will take a 900 px by 200 px custom header image.

I am a lengthy kind of person. I like the fjords theme because it allows you to have a lot of links and widgets. On top of that, it has smaller text and that narrow column actually helps despite the incessant scrolling that comes with it.

And on to jump's question, there is no script to flip text. There's a lot of unicode codes you can remember to do it. Or you can just cheat and use Hur dur, internets and all that jazz.

Also, since I've plugged by blog in this thread already and don't feel like making another topic:
I wrote this... this morning. Wondering if you all have anything to add or detract.

And thanks for clicking, I have already beat my goal of 10 views in a single day! I actually got 19. MONTH ACCOMPLISHED.

Jan 7, 10 9:23 am  · 

WonderK, the Post office lost two boxes of architecture books on my move to Seattle! They also supposedly fell apart, but they didn't bother to repackage them. I think the Post office are a bunch of book-stealing jackasses, especially since this seems to be a pattern.

There's no way I can catch up on all you guys have said... been working late every night, realized this morning that I forgot to eat dinner last night. Oh well!

Jan 7, 10 10:18 am  · 
vado retro

just the kind of diatribe i'd expect from a tethered millenial ;)

Jan 7, 10 10:19 am  · 

When I moved to Boston the post office lost one of my boxes, and it was the one with my journals from my time in France.


I'm still upset about it, and it was years and years ago now...

Actually, the most frustrating thing was that I never figured out if the post office "lost" them, or if my psycho roommate actually stole them (he stole other things). My time with him was as short as humanly possible and ended in legal action. But I still don't have those journals.

Jan 7, 10 11:29 am  · 

Hey everyone,
I am building a website for my office... its turned into a pretty massive task, and since im the only one doing it, i really need some fresh eyes on what ive got so far. its pretty nearly complete, so what im hoping for are a few people to give it a look... tell me what you like and what you dont like, if there are buttons malfunctioning, structural issues or anything else like that.

If you have the time, say so, and ill send you and email with the link.


Jan 7, 10 11:38 am  · 

I'll bet tschumi's book collection is mostly bodice-rippers.

Jan 7, 10 11:38 am  · 

techno, my alma mater is in that list (although I didn't get a PhD). What are you looking to research / study? Those schools kind of have different bents...

Jan 7, 10 11:43 am  · 

stupid notify thing...

Jan 7, 10 11:44 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Silly Government employees....

I'm not sure if my blog post today is rambling, or what. Any thoughts?

And a quick little brag... Abram wanted to listen to "boom boom get," again, and turned the radio on. Problem was that he turned on the RADIO, and not the CD function. I was in the other room, he brought me the remote, and I said, "Go to the livingroom, press this button (cd), and then press this button (play)," and he did it! I know it seems simple, but he's not even two and he can remember and follow multiple step instructions!

I'm meeting with a CPA about our business today. Not sure what to ask or bring so I'm bringing everything we have. Any tips? We still have to get our LLC and our DBA and our EIN. Thats an alphabet soup, for sure.

Jan 7, 10 11:47 am  · 

lletdownl, I can probably take a look. Got some free time today.

Jan 7, 10 1:44 pm  · 

thanks manta, i sent you an email

Jan 7, 10 1:48 pm  · 
vado retro

i know at least three women who back in their college years posed for some "artful nudes" which were subsequently stolen by ex boyfriends or miscellaneous freakazoid acquaintances.

Jan 7, 10 2:24 pm  · 

anyone know why i keep getting notifications for posts to this thread even though i unchecked the box??

Jan 7, 10 2:26 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

you can try clicking the "no more notifications" link in the email..

Jan 7, 10 2:55 pm  · 

wow......... im apparently an idiot... thank you sarah...

Jan 7, 10 2:58 pm  · 
liberty bell

Just jumping in here from the other contract thread (a question for our times) to say to Orhan: Im sorry., it's been so long since I've looked at an AIA contract I'm totally no help.

Jan 7, 10 3:13 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Are the "Switzerland, We Have A Problem" competition winners ever going to be announced?

Jan 7, 10 3:48 pm  · 


Did you run over to AIA office and pick up a copy?

Our office in Chicago is a block from an L stop and is very easy to get to. LA county, I realize, is 4 times the size of Cook County but only twice twice the population. So it may not be very close by?

Let us know what it says!

Jan 7, 10 4:21 pm  · 

I spent way too much time on this site today...

Jan 7, 10 6:02 pm  · 
Ms Beary

omg. i got a call from a firm this afternoon and have an interview tomorrow morning. should be interesting as i barely make it out of the house lately. i hope i remember how to talk to people!

Jan 7, 10 6:47 pm  · 

Just look at their forehead when talking to them...and my other off the wall suggestion is, think of them as naked....that should ease the ole interview gitters.

Jan 7, 10 7:58 pm  · 

Strawbeary, that's stellar! Good luck! Comb your hair, LOL. Not that you wouldn't but I remember what it was like... some days it was just nice to have the option to NOT comb my hair.

lletdownl, can I see the site?

Techno I'm about to respond to you...

nam, yes I am busy with my new job, but also feel a bit weird splooging all over my work computer with personal stuff. Mostly I just check the news, Gmail and occasionally fit a blog post in at lunch, and save Archinect for my "good" computer.

Jan 7, 10 9:51 pm  · 

holz all this time I've been working to match or best your collection listed on LibraryThing only now to hear it's the limitation of the free collection. Damnit... pay for the lifetime listing when you can it's worth it.

thank you so much Wonder K. Got the email and the link opened just fine. You are a star! As part of my contract I have to be enrolled into a post-graduate programme if I was to renew. But more importantly the missus and I are considering post-nuptial plans as she's considering doing a fellowship (I could do the same but non-are architecture specific and are crazy competitive)

Jan 8, 10 12:16 am  · 

damn, ATP... i've a long way to go before it's anything of note. have you really been using my library as a guide?!?

i need to pick up a decent barragan monograph.

Jan 8, 10 2:49 am  · 

Morning all,
Good luck Beary!

Jan 8, 10 9:04 am  · 
liberty bell

Good luck this morning Ms. Beary. I know it's hard to get out of those pajamas - I'm dealing with it myself this morning as I'm headed to a meeting after several days of drafting at home!

Hmmmm ---> dealing - dealign <-- another one the spellcheck won't catch.

Jan 8, 10 9:47 am  · 

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