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vado retro

Girls just wanna have fun. I spent some time with my great nephew and great nieces and we had a lot of fun with that song. Especially when my great nephew (who is 7) and I changed the lyrics to Boys Just wanna have fun which involved "boys just wanna break stuff" and "boys just wanna kick stuff" and all they really want is to watch t.rex's eat stuff etc.

May 18, 09 10:51 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Strangly, Husband was NOT drunk while singing, that wasnt until afterwards.

May 18, 09 11:14 am  · 

It's me again.

I'm curious, and this may have been covered here or in another thread. I may find it somewhere else, but was hoping the group here could save me some time.

What is the mix, or breakdown of those that visit archinect, in this thread and others by way of age, level of experience, etc...? Is it mostly students? Or a good cross section of everything?


May 18, 09 11:43 am  · 


if you want demographics regarding advertising, ask Paul. If you want demographics to better know who you're chatting with, there are threads about age, income, location, experience...

My guess is that about 1/4th the folks round here are currently students. about 1/4th are applicants/prospective students, and 1/2 are professionals (more interns then experienced/registered folks). used to be about 10% are landscape architects, 10% urban designers/planners, 10% non-professionals, 10% professors/lecturers, with the rest either students or practicing. Now with unemployment rising, 1/4 or so seem to be looking for work. Age distribution ranges from teenagers to baby boomers.

May 18, 09 12:33 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive

May 18, 09 1:35 pm  · 

So, the city where this guys house is requires me to have two signed and sealed plans-- a site plan, and two elevations with enough detail to show hardware.

But in my quest, I have discovered that I can provide architectural services!

Just as long as they're a one-to-two story home, an addition, any building on a farm, a school, an auditorium, any other building for public use and any other building under $25,000.

This seems so protectionist to me. I can design an entire school but can't touch a strip mall?

I'm pretty sure a school should only be designed or built by a licensed professional.

May 18, 09 1:50 pm  · 


Really nice book and great projects. What's your planned use for it?

-If it is just to document everything accomplished in undergrad, then you're spot on.

-If you're applying for jobs/interviewing with it, it has too much process and is too long (do you want to spend 3 hours reviewing everything, or have the interviewer distracted by 76 pages while you chat?).

-If it's for grad school applications, many schools have page limits (about 20 pages is typical). But didn't you just accept going to Wash U? Did they have a page limit? I'm guessing not.

The hardest part of assembling a portfolio is editing down the content to just the critical pieces. Being succinct is hard, but worth showing that you can. If you can limit each project to either one or two spreads, you'll have a more useful document that can serve multiple tasks.

May 18, 09 1:58 pm  · 
libertybell - you're at 9999 posts!

Make a new celebration thread for your 10,000!

May 18, 09 2:16 pm  · 

tk, this was prepared expressly for grad school applications. Of the schools I applied to, only UPenn had a page limit, but I sent the full book anyway after consulting with former UF students that applied and were accepted (and UPenn did accept me, with a generous scholarship)...

the portfolio is about 70% undergrad work, 30% personal work done post-graduation (like the breuer charrette). Regarding the undergrad work, this portfolio represents only a fraction of the work I did at UF. We have 8 studios (at 16 weeks each)...and believe it or not, I had to leave a LOT out.

May 18, 09 2:55 pm  · 
vado retro

I wrote this tribute to Ms. Liberty Bell on the occasion of her 10,000th post. LB you are a good good friend. and believe me she is the most generous and caring person you'll ever meet....

And She's Posting From Her Partner's Basement...
( to be sung to Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven)

There's a lady who's here
With a heart full of gold
And she's posting from her partner's basement

When she gets there she knows
That it will most likely be damp and cold
But she still gives her clients more than they've paid for
And she's posting from her partner's basement

There's a license on the wall
So you can be sure
cause you know the definition of architect has only one legal meaning
In a cafe she designed
That offers free wi-fi
you can sometimes find her working
Ooh but she'd rather be posting
ooooh she'd rather be posting

There's a joy that I get
When I check out archinect
And find that she's posted something about childbirth
And ain't it fanstastic
that she's so enthusiatic
with anything to do with Dan Savage
oooh that's L.B. posting
ooooh that's L.B. posting

And she loves it when a pic of Brad
Gets posted so she can critique his abs
And maybe this could cause her to lose all her reason
And though she's up at dawn
And works all day long
This site still echoes with her laughter
(does anybody remember laughter?)

And as the miata winds on down the road
Top down and blastin out the soul
There goes that redhead we all know
And all the contractors think she's cute
With her Superman belt buckle and via Spiaggo Boots
And though she's a PTA mother
Better not try to cross her brother
Cause although she's sweet, she can raise some hell
Oh to be the legend named Liberty Bell...

And she's posting from her partner's basement....

May 18, 09 2:56 pm  · 

AP - shhhh, don't let on that Penn accepted a portfolio 3x longer then officially sanctioned and offered money to boot! (the real secret is that schools like UF & KSA produce great candidates who routinely get $$ and advanced placement). again, great work.

Vado, you should be sad to have to share the 10k+ posting designation ;-)

May 18, 09 3:16 pm  · 
liberty bell

vado, you are totally the best!! That is HILARIOUS and so accurate (except that I'm rarely in my partner's basement anymore). Hilarious. Thank you so much.

I guess you've set the bar now: anyone who wants a tribute song from vado has to reach 10,000 (or maybe get banned from archinect altogether, like dear John Devlin).

cause you know the definition of architect has only one legal meaning oh my god to hear this while picturing bare-chested flowing-locked Robert Plant turning his hand back and forth while making a peace/two sign - that image will never be the same for me from now on, I love it!

Hahahahahahahaha.......(I'm a little worried to press submit - will the 5th digit cause the site to crash?! It didn't for vado, so here goes...)

May 18, 09 3:42 pm  · 

Hey, LiG, I'm taking a trip back to Cincinnati this weekend with some friends at my current architecture firm. There's a lot to do in town that I know of, like:

Taste of Cincinnati Festival
Zaha's CAC
Checking out UC's Campus (followed by some Skyline on Ludlow)
Reds vs. Indians game

Do you have any other suggestions for cool, hip nightlife - or anything that some intern architects might be interested in?

Vado: ...nice.

May 18, 09 3:43 pm  · 

that made me cry.

May 18, 09 3:48 pm  · 

thanks tk, i appreciate the compliment, and i'm more than happy to take any and all criticism or commentary (on the book or any of the projects or vignettes)...kinda why i posted it here.

vado, that may be your best remix yet.

congrats on 10k LB!

So I guess Steven is next?

May 18, 09 3:50 pm  · 

i just noticed that the page index at the bottom of TC currently has a tripartite organization:
-pages 1 through 108 form the "top" section and sorta suggest a cornice in the fact that this body of numbers has edges that seem to angle inward from top to bottom,
-pages 109-290 form a strong rectangular mid-section, with cleanly organized columns of 3 digit numbers and negative spaces,
-pages 291-301 form a small and inset base...which i now realize will change as soon as I submit this comment...

May 18, 09 4:08 pm  · 

for Liberty Bell - congratulations on your 10,000th post. Impressive when you think how useful and inspiring each one has been, for that I salute you!

May 18, 09 4:16 pm  · 
liberty bell

Nice, techno, thanks!

rationalist and everyone else in Seattle: be careful, there's a bear on the loose!

May 18, 09 4:18 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Congrats, LB!


You've got a pretty decent list there for a weekend trip... The only things I would add are the Carew Tower and adjacent Netherland Plaza Hotel, and Union Terminal. Both buildings are world-renown examples of stunning art deco architecture, and Carew has an outdoor observation deck at the top of the building that affords some great views of the region. If you have time, the Cincinnati Zoo is also worth a visit.

As for nightlife, WonderK or ****melt could probably answer that question better than I could. That said, I know Grammer's in Over-the-Rhine is a local institution that's been around forever, and there's apparently a new beer garden at Findlay Market. For general nightlife districts, I'd suggest Mainstrasse in Covington, Mt. Adams, Northside, and maybe Mt. Lookout Square. I could use some ideas in that regard as well.

May 18, 09 4:20 pm  · 

Thanks LiG - great call on the new beer garden, I remember a friend telling me it recently opened. Still gearing up to apply to UC's MArch this fall?

May 18, 09 5:00 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Yeah, UC is pretty much my top choice, for many reasons.

Let me know if you find any interesting spots for eating/drinking, as I might be inclined to check them out while I'm in town next month.

May 18, 09 5:05 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i suspect that the new year's is going to kind of suck this year when we transition from one nameless decade into another nameless decade. what i wouldn't give to party like it's 1999 again.

the 20s just can't get here fast enough...i just hope that i live long enough to see them.

May 18, 09 5:31 pm  · 

jk3hl > if you are really going to a Reds game, I suggest hitting up the Newport Hofbrauhaus either before or afterwards for a giant liter of beer, just as they have at the original Hofbrauhaus in Germany. It's the first Hofbrauhaus outside of Europe, and it's pretty funny. Also, a great view of the river.

Congrats, liberty bell, on your post ascension!

Things are getting a little crazy on the forum right now. I had no idea I would inspire so many copycat threads. Pretty ridiculous.

May 18, 09 5:33 pm  · 

I posted a thread.

My first one.

Be gentle.

It is located in 'general discussion'

Your participation is appreciated.

May 18, 09 5:34 pm  · 
Living in Gin

jk3hl -- A couple more places come to mind:

If you like barbecue, be sure to check out Montgomery Inn. If you like ice cream, be sure to stop by Graeter's.

Up on Mt. Adams is The Rookwood, a bar and restaurant located in the building of the former Rookwood Pottery. The old kilns are still there, and you can dine inside of them. I remember that place having good burgers, but I think they've changed ownership once or twice since I was last there, so who knows. The view of the city skyline from their parking lot is great, though, especially at night.

A couple blocks away from there is the spot where I first decided to become an architect... I think I must have been in second or third grade at the time. Funny how you remember stuff like that.

May 18, 09 5:53 pm  · 

AP - you're portfolio is outstanding. Very impressive.

LB - congrats on 10,000

vado - great lyrics

jk3hl - it all depends on what you are looking for in night life. While Mt Adams is nice and has a great view of the city, I find it rather snooty. There are some great places both on Mainstrasse in Covington (that's across the river in KY) and in Northside (about 5 -10 mins north of campus). Like I said, it just all depends on what you are looking for.

I haven't been there yet, but Terry's Turf Club is getting rave reviews for its burgers. If memory serves me correctly, it's actually been voted one of the best burger joints in the US. People always seem to rave about Montgomery Inn, but I think it's a bit over rated, especially if you are on a budget. Melt, Honey, Slims and the Hideaway (all in Northside, can you tell it's my favorite area of town) are all very tasty, especially Melt, which is vegetarian/vegan friendly. Graeter's IS good, but so is Aglamesis

OK, now back to the Princess Bride. It's playing on Bravo. I can't believe I still practically remember all the lines.

May 18, 09 9:24 pm  · 

That's cute, LiG. I was sitting at a red stoplight at the time, at age 17. It's only a few blocks from my parents' house and I actually think about that occasionally when I get stopped at a light there on a visit home.

May 18, 09 9:33 pm  · 

I've been to Honey... that's random.

May 18, 09 9:34 pm  · 

wouldn't it be weird if we found out we'd been there at the same time...?!

May 18, 09 9:41 pm  · 

tuna, of course you still remember the lines. The Princess Bride is absolutely unforgettable. I found out the other day that one of my housemates doesn't like it and was like WHAT?! Crazy. And I used to think she was cool...

May 18, 09 10:03 pm  · 

How could anyone not like that movie? I mean, I mean that seriously... honestly what is there not to like?

That's actually harder for me to believe than people who don't like chocolate...

May 18, 09 10:17 pm  · 

Stop rhyming!!! I mean it!!!!

May 18, 09 10:18 pm  · 

Vado and LB, very touching.

Nite all.

May 18, 09 10:46 pm  · 

Nice portfolio. I like the focus on process.
Also, digging the Marion County project...

May 18, 09 10:51 pm  · 

Anybody want a peanut?

May 18, 09 11:02 pm  · 


May 18, 09 11:09 pm  · 

he he he he!

i can hear his ponderous voice... anybuddddy wanta PEA-nut?

May 19, 09 12:46 am  · 

manta, you've been to Honey? Well done, that's my favorite restaurant in Cincinnati! That place serves food for $25 that would easily go for $100 in a bigger city.

Is the Rookwood restaurant even still open? I have no idea. Also while Graeter's is OK I always preferred United Dairy Farmers (UDF), despite its owner. Also, I can vouch for Terry's Turf Club....outstanding burgers! But go early and with a small group....

Aaaassss yoouuuuuu wishhhhhhh!!!!!

May 19, 09 4:22 am  · 
Living in Gin

IIRC, the Rookwood had been closed for a while, but recently re-opened under new ownership.

I'll have to check out some of the places in Northside while I'm in town... That's a part of the city I've never spent much time in.

May 19, 09 7:10 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, I cant beleive someone doesnt like the movie, either. I mean, its got pirates, and swashbuckling, and love, and of course the ROUS's.

May 19, 09 8:19 am  · 

Awesome rationalist. That's what I was looking for.

Rodents of Unusual Size? ... I don't think they exist.

So puppy is at the office for a second day in a row. Everyone has completely and utterly fallen in love with her because she is so gentle. I wouldn't be surprised if one of the principles snatches her up. I'm going to be sad to give her back although it'll be nice to have my life back and not have to go out for 4x day walks.

DubK - I totally agree with you. UDF is actually my favorite ice cream in the city. Graeter's is good for a treat but it's slightly too rich. There are also a bunch of soft-serve places that I love too, but all are on the West Side. Putzes, Zip Dip, and Tummy Treats. Do they even have soft-serve on the East Side?

Manta - When were you in Cincy? I've only been to Honey once but I consider it one of my favorite restaurants. I also love Ottos in Covington, even though they have slow service.

May 19, 09 8:33 am  · 

Wull I'll be. I didn't know UDF was owned by Carl.

May 19, 09 8:35 am  · 

We went for a weekend about ... a year and a half ago? To visit friends, and they took us out for brunch at honey. It was good, cute place. I liked Cincinnati, I'm all for hills and cheap brick rowhomes! We also drove around and found this random FLW house. Also had beers at some bar with a back deck wayyyy up this steep steep hillside, looking down on the river / stadium area... and I had the distinction of visiting the Worst Piece of Architecture I Have Ever Experienced. :) It was a great trip!

May 19, 09 9:00 am  · 
Living in Gin

I had no idea about Lindner and UDF, either. Between him and Oberweis in Chicago, you'd almost wonder if there's some inborn connection between owning a chain of ice cream parlors and being a wingnut.

May 19, 09 9:01 am  · 
liberty bell

I also watched a bit of Princess Bride out of the corner of my eye last night. I like the movie very much, especially Chris Guest and Mandy Patinkin, but what I LOVE beyond all reason is the book. I'm actually dying to read the book to my son, then I wonder if I need to just let him read it as a teen, like I did. Then I worry that whichever way I introduce it to him he won't fall in love with it...such is the trauma of parenthood.

I have to be a production machine today. Later all.

May 19, 09 9:20 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I figure I'll start reading things like Robinson Crusoe, Treasure Island, ect to Abe when he's between 5 and 7. That way he will be able to imagine the stories, and still be excited about pirates and other boy stuff.

Speaking of boy stuff, I showed him a roly-poly this morning. He thought it was cool, and let it crawl around on his hand...until he decided to eat it. Don't worry, I didnt let him. Yuck!

May 19, 09 9:35 am  · 

LB, I didn't even know that movie was also a book.

I take it the book was better?

Morning all.

May 19, 09 9:54 am  · 

the princess bride totally rocks, even if it has kissing in there.

rationalist I more that understand your concerns, and perhaps wanting to distance yourself from said room-mate. I'm not sure how they let those people in the city? On another note the first episode of "how I met your mother" the cbs show about a young architect's life that leads up to him meeting and falling in love with the mother of his children... sorry I digress. Anyway the first episode revolves around the fact that his girlfriend at the time has never watched Star Wars. Strange I know. Stranger still that I found out that my missus hasn't seen it either.

Should I a) [strike]run to the hills[/strike] b) sit her down to watch episode IV and c) the rest in the correct order as George Lucas directed them or d) from episode I to VI? Tough nerdy question... I know.

to borrow Liberty's line... the trauma of love

May 19, 09 10:03 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Techno, they should be watched in directional order. Otherwise, it might annoy her that the 'past' is more futuristic than the 'future' and all the littl ahah moments wont come through. Definately go in directional order. Besides, the original three are better than the others anyway. I mean come on...Jar Jar Binx? Really? And Yoda wasnt annoying in the older movies, but he is now, and I prefer him in puppet form to CGI. Just saying.

May 19, 09 10:53 am  · 
liberty bell

I agree on Star Wars. Honestly, the first one is really the only movie that's any good...and I expect to be lambasted for that statement, but there it is. The puppets were so much better than the CGI because your body empathizes with the physical object even if you know it's not animate. JarJar Binks would have been exponentially less annoying had he been a puppet. Though the Ewoks maybe disprove my theory.

May 19, 09 11:02 am  · 

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