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Dapper Napper

3form employs architects too. They're on my list of future endeavors.

May 14, 09 3:37 pm  · 
brian buchalski

oh...and ninais back...ooh la la

May 14, 09 3:38 pm  · 

this is the best time of year... architects week!! So I took in the exhibition held at one of the local malls some impressive work but the presentation of them were generally poor. I felt disappointed by them because this is the primary avenue of PR as an institute, since legally we can't employ conventional means of advertising.

Later I ran over to the exhibition of the Luana Gardens housing Competition entries. Of the dozen entries 4 were international practices. But I was also saddened by what I saw you could see architects unable to come to grips with the project requirements, which I must admit were significant for the time frame. A number of the projects were caught up on the "design" of the scheme versus how they actually worked. They forgot the architecture - the real nuts and bolts so many projects had isolated civic areas accessable only by cars. The projects that placed were more sympathetic. Although one of the true genius was out of the top three... oh well.

Next stop the student exhibition at the school of architecture... I wonder if I will be surprised?

May 14, 09 5:52 pm  · 

Oh, now I get it! So, the pro-bono student/employee/gopher/slave/free worker is the neu unpaid intern position? I almost started a new thread on this, but I didn't want to rankle any feathers.

So, since I am well on my way to "starting" a new firm, if there are any students wanting to get in on the ground floor of a new endeavor - read: no pay - please send me an email. You need to have stellar Rhino skills, and that's it, well, and ability to make a kick ass espresso from the beans you ingested the night before, then let ferment in your gastric juices, would be gold star worthy.

God I love this job!

May 14, 09 7:19 pm  · 

i say start the thread techno. it's an interesting situation...the way these projects and positions are framed, not as unpaid intern, but pro bono worker for charity...

May 14, 09 7:41 pm  · 

sorry that was for beta...

May 14, 09 7:41 pm  · 

b3ta, i need to get treated like crap for no pay.

My Rhino skills are picking up. I'm also forcing myself to learn Revit, Solidworks and Archicad at the moment. And I can do site design, planning and compliance!

Oh wait, you're probably joking.

LB, when I have money that's not imaginary... Detroit is like 5th in my list of places to visit. That list so far is: Sapporo, JP; Tromso and Svalbard; Sarajevo; Damascus... but it will probably get bumped up quickly because I think I want to see a lot more places domestically.

May 14, 09 8:03 pm  · 

manta, I don't see how 3Form can still use the 'new company' excuse for screwing you around two years ago, when they were screwing me around five years ago (I was an intern, we wanted to use it as a countertop surface on a poolside bar).

May 14, 09 9:25 pm  · 

can we ask rationalista to design and post the 30,000 th page head?

May 14, 09 9:41 pm  · 

uhm we have to wait for that long??

I want to see a lot more places domestically - excellent, seems like the line from a book that should be called meadows of the mind

May 14, 09 10:01 pm  · 

Three public evening meetings this week. Damn I'm in it for the punishment. Actually all things considered we came thru the week with flying stars....Three Approvals! So I'm having a cold beer and then hitting the hay as I have to go meet and Enviromental Consultant in the morning before I start my regular stopping at a building site on my way back to the office in order to work on some drawings. I had one design project put on hold for the time being, think it had to do with a job problem...but we will wait and see. I'm sure it will come back...I hope it does, cause I really like this young guy. He is kind of burly like Alexander Calder and cut from the same moral thread. He restores old Tractors as a hobby....and I mean he is the guy with the welder and the bearing puller and all the other gizzmo's in his shop. During the day time he is a Plumber. I like working with him cause he always gets his head right around things and as big and rough as he is there is a certain amount of kid in him. Anyhow...Mrs B has been looking for me all week know with the late meetings so off to night night land!

"Good night all you Kings and Queens of Archinect"

May 14, 09 10:26 pm  · 

oh ya one of these days i want to have a real architecture practice like Puddles.....

May 14, 09 10:27 pm  · 

sigh one day...

Has anyone seen Star Trek yet? Awesome movie whether you were a fan of the original/series/etc or not. Most amazing the planet Vulcan looks like it was designed entirely by Frank Lloyd Wright and Fay Jones

hope that link works

May 14, 09 10:40 pm  · 
vado retro

The economy must be improving. I received two preapproved credit card teasers in the mail today.

May 14, 09 11:08 pm  · 

Man, wouldn't it be upsetting if a pseudo troll got the 30,000th post on this wonderful thread?

May 14, 09 11:39 pm  · 
liberty bell

Goodnight snook, you Prince of Archinect, you King of New England!

May 14, 09 11:50 pm  · 

meh, I could care less.

Abra, I'll absolutely do the 30,000th page.

May 14, 09 11:51 pm  · 

this from a site called satan's laundromat

May 15, 09 12:05 am  · 
Living in Gin
May 15, 09 12:05 am  · 
Living in Gin


May 15, 09 12:05 am  · 

must be something with the name David C

May 15, 09 12:28 am  · 


Nice bit of symetry guys...

May 15, 09 8:10 am  · 


i am in north america for a week and wow this english all around me thing is totally cool. i'd forgotten what it is like.

so why do prince charles and other folk seem so interested in bashing blobs and shards, when the last time i went to london (last year) most of the architecture i saw around me was regular box-type po-mo crap, especially the new stuff. it's like calling out for the end of our profession based on stylistic issues he got with .1% of what our profession produces. wtf.

May 15, 09 8:19 am  · 
liberty bell

Very true, jump.

It must be funny to hear English all the time! I vaguely remember that feeling when coming back from six months in Austria; the thing I remember more was how BIG and NEW and UGLY every bit of built environment was. It was a hard, hard transition coming back to the states.

May 15, 09 8:47 am  · 
brian buchalski

i am still alive

May 15, 09 9:34 am  · 
Living in Gin

I just realized that my 7-year-old brick-sized digital camera has the same megapixels as my iPhone. Probably time for a new one.

I'm strongly leaning towards the Canon PowerShot SD 780 IS:

Any other similar models I should look at? I want something that's compact enough to slip into a shirt pocket, but takes good photos without a lot of fuss. Most of my photos are outdoor cityscape/landscape, etc., and I'd like to be able to take photos in low-light situations without having to use the flash or lug around a tripod.

(I also plan to eventually buy a decent DSLR camera such as the Canon Rebel XTi, but that will need to wait for another day.)

May 15, 09 10:34 am  · 

You visiting family/friends in Canada?

May 15, 09 11:15 am  · 

ha, jump, that's how I felt when I got to London after being in Italy and France for a while last summer. Like, "ooh, I actually understand strangers again!"

And I can't understand Prince Charles, et al, either. Even if on their own I'm not always into blobs and shards (well, more shards than blobs at least), I vastly preferred London or Paris to Rome because the all-ancient-all-the-time thing was bloody boring. After a while everything looked alike, and so even if I'm not a blob-lover, I appreciate the diversity they add to the landscape.

May 15, 09 11:16 am  · 
Living in Gin

What I love most about London is the mix of old and new, like seeing Richard Rogers' Lloyd's of London building right next door to a 19th Century neo-classical pile. Even if some individual buildings aren't my cup of tea, I think that sort of variety adds a vitality to the city and makes for an urban fabric that's greater than the sum of its parts.

May 15, 09 11:38 am  · 
brian buchalski

ooh, the ihandy carpenter has to be the most useful app for iphone/ipod yet...and to think i've been wasting my time with the theremin app

May 15, 09 11:39 am  · 

That's exactly it Gin.

I mean, someone could have said that a contemporary bridge was terrible, that classic bridges were sooo much better, but then that shot would lose all of it's tension, wouldn't it?

May 15, 09 12:13 pm  · 

after studying and traveling in Asia for a summer I returned to the US through some airport in California. The first thing I noticed was how many fat people there were. The language thing I noticed second...

I think Barcelona demonstrates how awesome it can be to have a mix of architecture from all periods in a given area. Even the historical center has striking contemporary works, adjacent to ancient Roman walls and everything in between.

May 15, 09 12:33 pm  · 

I can't even type. Fuck off Chuck!

May 15, 09 1:29 pm  · 
liberty bell

Nice angry post, techno. "An architecture bound to place not time." I think that's exactly what all the contemporary interest in environmentally sustainable design is leading towards doing, no?

Hi everyone. And back to work for me...

May 15, 09 1:58 pm  · 

Seconded archi...

May 15, 09 4:09 pm  · 

that's the beauty of living in a world where the British Monarchy is just for sho' and not fo go; we can tell them to go screw and not get thrown in the Tower.

May 15, 09 5:42 pm  · 

go netflix Taxi to the Dark Side

it's relevant to what's going on the recent news cycle...that's all i'm going to say.

May 15, 09 5:44 pm  · 

don't need no taxi, the gathering storm is darkening the sky!

May 15, 09 6:04 pm  · 

I completely hear you jump. When I got home from 3 months of being in Germany btw my junior and senior year I had that same feeling. Nice to hear I wasn't an anomaly.

Are you having a difficult time speaking English? I had that. Can't tell you how mnay times I'd be in the middle of a sentence (when talking to someone) and have to stop and make a conscious effort to think of the English word.

May 15, 09 6:10 pm  · 

whooo hooo I spoke to *m this afternoon, I was hoping she could of been the Martha to my problem - alas she was not.

I'm not sure what I'm doing home on a Friday night - but I think I'm going to play it safe and stay in seeing as I've already done enough this week. What I really want to know is what are you doing online on a Friday night??

May 15, 09 10:23 pm  · 

could some of you bright sparks offer some assistance here. I'm most curious what you'd do - given the chance

May 15, 09 10:55 pm  · 

english is ok. i talk funny for sure. i accidentally said someone was heavy, forgetting that it means fat too, but apart from that is ok.

nice archi. i think chuck is a bit of a silly fellow, really. his recent re-labelling is a bit like the creationists creating intelligent design. i am guessing no one is buying it. his former wife seemed to have a better grasp of the important problems in the world and didn't focus on fighting against what amounts to literally a few dozen architects trying to make good architecture round the world. there are bigger problems that architecture needs to deal with than what the bloody shit looks like. i mean why didn't chuck come up with architecture for humanity? it seems such a no-brainer for anyone who really cares and with his kind of clout. but no, instead hes on about whether the buildings today look like the ones his great grandfather grew up with. wtf.

May 16, 09 1:17 am  · 
Living in Gin

My time off request was approved, so I just booked my trip to Cincy. I arrive on Saturday, June 20th and depart the following Friday.

May 16, 09 7:53 am  · 
liberty bell

My Saturday:

-PTA pancake breakfast at school, luckily put on by the dad's club so I didn't feel compelled to volunteer; I can just enjoy!

-Farmer's Market to buy some herbs for planting

-Liquor store to buy some Oomegang to take over to

-cookout with several architects on a farm up north

Somewhere in there i have to pay bills, do laundry, and oh yeah I'm about 3 days behind on the elevations I should have gotten done last week...

Have a fun weekend everyone!

May 16, 09 8:26 am  · 

OK, I have a suggestion for this site. It involves revamping the graphic look, for a more robust virtual experience. Information organization, and a few additions for more interactivity. I think....

Whaddya think? Is everybody open for this discussion?

May 16, 09 10:24 am  · 
brian buchalski

are students actually asking for suggestions about what to do with their summer vacations? because if not, then that list just looks presumptuous & retarded.

of course, i'd probably suggest that they try inventing new drinks. if there is something more sublimely divine than merlotch out there then the world needs to know about this.

May 16, 09 10:30 am  · 

Aww Atechno... come on now. My suggestion was okay, perhaps you should post it here and see what others think. I guess that's what you get when you talk to an interior designer who is more interested in the aspect of space planning than finishes. Finishes are fun but they just overwhelm me with all the infinite options out there.

I'm dog sitting for the next two days. For the moment she is staying at her owner's (my brother's house) b/c they're worried she'll feel abandoned if I bring her over here. It's a pain to keep driving over there. Should I bring her to my house, or do you think that will be too much for her? Anyone? Anyone?

May 16, 09 10:55 am  · 
liberty bell

Only two days? melt, I'd bring her to your house. She'll probably be happy to sit near you when you do whatever activity you have planned. Unless the time you spend at your brother's feels like a little vacation.

design-mutt, I think archinect has a new version design underway, so I'm not sure how productive a discussion would be, except for fun. That said, I really love how simple and clean the graphic look here is (although I'm ready for the hot pink lecture poster bar to go away) and I'm hoping things don't change too much when the redesign is launched.

May 16, 09 11:12 am  · 

Thanks LB. I'll probably go over there a little later and pick her up. Their house is okay, but I'm partial to my own, as they don't have a comfy couch to sit on and read (which is what I am planning on doing for most of today). Hopefully she'll be fine, otherwise I guess I'll just take her back. Can't wait to see what my cats do. I have a feeling they'll just refuse to come inside while she's here. Hehehe.

I also prefer the simplicity too. Too many fancy schmancy graphics make my eyes tired after a while.

May 16, 09 1:31 pm  · 

Liberty bell- I also like a clean look, but readability is important. OK, here they are...

The comments, in my opinion, should appear as follows.

liberty bell
05/16/09 8:12
This is what I said here. I commented on your comment.
05/16/09 8:12
This is my response to your response.

All responses should be nested, so you know who responded to you, new comments start again at the left.

There should be text size differentiation, and the user's name should appear in a different color. Everybody should be able to rate a comment, bringing it up on the page, or down if something was said to be democratically voted as "stupid" or inappropriate, until it reaches a level where it disappears.

There should be no pages, only one long page you scroll through. granted, 3,000 plus comments would be hard to go through without pages, but maybe there could be a way to limit comments to a thread. Start a new one.....

Just some ideas.

May 16, 09 1:43 pm  · 

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