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I didn't realize how complicated stairs are until I had to draft my first set which was a steel fire egress on an adaptive reuse with odd floor to floor heights. Suddenly I had tons of respect for well done stair cases.

I would think Architectural Graphic Standards has useful info regarding stairs. If you're in an Arch. firm they have to have a copy of that.

The battle ship had me laughing too.

As an odd bit of military trivia, that one has a wood deck. I'm guessing that is the USS Missouri "Mighty Mo" (now decommissioned) which was the last US battleship completed and the last US Naval ship to have a wood deck. That wood deck was the site where Japan's official surrender for WWII was signed. And it served in Gulf War I. When I was little they brought Mo up the Columbia River to Portland for the Rose Festival and on that deck is where I learned all this. Though now that I think about it, it could be one of Mo's two sister Iowa Class battleships... I can't see the numbers. I can't believe I remember all that.

I'm going to bite my tongue on the dane.

Nov 13, 07 5:37 pm  · 

Thanks Psycho for the input. I am at an arch firm and now have a copy of Architectural Graphic Standards, Interior Design Standards, and the Builder Construction Standards sitting on my desk. Around the corner from me is a guy that actually worked on the construction side of things for I a good number of years and can literally detail himself out of anything. If you have a question on how something is actually built, you go to him. So I think for now, I'm good to go. That is until tomorrow, when I have to start drawing out the roof line and its structure.

Yeah, so I graduated with an interior design degree but I actually feel like I have yet to use it. WTF?

Nov 13, 07 6:06 pm  · 


Any chance we could see the section that goes through all three high roofs?

Nov 13, 07 6:47 pm  · 

Times Square is too seizure'ish for me.

Nov 13, 07 6:52 pm  · 
telling me be careful she doesn't break your heart - wtf? Are we still in high school?

ha ha, that cracked me up, techno. seriously. it's the perfect thing to be scribbled on a little note and sweatily palmed over to you during english lit...

Nov 13, 07 8:58 pm  · 

psychomullet - i can probably come up with that section. basically the area between the high roofs is like a tilted table along the lower edge and keeps ramping up counterclockwise to the upper terrace. i think i have a .pdf of that section maybe. (liability: it's in revit and, since i've been retired from drawing, i don't have revit.) will try to convert to a .jpg tomorrow.

Nov 13, 07 9:33 pm  · 

hey everyone!

gonna try to come out and play again, but I'm kinda out of the loop now so no promises!

Nov 13, 07 9:36 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh my god Pixelwhore is back!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nov 13, 07 9:48 pm  · 

whoa... that a whole lotta exclamation marks...

Nov 13, 07 9:55 pm  · 

techno, how about being careful that you don't break her heart? Much more likely.

Because men are just assholes like that. And I need some fucking whisky.

Nov 13, 07 10:09 pm  · 

we be looking for KARMA HERE! we have a big day later in the nothing I have ever isn't like winning the powerball....tis architectural and we all know there is no, no money in that....but as it happens a victory is a victory. I will fill you in as time passes. I just want you a rubbing those Buddas, or the beads or what ever you do to bring goodness to another. We are deep into this and well support feels good at this moment....just because were not out to ruin the world....ok to call me walnut...I will survive....let me hear your support...!

Nov 13, 07 10:37 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'll go rub the kitchen Buddha's tummy right now, snooker. Sending good vibes your way tomorrow.

Nov 13, 07 10:52 pm  · 

Tanks Liberty....means alot...sorry I can't say more at this time...but it is a biggy! well in my little mind it is.

Nov 13, 07 10:56 pm  · 

YAY!!!!! PIXELWHORE!!!! welcome back!!!!

hey it's not too late to move to chicago by the way!!! ;)

Nov 14, 07 12:44 am  · 

Yay Pixelwhore! I was just wondering about you the other one of those random "I wonder where so-and-so went" kind of whatever happened to WhatToDo and +i anyway? I liked those girls, they had good insight.

rationalist I am sending some e-whiskey your way. I would agree that men are assholes sometimes but lately the men at my school have been nothing short of beefy delicious and it's starting to distract me a little, when all I want to do is squeeze biceps.

Nov 14, 07 2:13 am  · 
liberty bell

Great, DubK, now you've shot my concentration for the morning. Good thing I'm going to a seminar, I can think "beefy deliciousness" while the Power Point runs. ;-)

Nov 14, 07 6:42 am  · 

i'm very glad that i will NEVER be described as beefy delicious because it just sounds gross.

welcome back, pixel! and for those who didn't notice, ochona's been back too.

Nov 14, 07 7:35 am  · 

Ah, nothing like beefy deliciousness to zap one's concentration... unless it's blue eyed sexiness. Geez, now I'm having a hard time concentrating, and I have to figure out how to draw out a roof structure today too. Oh well.

Nov 14, 07 8:20 am  · 

now why is it that i think it's kind of funny when men are being
considered 'slabs of meat' or sex objects by a bunch of typically
intelligent, thoughtful women?

Nov 14, 07 9:27 am  · 

right now I'm inclined to say that's all they're good for, but that would be bitter of me.

Nov 14, 07 11:17 am  · 

happy to be a hunk of meat!

Nov 14, 07 11:22 am  · 
Living in Gin

Mmmm... meat. I'll be in Philadelphia on Saturday for a concert, and I'm looking forward to getting a proper cheesteak for the first time in years.

Nov 14, 07 11:31 am  · 
meat is murder

...rationalist you made me howl with laughter at your men are just assholes like that. And I need some fucking whisky comment. If I could apologise for my specie/gender, I would and make ammends...but I'm not sure that would ever be enough.

On to brighter topics. I'm in a quandry whether to go out or to cook dinner tonight - perhaps it is a question I should post on Food Central

And I'm having a hard time concentrating at work today. Its the first week without coffee (unintentionally we keep forgetting to buy some). Can anyone suggest a sure fire way to boost my concentration that won't involve me getting up much further than the water cooler?

Nov 14, 07 12:22 pm  · 

well I'm glad that I'm amusing to someone today.

Nov 14, 07 12:32 pm  · 

Lars - I don't know why you think it's "funny when men are being
considered 'slabs of meat' or sex objects by a bunch of typically
intelligent, thoughtful women". Is it perhaps that you have a hard time accepting that smart women have a libido as well? No clue, not meant to be mean, it's just something to chew on.

Rationalist, I disagree with you to some extent. I don't necessarily think men are assholes, I just think they're clueless when it comes to women's desires/needs.

Techno, are you debating the food thing for yourself or will you have company? If you've got the time and are trying to impress I'd go for the cooking dinner idea. I heart me a man that can cook. As for the concentration thing... sometimes it helps to have some music on at a very low volume.

Nov 14, 07 12:42 pm  · 

i can cook! :)

Nov 14, 07 12:55 pm  · 

lars' 'funny' = 'ironic', methinks.

Nov 14, 07 12:57 pm  · 
Ms Beary

so... I am taking the raise instead of quitting - I got some things off my chest too and a much needed line of communication opened up. This is where it gets interesting, either my co-workers caught on (or they read archinect) and so a storm of employees ran to the boss to blackmail him, "I quit or I get a huge raise". You guys should all do it too. (sarcastic)

Nov 14, 07 1:01 pm  · 

Okay - but why is it even considered ironic?

Nov 14, 07 1:02 pm  · 

tuna, I think the cooking is going to be on. Trouble is the company prefers their food more robust than I. As a good West Indian I can tun mi han' ie. cook a decent meal. I would be happy with just some pak choy and white rice. But then again...

Nov 14, 07 1:13 pm  · 

I'm vegan, so am I considered meat?

-still working at the same place in Boston (which as usual I prefer to keep on the DL for various reasons)
-still have too many bikes that I really need (although the proven mathematical equation is that when "n" equals the bikes you need and "o" equals the number of bikes you own, then n=o+1)
-I've just starting the wheels a turning for my MFA in Design, which will hopefully start in fall '08. school blog anyone?
-the garden shed I was working on way back when was finished, its on my flickr
-went to NOLA through work twice, picks of that are on the flickr account also
-the ears are at 1", more tattoos and several more in the works
-my beard is getting INTENSE:

so not much of an update actually... bummer

Nov 14, 07 1:47 pm  · 

and I just noticed that the "hey you fancy graphic lovers" thread is still alive. I'm not sure how to feel about this.

Nov 14, 07 1:49 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Tuna, I think its ironic because many women would be offended if they were thought of as sex objects, and those doing the thinking would be considered pigs. I've certainly never thought of it from the 'women have lebido too' perspective. Interesting.

Nov 14, 07 2:17 pm  · 

pixel nice jesus beard you have going on there. Odd how people (scratch that men) no matter what can look respectable with a full beard.

Nov 14, 07 2:57 pm  · 

I like to look respectable, throws everyone off.

Nov 14, 07 3:10 pm  · 

Pixel, if you'd like, I could refer to you as a hunk of squash instead of meat. Hmmmm. That's a fun exercise.....coming up with a vegan adjective to describe attractive about spicy?

lars, I will have you know that I am always thoughtful and intelligent, not just typically! Teasing, but I have always been a little boy crazy too. If there's one thing that throws me off of my game it's a crush. I think that if I had not had so many crushes in my life I may have solved global warming by now.

tuna: beefy deliciousness + blue eyed sexiness = why I can't concentrate in structures class anymore

This is for liberty bell:

Sorry, but at least it's the end of the page! :o)

Nov 14, 07 4:01 pm  · 

Whoops, I was totally lying. We're only halfway through the page! Ah well. Sorry guys.

Nov 14, 07 4:02 pm  · 

I'd be happy with spicy!

Nov 14, 07 4:06 pm  · 

did you see new archinect newsletter? it sure is beautiful.

Nov 14, 07 4:29 pm  · 

it IS pretty, oa. i hadn't opened it yet.

yes, sarah, that's what i got from lars' comment.

Nov 14, 07 4:35 pm  · 
brian buchalski

oh brother...beefy deliciousness & spicy hot...sometimes i think the trouble with women is that they sound too much like gay men

shit...i'm late from tennis

Nov 14, 07 5:00 pm  · 

I'd also be quite content with "tofu-tastic"

Nov 14, 07 5:02 pm  · 

Pixelwhore, i really like your garden shed building. congratulations well done.

Nov 14, 07 5:11 pm  · 

squash is getting pornographic. I'm afraid to do a google search on that term in the office....

Nov 14, 07 5:18 pm  · 

Thank you, Orhan.

A little background: I was done via a non-profit that I'm friends with called Archventures. We designed the shed with a group of teenagers from a local community center where the shed was to be built. We worked with them through site planning, concept, etc. but they were unfortunately not able to participate much in the construction. The project was constructed of all salvaged materials, minus fasteners and roofing paper (which I donated to the project). There is a second phase that has been talked about, but I'm unsure as to when that might happen.

Nov 14, 07 5:20 pm  · 

I agree with WonderK. Besides (IMO) when it comes down to it, we all see our crushes as sexual objects and that's okay. Hence the reason they are crushes right? Does a person looking across the room at an attractive person really honestly think "Wow, that person's mind/personality is so beautiful". I doubt it. I immediately think, "Damn, now that's a nice hunk o' the male species. Wonder what it would be like to feel those biceps"

DubK: beefy deliciousness + blue eyed sexiness = me acting like a deer in headlights at the printer.

Puddles - Do women sound like gay men or do gay men sound like women?

I'm off to walk with the girls... perhaps we'll find a cute guy to oggle along the way.

Nov 14, 07 5:23 pm  · 

BTW does anyone else feel like they've stepped into an episode of Sex in the City?

Nov 14, 07 5:47 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

You should have heard the shoe talk in my office this working. Work shoes v. party shoes v. hoochie shoes v. super hoochie shoes. All culminating in whether 10 second shoes are worth it. Female only section of the office btw.

Nov 14, 07 5:59 pm  · 

alright, help me out here: what are 10 second shoes?

Nov 14, 07 6:21 pm  · 

Pixel, is the shed used primarily for community garden tools and stuff? What was the origination of the shed? I like it, too. Nicely done!

Nov 14, 07 6:33 pm  · 

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