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i read that thread that you're quoting from any you're acting like
a better than what beta said about your wall two weeks
ago. liberty bell's comment had nothing to do with you and you
attack her as well. you're just as much of a bully/troll as you
claim everyone else is. grow up.

Oct 16, 07 10:03 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Steven, your photo didn't show.

Oct 16, 07 10:05 am  · 
liberty bell

In place of Steven's 153 image that doesn't show, here is a random one that makes me giggle. (Please god let it not be porn - it's a dog.)

Oct 16, 07 10:13 am  · 

"grow up."

Listen to what you are saying --- beta3 is now allowed to throw more dirt, and you complain I react natural being thrown dirt on.

And why shuld I "grow up" ; don't you think it is the fora here, that shuld realise what is going on, don't you think someone has to tell when the same group of non architects, dirt throwing perverts, again start collect weal charecters to do their dirty work , --- now you say you read that tread , then you know how beta3 made it stink , but did you recive the dirty private mails, did you suffer from beta3's dirty comments on YouTube, did you recive the treats ,was you ever victim of a Hate Crime.
------ And do you realise what you are supporting . na it wasn't beta3's dirt but me reacting that is on your mind right ?

Oct 16, 07 10:16 am  · 

But don't think you are the only one waiting for someone to "grow up" ;

I asked beta2 several times to make an exchouse, so we all know that you can not just walk into some tread some nice guy has build uo, and just throw dirt . I asked beta3 several times to start think as an adult and not throw this fora into yet another "harass percorell" , but beta3 don't answer and is allowed to continue , resulting in private dirty mails and obsessive dirt throwing , threds and hate crime gathering --- and remember I was not the one who would ever act that childish , don't you think you ask the wrong one to "grow up".

Or are you complaining that the fora's prygleknabe suddenly start defend himself ?

Oct 16, 07 10:25 am  · 
Living in Gin

Just shut up already.

Oct 16, 07 10:30 am  · 


will the new version of archinect have an 'ignore' button?

Oct 16, 07 10:35 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

LB, do you think they have to clean that bubble often? I can imagine it getting quite slimy with dog ooze.

A guy down the street from me replaced about 6 sq. ft. of his fence with metal grate so his dog could bark at passers-by.

Oct 16, 07 10:36 am  · 

hilarious that you always pray for a pic to not be porn, LB.

not that is really needs to be said bit i think everyone here would agree that LB is as generous a person as can be found online, so if there is anyone being angry at her for a post then said post must have been either

a) misconstrued


b) deserved

bonobos are my favorite. supposedly they got to be so laid back cuz they evolved without the pressure of gorillas in their midst...

Oct 16, 07 10:42 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Can someone post an image of a bonobo? I've never heard of them.

Oct 16, 07 11:04 am  · 

LB i is sorry.

Oct 16, 07 11:06 am  · 

that doggy portal is hilarious...i imagine it would have to be on
the street side of a fence..but i also imagine it between two
neighbors that actually like each other as well. it'd be nice
with several of them at various levels along the wall.

and i agree with sarah in that that would have to get cleaned

Oct 16, 07 11:17 am  · 
liberty bell

Sadly the doggy pic reminds me of Laika, who I just learned this week actually died from heat exhaustion a few hours into her legendary orbital flight. We're heavy into space in my household right now, and I have not yet read to Angus the page in the book that says that Laika didn't come back to earth safely.

Oct 16, 07 11:46 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, thats a downer.

Oct 16, 07 12:12 pm  · 

Bonobos look like small chimps- they are renowned for making love not war... if i posted a pic, then it most likely would be of bonobo porn.

that bubble porthole allows the dog to see but not to smell- just use a metal mesh colander instead for full doggy pleasure and less cleaning.

archinect 3.0 should have some filter abilities- otherwise just imagine that you don't see the offending post.

Oct 16, 07 1:15 pm  · 

i canged the graphic card in my computer no problem! a good job...

1- uninstalled old adopter (graphic card driver)
2- instead of computer re-starting auto., say no and manually turn off the machine yourself.
3- take the old graphic card and insert the new.
4- close the tower and start your computer, follow the commands to install the new driver.
5- enjoy crisp drawings, pictures and text on your new lcd monitor.

a definite improvement on crt.

Oct 16, 07 1:26 pm  · 

why not drill a few holes in the clear plastic bubble?
the colander only solves half the problem.

and i'm glad there'll be some filtering abilities in the new
world of archinect...although i really only need it for one
person. it's amazing really that this forum is pretty well
self moderated...although there may be things behind
the scene that i don't know about.

Oct 16, 07 1:43 pm  · 

oh, between 2 and 3, disconnect all the power and other stuff from the computer. and make sure one finger touches the metal part of the computer for static grounding. read up before you do this.

Oct 16, 07 1:43 pm  · 


I fried my motherboard a few years ago in a freak usb accident where one of the plugs shorted. static isn't the only danger to your machine...

Oct 16, 07 2:07 pm  · 

i can see my photo, and i'm on a different computer now.

for those who can't, it's just an iron(wo)man runner: #153.

Oct 16, 07 2:57 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I once fried an expensive graphics card with a static discharge while building my own PC... Ah, good times.

Oct 16, 07 3:01 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, I only repeated the fact that I couldn't see it so many times not because I was particulary upset, but because I was activly ignoring the other posts.

Oct 16, 07 3:03 pm  · 
brian buchalski


Oct 16, 07 3:17 pm  · 
liberty bell

Now I can see her!

Oct 16, 07 3:42 pm  · 

so this morning we find out that the high level presentation has been confirmed. Great! The downside is that there is another meeting for the business community, opposition, etc following that for about 50. All on the Friday afternoon - wtf? Let's see if a-teckno can be lucid until the presentation is complete.

they better love it

per as one of the people who actually reads your posts desperatly searching to find the god in the details I beg of you, save your skin and DON'T F'CK WITH LIBERTY BELL

Oct 16, 07 4:07 pm  · 
liberty bell

Aww, techno, that's so sweet....hang in there for the presentation knowing that Friday evening will be a big celebration - you ARE allowed to drink again now, right?!?

Oct 16, 07 4:11 pm  · 

One of the things I find really remarkable about communicating with people on the internet only is how you retain details about some of them in your head, but often these details never manifest themselves in conversation, and you may never speak of them at all. For instance I'm certain that I have a vague idea of architechno's whole injury/rehab timeline but I've never spoken about it to anyone in person. In fact if I started talking about many of you "for real", I'm certain that the people that I interact with on a daily basis might think I was making up friends. This is probably part of the reason I have so many posts.

Oct 16, 07 4:44 pm  · 
bonobo vs chimpanzee
Oct 16, 07 6:36 pm  · 

Funny that you mention that WK, because I was at dinner with the manfriend the other night and we were discussing trojan football and i related some comment you'd made from the college football page (can't remember what it was offhand) or maybe something about how you're going to USC now... I have no memory of what it was--just some random detail from your life--and I did this whole elaborate preface "one of the girls from archinect blah blah blah" and after I got through all that I suddenly remembered that he actually MET you, and therefore I could have just said "that girl *******, remember, she was here at st. patty's day?" It was like a weird inverse of the ordinary archinect-story-circumstance. anyway.

Oct 16, 07 6:51 pm  · 

Liberty - oh hella yeah I can drink! But I try and keep tabs on it, granted its easier said than done.

Oct 16, 07 9:01 pm  · 
vado retro

right at this minute liberty bell is underneath me. in the aia meeting silly hosted by our firm in the office right underneath the studio~

Oct 17, 07 9:04 am  · 

vado, stomp on the floor for me, perhaps in some kind of jig fashion.

Oct 17, 07 9:18 am  · 
liberty bell

I actually DID hear stomping upstairs during that meeting!!!! Was that vado channeling beta?!?

God every AIA meeting I leave I feel like I don't speak the same language as these people. Although I made two suggestions that both appeared to be well-received (they didn't laugh out loud, anyway), now I kinda wonder if I was offending anyone in the room because I don't know the specifics of which project was done by whom etc.

Honestly, I'm still lost in the archi-cultural landscape of this city. So, a remedy: I just called one of the senior architects at the meeting and requested that I take him to coffee/lunch to pick his brain. He graciously agreed. Yay for mentorship!

Oct 17, 07 11:10 am  · 

i thought you were the mentor lb (at least around here)...

Oct 17, 07 11:15 am  · 
liberty bell

Mentors need mentors need mentors need mentors...that's how it works.

It's funny too that I have a sort of "street cred" in the local older architectural community because I live in the house that was built by one of their peers, one William Ford (deceased) of Lennox Mathews Simmons Ford. One of these days I'm going to have an FAIA open house at my house to let all those guys see what I've done to old Bill Ford's house! I think he'd approve, from what I've heard of him.

Oct 17, 07 11:20 am  · 
vado retro

just hosted our staff meeting. showed some recent projects etc, etc, made a few wisecracks etc, now we're having a 401k luncheon with pizza from bazbeaux/s a local pizza joint. yummm

Oct 17, 07 11:55 am  · 
Dapper Napper

That Laika link just made me feel like sobbing Ellen Degeneres. And I'm not even a dog lover.

Oct 17, 07 12:05 pm  · 

open house::Lookout

just returned from the open house/exhibition at the project I recently completed. It was really about the mock-up of the houses more than it was the development...kind of odd but true. What was nice was they still recognised my team for their input in the design|construction.

Funny again my coworker was thanked for designing the colour scheme...let's put that correctly she was thanked for my colour scheme - sigh, this like that force me to be humble.

Oct 17, 07 12:44 pm  · 
liberty bell

Thank you, a-techno, for doing a color scheme so nice that someone else was happy to take credit for it!

Apropos of nothing: I love potato chips.

Oct 17, 07 1:16 pm  · 
Ms Beary

Wow. I had what I thought was a lineweight/plotting issue (flashing not heavy enough line) and I called our IT department to try to resolve it.

Instead of help, I got a lecture from IT on not detailing "properly" and was told to ask my manager how to correctly draw a flashing detail and he went on to lecture me on how important it is to conform to the firm's standards and that I can't just do things my own way. Wow.

So, I draw flashing as a p-line, with a thickness of 1/16" of an inch, on a dark lineweight too, but it shows up as the lightest line in the detail instead of the darkest when I plot it. This is a 1 1/2" scale detail. (BTW, my "manager" draws flashing this way too, he doesn't know why it's printing so light either.) Someone else (who also draws flashing like this, the non-conformer he is, and gets the same thing but only sometimes) suggested it may be an option in a plot dialouge box or something to get a p-line to plot it's thickness? Anyone?

Oct 17, 07 1:36 pm  · 

apropos of elle belle's malapropism, I LOVE POPCORN.

Oct 17, 07 1:37 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

A guy at work, we will call him F.A., and no those aren't his initials, more of a description of his diet, jus tried to tell me "the best way" to have my kid, and NOT to do it any other way, because its not as good.

His way?

Schedule an induction, go to the hospital, get induced, get epidural, ect. WTF!?!


Oct 17, 07 2:04 pm  · 

Sadly Sarah that is the way many many women do it nowadays, because obstetricians push really hard for it. So watch out... that's probably not the first time someone will try to convince you of this method.

But for NOW, tell our dear sir F.A. that the next time he has a baby you will welcome his thoughts on methodology, but until then, to shut the fuck up.

Oct 17, 07 2:09 pm  · 

not the last time*, that is!

Oct 17, 07 2:11 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yeah, exactly what myriam said.

Oct 17, 07 2:14 pm  · 

Sarah, from his description, I think I have come up with my own meaning for "F.A."

bear(y), I have no idea what the problem could be, but your IT guy sounds grumpy in a way that only IT guys can sound.

I'm trying not to get sick again, so right now, I LOVE TEA.

I had more things to say but they are not really all that important.

Oct 17, 07 2:14 pm  · 

bear(y), take the thickness off. Look at the properties of that line and make sure that the 'default' lineweight hasn't been over-ridden.

Oct 17, 07 2:20 pm  · 
Living in Gin

And tell the IT person where to stuff it. Shouldn't the IT person be supporting the architects? Sometimes it seems like half the work architects do involves supporting the IT people.

Oct 17, 07 3:09 pm  · 

beary, make sure your lineweight settings says - display lineweight, or no matter what you do it won't work right.

Oct 17, 07 3:58 pm  · 

6-7" of snow since last night!!! 31 days til snowboarding here, is anyone else excited for winter??

Oct 17, 07 4:14 pm  · 

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