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vado retro

chardin is hardly obscure!

Oct 14, 07 4:50 pm  · 

Steven that was a very entertaining video but I'm completely unclear on what his message was. What did he speak on at the convention? Do you have notes? I'm curious.

Oct 14, 07 4:50 pm  · 

myriam, just make things clear, i'm not supporting this decision at all. I just think that the reasons why it's been brought up by the dems right is stricly limited to ashort term political battle between the republican government and the congress, eventhough it's a stupid decision.

Oct 14, 07 4:57 pm  · 
vado retro

i think the message of the video is that you need a financial planner.

Oct 14, 07 5:05 pm  · 
vado retro

i just got my 401k statement and i lost money this quarter. but i know my chardin. he went blind from the lead in the paint.

Oct 14, 07 5:05 pm  · 

on what is definitely a lighter note: I'm stuck at home doing lots of homework this weekend, so I decided to bake! I've been indulging in some yummy pumpkin bread, and am planning on a big pot of turkey&dumplings for tonight, since leftovers from that will be great all week. Mmmm, yummy wintertime food.

Oct 14, 07 5:06 pm  · 

Don't worry, French, that was clear. :) I don't support it either. I think everyone is guilty of politicizing an issue that is pretty much moot in America.

I disagree with you about why it's been brought up though. I think it has more to do with Armenian voters than a short term battle--the Dems already have most of America agreeing with them to get out of the war as soon as possible (opinions differ on method and length of time); and pissing off an ally will hurt them as much as it does the Republicans. Also, this issue has been brought up before (during many presidencies; last time during Clinton's, he dismissed it too) so I think it's more linked to a long-term effort on the part of Armenian-Americans to get their history recognized (and to antagonize relations with Turkey, unfortunately) than to any short-term political strategy.

Oct 14, 07 5:08 pm  · 
vado retro

and my proust as that comment about proust taking a poor student wasn't exactly correct. please see proust's essay on chardin found in the book marcel proust on art and literature page 324.

Oct 14, 07 5:08 pm  · 

I'm making an apple pie and mulled cider tonight! But first I need to head into the office for a few hours. Mmm, fall!

Oct 14, 07 5:08 pm  · 

yeah i don't know what that sample video was about.

our talk was called 'dreamspace', a lot about demographics shifts and how much work architects will have to do while trying to answer the even-more-ridiculous-overconsumption and the answering of an entitlement to every desire that is just now becoming apparent among the baby boom generation now that our job is less often about supplying NEED and more about WANT.

he didn't talk much about how much in conflict this was relative to ecological issues, though he did have that as a sort of ironic subtext -more along the lines of baby boomers' interest in environmental issues being just another phenomenon of their need for entertainment.

most striking was the reason he thought the growing need for entertainment was true. the more educated we are the fewer children we have - but the instinct to nurture children doesn't go away so we compensate with consumption: more specifically what they're seeing is that this means entertainment and pets.

avg 1960s: 5-6 kids, 1400 sf house
avg 2000s: 1-2 kids, 2700 sf house

19th c horse: did a huge part of the work of society
21st c horse: no work. avg gets ridden 1-2 time a yr; and there are many more horses now than then. recently reclassified as companion animals.

19th c: dinner took 2 1/2 to prepare.
21st c: avg dinner takes 13 mins to prepare.
biggest growth product in kitchen sales: commercial range.

etc etc. i can't remember it all. and he was more specific about architecture but i wasn't taking notes, just going with the flow.

another interesting thread of the talk was the extent to which people across the world are coming out of poverty and entering the middle class. not that there aren't still too many people destitute but that, as a percentage of their countries' populations, there are fewer and fewer all the time. not the way you usually think about it.

can't say i know what to do with all the information i absorbed, but....

Oct 14, 07 5:16 pm  · 

oh. that was '19th c: dinner took 2 1/2 hours to prepare.'

Oct 14, 07 5:17 pm  · 
vado retro

well doesnt that stay to his premise about the full belly bitching more. ie if your basic needs are filled then you obtain what you want. which is traditioanlly what our profession is about anyway. basic shelter doesnt really require architects. architects build the desired, as horrible as that sounds, and in fact what may be perceived as need could actually be interrepted as want and vice versa when talking about the affluent client.

the latest advances are creating new issues such as therapists for your pets ocd. or conflict over reading emails/surfing on your phone while talking to you s.o. the latter being a new commercial that creates a problem in a relationship that is somehow marketed as a relationship problem that one can only have if they are endowed with the latest technological gadget. wtf? is up with that...

Oct 14, 07 5:33 pm  · 

vado, you should go on the talk circuit. you'd be a hit!

Oct 14, 07 5:39 pm  · 
liberty bell

vado, you should indeed go on the talk circuit!! I have two clients who are motivational speakers; I can hook you up with both for tips on getting started. They boht have lots of dough to spend on house design!!

Also, I had never heard the song Key Largo ever - really - until vado posted it on beta's house thread. Now I'm surfing youtube for bad 70s music while I put away the groceries. Currenlty playing: Love Will Find A Way.

Rock On 'nectuers!!

Oct 14, 07 5:59 pm  · 

mechanization takes command.

Giedion was kinda lost/forgotten in the french theory boom, but he had some amazingly smart observations to make about tech and society...

sounds like your guy continues that work...?

your mixed felings about AIA are interesting, steven. that article in metropolis with peter gluck was also interesting to me. i am not certain everything he said actually made sense, but he sure thinks the AIA is a waste of space. it is useful to have your take on things to put his view in persepctive. can this kind of organisation ever be relevant or push the edge of architecture and its practice for its members?

Oct 14, 07 6:18 pm  · 
vado retro

thats funny as i am one of the least motivated people you'll ever meet. i need a nap.

Oct 14, 07 6:31 pm  · 

funny thing is i saw 'tuberoses' and i thought what an odd named disease, i hope it's not fatal...

Oct 14, 07 9:22 pm  · 

don't misunderstand me, jump. that wasn't my take on the aia in general. just this kind of back-patting event.

i've been a cheerleader/defender for the aia for a while here on archinect. our local chapter does some great things and this event was a good event as far as the programming and the value overall. there were just those OTHER things that rubbed me the wrong way this weekend.

Oct 14, 07 9:45 pm  · 
vado retro

i am having a lot of fun with that eisenman thread.

Oct 14, 07 9:50 pm  · 

this, in america, scares the hell out of me. Christmas will never be the same again.....

Oct 14, 07 9:51 pm  · 

the Turks are bombing Iraq. Wonder what is next?

Oct 15, 07 6:46 am  · 
liberty bell

Is anyone's local NPR NOT doing pledge drive this week? I want to hear some news instead of calls for calls....ugh.

Oct 15, 07 7:26 am  · 
brian buchalski

judging by my recent post it seems that the only things i care about anymore are football and boobs...i'm perplexed by this...but i probably shouldn't be?

Oct 15, 07 8:47 am  · 

what do you think of glucks view then steven?

my view til now re the kinds of claims he is making has been rather cynical. i don't think cutting oneself off from the aia is a useul way to affect change...but he seems to think change would be a waste of time cuz it is just that bad...his description of graduates is equally off to me and my first instinct was th wonder if his problem is simply that he ain't go tthe juice to attract the best and brightest (i wonder if rem complains the same way?)...but then i saw what he is doing and he seems to be quite on why are his staff all incompetent nincompoops the first year, and why does he hate the aia so much? is it really that bad? i would love to hear someone who could explain me why he is wrong...

Oct 15, 07 10:14 am  · 

i'll have to read the gluck article again to get a more thorough understanding of his issues with schools and aia. i also admire what he's been able to do - very much - but i don't think it is evidence in any way of anything wrong with these organizations. his is a fairly typical anti-establishment view - he's going it alone, etc. etc. blah blah.

mr gluck's work is nice. his track record seems good.

i guess my position is that if the aia helps you engage with the larger architectural community and if working with fellow professionals to give the profession a more effective voice works for you - great! if you feel it's part of your contract with the profession to help mentor recent graduates to build the profession for the future - great! on the other hand, if you don't need the aia or recent arch school graduates - great! if rising up by tearing down what others are doing works for you - well, ok.

Oct 15, 07 10:39 am  · 

hello all, I'm alive - honest. My dsl problems continue, at least we finally got it repaired in the office. They've been selling these crap dsl boxes that have a shelf life of about 10 months...I've been through 3no. over the last 13 months - its crazy. Worse they've coded them so that you can't even go and get your own...bloody isp is a money making machine!

On another note check this out...should I beg for support? We have had that debate beforeI am disappointed though that the new blogs on the block (jump, rationalist, wonder K, etc aren't included but I suspect there is always next year)

Also can I tell you how tired I am, I really didn't suspect that I would be so tired at my new location. It is difficult to quantify my input and say "that's what I've been doing/why I'm so worn out" - but subject to meeting with the chief minister he wants us to present our preliminary masterplan concept to all the ministers and the governor. Meanwhile I'm still about 2 days away from completing the digitization, task action group minutes/formation working paper, writing notes from the 30 mins radio interview as well as the final account of the two developments recently finished <- wait I think I can quantify why I'm so worn out.

Anyhow here's a little urban/visual dihearrea of the new recreational ground in the middle of our new town!!

Oct 15, 07 11:46 am  · 

oops forgot the attachment

Oct 15, 07 11:54 am  · 

great photo - the piles of soil are very iconic and primitive. you gotta integrate them into the final scheme.

LB- is playing their tunes and regular talk features. no pledging out in the people's republic of santa monica.

minnesota has been having seattle weather for the past month. if I'm going to submit to crappy rain and clouds, at least I could have orcas, mountains, and the pacific....

Oct 15, 07 12:29 pm  · 

Los Angeles has Seattle weather today as well. Misty, cloudy, and cool. In fact, I think this is what the locals refer to as "cold".

architechno, you don't have to beg for my support, I voted for you and I'll vote for you again! I love the instant gratification that your blog provides for new building stimuli. I am also in awe of how you find all of those gems! I am not disappointed that my blog didn't show's a fledgling blog and while I often discuss architecture, it more firmly occupies a category that could be described as "random observations and subtle humor". It is the world from my perspective at this moment, and it has to double as my school blog as well. (I, however, would be disappointed if I had not shown up on a "brunch blog" poll :o)

Off to blog some more!

Oct 15, 07 3:57 pm  · 

just back from hitting 6 states in 6 days for many different activities (funeral, family, and site visit to family mountain property where i'm supposedly going to design a house)... i'm exhausted... been from florida (home) to tennessee (airport) to alabama (funeral) to georgia (family) to north carolina (mountain house site) to tennessee (airport) to ohio (airport) to florida (home)... now on thursday i'm off to chicago for a few days... i've spent a lot of time in the kuntry over the passed week and am glad to be back to urban civilization...

steven, i had a VERY similar incident sometime in the last year or two... my wife and i always get a bunch of conservative/religious right type email from my grandfather... usually we just shrug it off and hit delete... i can't remember now what the topic of his forwarded email was, but i know it was particularly egregious... given the fact that he is both a retired navy officer who flew in WWII and a retired minister, my wife and i thought that his email warranted a response... we said something to the effect of his email being seemingly against the values that he had fought for and preached for throughout his life... all hell broke loose and my parents got pissed and demanded that we apologize... we ended up having to send a "apology" email but didn't retract anything that we said... sometimes family sucks... i hope your's works out OK...

Oct 15, 07 4:33 pm  · 

i know (sorta) charles birnbaum... he gave a group that i helped form, friends of kiley gardens, in the fight here in tampa to try to save a park/plaza designed by dan kiley... i didn't have any direct contact with him, but another person in our group talked with him on a regular basis... he was a huge help and is definitely passionate about landscape...

Oct 15, 07 4:40 pm  · 

in his remarks he made reference to a kiley landscape in columbus that just disappeared. it was behind eero saarinen's irwin union bank and was designed to be an integral part of the overall design. despite columbus' senstivity to architecture, the loss of this landscape apparently went relatively unnoticed.

birnbaum had come back to tour town and was shocked to find it missing. you could tell during this talk that he was still pissed off about it.

btw, since i was having a parking design problem on a project right now and happened to see it and be amazed by its sensitive integration into the neighborhood, i'm cribbing some aspects of kiley's wonderful parking/grounds design for eero's north christian church. thx, dan!

Oct 15, 07 5:23 pm  · 


Great to meet you in NYC last week. I'm off to UC-Berkeley wednesday night (7pm) and Phoenix this weekend. Zurich in 10 days......

I've just signed with a speaking agent so I'll be speaking alot less over the next year.


Oct 15, 07 6:18 pm  · 

Cameron, what does that even mean. Are you kind of a big deal? LOL.

Oct 15, 07 8:49 pm  · 

no, just mean I can get a handle on my life. As you know I have an new gal in my life and being away from her too much causes serious issues. I'm trying to do less talks but bigger venues (18% of our funding comes from my direct speaking events).


Oct 15, 07 9:24 pm  · 
liberty bell
...put a chimpanzee in front of a typewriter and you'll get a blog

Not to slam on any of our local bloggers, who I enjoy very much, this has to be my favorite statement of the month.

Oct 15, 07 11:57 pm  · 
Ms Beary

Been MIA for awhile... changed my screen name... may have been found out... hope the stupid stuff I've said doesn't get found out and tracked back to me... tried to drop a bit in the ranks of Most (obnoxious, worthless) Comments by taking a break, didn't work.

Hope all is well amongst you archinecteurs.

Oct 16, 07 12:18 am  · 

gotta agree with lady liberty. i am definitely not intelligent enough to write anything other people should read; i don't fling shit, but thats cuz im of bonobo know, the "nice" chimps, the ones that have sex all the time...

kay that is not where i intended this comment to go...but you get the idea.

cameron, that is way cool, that whole speaking thing. out of curiosity, did/does your archi-training help you to give lectures at all?

Oct 16, 07 2:32 am  · 
liberty bell

LOL, jump! But your blog is excellent! The line above is from vado, BTW.

Oct 16, 07 6:55 am  · 
vado retro

7:10 a.m. this chimp is at the office.

Oct 16, 07 7:14 am  · 

chimp or chump? [sorry, too easy.]

Oct 16, 07 7:31 am  · 
Oct 16, 07 7:32 am  · 


"i don't fling shit, "

That's a good choice , --- you see I tried being the victim of that, even recently when some dirt throwing idiot read I was doing Grafitti on a Legal Grafitti fence , he litteraly let the intire fora read the actural dirt he threw in buckets ;


Total Entries: 79
Total Comments: 2944

09/30/07 13:05

chances are that if i took a steaming dump on that wall it'd be the most interesting thing there. you're probably right though, i would be shit, but damn i make a beautiful pile! "

As that wasn't enough the same screwed pervert started to write private mails totaly obsessed with his dirt throwing he then went to YouTube and acted as a Svine there, ontop he started to collect a hate crowd here in the fora why --- becaurse I painted Legal Grafitti on a Legal Grafitti fence , and showed some huge paintings profesionals . that's teachers and professors at the arts school, beside all living with these paintings outside their fence, find fantastic good.

Now you shuld expect more shit throwing while beta3 has found a porpus being in this fora, and more buckets of shit to evolve in various treads, while the fierce crowd of Legal Grafitti painters are gathering ;

"liberty bell
Total Entries: 20
Total Comments: 6200

10/15/07 4:00

An Archinect Exquisite Corpse is an excellent idea, beta. Count me in."

And isn't hat just what this fora need , a covard wannabe collecting a crowd in a hate campain he started himself, by throwing dirt not just dirt but real dirt.

Oct 16, 07 9:03 am  · 

And I guess liberty bell would love to gather with a crowd to harass once again pick on some guy --- you americans has this weak point it seem, not having the nazi lesson and Liberty Bell , just wait there are an enourmous joy in picking on someone , forget who started throwing dirt and join the crowd ---- but Liberty Bell don't forget I will let you fill your existance with that dirt , where some jeloux guy who can't put a stick into a pile without destroying both, he now invited you into his hate crime, and as usealy the fora profit, the all american reputation will profit allowing us in other contries to realise what american architecture and architecture fora's is about, dirt throwing and perverts occupying the fora with their obsession about harming those who show some tallents.

Oct 16, 07 9:17 am  · 

is it possible to ban per again?...or at least take his name away?
i liked him more when he was vindpust and he wasn't here.

Oct 16, 07 9:23 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Steven your photo didn't show.

Oct 16, 07 9:29 am  · 

"s it possible to ban per again?...or at least take his name away?
i liked him more when he was vindpust and he wasn't here."

Ban becaurse beta3 throw buckets of real dirt , cencur that's just what art need so a pervert can throw buckets of dirt make the intire fora smell of dirt , use the fora to collect for a hate crime , ---- ban who ?

Oct 16, 07 9:35 am  · 
Living in Gin

There goes the neighborhood.

Oct 16, 07 9:39 am  · 

What neighborhood ---- ???

Oct 16, 07 9:48 am  · 

Is it neighborhood to enter a tread and throw a bucket of dirt ?

To do that becaurse a particular guy who met hate crimes enough in this fora, started to paint nice paintings on a Legal Grafitti fence ?

Is it neighborhood to start collecting people for a hate crime, post dirty private mails, go to YouTube to throw more stinking dirt ?

Becaurse some guy paint with light, paint fine nice pictures on a public Legal Grafitti fence ????

Oct 16, 07 9:52 am  · 

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