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hi tumbles

Oct 10, 07 8:03 pm  · 

wonder_k.....I guess I'm a few years older by one day...10-07.
I had a smashing Birthday...My wife believes it should last at least a week....!

Oct 10, 07 8:47 pm  · 

i feel stupid (nothing new) for buying a flat screen for my aging eyes to replace my regular monitor.
it arrived today and looks good.
however, i have this one great problem which is my graphic card, 32mbATIrage128ultra, will not support 1440x900 resolution the wide screen monitor needs. the circles on the drawings look elliptical, there is ghosting on the print etc and highest resolution my computer offers me on the settings is 1152x864.
i downloaded driver updates and all but no help. dell tech from bombay told me to buy a $150-$450 worth new card which is out of question already. and, i don't even know a bigger capacity graphic card would be supported by my old dimension 4550 pentium 4 computer on 512 memory.
is there a cheaper solution to this? since i got this monitor in e bay, i don't even know if i can return it. it was brand new in a never opened box!

i apologize for bringing up a stupid problem like this to tc, but maybe somebody have a magic solution for me that allows me to keep the monitor and enjoy life as usual.

Oct 10, 07 9:55 pm  · 

wo wo. happy birthday fellow librans...

Oct 10, 07 9:56 pm  · 

I just found out that I will be getting the vast majority of my security deposit back from my last apartment! Woohoo, that sure makes life easier...

Oct 10, 07 10:00 pm  · 

Hi everyone - still surveying.
Orhan, your office does look quite cool.
Rationalist - that's awesome you got more of your money back from your last apartment. You going to use it to buy anything, or just sock it away to pay for expenses?
WonderK - I agree with everyone else, that it's probably better not to work with him. Sounds like another "Commode Boy" to me, aye? What about just telling him you don't have enough time to really commit to something like that at the moment? Or would that be too lame?

Oct 10, 07 10:16 pm  · 

I kept my b-day very low key two weeks ago, it was nice to enjoy the office cake. I learned that I'm one day older then cameron diaz thanks to some tabloid tv show... So happy birthday to all you fellow libras!!!!

Just want to vent about an email I got from an archinecteur looking for advice. they didn't sign their name or anything (or even use 'dear arbor assasin', so all I know is the persons email address. this doesn't really inspire me to respond or post to their thread...

Hey, I read some of your posts on a thread about urban design. It seems like you have a lot of experience and knowledge. I'm applying to Architecture grad schools right now (1st prof. degree), and was wondering if you know of any programs that have a strong focus in urban design. Thanks for your help!

the answer is: Yes. Yes I do. There are lots of them and they are easy to find..

Oct 10, 07 10:18 pm  · 

Anyone as disturbed as I am by the increasing numbers of shootings that are occurring in schools these days? In case you haven't heard, one occured in Cleveland this afternoon. The kid shot several people and then killed himself. Absolutely horrible. Cleveland metro schools are closed tomorrow and Friday b/c of it.

Oct 10, 07 10:44 pm  · 

tuna, I'm considering buying an older road bike with no more than half of the money, and then just letting the rest sit in an account for when stuff comes up, since it's always nice to have a little cushion in the budget.

Oct 10, 07 10:55 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I'm still suffering from culture shock at my new firm. Today I got a call from one of the partners, and she wanted to meet with me in her office ASAP. This particular partner met with me during my initial interview, but I haven't had many dealings with her since then.

At several of my previous firms, and especially at my last firm in Chicago, it's always bad news when the partner who hired you wants to see you in his/her office ASAP. Nothing good can possibly come out of the meeting.

Oh fuck, I thought. I've been spending too much of my workday on the internet, I dress as if every day is casual Friday, and I was an hour late this morning because I overslept. Here it comes.... I'll be standing in line at the unemployment office tomorrow for sure.

Instead, she says that people are impressed with the quality of my work so far, and sometime next week she wants me to start doing some conceptual designs for what might turn out to be a small but interesting project up in the Bronx.

I feel like an abused stray cat that's been adopted by a loving family... No matter how nice they seem, I spend most of my time cowering in fear under my desk.

Oct 10, 07 11:17 pm  · 

Taking a break from an involved lighting design project that will likely keep me up for most of the night......

tuna, Commode Boy was passive-aggressive. This guy is just aggressive. He makes Commode Boy look like my door mat. Like I said, I don't mind the guy personally, we get along well and he is even a sounding board for each day's new crush, but I can't work with him again.

Everyone else, isn't "Commode Boy" the best nickname ever? :o)

rationalist, I can't wait to see that road bike.

tk, ha. That's so ridiculous. I don't's called research.....

Orhan, I'm sorry but I don't know what to tell you. Frustrating! Who could have anticipated something like that?

LIG....your story warms my heart, and I think I know EXACTLY how you feel. Were you giddy? I would have giggled. It's just so satisfying when someone recognizes how hard you work and how much you are trying. You probably shouldn't oversleep again though, ha.

Oct 10, 07 11:36 pm  · 

LIG - i took interest in your comments when i reviewed your portfolio and someone mentioned you were a genious

i'm not surprised that you're kicking ass

best of luck with the Bronx project

Oct 10, 07 11:40 pm  · 

dubK, you may not see the bike for a while. Clemtine still gets me around as well as she ever did (aside from the fact that her problem with hills is a bit more of an issue here), so I'm going to take my time finding something really great. Unfortunately that Miyata that was on craigslist this summer has been snapped up. That one was beauuuuuutiful.

Oct 10, 07 11:52 pm  · 

wonderk: don't do it with *him*, but get your own team together and do the competition yourselves--if you have the time and the desire, of course! and definitely be flattered that you were asked. :)

Oct 10, 07 11:56 pm  · 

hey Orhan, what are your feelings on the vote in the US Congress on the Armenian Genocide?

Oct 11, 07 7:34 am  · 
vado retro

couldn't the turkish congress or their equivalent issue a similar declaration of the united states' genocide of the native people here? i'd say so...

Oct 11, 07 9:11 am  · 

as an american, I feel awful that since columbus, the native americans were wiped out in greater numbers then the armenians by the ottomans.

but why can't turkey move on? it was the ottomans, not the modern nation of turkey that did the deed...

I'd like to see congress pass a resolution recognizing the genocide of the cherokee, the algonquin, the navaho, the aztec, the incas, the massapiqua, the piute, and every other culture destroyed by manifest destiny, small pox, greed, and bigotry.

Oct 11, 07 10:13 am  · 

Gregory Meeks (D - New York) is currently writing a resolution about the genocide of Native Americans.

Oct 11, 07 10:37 am  · 

why is this an impt effort RIGHT NOW? what do the people pursuing it feel that they are doing politically? because i assume that this is a political move? trying to find the agenda...

Oct 11, 07 10:41 am  · 

something about the goose and the gander? i am still waiting for Congress to the American People on:

- Slavery
- Gay Rights
- Voting Rights
- Hiroshima
- Nagasaki
- Vietnam
- Blacklisting and Joe Mac
- McDonalds
- High Fructose Corn Syrup
- Combustion Engines
- Fossil Fuels
- Iran
- Iraq
- Korea
- Anti-Semitism
- Anti-Muslim
- Patriot Act
- _______________

How about before we tell people how to live we clean our own house?

Oct 11, 07 11:02 am  · 
vado retro

history is displacement.

Oct 11, 07 11:10 am  · 
Dapper Napper

What's wrong with McDonalds?

Oct 11, 07 11:54 am  · 

what's not?

Oct 11, 07 11:58 am  · 

i find it a dirty political game played by the us government to answer turkey for deciding not to be involved in iraq war few years ago. that was the low point on turkish american relations and the situation will further detoriate when turkish parliment will decide next week to allow its army to go into northern iraq. god help us...

hundred years later, armenian community is getting what they want by twisting arms of local politicians in many countries and they are getting de facto decisions from people with little or no knowledge of the geographies, cultures and communities involved. never mind the political climate of those times. yes there are facts and documentations but this is not a one way street. i, personally tend to believe horrible injustice was done to armenian civilians by the ottoman generals acting on desperate decrees from istanbul. there are documentations of russian provokation and arming of armenian bands who also terrorized turkish communities thinking that was a time of weak moment of ottoman empire to capitalize upon. turks and armenians are very close in reality. turks owe a lot to armenians for beautiful things in their culture and same for the armenians. these two communities survived together and almost seamlessly for centuries building one of the most advanced empires in western hemisphere up until beginning of 20 th. century.

it is so strange, world continues with genocides, in africa, yugoslavia, iraq and few other places on earth as we speak but us congress has to demonize a modern republic who she also calls an ally.

when elected politicians decide on matters of centuries for their 4+ years of political future, the injustice coupled with present political moves, adds on.

headlines in turkish newspaper this morning are filled with anti american articles and photos and very little about armenians. they vary from pictures of wounded knee to soldiers kicking iraqi civilians in charred streets with dismembered children laying on the street, bleeding. large letters saying "genocide you!"
i am more worried about turkish-armenian citizens who are being demonized by fascist groups. just last year there was an assasination of hrant dink, a great journalist and armenian citizen of turkey, in broad daylight killed by a teenage brain washed coward in front of his newspaper. they should condemn turkey for his sketchy trial and deeper organization who planned it.

same congressmen who said iraq was evil and decided we go to war there, is now saying turks are guilty of genocide in 1915. adding more fuel to polarization solving nothing but looking pretty to armenian voters.

when there is a smoke there is a fire. armenian claims are not baseless. but they are still claims unless there is an international comittee of scholars who are knowledgable about that history and decide on this matter. turkish government have been wanting this and it does make sense that the historical facts laid on the table and case is decided. not by your congressmen.

there would be another century or two for turks and others to look at this objectively, but by then, there will be only three people left on earth. it would be funny if one of them is a turk, armenian and american.
what a peace loving civilization we are!

Oct 11, 07 12:29 pm  · 
Oct 11, 07 1:37 pm  · 

orhan, thanks, i knew that you'd have great view on this and that your passion would reveal just how simplistic the US govt action is and how if your prophecies ring true, will certainly spell the end of NATO. this will be the beginning of the end, the region will no doubt be fucked for the next century or two...thanks USA!

Oct 11, 07 1:56 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Can some one explain why we're even bothering with this in the first place? Why do the Armenians care, why does America care, why does Turkey care? I will be the first to admit I have NO knowledge of the situation, so I am not trying to state any sort of opinion. I just don't get why something happpened so long ago matters today. What seems important is that we learn from the past to keep from repeating it, but just reclassifying something doesn't allow you to learn much, does it?

Its in the past, whats done is done, and I am just missing the point. People are not going to go to trial, or be punished for this, so is it just a 'You owe me' game to see how much free stuff one can get away with?

I'm not trying to sound cold, I just don't get it.

Should we start a new thread for this?

Oct 11, 07 2:08 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still living

Oct 12, 07 8:09 am  · 

yeah for al's noble!

we move downstairs today...

Oct 12, 07 9:53 am  · 

hello Thread Central

Apparently hearing that Orhan's dsl was on the fritz mine decided to do the same. I've had no internet at home nor at the office - its been horrible.

In the meantime I'm finding out how I lived before archinect, thread central, the internet, and spam. Its sadly refreshing and quite frankly I don't suggest that kind of life to anyone.

On the professional front, I'm steamed through my first month as an urban planner. We are getting geared up for our BIG presentation in a couple of weeks with pretty much everyone. I'm trying to keep the indifference going as I fear if I show my true passions it may cloud the message of the presentation. In any case this is a great learning experience.

The guy I'm working with is great and I am humbled by his experience and wealth of knowledge. FYI he's been the urban planner behind successful ventures as the Maldives, amongst others.

Oct 12, 07 12:43 pm  · 

what a slow day on TC- what's up with that?

Oct 12, 07 9:20 pm  · 

homework is what's up with that!!!!!!!!! Lots and lots of homework, on what has been absolutely THE most beautiful day I've seen up here, hands down. I thought it was fall before, but that was just the temperature. In the past week, the city has turned golden and bronze and scarlet, leaves falling everywhere. Then today was actually tolerably warm, and it just made me want to go for a good hike, or sit my butt in the park and watch the water and not do anything at all productive.

Of course, I did no such thing, but did do a few more miles than usual on my bike so that the day wasn't totally wasted.

Oct 12, 07 9:26 pm  · 
liberty bell

Glad you're back techno. I had a mmeting that kept me charetting all morning and then recovering all afternoon, so I've been a bit quiet today.

At the moment: it's 9:30 local time and I'm posting as I listen to my son and his buddy singing and giggling in a tent on the living room floor - it's our first ever sleep over and I'm starting to despair getting any sleep at all tonight...

Oct 12, 07 9:27 pm  · 

OMG I love living room camping. Its been a while since I've had such good times. I'll add that to the list when I head to LA.

Passport is still MIA though, I just need to get my police report to get a new one...fingers crossed.

Oct 12, 07 11:11 pm  · 

i'm reporting from columbus indiana, aia kentucky/indiana convention. with no liberty bell : ( or vado : (

good day, though. learned that columbus, in is really proud of itself and that it probably should be, but didn't learn much more about the state of things in architecture.

won the primo door prize: an ipod nano. which made me marginally famous for the rest of the evening.

had dinner: just me and the two partners of a louisville firm that disbanded a few years ago because the partners didn't get along.... and they were a blast!! (not just because they bought me beer.)

got to walk and chat with marvin malecha for a couple of blocks (past gunnar birkerts' wonderful lutheran church) which was a treat. an amazing man, very personal and very clearly an educator from the first seconds of talking with him. and aia president-elect. things might be much more interesting in 2008.

i wore my 'architecture sucks' tee to the young architects discussion but it didn't seem appropriate in the group present so i didn't unveil it.

Oct 13, 07 12:20 am  · 

sounds like you're having a good time despite the absence of friends, Steven. Enjoy the nano!

I am having issues. Actually, I'm managing to have the exact same issue in graphic design that I used to have with architecture: I have come up with a concept that is a non-form-generator. Why can't I ever be attracted to form-generating concepts? WTF?! And it's an even bigger problem in graphics than it was in architecture, because architecture can work spatially and technically while you're still figuring out the form thing, but graphic design has a lot less capability for development without form...

Oct 13, 07 12:41 am  · 

anybody out there know of charles birnbaum? he spoke tonight here and he was amazing: so passionate and direct. i'm gonna have to learn about him.

Oct 13, 07 12:50 am  · 
vado retro

what time is it in columbus steven???

Oct 13, 07 8:18 am  · 
Living in Gin

I met up with Cameron, larslarson, AP, and others last night for drinks. A good time was had by all, and I'm actually not nearly as hung over as I deserve.

Oct 13, 07 9:08 am  · 
liberty bell

Wow, congrats on the ipod Steven - it's your first, right? Which I find hard to believe given what a musicophile you are!

I DID get some sleep during living room camping. And the silver dollar pancakes a re a hit. Now we're off to the farmer's market - 2nd to last one of the year!

Oct 13, 07 9:08 am  · 

SW sounds like you had fun last night, congrats on the nano - how did you win the primo door prize?

Oct 13, 07 11:01 am  · 

I have tuberoses on my coffeetable from my farmers market outing this past week. They still smell fantastic and make me very happy. It's amazing what scents + living things can do to cheer a place up!

Oct 14, 07 1:15 am  · 
vado retro

myriam, i thought that said, i have tubercuolis! living smelling things are good unless you re talking about litter boxes.

Oct 14, 07 10:01 am  · 

I'd like to step a few post back in the dialogue about the US resolution about the Armenian genocide.
I'm not Turkish Armenian or American, so I may not be as knowledgeable as more concerned persons...
But to answer the question that steven asked about the hidden agenda, it 's pretty obvious isn' it?
To weaken even more the political power of the republicans, democrats use this resolution to help loose an ally in the so called "war against terror" making harder for georges bush to plan anything with his local allies. Simple.

Oct 14, 07 10:03 am  · 

vado, that would certainly be a problem! I had it as a kid and it really fucked me over. Well, the medication to get rid of it was as much of a problem as the disease itself, at least in the immediate effects.

Oct 14, 07 2:37 pm  · 

ha ha! now everytime i read my own post I read: "tuberculosis". Scary, indeed.

re: Armenian genocide resolution

There really isn't any reason to bring the specific Armenian genocide resolution up at this point in American history, and it really only calls to light the hypocrisies in our own country's history, as others have pointed out. At the same time, its rejection by the White House is useful because it *does* highlight the inherent untruth of Bush's supposed "convictions", as in this case he is siding with an ally for strategic American gain but earlier he used the same allegation himself as justification for entering Iraq and ousting Saddam. Perhaps it is a ploy on the part of the Democrats to point out his ridiculous phoniness? He claims to be crusading for what's morally right--he claims this is an ideological war, when in fact it is a strategic war for America's gain, and his words and his actions obviously don't jive. I don't disagree that it is stupid to anger an ally when we have so few left, and that strategically looking out for your own country's interests is pretty much the point of having a national govt. But on the other hand if we really do care so much about human rights abuses, etc as we claim to, then we *should* be examing our own record and the records of our allies. It does seem odd at times to be so supportive of one government that makes a habit of imprisoning its dissenters and so dismissive of others (Cuba, anyone?). But more importantly on the same head--why point out the speck in Turkey's eye when we have a log in our own? Hello, Guantanamo! Hello, secret CIA renditions! I agree that our own abuses are egregious and large-scale and both historic and current, therefore it is ridiculous to sanction almost *any* other government without first turning inward and solving our own human rights abuses (largest prison population in the world, the vast majority of which is black...hmm!). Instead of passing resolutions against Turkey, we should be fixing our own abuses, owning up to our own genocidal campaigns, stopping to support abusive puppet governments in other countries (hey thanks for that decades-long cold war standoff in Angola! It's so great that my family got kicked out and their house bombed! Woo!) etc etc etc.

I really feel the issue in Turkey itself (admitting not only Armenian genocide but admitting continuing current human rights abuses, and stopping them) is possibly relevant in Europe (as it is obviously not in America), as they are debating admission of Turkey to the EU and things like owning up to own's past and learning from it and moving forward are more critical in that arena. (Witness Germany's slow but steady political transformation post WWII.)

Those are my thoughts as an Armenian American. I agree almost entirely with Orhan, although in the case of setting the record straight via a conference of historians--I personally don't feel this would sway the Turkish govt's opinion (or the Armenians') as they have too much at stake by this point to lose. If a conference were indeed convened I don't really think it would change anyone's opinion by now. Especially since the further we get from the dates of conflict, the less it becomes a matter of fact and the more it becomes a matter of opinion.

Oct 14, 07 3:34 pm  · 

sorry that was long. I've heard a lot of emotion about this issue and it is driving me nuts and giving me way too much to think about.

Oct 14, 07 3:35 pm  · 
vado retro

while we're at it lets codemn

the belgian treatment of its colonies in africa.
the french massacres in algeria
the british empire in india
the british empire in ireland
the spanish empire in the americas
the aztecs treatment of their conquered subjects
the inca treatment of theri conquered subjects
the blackfeet's treatment of the shoshone
our treatment of the indians
the mexicans treatment of the indians
our treatment of the mexicans
the mexicans treatment of student protest in the 60s and in chiapas today.
the argentinian junta and their disappeared
the brazilians and their disappeared
the chileans and their disappeared
our not doing anything in rwanda
our not doing anything in cambodia
our not doing anything in darfur
the israeli treatment of the palestieans
the arab treatment of the palestinians
the palestian treatment of themselves
and on and on and on...

Oct 14, 07 3:44 pm  · 

on a lighter note....

home now and recovering from the in/ky aia convention. i'm one of those geeks that goes to every session. it was fun and informative.

i come back from these things and i feel like my attitudes re: architecture are see-sawing back and forth between hope and depression/cynicism. there is so much good and amazing that's happening and then there are just so many goobers and pseudo-politicos and entrepreneurial types that i have to focus on the good and amazing or lose hope.

Oct 14, 07 4:08 pm  · 

ok that didn't end up being that light. so how's this. this guy was on the program at the convention and he's a riot:

lowell catlett

Oct 14, 07 4:20 pm  · 

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