
Thread Central


Steven- for perspective, in Culver City (an island in the lake of Los Angeles), there are two full sized grocery stores within walking distance from my apartment, and several more within biking distance. The only reason I do any shopping by car is because it's a convenient errand to run when I know I need to make sure my battery hasn't died. I prefer not to use the car for it, but as long as I have the car, I've got to use it occasionally.

Jul 3, 07 5:00 pm  · 

tumbles when does school start? I'm thinking its going to be very sad when you, WK, rationalist and others go off to school. I fear it will become priority in your life and places like TC will again change dynamic. Remember us when the pressure gets too much

Jul 3, 07 5:05 pm  · 

tumbles, rationalist, namby and myself will not abandon you all, not completely anyway. Actually I am anxious to see how our "Thread Central Grad School Girl Gang" fares in our respective programs....since we will be representing a variety of design grad school perspectives.

BTW, namby is currently in New Haven, which is where "Indiana Jones 4" is filming right now. I hope if she sees Shia, she'll get his autograph for me, LOL. (kidding)

Jul 3, 07 5:13 pm  · 

You know what I hate. The fact that the hummer looks so cool - its a well designed object, enough glamour, enough grit - very many. But then on the other hand its such a nightmare when you think how oversized it is (like many US made SUVs) and they fact that its petrol comsumption is enough to power a very caribbean islands (populations + 200K)

Jul 3, 07 5:30 pm  · 

So my resume and cover letter for my new job are reading, and are being proof read at the moment. I don't think I described it but...

the original capital is under a mountain of ash and rubble. They have been talking about turning what was to be lands for a 3 star golf course into the new town centre. But development has been lack luster as the powers that be have been meddling about in its affairs. An authority was started to control, monitor and develop the scheme. The best part is that I was personally invited to apply, because as they say it they needed an architect experience with the local I did.

And again I'm reminded by a former school mate after having seen my urban concepts dubbed me the Oscar Neimeyer of the Caribbean. Let's just hope I get to live to be 90 (now that dream makes more and more sense)

Jul 3, 07 5:38 pm  · 

I don't start school until Sept. 26th, though I start school-related fuctions on the 17th. So you'll have me around for quite a while still. After that, I'm sure my post count will suffer, but that's probably a good thing.

Jul 3, 07 5:47 pm  · 

Connecticut has become the Newenglandwood of the east. DiCaperio was filming here last week and I know of a couple other Indie films have also been wandering around the southern berkshires this summer.....yikes maybe I should start looking for extra parts.....hoping someone is looking for a santa figure in their films.

Jul 3, 07 5:51 pm  · 

I stopped by one of my contractors place today in order to drop off some bid documents, cause it wasn't far out of the way. He didn't tell me he is into the organic food business in a big way.....something his wife is doing along with her horses. Saw alot of healthy looking plants in the field...and so hopefully I will be enjoying some of the fruits later.

We have some blue berry bushes in our yard, tomatoes, and green squash along with alot of different fresh herbs. I plant the squash among the flowers.. cause I like the mix.

This summer we have added alot of new flowers to our garden because of a recycle web site we belong to. I figure we have aquired over $500.00 of plant material from people wanting to get rid of what they have in their yard.

Jul 3, 07 5:58 pm  · 

I'm going to get me a plant...I was thinking of a herb garden, since i eat mostly grass nowadays, but not into dealing with the bugs et al in the house. I'm likely to keep them on the terrace so they can get eaten to bits without me physically suffering. Which is the same thing keeping me away from a compost heap.

Any suggestions on what to grow

Jul 3, 07 6:10 pm  · 

does anybody know how long the no-new-bloggers thing will last? I may start my own external blog if it's an indefinite sort of thing. Which may be better anyways, since I won't exactly be in architecture school.

But speaking of the whole grad school extravaganza... when I get back to work on thursday, I'll only have ten weeks left!!!

Jul 3, 07 6:25 pm  · 

great advice, I'll grab some next time I go hiking. I have such a fetish for bamboo anyway.

Jul 3, 07 6:26 pm  · 

OMG, you haven't told them yet?! What, you're waiting til friday?

Jesus. My firm was very clear that they were glad to have notice, and would probably have been pissed as hell if I'd come to them in early september going, "hey, I'm going to grad school, bye!" since they know how long it takes to plan something like that.

Jul 3, 07 6:46 pm  · 

ah, I see. That makes sense then. I hate it when offices are like that, it creates this damned if you do/damned if you don't situation. Like, if you give them two weeks notice, they tell you to leave now, but if you dare to give them less, they scream and rail against you saying how unprofessional that is.

Jul 3, 07 6:59 pm  · 


I have sympathy for the devil

Jul 3, 07 7:21 pm  · 

tumbles, good luck! BTW, I didn't mean to "speak" for you, per se. But you know what I mean. :oP

Also, I already started my own blog, but if we do get to do school blogs, I was hoping to do one of those as well.....this one is meant to be my rants and raves page, kind of a public dashboard for my internet presence.

Jul 3, 07 7:37 pm  · 

fuck sympathy, i love the devil.

hi TC.

Jul 3, 07 7:46 pm  · 

tumbles' doppelganger?!?

Jul 3, 07 8:07 pm  · 

does the devil have a codpiece under there?

Jul 3, 07 8:44 pm  · 

if so, i may have posted this in the wrong thread, but i'm too busy in this particular moment to search for the 'amazing codpiece pic of the day' thread.

Jul 3, 07 8:57 pm  · 
vado retro
Jul 3, 07 9:16 pm  · 
Jul 3, 07 9:41 pm  · 

So, I am sitting on the bowl flipping through the 40th anniversary of Rolling Stone and I wonder, why don't I use this for toilet paper? The answer was as plain as the smell in the bathroom, because you use paper to wipe the shit from your ass, and not to wipe shit on your ass.

Jul 3, 07 10:53 pm  · 

hey tumbles, just don't show up, and send in a fake obituary.

Jul 3, 07 10:55 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Well, today I got my New York State driver's license and registered to vote here... I guess that means I'm official now. Seems like a minor thing, but becoming a NY state resident now will save me tons of tuition money if I end up doing my M.Arch. at City College next year.

The fact that my old driver's license still showed my Philadelphia address and expired four months ago may also have been a factor in my decision to quickly get myself a NY license.

Jul 4, 07 12:01 am  · 

very good things to have done on the eve of independence day, gin. congrats!

we took our two year old to her first live show last night - lion king. i stayed out in the lobby with the baby (b/c people would NOT have appreciated the baby in the show) while my wife took her in. she was mesmerized by the animals, especially the elephant. my wife thought she would have stayed for the whole thing except for the scene in which the king lion gets killed. as soon as the auditorium when dark for that scene, they came out. no sense scarring the kid this early. so it ended on a good note for adeline and she was very excited when she told friends of ours later what she had seen! "el-phant! el-phant!"

[note: since my wife used to work with these broadway shows, no, we didn't waste a bunch of money for only 20 mins of show.]

Jul 4, 07 8:33 am  · 

ok TC i need to ask my first WWTCD question.

My wife and I are in the process of buying our first home, our landlord is letting us out of the lease early if we give notice August 1st. We live in the Twin Cities and are considering loft living in St. Paul or buying a home. Loft living in DT St. Paul would be great because I could walk to work, but potentially bad if the association is not stable.

Home buying is great because we'd have many neighborhoods to choose from, and most of them are great. My dilemma with the home part is that I do not want a home built after the 40's, and really like the craftsman bungalows in the area, and the cape cods are nice too, so are the tudors and some of the older farm houses, and the...see my problem.

I want to get something that I can vivisect myself and not someone else's bullshit add-on. So WWTCD?

Jul 4, 07 9:05 am  · 

archi-word of the week vivisect

[beta] great desire, I sometimes have house dreams but in reality know that I'm an apartment/loft kind of guy. Any self respecting D/SINK wouldn't own a house (although renting own might swing a few cool points)

Jul 4, 07 2:03 pm  · 

I vote for house over condo/loft any day of the week for an architect in America. I have pretty strong feelings on this and they're not entirely based in fact, definitely swayed by my upbrining/emotions, so I won't bother to list them. But my not-entirely-fact-based belief is to go with house (on a small slice of actual land) over anything governed by an association of people who are most likely not very educated about design or construction and which doesn't actually give you your own actual piece of dirt.

Jul 4, 07 3:38 pm  · 

lol good point myriam.

wow TC you are awfully quiet. I guess everyone is out BBQ'ng but some fish on the barbi for me

have a good one

Jul 4, 07 5:38 pm  · 

i'm here working too techno.

though many hours behind you....

soon though, i hope to be here:

Jul 4, 07 5:53 pm  · 

[echo]anyone out there[/echo]

Jul 4, 07 8:50 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I'm here.... I could be watching the fireworks in Midtown, but it's raining, I'm tired, and I don't feel like being in the midst of hordes of people this evening. Looks like a perfect evening to stay inside with a glass of scotch.

Jul 4, 07 9:14 pm  · 


*fizzzzzzzzz poppopPOP*




happy 4th of july!

(couldn't find that song by X on youtube)

Jul 4, 07 9:21 pm  · 

haha, barry just reenacted the soundtrack of my neighborhood.

happy 4th, friends. One month 'til my departure. Good times!

Jul 4, 07 9:29 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I'm watching the official Macy's fireworks on TV, while listening to lots of "unofficial" fireworks being set off in nearby Harlem and Riverside Park right now.

Jul 4, 07 9:31 pm  · 

the last time I enjoyed 4th of July I was in Atl at Stone Mountain. It was oddly cold - but then that could of been my ex

Jul 4, 07 10:02 pm  · 
vado retro

god is it monday again already? having a day off in the middle of the week is f'd up. if one holiday should always be on a monday its july fourth.

Jul 5, 07 6:41 am  · 

vado i have sincerely enjoyed your comments on the "back and architecture" (non)thread.

Jul 5, 07 8:59 am  · 

ahhh! bach. I'm not awake yet.

Jul 5, 07 8:59 am  · 
vado retro

you're welcome. i mailed the beuys on tuesday!

Jul 5, 07 9:22 am  · 

wow, one vote on home vs. loft. hmmm.

Jul 5, 07 9:40 am  · 

Well, my vote depends on a lot of complex factors which are unknown to me at this point, [beta]. If a loft presented itself, and it was in an old building that had been redone, and the person or group doing it was a small, local business owner, and if the interior was quality construction, and if the association fees weren't unreasonable, then I would say go for it. Otherwise, I would encourage a house.

Jul 5, 07 9:48 am  · 

there are a bunch of reasons that might recommend each, beta. hard call. i love our house, my brother wishes he had bought a loft. we live in the same city and have similar daily routines. i don't know...

when i lived in mpls i was in a loft downtown and it was great. i used the sidewalks and skyways to get everywhere. st paul's a little sleepier, not sure it would be the same experience.

i also lived farther uptown in mpls in more conventional apt-style buildings and that was pretty great too. still no car, used the bus to get around and walked or biked around the lakes often.

Jul 5, 07 9:52 am  · 

i'm a loft/condo/townhouse person...

Jul 5, 07 9:52 am  · 

definitely a loft kind of guy... just found out that my current
home is in this video:
at minute 2:43.

Jul 5, 07 10:22 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I am a house person. I like having the yard, and the garage, since my husband is a mechanic, and always working on projects. I also like the feeling of 'mine' that I'm not sure I would have in a loft setting. Because I live in a house, I can stomp around as much as I want, and scream as loud as I want without people wondering what I am doing, or worse, getting irritated with me. I enjoy that freedom.

I do, on the otherhand, wish I could walk places, and have the community feeling that seems to come with downtown living. Maybe something like Steven's situation would be ideal for me.

Jul 5, 07 10:25 am  · 

For me the ideal would be a townhouse type arrangement: some feeling of mine-ness, but still density and urban experience. I think this decision would hinge on the home-owners association for me. Are their fees unreasonable? Are they as people unbearable? If so, take the house.

Jul 5, 07 10:31 am  · 
vado retro

you get less grief shootin your rifle off on july 4 if you got your own house.

Jul 5, 07 10:41 am  · 

[beta]- it all depends on what type of loft you find. If you can buy an industrial building and do the conversion yourself, then go for it. But I can't see you or the missus happy in a condo/co-op setting with all their rules and limitations. Owning a home is about freedom - I can't abide by the CCRs of most condos or sprawl- so find me an urban SF house or rowhouse...

Before you commit to downtown St. Paul, look closer to the missus's new job, you may not be at the 'best firm to work for in mn' for that much longer with your frustrations over the lack of personality and boring projects. I'll let you know when my firm gets more desks & space! Walking is great, so check out loring park/warehouse district - there are still some small parcels that have yet to be redeveloped. if you do the construction/renovation route, then you better figure out a place to live for the duration like steve's exurban interim.

Jul 5, 07 11:00 am  · 

actually, killa, we are going to look at Hiawatha neighborhood tomorrow. my in-laws put it well yesterday, that we are not committed for life to this new home, so yeah, i plan to take a page from Steven Ward, - i may have to talk with him more, hope you don't mind steve?

Jul 5, 07 11:09 am  · 

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