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not bad for a mornings work

Jun 30, 07 4:12 pm  · 
vado retro

oh man i got hammock envy!

Jun 30, 07 4:16 pm  · 

bbq time!

Jun 30, 07 6:15 pm  · 

vr) what if they were nonfat cookies???

a) I WANT A HAMMOCK! you do realize how insanely jealous all your island living pictures make us, right?!?!?! lucky stiff.

bl) bbq time down in chicago, too! with OMAHA STEAKS!

Jun 30, 07 6:32 pm  · 

vado, I just had some baby carrots.

I also want a hammock. But I'll settle for a cold shower.

BBQ starts in 2 hours in LA... can't wait!

Jun 30, 07 6:36 pm  · 

bbq starts here in about an hour.

gotta refill the tank, get some ingredients, and then it's showtime.

two more entries to go in the damn county fair.

today's work will entail braising short ribs in orange juice, and then bbq'ing and smoking them over apple wood chips.

after all this, i may skip out on the damn caramel pecan browines that are due on wednesday.

what's going on everyone's grills today?

Jun 30, 07 7:39 pm  · 

myriam - my reality can be yours! Archinect island tour 2008. Book now!!

Jun 30, 07 8:37 pm  · 
liberty bell

Hi everyone.

I miss you all too, a lot, and there is so much to say to everyone:

Thank you to adso for remembering my love and respect for Kirby Lockard. I've still had no better teacher in my life.

Yay! for Daisy! Almost better!
Yay! for LiG! Moving on!
Good luck to mightylittle! Blue ribbon (we hope)!
Yay! for weight loss (and sorry you were sick) to vado! myriam.
WTF?!? to Steven?!?!

No I'm kidding Steven...I love that you posted all those dorky pics of me. No one I'd rather laugh at than myself. Yes my students (and me) all have on OSHA orange T-shirts so we don't get lost on field trips. Man they sure us coming when we approach a museum/loft conversion project/historic site/urban public space!

We did see DAAP and got our second annual Wonderriffic Tour of UC Campus. DubK is an excellent tour guide and everywhere she goes people hug her. I also hugged her, as you can see below, and it was a near-tears hug for me as it is also a "bye for now" hug since she leaves for California soon! I really liked being able to claim her for Archinect's Mod Midwest Chapter, but on she goes to better exciting things:

Sorry I've been away so much but GSA this year is truly crazy busy. I've hardly had a chance to catch my breath since arriving. But it's invigorating and wonderful and the students are great and fearless. Off now to "Coffeehouse" aka the students performing in a cafe setting for one another. Last week a girl played Amazing Grace on the accordion and it was both amazing and graceful.

Also Kevin Klinger from Ball State's Institute for Digital Fabrication came and presented a jaw-dropping lecture. I have a new-found enthusiasm for the possibilities of craft within the digital realm. Woo for watershed moments!

Jun 30, 07 9:07 pm  · 

that picture gets my vote for the archinect calendar...

glad to see everyone happy, and that Liberty is having a blast with the HS students.

Jun 30, 07 9:32 pm  · 

hello lb! go see the homage made to you by wk here

Jun 30, 07 9:34 pm  · 
Jun 30, 07 9:35 pm  · 

Page 118, indeed.

I just love hanging out with lb. When we are around each other we can't stop giggling. And yes, I am a hugger! I miss her already. :o/

We had a BBQ today too, except ours always include a lot of other a gigantic adult size slip-n-slide....and a kegerator "dressed" in a gorilla costume and dubbed "Keg Kong". When the sun goes down, we have a reenactment of the Revolution in a field:

And then most of the guys take off their shorts and go down the slip-n-slide au naturel. I will spare you those pictures though!

Jul 1, 07 1:08 am  · 

well, dubK, if you're not going to provide the meaty masculine photos, i guess i will.

here's the short ribs braising away, nearly done in the braise, and then for 90 minutes of smoke over a pile of applewood.

and yes...that is me holding the pan of ribs over my computer. damn i'm edgy, no? err, uh, stupid rather.

oh and btw - yes, it's nearly eleven o'clock, and i'm grilling by flashlight. miner's headlamp style. you gotta' see me in action to truly understand the spectacle of lunacy.

nice fireworks dubK...looks like a good time.

Jul 1, 07 1:40 am  · 
Jul 1, 07 2:45 am  · 


nighss. i'm seing great success there!


Jul 1, 07 6:03 am  · 
vado retro

liberty i almost forgot what you look like!!!

Jul 1, 07 7:57 am  · 

that was the prettiest picture i have seen in a long time (wk & lb).

Jul 1, 07 3:16 pm  · 
vado retro

oh for a minute i thought you were talkin about the guy with the flashlight ducttaped to his dome! thanx for clarifying orhan!!!

Jul 1, 07 3:19 pm  · 

Seems like everyone is having good barbi fun for the independence weekend. Wish I were there, its been a while since I've had brisquet...hmm that sweet meaty taste yum. Speaking of meat...what's with only the guys doing au natural? Seems a bit dangerous for one, and are the ladies far too smart to make that mistake? Hmm interesting

Jul 1, 07 3:31 pm  · 
vado retro

dangerous isn't the word for it techno? ever wonder why i don't have children???

Jul 1, 07 3:32 pm  · 

"WonderK's number 1!!! WOOHOO!"

Jul 1, 07 4:25 pm  · 

LOL. That picture's not too far off base actually.

At one point myself and the other ladies were on the sidelines giving out scores and providing color commentary. Not for the naked ones though....we were a bit speechless for those!

Jul 1, 07 4:31 pm  · 
vado retro

the beefers in that pic could stand to lose a few newtons!!!

Jul 1, 07 4:33 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I'm in NYC! Details to follow...

Jul 1, 07 5:34 pm  · 

my best friend is in nyc too, she starts an internship in a Brooklyn ER (and is as nervous as hell)

Jul 1, 07 11:17 pm  · 

YAYYYYYYYYYY Gin!!! Good luck on everything there. It makes me so happy to see someone making a jump towards their dreams, even if it's a little risky.

Techno- how's the limestone in the Carribean? I mayyyyyy have the opportunity to work on some homes down there (Bonaire, of course), and the developer's plan really hinges on using the limestone found on site (abundant, as most jobs there dig 50 cm down for foundations, and then try to find somewhere to dump the solid limestone they've just removed). So I was wondering if you knew whether the quality of limestone found in the ABC area was typically good or poor?

Jul 1, 07 11:47 pm  · 

I saw "Sicko" tonight. It affected me so much that I came home and promptly created my own blog. I've been thinking about doing this lately anyway, so that I don't have to inundate you guys every time I need to rant and rave about something. I figured it would be good to have a place to stick all of my favorite links anyway. architechno, you are on there ;-)

Incidentally, I've been working a couple of web sites for a while, but I get so caught up in creating the URL I usually never finish. The name of a thing is important though, it's profound in a way....

Jul 2, 07 12:30 am  · 

soo...the verdict is in.

good news and bad news from the county fair.

the bad news is that the entire BBQ Ribs contest was rigged with NASCAR fans, and my overly sophisticated take on multi-cultural pan-Indonesian/Californian Short Ribs braised in OJ and Red Wine and then smoked over applewood went over like a lead ballon. oh well. what do i expect from a bunch of county fair judges?!?

the good news is that my scones took fourth place...

the popovers took second place...

and my soft pretzels took home the Blue Ribbon and won first place in their division!!

not quite best in show, but all in all, not too shabby for my first foray into the world of county fair competitions.

thanks for the encouragement TC...i'll post some more pics later on.

Jul 2, 07 12:34 am  · 

that's awesome! You should be proud!

Jul 2, 07 12:41 am  · 

mightylittle - congrats on your show! The popovers and pretzels looked divine, so it's no doubt you did well in the competition...

ah, BBQ – that's a tough contest! I am sure yours tasted great even though some may have disagreed. The OJ/red wine and applewood sounds like a winner, so who cares what they thought...

Jul 2, 07 12:42 am  · 

tell you what, mightylittle, post the recipe, and we'll all make it too and tell you how incredibly good it is! ;)

congrats to you, and a big big congrats to LiG as well!! i think this is a great move for you. as excited as i am about chicago it definitely seemed it was time for you to move on. :) well done, good sir! here's to smooth sailing.

Jul 2, 07 12:48 am  · 

lb report: she's holding up well...actually,better than that. she's doing great! the kids obviously love her and her co-instructor, jeff. had a great time visiting them yesterday and talking about their projects. hope to go back for their final exhibit later this week.

Jul 2, 07 7:01 am  · 
liberty bell
Warning: TC members lovefest ahead - stop reading now if this will make you feel excluded

Seeing Steven yesterday was wonderful for me too, and his commentary to the kids was so helpful and succinct. This makes two years in a row I've taught with one of the smartest people I've ever met - how lucky am I?

mightylittle, my husband would swoon over your ribs I am certain, as would I. I think you're right about the nascar element. But yay!! for the rest of it! And good for you taking part in such an authentic community activity - apparently Ben Nicholson is busy writing about the small-town community aspect of American life that seems to be missing right now for so many (of course, not the close-minded conservative side of small-town life, but the common community stuff). Yay for you putting so much effort into partaking!

Off to teach. Later TC.

Jul 2, 07 8:45 am  · 

Yay for mightylittle! Great job!

I am eager to hear about our first movers and shakers and how everything went. My roommate moved into our LA apartment over the weekend....turns out we don't have electricity yet! Also our HVAC unit is just kind of hanging out in the middle of our living room (against the wall though), so I'll have to make like tumbles and figure out an interesting way of enclosing it.

Jul 2, 07 9:00 am  · 
make like tumbles


whens your move in date wK?
can you clarify are you in the M.Arch I or M.Arch II program- wanna know when your going to be done, so I can plan on hiring you.

Jul 2, 07 10:56 am  · 

or none of the above, tk...

big congrats mightylittle, that's awesome, and thank you for sharing your experiences with us.

in the original spirit of TC, i'd like to direct any interested parties to the editing wikipedia thread. an interesting to do this in a concise way, without trivializing...considering, for better or worse, how many people use wikipedia as a resource...

happy monday everyone.

Jul 2, 07 11:04 am  · 

My move date is August 5-10 (ish).

My degree will be neither a MArch I or II.....I already have a BArch. So, I'm going back for my post-professional degree. It's a Master of Building Science (Master of BS, heh heh) with a focus in sustainability and a certificate in Urbanism and the Built Environment. Basically I thought I needed more instruction in efficient "whole building design" if I was going to engage in a career of green building. It's a 2-year program.

I like that part about you hiring me though, TK!!! ;o)


I would also like to second the Wikipedia thread. This is archinect-ing at its finest.

Jul 2, 07 11:20 am  · 

wow, tumbles, that does sound perfect! I only hope I can be so lucky...

I found what I considered to be a VERY strange [url=]roomate listing[url] on craigslist this morning, in an ideal location, for only $350/month. And then I went to wikipedia to look up what the heck a "LMP" is, and understood. Nugget of wisdom: if you're advertising something really particular and wierd like that, best to spell it out so that the world doesn't think you're a pervert for talking about bringing your own lubricant and bed linens in a housing listing....

Jul 2, 07 1:37 pm  · 

Licensed Massage Practitioner

I thought that was the creepiest listing ever until I found that out!

Jul 2, 07 1:40 pm  · 


"((Bring your own lubrication and linens or sheets.)) "

scary. I agree with you, rationalist. SPELL IT OUT.

Jul 2, 07 1:41 pm  · 

ok, cause my search yielded...

Like-Minded People

Last Menstrual Period

both scared me.

Jul 2, 07 1:43 pm  · 

Yeah, Like-Minded People was my first guess too, and I was just thinking "Like minded about WHAT exactly?!"

Jul 2, 07 1:45 pm  · 

obviously like-minded about "lubrication and linens"- haha.

Jul 2, 07 1:50 pm  · 

even with the definition that listing sounds shady as hell, rationalist. what do they need to get together a bunch of masseuses in one apartment for? and to schedule timeslots? clearly they are trying to do some kind of in-home massage/beauty parlor, which pretty much sounds like in-home high class whoring, to me. uh uh.

a good rule of thumb for the craigslist-roommate-virgins out there: please just assume that every situation you read about is 300% shadier in reality than it seems in the ad. Every roommate who says they take pride in being "pretty neat" is really a big dirty slob who NEEDS a neat roommate to keep the place manageable and therefore is saying they "pretty neat" in order to attract said roommate. If you truly are neat, like me, you say something like the following in your roommate interviews:

"We are REALLY clean here. Like, haha, super anal, hahaha. YOU HAVE TO BE TOO, that's really really important. How often would you say, you know, just out of curiosity, that you, um, scrub your bathtub? Oh, you don't have one right now. Well just so you know, that's the kind of thing I do every couple of weeks, and I expect you to do it too. Um did I mention you HAVE TO BE SUPER ANAL ABOUT BEING CLEAN to live here? Yeah it's a gorgeous place huh! Good luck, we've had a lot of people calling!"

So if the person does not say something like that, then they are DIRTY DIRTY DIRTY. I can promise you. Everything in craigslist works by extremes. So if anyone is even vaguely lukewarm in their answer or description of something, that means it sucks.

Jul 2, 07 1:53 pm  · 

Take it from a 4 year, 3 apartment, 6-roommate craigslist veteran. LiG, would you agree with the above assessment?

Jul 2, 07 1:56 pm  · 

that makes you a good roommate for me. actually the reason I thought of that particular example is that i had 3 other supposedly clean roommates (and they were, as far as roommates go, relatively clean) but NONE of them ever scrubbed the shower/tub. And 4 of us shared it. I started out doing it every 2 weeks but it began to be so very frustrating each time that I started losing heart and by the time I moved out I only did it once a month or so, muttering under my breath the whole time. That bathtub/shower was a BIG reason (along with the kitchen counters and stovetop, sides of the oven, wall behind the oven that got splattered with grease, undusted windowsills, and on and on and on...) that I finally took the financial plunge and went roommate-less when I moved.

Jul 2, 07 2:01 pm  · 

Ugh I cannot stand people who, for example, "wipe down" the counters with, say, a used napkin, not moving and cleaning under the toaster, the bin of utensils, the spice rack, the soap, etc etc etc... or who leave their sponge in the sink!!! oh man I am SO GLAD I LIVE ALONE NOW YAYYYY!!!!!!

Jul 2, 07 2:02 pm  · 

Am I the only girl here who thinks it would be great to have a licensed massage practitioner as a roommate? LOL

Actually both "LMPs" that I go to here at home have tables in their houses. It's fine and quite normal.

tumbles, I had no idea that's what "swarthy" meant. I thought it was like "dodgy" actually.

Jul 2, 07 2:05 pm  · 

oh god, what would you say then, about someone who describes themselves as "I'm pretty good about keeping any mess to my own room"....?!

Jul 2, 07 2:05 pm  · 


Jul 2, 07 2:06 pm  · 

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