
accepted to grad schools yet?


this may be totally wrong.....

but I was talking to a friend of mine who is currently studying at UPenn and she said that when she flew to visit the school, they paid for the flight there!!! Has anyone heard this before?? then again she is studying Law, and they probably get more funding than Architecture.

Craziness, paying potential students to visit the school before they even commit.

Mar 28, 06 11:34 pm  · 

I will also be able to report back on Columbia. I am 99.9 % sure that I will be accepting their acceptance :) SCI-Arc has just pissed me off so much by sending out ANYTHING yet... I mean honestly how inefficient is that school?

Wouldn't mind meeting up with other Archinecters at Columbia. I will be interviewing possible roommates at the bar if anyone is interested.

Mar 28, 06 11:43 pm  · 
MArch n' unemployed

how inefficient? VERY

Mar 29, 06 12:12 am  · 

are there anyone that applied to columbia that still havent heard back from them yet?...
seems like most of you have heard back from them eitherway.....

Mar 29, 06 12:28 am  · 

yeah i still havent heard anything from columbia. im in california.
how about you?

Mar 29, 06 12:51 am  · 

i'm in brooklyn...
well, at least i know im' not the only one...

Mar 29, 06 12:54 am  · 

Congradulations on everyones acceptances.

Upenn-Accepted + 10k
MIT- Waiting list
GSD- Regected

This is my initial post, so I apologise if these questions are repetitious from previous discussions.

For those who where accepted to Upenn did they mention if you were accepted with AP in the same letter? In addition are the scholorships typically carried out from year to year providing a particular academic standing is maintained?

Regarding MIT I did a little research and determined that the percentage of accepted applicants, which attend is fairly low. I assume this is primarily a result of many individuals relying on MIT as a back up for the GSD and a couple of the other Ivy leagues. Does this seem to be the general consensus?

If so could those individuals please send in their denied acceptance forms as soon as possible?

In addition how do most people view upenn quility of education and reputation when compared to cost? I ask since its program is ranked just ahead of U of Michigan and other schools that only cost a fraction of the price. Although I do not want to generalize the school based on a single student, when I visited Penn in Augest I spoke to a recent graduate who was unable to obtain a job that was not CAD oriented. Is this a special case or a genaral trend due to the current economy?

Mar 29, 06 1:16 am  · 


Mar 29, 06 1:18 am  · 


Mar 29, 06 1:19 am  · 


Mar 29, 06 1:19 am  · 


Mar 29, 06 1:19 am  · 


I may be mistaken, please fill me in on how the co-op program works.

Does anyone know when waitlisted final decisions will be made, I know it must vary school to school but I have not idea when to expect a final decision. I applied to MArch I.

Mar 29, 06 1:32 am  · 
maya mcdifference

hey smitty, i thought you sounded familiar. are you going to upenn? sounds like you got a pretty good deal there. scoot's girlfriend got in there, so maybe you should meet up with her at the open house.

as it turns out, i might end up on the east coast - got into columbia, still waiting for scholarship info. i estimated that, with living expenses and tuition, it's going to cost at least 160K for the whole three years. is the high end diploma really worth it?

i have been calling schools about advanced placement, and of the schools i've talked to, they all say that AP is very difficult to get due to the fact that the majority of students who apply have a background in architecture as well. they usually evaluate you for AP at the ititial time of admission, and if you request it again, they seem pretty willing reevaluate your work again. the woman at columbia said that nobody has gotten for the upcoming year.

Mar 29, 06 1:53 am  · 

mn, tobykirch

i havent heard back from columbia yet either...but it can take a week to mail post from ny to texas or cali... im expecting a yes or no in the next day or so

Mar 29, 06 1:57 am  · 

no word from columbia and mit either.... i'm in NY

Mar 29, 06 6:36 am  · 

im in VA and havent heard back from columbia either.

Mar 29, 06 6:38 am  · 

no word from ucla yet.
i called and they said they should be done by the end of the week and that not all acceptances had been mailed out.

Mar 29, 06 9:03 am  · 

as for flying you out for visiting-back when i was applying for phd programs (not in arch) ucla offered me 500$ to fly out, stay and have an excellent time in LA for a few days (it was funny-it rained so hard that weekend), columbia's program offered me 200$, was slightly less generous despite their dept having far more money, relative to size, and wisconsin even offered 100$ to cover travel expenses (i was only coming from chicago). i think that's pretty standard for relatively well-funded universities for potential phds in say, social sciences, and bio/physical sciences.

funding desparities are kind of unfair, especially when you think that funding for phd students at say columbia, is 5 years tuition, plus stipend, and of that, only 3 are TA/RA (2 free years). makes it really hard to leave, no matter how much you hate it/ how wrong it is.

Mar 29, 06 9:34 am  · 

harlow, just 1 question:
what does AP means?

Mar 29, 06 9:42 am  · 


AP is granted when a student has an architectural education, but not a professional degree (examples: 4 year BS architecture or BA architecture)

Mar 29, 06 10:38 am  · 

UVA: Reject
UT-A: Reject
A&M: Accept w/ instate tuition eligibility and $1,000 (Awesome since I'm not from TX)

Hello College Station.. at least I didnt have to actually make a decision! Too bad they're making me take their Intro to Historic Pres class this year (I graduated with a BA in Historic Pres last year). At least that and arch history should be a breeze.

Mar 29, 06 11:09 am  · 

asauer- Cincy co-op- you go to school for a few quarters, you pay tuition, through they do have TA/GA positions you can apply for, then you go on co-op-either 3 month or 6 month depending in where you are in the program. Most co-ops are paid-pay varies by experience, location. Some co-ops aren't paid-but most people take paid positions. The co-op company pays you a salary for the time you work. You can do whatever you choose with the money-go shopping, buy a car, pay tuition, invest, It's simply a paycheck to use at your descretion...not tied to your tuition or anything.
Then you come back for school and you pay tuition.
The co-op provides you an chance to use what you have learned in the classroom and apply it to the business of design to then help you when you get back to the classroom.
Pretty much its the same as if you took a summer internship, except that we co-op during the year instead of just summer, so the likelihood that you will get that job you dream of is very real sincce you won't be competing with summer interns, and you spend longer with a company, so you will learn more than summer interns.

Mar 29, 06 12:33 pm  · 

oh, and hi 5-how's NYC?

Mar 29, 06 12:34 pm  · 


How are the options for the co-op program at Cincy? Can you pick anywhere you want to go or do you get placed?

Is it a pain moving every 6 months?

Is it difficult to sublet your apartment?

Are you happy with the co-op program?

Mar 29, 06 12:51 pm  · 

Who is attending MIT, Harvard, and Yale's open houses? I will only be able to make MIT's (meetings at work on Fri) but would like to know what happens.

In regards to the statement about a small percentage of the 30 accepted to MIT not going, but choosing Harvard instead, I believe the next three years are going to be promising at MIT. Maybe more so than Harvard...alot of the faculty

Mar 29, 06 1:25 pm  · 

Who is attending MIT, Harvard, and Yale's open houses? I will only be able to make MIT's (meetings at work on Fri) but would like to know what happens.

In regards to the statement about a small percentage of the 30 accepted to MIT not going, but choosing Harvard instead, I believe the next three years are going to be promising at MIT. Maybe more so than Harvard...alot of the faculty I appreciated at Harvard has moved on. From what I understand, Yung Ho Chang will bring some bad asses...beyond himself. Moreover, I do not like that Harvard will tell you a design is wrong, this is counter productive. The new folks at MIT have not set style, and will help you make YOUR ideas better. I understand that the same thing happened at Rice when Lars came, and people say those where the best 5 years to be there. For those who do not know, Lars brought Yung Ho over to teach at Rice.

Just one idiot's opinion.

Mar 29, 06 1:35 pm  · 

Anyone have the admissions email address for the GSD? I had it before, but I can't find it now. I have some questions to ask that would probably be better done over email.


Mar 29, 06 1:46 pm  · 

Found the email on another archinect page, sorry about that.

Mar 29, 06 2:02 pm  · 


I could not agree more about MIT. I will be at the open house and am 99% sure I will be attending this fall.
Good to know someone else is excited about the program and not treating it like a back up.
I wanted to go to the Yale openhouse, but it is the same night.

Mar 29, 06 2:21 pm  · 

Well cotd, it looks like we must look to others for opinions on the Yale open house. I would also like to say I did not want to offend anyone with my quibble on a prior page about Yale. It was my experience at the school and may be isolated. Most students probably made a cognitive decision to go to Yale.

I have friends in both programs (MIT and GSD) both are happy, and received excellent design training.

Mar 29, 06 2:37 pm  · 

if you look at Ga Tech's website, the Co-Op program is not at all like Cincy's (well, other than the fact that you are working and getting experience) I believe that tuition is reduced b/c once you get a co-op position they automatically appoint you as a grad assistant (or something like that) which has the lower tuition rate.

Mar 29, 06 3:23 pm  · 


did you get your summer finaid info? mine is stafford loans that covers only tuition. i guess that means i get a private loan to cover living expenses??

when i visited gatech they told me that co-op/ga pays your tuition and sometimes a stipend. they're available our 2nd and 3rd years.

Mar 29, 06 4:03 pm  · 


When I talked to Shawn in the admissions office at Ga Tech she insinuated to me that either the tuition was paid or reduced, I am not exactly sure how it works, but either way I am banking on doing the co-op or TA/assistanship while I am there. I am from out of state and dont want to be swamped with loans when I graduate.

Mar 29, 06 4:08 pm  · 

I got into Yale, MIT, Berkeley, and the GSD. I think that MIT is the best fit for me and it's the program I'm most excited about, so that's where I'm headed. Hopefully I won't be in studio with anyone arrogant enough to think of MIT as a backup... I'll be honored to be there, as anyone should.

Mar 29, 06 4:25 pm  · 

First of all congratulation to those who have been accepted.

I've recently found this thread and have been reading most of them in the past several days.

Is there anyone out there who has applied to GSD (March II) but yet to hear anything from them? I'm located in Australia so it may take longer for the mail to get here but sounds like most of you have received notification already..... I did received a card confirming my application has been received a while back, but have they simply forgot to notify me of the decisions, which happened to some of you here.... it's almost end of March, Do I still have any hope ...?

Mar 29, 06 6:22 pm  · 

Yes. I always wanted to do that.

Mar 29, 06 6:26 pm  · 

E123- the co-op office has contacts at about 500 architecture firms...some years some firms don't take co-ops, but you are not limited to those firms only. I go on co-op this summer/fall and I found my on my own.
the people in my class on co-op right now are all over-Seattle, NYC, Boston, Philly. I know someone that went to England this quarter, others to San Diego, D.C., South Carolina. Pretty much anywhere you want. another is going to China.
most people can find sublets in the city they go to-a lot of times another UC student that has worked there and the sublet gets passed down from year to year. And w/ your apartment in UC a lot of people offer up for sublet and are pretty easy to fill.

Mar 29, 06 7:55 pm  · 

Got in Clemson today, with some much need Financial Aid. I got some hookups through my parents for housing and part-time work too so that seems to be where I'm going, still waiting on VT, Florida, and ASU though. ..

Mar 29, 06 8:29 pm  · 

I did not intend to insult anyone in regarding their acceptance to MIT. Out of the programs I applied to prefer MIT's. I just wanted to obtain a general consensus regarding the percentage of accepted applicants who will be attending. As a result, I could more accurately judge how to view being on the waiting list. I am in a situation in which I must let Penn know my decision by April 17 with a deposit, while I will not here the final word from MIT until May 10.

Mar 29, 06 9:35 pm  · 

Also in NYC and haven't heard anything from Columbia. Or UCLA.

I am becoming a thin shell of my former self sitting around for the last two weeks thinking that everytime I open my e-mail I will hear something, and every time I check the mailbox I will hear something. Maybe it is a psychological experiment on their part. If you are not institutionalized by the time you get an acceptance, then you are our kind of guy.

Mar 29, 06 10:39 pm  · 
Auguste Perret

dblefere - not sure about that theory; my rejection letter from Columbia was dated March 1st and was mailed out on the 24th.

Mar 29, 06 10:43 pm  · 

i'd be happy to give people info about yale/new haven if you can't make the open house.

Mar 29, 06 11:52 pm  · 

I am stuck in Cincy OH...why anyone would WANT to go to school here is way beyond me...(that is the city, I know nothing about the school)

So no, I have not received my summer financial aid may be at home, and I won't be there until Friday so I guess I'll find out then. I pretty much heard that if you didnt get any scholarship or grant money in the acceptance letter then you aren't getting any.

Mar 30, 06 1:23 am  · 

fyi, sciarc has sent out acceptances. interesting to see that they are also in the business of financing their students' education with "sciarc loans"

Mar 30, 06 3:04 am  · 

you know what's stupid...
having no decision from ucla and the open house being this weekend.
yay for having to figure out stuff by yourself.

Mar 30, 06 7:29 am  · 

when is the yale open house?

Mar 30, 06 7:31 am  · 

Is there really any reason to be optimistic any longer if you haven't heard a word from either UCLA or UT?
I'm starting to think that no news is bad news. I've pretty much decided on OSU anyways but we shall see.

Mar 30, 06 8:24 am  · 

Yale open-house is April 6.

Mar 30, 06 9:18 am  · 
joe architect

GT+...:( , how did you find out about Clemson? Online or mail... if mail what area do you live? Tx

Mar 30, 06 9:24 am  · 

skeerd- do you know of any waitlisted candidates who got into sciarc?

Mar 30, 06 10:12 am  · 

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