
So long, New Orleans


This just in....from CNN.....

The f---ing FIRE MARSHALL in Houston shut the doors to the Astrodome because "it reached capacity". There are still hundreds of busloads of refugees expected at the Astrodome tomorrow.

These people just escaped flood, disease, starvation, dehydration.....and now they can't get in because of f---ing code? Are you f---ing kidding me? Where are they going to f---ing go?

Sep 2, 05 12:11 am  · 

How about THIS just in: "They have M-16s and they're locked and loaded," Gov. Kathleen Blanco said of 300 National Guard troops who landed in New Orleans fresh from duty in
Iraq. "These troops know how to shoot and kill, and they are more than willing to do so, and I expect they will."

Sorry if I am a bit naive but...On the one hand I do agree that human life obviously needs to be protected from rape, death or injury. On the other hand, it sounds like the powers-that-be (nb: I personally don't like to use such sweeping generalizations) had no idea how to handle an entropic situation in Iraq and they expect the same strategies from there to actually work in New Orleans. yahoo [indeed]

Sep 2, 05 12:19 am  · 

shoot to kill baby

Sep 2, 05 12:20 am  · 

Hey, it worked well in London.

Sep 2, 05 12:22 am  · 

too true

Sep 2, 05 12:34 am  · 

how can the freaking Houston Astrodome reach capacity? What portion of the code is the fire marshall reading? "Special Occupancies: Giant Football Arenas Converted To Refugee Hotels"?

You think the relief workers at the Astrodome could've called the Superdome *before* they sent their refugees on a five hour bus ride to Texas.

Sep 2, 05 12:52 am  · 
brian buchalski

the silverdome is still available...other than the upcoming gun & knife show they don't seem to have much planned on their calendar.

Sep 2, 05 3:29 am  · 
New Orleans in Anarchy With Fights, Rapes

is this what bush called as "GREAT AMERICAN CIVILISATION "?

what i see in tv is so terrible. i remember the looting in baghdad just after the sadam fall but no rape,no killing of each other at that time
.not a word of looting/anarchy in bam/iran after earthquake or in all those areas after tsunami .... ? (they are all considered poor/uncivilized)

i just wonder if such things (hurican/flooding/earthquake...) happen to any other country -lets say modern one, consider sweden,japan or any - such thing s would happen ..... i dont think so .....

Sep 2, 05 7:48 am  · 

I don't know why people are so upset about the looting. I've seen op-ed pieces saying looters should be shot dead. When it comes to food, water, and other basic necessities I think the looking is completely justified. As for luxury items like TV's, jewelery, etc., I have no clue what people intend to do with all that stuff, but still, who cares? It's not like if the stores had remained untouched that their owners would be able to go in two months from now and salvage the items. The stuff that had been submerged would be trashed and the stuff that hadn't would be moldy, smelly, and dirty. Wether is was taken by the hurricane or by the looting, they'll get their insurance check for it either way.

At its root, I think anger over looting is really a manifestation of people's great fear of anarchy and their latent racism. If all the people in the Superdome and the convention center were well-to-do whites, would they still be stuck there starving to death without food and water? The more I think about it, the more I feel this situation is revealing the true feelings of a lot of Americans about poor blacks in this country. It's really a disgrace, and I'm really ashamed of my country right now. If we witness the stranded people grow more desperate, incite more violence, turn against each other, resort to cannibalism, and ultimately starve to death in the coming days, I can only Imagine how the rioting and unrest would spread across the country.

Sep 2, 05 9:02 am  · 
dear AIA...

Sep 2, 05 9:09 am  · 

functioning weblog from the middle of it all with a live webcam of NO.
run by a bunch a ex milatary types aparently.

Sep 2, 05 9:33 am  · 

just a question-what was the purpose of homeland security again? weren't theye supposed to be prepared for catastrauphic events in our cities? doesn't this count as one?
i hear all this stuff on the news, our gov't and companies patting their backs with the amount of money they are donating to this-GET THE PEOPLE OUT FIRST!

Sep 2, 05 9:56 am  · 

thanks diabase for this article
good insight -
as I am not from the U.S. I didn't know about the importance of NewOrleans.

Sep 2, 05 10:17 am  · 

And then there are totally appalling articles like this one. Oh my god - the people who could afford to get the hell out, who have money to buy new homes, who have relatives to stay with... have to resort to using only ONE ice cube per drink? They have to buy thrift store clothes? And the CHEAPEST wine at Whole Foods? They can't YACHT anymore? My god, what tragedy.

Why did the NYT even run this piece?

Sep 2, 05 10:34 am  · 

It's ironic they interview someone named "Lisa Bourgeois" for such an article....

Sep 2, 05 11:12 am  · 

without New Orleans where will all the drunk frat boys see slightly drunker soriority girls take their tops off? how will girls gone wild make any money without a place to film? Where will i buy vodoo dolls of people i dont like to stick pins into?

a,erica needs New Orleans, hell, the world needs New Orleans!

Sep 2, 05 11:25 am  · 

That's sickening. Some lady can't shoehorn her precious little ones into Baton Rouge private schools, no matter how many strings she tries to pull. It is all one can do to keep from crying, as she said.

Meanwhile dead bodies are baking in the sun, the relatives of the dead bodies are dying of abject hunger and thirst, armed thugs are roaming the streets, and 100 military police officers counts as a response.

I would like to believe that this article is satire, but after two times re-reading it I can sadly say that it is not. Unfortunately the NYT is just following the journalistic principle of shaping the news in a way to which their readership can relate. The readership of the NYT is probably mostly upper-class armchair liberals who can relate to cheap wine and crowded private schools better than dead relatives and anarchy in the streets.

But when some moneyed socialite with a "social conscience" sees pix of poor black people covering their dead with shower curtains they probably immediately think either "Haiti" or "Africa" and they go back to their bagels and cappucino. Oh, what a shame.

Never before this week have I been ashamed to be an American, but now... My only solace is that I can still be proud to be a Texan, as it didn't take a committee or a focus group or mounting criticism for our governor and our mayors to decide to take in refugees.

Sep 2, 05 11:33 am  · 
brian buchalski

it's like biggie said, "mo money, mo problems"

Sep 2, 05 11:37 am  · 

The lasts posts do beg to question, what is the role of racism and classism in this catastrophy?.
Are people looking at all these pics and shrugging them off? Does that explain the slow reaction by the Feds?

Why were we in the tsunami right away, and NOLA is still a shithole?

As a person of color Im scared by the prospect that this happens in this country, in a catastrophjy, will I be saved last?


Sep 2, 05 12:14 pm  · 

Looting only leads to further unrest and lawlessness. I think most of the scorn for the looters are not the ones stealing food, but the ones stealing guns, TVs, and DVDs. If you've read the news they are now using their guns to take the food away from the other victims. People are raping and murdering other people (including children). These are the people who should be shot dead.

I'm not usually political, but I think Bush should be empeached for his administrations handling of the situation. If a Fortune 500 company's CEO screwed up this bad, he'd be out. Bushes visit to the city involved him flying into the airport and talking to a few refugees. If he had any balls he'd be out with the mayor in waders and a bass boat getting a first hand look at the chaos. He is a pathetic president and has no business running this country.

What the situation really shows is that the US is no longer about good will, but every man for himself.

I'm getting a gun to go with my Hummer this afternoon.

(OK I'm done ranting)

Sep 2, 05 1:00 pm  · 

Oh, and the blacks are looting because they are N.O.s most impoverished. They have nothing to lose.
If it were LA it'd be the Hispanics.

Only whitey has enough captial to get the hell out of town when the crap hits the fan.

(OK I'm really done now)

Sep 2, 05 1:02 pm  · 

even if the convention center and dome can be evacuated, what about all the people in these stories


Sep 2, 05 1:37 pm  · 

i think there is a differnt view of what happened in New Orleans because we all saw it was going to happen a week before it did. We all saw the radar with the big huricane picking up power as it inched itself towards that area. The Tsunami was much more unexpected, there was no warning of it coming. I am not saying the hurricane that hit luisiana and mississippi wasnt or in the end be as devistating as the Tsunami, i am just saying we were all warned of it coming.

I also think that the way things have been handled is horrible. How is it we have spent the past four years creating this "homeland sucurity" for events just like this and no one can get anything organized for imediate help and rescue. If it takes this long for the mobilization of help for those in need for an event that was known was coming what happens when something unecpected happens?

Sep 2, 05 3:39 pm  · 
Louisville Architect

couldn't figure out how old this was, though it looks like it's from today:

Alex Chilton Missing

Family and friends of musician Alex Chilton (lead singer for 1970s powerpop band Big Star and 1960s rock group the Box Tops) have not been able to locate him since late Monday when he was last heard from alive at his house in New Orleans after the initial storm before the phones in the area went down. His sister in Memphis and friends are very worried because people are now dying in New Orleans from exposure and he has still not been able to get to a place to
contact his family and friends. It is believed he may possibly be waiting to be evacuated in the French Quarter, which was within walking distance of his home. Please contact [email protected] with any information about his condition.

Sep 2, 05 3:49 pm  · 

if you havn't heard the mayor of NO go off on the feds...
make sure you listen!! feds..."get off your asses!!"

my new hero!

[url=]link[/Nagin: 'They are spinning and people are dying']

Sep 2, 05 4:24 pm  · 
some sincerity
Sep 2, 05 4:48 pm  · 

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