
What Mountain are you Climbing?


I am someone that never does a New Year resolution. I believe if you want to change or do something.... start it today! However going to a number of parties and hearing everyones trivial goals for the New Year has me thinking. Everyone has a goal in life, a reason to live! Mine since going to architecture school was becoming licensed. I was a young and focused kid on the traditional path towards architecture. Going through all the IDP / ARE and hoops. Survived through the 2007 Great Recession working for peanuts just so I can keep on logging in my IDP! My license was the mountain I was climbing. I reached that pinnacle 3 years ago, and I have come to realize that I do not have a mountain to climb anymore. Sure I am still practicing at a firm and learning new things everyday but I feel there is no more challenge. No more thrill. Nothing to wake up too in the morning. I have accepted the state of mediocrity in my life. I am not the enthusiastic person I once was... and it reflects in my work and with the people I work with. I tend to just ‘fake’ my enthusiasm these days. I have fallen in this state of unhappiness professionally and trying to dig myself out. I go to work everyday with the gut wrenching feeling that I am going to be chained to my desk for the next 8 hours. This career has become a ‘job’ for me. Has anyone else been down this path and what is the current mountain you are climbing? 

Dec 30, 17 3:32 pm

Sounds like you need to switch jobs.  Do it now while the economy is still good.

Dec 30, 17 4:15 pm  · 

Sunrise from Mt. Fuji! O wait we're not talking about real mountains are we...

Go travel, my friend! It helps to get out of that environment for once and just see the world. Maybe you'll pick up something new or different along the way. Happy New Year! 

Dec 31, 17 3:20 am  · 

I second the 'go travel' and 'change jobs' advise, but first go travel (preferably abroad) and take a breather...with distance comes perspective.

Dec 31, 17 6:27 am  · 

I am climbing several mountains myself at the moment: new high profile job with totally new tasks and responsibilities while also taking care of my kid part time and raising a family with my amazing girlfriend.

Dec 31, 17 6:34 am  · 

Time for a sabbatical. SE Asia is recommended. 

Dec 31, 17 9:08 am  · 


Dec 31, 17 12:38 pm  · 

Big Rock Candy Mountain.

Dec 31, 17 11:04 am  · 
wurdan freo

winter park

Dec 31, 17 7:42 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I knew you were going to say that. And then ski down, right?

Dec 31, 17 7:52 pm  · 
wurdan freo

Absolutely. :)

Jan 1, 18 11:17 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I second the climbing of actual mountains, btw. The views from the top are just amazing. The perspectives one gains never leave you. The stamina one must muster...

Jan 1, 18 1:16 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I recommend Quandary Peak. I climbed it with an architect friend.

Jan 1, 18 1:49 pm  · 

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