
Bartlett School of Architecture (Erik)



Sep '06 - May '07

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    Preliminary Study for a Writing Apperatus

    By Erik Schonsett
    Jan 28, '07 1:10 PM EST

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    Writing Apparatus in Derrida’s Library...

    Soft Material Transporter - Continuously swings and cuts off pieces of the soft material that is being filtered through the system. It transports this material from the Filter back to the debris machine that passes just above.

    Flaubert Filter Mechanism - Catches soft material that has been collected from the city. Debris from the metropolis...grease...dirt...dust... mixed with rainwater creates an ‘urban wax’. This wax passes through the filter. Parts of the filter are heated, parts are cooled, allowing for the urban wax to pass through various states of density as it moves through the mechanism constantly altering its shape. In parts is is almost liquid and moves very quickly. At other parts it moves extremely slow creeping its way towards the ground.

    Soft Writing Surface - Made up from urban wax that has been filtered through the system. The soft writing surface records all that is written on it. the surface is allowed to melt. The fragments of words that become imbedded in the surface separate and stretch, becoming less recognizable as time passes. New words as well as traces of the motion of the system are added on top of the old. This layering of information between discernible words and words that have been transformed beyond recognition adds complexity and allows for new relationships to be discovered that were not possible before.

    • 1 Comment

    • appleate

      my bicycle is covered with urban wax. I'll donate it to you.

      Jan 28, 07 2:34 pm  · 


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