
Ontario College of Art and Design



Sep '06 - Jul '07

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    Turning point.

    By Arnaud M.
    Oct 16, '06 10:06 PM EST

    I've been working quite hard the last couple of days and I'm actually enjoying it a lot: I'm just starting to really get into my thesis. It was about time. I had a desk crit today where I figured out, with the help of Natasha, one of my to teachers, that I accumulated a shitload of material and ideas for my thesis, and that is it time for me to put my thoughts together and define a design direction. I'm such a scattered brain that I feel a little shitty right now for not being able to answer the simple question: "What is your thesis about?" which I get asked 10 times a day and it drives me nuts.
    So I scheduled tomorrow a heavy-duty brainstorming session with my deskmate, in order to get fresh ideas and figure which direction I want to go towards. We have conceptual model due next week, so this week is gonna be pretty busy. My site model is gonna be about a 100x100 cm, I'm a bit scared since it will be the first time that I'm not doing a model out of cardboard (an old french bad habit) moreover at such a large scale.

    I am currently reading Alain de Botton's "The architecture of Happiness" and I find this book refreshing and fascinating. The fact that he's not an architect makes it much more interesting, since there is no bullshit-talking about architecture as we are all used to. His way of analysing things simply makes sense all the way through the book. For those who read it, my thesis topic is pretty much what he wrote about: how can I design built environments that make people happier and trigger interaction?
    I attended a lecture he gave in Toronto last week. I was a bit disappointed since he was talking a lot about what he states in his book. This guy has a wicked sense of humour. I didn't talked to him, although I think I should have, but I'm shy, you know...

    Here are some pictures of my Icon (see previous posts) why grew more than I expected and is going to be a great support for the rest of the project.



    • kirabelle9

      i know what you mean.. .about working hard on thesis, but it being more fun actually. the more and more i dig deeper into my thesis and just explore possibilities of every facet of architecture, i (and yes, im admitting i might be a nerd) have more fun with it. and maybe studio culture has a lot to do with it.. in my studio, theres just a handful of us that are there alll the time.. and we make the most of it. but yeah, thesis should be fun. its our chance- our probably one and only chance- to do whatever we want

      Oct 18, 06 8:37 pm  · 
      Arnaud M.

      I had an epiphany today, when my teacher was trying to explain me something, as if I suddenly became dumb. No all is clear and I have yet to do a model.
      It's funny how the more I work on my thesis and the more I am confused.
      I think I will have an interesting crit next, that will put me back on track. I think I really need. You are right, thesis has to be fun and it's a lot more fun when you have studio mates to share dirty jokes, cigarettes and mcdonald's meal with.

      Have fun.

      Oct 18, 06 9:37 pm  · 

      I've been loving this model for 3.5 years.

      Mar 3, 10 2:39 am  · 

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