Jan '05 - Apr '06
Well, it's been awhile... Studio has been incredibly intense over the last month or so im trying to finish my thesis year off strong, Three weeks left to wrap everything up! (I'll post some images soon of the final product)
Last week Peter Eisenman and Michael Graves had a sit down a New York Tech. Instead of a debate about design philosophy the talk was an interesting glimpse into how they met at Princeton and the influence of Colin Rowe on Peter, Michael and dean Dimaio. Of course, there was alot of friendly bickering and some cheap shots, but the most insightful discussion was on design education and the quality and integrity of most of the portfolios that are sent to both their offices they had some surprising things to say.
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like for instance...?
dude, your last blog was a year ago.
and....so....what were the "surprising things they had to say?"
um. i didn’t really want to open that can of worms but for instance: they both agreed that they’re sick of looking at hyper-articulated nothing, they would like to see more students that can actually draw a plan, and enough with the photoshop.
Yea I haven’t bloged in awhile I have my reasons, but im back.
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