Jan '05 - Apr '06
I guess I've become a bit of a slacker on my blogging duties the last couple of weeks, but as I'm sure you can all relate with me, that between mid-crits, mid-terms, and other engagements it was a challenge to find time to blog. But now it's spring break so i will re-cap. Things have been absolutely crazy at Tech, The Accreditation team was here last week from NAAB the school (education hall) was filled with energy it was exciting. There was also a big faculty show, which is one of my favorite exhibitions that the school puts on periodically.
I hope everyone's Mid-Crits went well, i was a little upset when some A**hole maliciously erased some of my files from the school's server. i had most of the files backed-up, and i recovered from the personal blow. on a lighter note my crit went extremely well so in the end it all worked out.
Now it's “Spring Break” , time to catch up on bills, study for other classes, and try to get my competition entry for The Parachute Pavilion rolling”¦.
pics from accreditation
typical thesis project at tech
another thesis project
i've wanted to put some of my paintings and drawings on my blog for awhile. more to come
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i like your oil pencil or what is it? is it a ballerina subject like dega?
Thanks, its watercolor base, and oil pastel, im more of a oil painting guy but I’ve recently discovered the control and detail of oil pastels. And who better to look at then degas's techniques.
Re: Ballerinas
Your left brain has finally found its way to emerge. Congratulations. Where do you go from here?
You mean right side
I meant your taking initiative for your right brain to finally speak up.
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